Form Execution Bug

Jul 3, 2005

Hi everyone,

This is my problem. Almost all the time(90%), I open the main form of my application and a large part of the form is blank(white). If I open it from the Database window it often work well and all the form is visible.

When the bug occur, If I just switch from Access to another application like Internet Explorer and I come agian to Access then all the form is visible.

Is someone ever seen that kind of bug. What that can cause that problem. How can I solve it?

N.B. There is a lot of controls on my form and I guess that bug can be linked with it. Seems like Access is trying to open my form too rapidely.

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How To Stop Query Execution At The Form Start

Dec 19, 2005


I am a new user to Access. I created couple of forms using wizard, but when I view them, they show me all the available data by default. I want to stop this, if anyone can help me plz.


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Want To Stop Execution!

Feb 12, 2006

i have created a new utility DB that has only one form..when it opens I set the startup form "Main" and on the OnOpen event of this form I have some code to open another database and close this one...

this means that whenever i open this database, it opens, opens up the other one and this utility DB closes...and i cannot access it coz it always opens and closes can I stop it from executing to be able to edit its VB code?!

Thanks, this is driving me mad !

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DTS Execution Via MS Access

May 23, 2007

Hi Folks,

I am wondering if it is possible to execute a DTS package via Microsoft Access. I have done a bit of research and cannot seem to really find anything that claims this is possible or how to go about to get it to work. I am running SQL Server 2000 which has quite a few DTS packages ... it would be really neat if I could just create a small interface in Access whereby a form has a few buttons on it that can be clicked and the DTS packages can be executed on the server, this way folks won't need to log on to the server and run the DTS packages via SQL Server Enterprise Manager. What would REALLY be awesome would be if values can be passed between SQL and Access but I think if that is possible it would be quite an animal to achieve (I know it is possible via Visual Basic programming but not really worth all the work to create an independent program just to run a DTS package or pass a value). If anyone can provide me with any information or where to look I would appreciate it.



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Query Execution Time

Jan 3, 2006

I have a query, it joins a local table to a remote table (Oracle Database Table) which makes it slow(ish).

When I am in design mode and i click the "View Datalist" button, which visually shows me the results, the query executes in about 12 seconds.

When I use the "!" Button to physically Execute the Make-Table Query, it takes hours.

What things should i look for that might cause this problem? Where do I need to optimize.

To me it seems rather odd that the query would execute so fast when i view the data than when it physically executes the data.

Same speed problems when i just run the query as a Selection Query as opposed to the Make-Table Query, so it's not an issue of writing to disk/etc.

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Time Execution Question

Mar 14, 2005


how can i create a comand button that open a form at predifined date?

example: if current date=2005/14/12(yyyy-dd-mm) then open form "example"


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Unsuccessful Execution Of SQL Statement Within VBA Codes

Jan 1, 2006

I have a problem about running SQL statement in VBA code. I will appreciate a looot if you can help me solve the problem ASAP.

I tried to run the following statement in my VBA code to update a table in my database:


It turns out that the table will not be updated if I run the above SQL statement with my other VBA codes. (ACCESS doesn't give any error messages even though the database was not updated.) But if I run the SQL statement by itself rather than within the other codes, the database will be updated successfully. (When I set a breakpoint at the above SQL statement and run it manually within the other codes, the database are updated successfully too.)

Apparently, the SQL statement and the other codes don't have any syntax errors. I wonder why ACCESS doesn't execute the SQL statement when the SQL statement is put within the other VBA codes. Is it because the table it tried to manipulate was locked by the other codes?

The following are all the VBA codes including the SQL statement I'm talking about. When I run the following codes together, the database is not modified by the SQL statement (the last sentence). But if I run the last sentence and the other codes separately, the database was modified successfully.

Dim rstDataLoad As New ADODB.Recordset
With rstDataLoad
Set .ActiveConnection = cnnSHELL
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With

'Calculate Retire_Date
Do While Not rstDataLoad.EOF

Calculation omitted.

Set rstDataLoad = Nothing


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Wait For Shell Execution To Finish?

Jun 19, 2007

I'm using hte Shell() function but this doesn't wait for the executable file to finish so I'm looking for a command line function that would wait until the executable file is finished executing...

I saw this function WaitFor but it is not supported in MS-Access? So, what do I do?


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Modules & VBA :: Call Value From A Text Box During SQL Execution

Dec 20, 2014

I have this segment of code that adds data to fields FName and FPath in the table Files. It works fine but the syntax is a nightmare with all the double quotes and symbols.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

I have another field in the table Files called CompletedBy that shows who updated the table (they type their name into a textbox Text1 before clicking a command button to run the code). I would like to add this data to the table during the execution of strSQL. All the records added to the table Files will have that value in the CompletedBy field (say, Bob Jones).I tried the below changes but the code doesnt work.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath, CompletedBy) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """ & Me.Text1 & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

How would I add a value in field CompletedBy, from the textbox Text1, to all records added to table Files when the code is run?

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Query Execution And Record Modifying

Dec 8, 2014

whenever I run/execute a query in Access it is modifying the first record on the table in which it is calling the data from.For example if the first record might contain the following:

Record A: John Doe, Oct, 2014, Account is Active

And lets say I am running a query to pulling records from Nov 2014.The Month and Year Fields in the above example for Record A gets modified to the query search parameters for Nov.Is there some of of record lock or controls that I need to adjust to prevent this from occurring?

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Disable Datasheet From Poping Up After Query Execution

Sep 24, 2007

I am trying to take input for my reports based on a query result dynamically for which i dont want to display the Datasheet after the execution of Query ,inturn i am displaying results in Report. Any help on this would be appreciated.

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Forms :: How To Force Execution Of A Query When Changing Record

Jul 13, 2014

I have the following tables:

Supplier# [Other columns]

Supplier# Material# [Other columns]

Delivery# Supplier# [Other columns]

Delivery# Supplier# Material# [Other columns]

I've created a form based on table DeliveryHeader with a subform based on table DeliveryDetail. The two are linked by Delivery# Supplier#.

On the form, Supplier# is a combobox that lists all suppliers from table Supplier.
On the subform, Material# is a combobox that lists only the materials supplied by the supplier selected with form's Supplier#.

The problem is that this second list always shows the materials of the first listed supplier. For instance, when the form is loaded, it shows delivery #1 with all its details on the subform. Suppose supplier loaded to form is #1.

1) If I use subform combobox, it shows correctly supplier's #1 materials. But then, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #1 materials.

2) If I navigate to another delivery without using subform combobox, suppose I stop on a delivery where the supplier is #4, then subform combobox shows correctly supplier's #4 materials. But then, once again, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #4 materials.

I've spread Me.Requery here and there but without any success. What trick must I apply to force the execution of the query of the subform combobox Material# each time I navigate to a new record on the form?

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General :: Pop Up Process Running MsgBox And Close Automatically On Execution

Aug 23, 2013

I have a form that loads when the database is open, and the form has buttons etc. that leads to queries and reports in the database. (Queries open in a form). Since most queries take a while to load, I was wondering if there is a way to Pop up a message box stating "Please Wait, Query is running..." (or something like that), and once the form opens the MsgBox should close automatically. (The user should not have to hit Ok button.)

Most users of this database would have restricted access such that they would not have navigation pane and toolbar visible - hence I want to make it a touch more interactive when a process is running...also if someone is new to access they might not notice that taskbar status and I don't want them thinking the program is stuck etc..

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File Opens And Code Stops Execution

Nov 12, 2014

I'me running on Win7, Office 2010, Acc2003 format (.mdb), writing data to Excel 2010 (.xlsx)I have code to create an Excel file, send record set data to it, and then add some formulas and formatting. I was trying to tune up the formulas, when I got a pull back:Access VBA code suddenly stops running, and the file gets displayed in Excel

'ApXl is Application.Excel
'xlWSh is the Excel WorkSheet
'rst is my DAO.Recorset


The same happens when I have ApXl.Visible = True

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Forms :: Opening A Form From Another Form Via Combo And Auto Loading Form Data?

Apr 14, 2015

I have been tasked with creating a tool to analyse mobile phone bill data and present the analysis, and our recommendation, to a customers. Being new to Access (other than basic tuition) this has been a slow uphill task, which is finally nearing completion, however there is a problem which I have not yet been able to overcome.

The requirement is for the DB to open first on a splash screen (lets call it Form A) with fancy picture where our customer is selected from a combo box, the customer is then telephoned, a linked computer screen is established and our staff then click "Go" to proceed to a second form (Form B) showing an account overview and more details.

The problem I have is when "Go" is clicked, the second form loads via on click event, and even populates the correct customer in its combo box. Unfortunately that is as far as it gets - the combo does not look up the information. The customer needs to be selected again for the subforms and subreports to load with the customer overview. To clarify, form B just sits there blank until the customer is re-selcted from the combo box in form B.

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Forms :: Send Data From Pop-up Form To Main Form (sub-sub Form)

Aug 27, 2014

On the form: User enters first name, then last name. Upon updating the last name field, I would like another form to pop-up and display all the people with that same first name and last name that the user just entered.

On the pop-up form: All of the matching first names/last names are listed with a button control beside each record that says 'Select'. The user clicks the select button beside the record he/she wants. This pop-up form closes and all of the data from this selected record is now showing on the original form.

So far, I have a query/form that pops up only showing the matching first/last names. I'm having a hard time getting my original form to auto-populate with that record that the user selects on the pop-up.

(Also my main form is actually a sub-sub form - so in my trials I could've been massacring my syntax trying to point to it.)

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General :: Create A User Form With Sub Form Using Form Wizard?

Aug 10, 2013

I am trying to create a user form with sub form using the form wizard. I have only 2 tables, Employee (main table) and Vacation (subform table). I pick the fields from Employee Table then fields fro Vacation, but the wizard treat the Vacation as main form and Employee as sub form.

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Open Previous Form From Current Form Sub Form

May 7, 2005

I have a fault form which the user enters details of a fault. When the fault form is submitted the data is saved in the relevant table and the form is cleared so that the user can enter the next fault. On the fault form i have a subform which displays the faults previously entered by the user. I want the user to be able to click on an entry in the subform and open the orignal fault form and see the data that had been entered. How can i create this functionality??

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General :: How To Make Form Controls Change Size / Position As Form Is Resized

Jul 24, 2013

how to make my form controls change size / position as my form is resized / loaded on a computer with a different resolution. Several of the tutorials out there suggest putting code on the "on resize" property of the form. When I looked at the Northwind database to try to mimic their code however, it looks like they must be doing something different as there is no on resize code under the form properties and I was unable to find the code they do use.

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General :: Bound Form With Search Box - Select Record In Dataset And Display In Form

Aug 19, 2014

I have a bound form which is from tblEmployee, I'd like to have a dataset below (like a splitform but not a split as they have limits) so when i search in the box it gives me say all the smiths - i select for example david smith and it displays his information in the form objects above so they can be edited?

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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Forms :: Create List Box To Only Display Information From Another Form Related To Current Form

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.

So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve / Validate Data On 2nd Form Based On Record Selected On 1st Form

Jul 29, 2013

Can I look up and verify data on a "second" form based on a selected record from first (still open) form.

I am trying to allow users to select a User Name from a combo box list and then open "Change Password" form when they select "Change Password" for that selected user name.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to associate and verify the data tied to the user name selected on the previous (Login) form ( I am trying to validate the old password tied to that selected record).

I have the first login form created, and it's working just fine. I also have the change password form created (and it's displaying the user name selected from the first form using:

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Forms![frmLogin]![cboUserName]
Me.txtPwdChgUserID = .Column(2, .ListIndex)
End With

I also have the code written to validate and confirm old password, new password and validate new password (when the save button is clicked). I have yet to update the password with the new password (still trying to figure that out).

Attached zip file has screen shots of the two forms.

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Forms :: Setting Focus To Control On Single Form Side Of Split Form

Jun 24, 2013

When I right click a row on the data sheet side of a split form an select "New Record" I want the curser to go to the first field on the single record side. I've placed this in the OnCurrent but it did no good.


If Me.NewRecord Then
End If

Any way to set the focus to the single form Side of a split form?

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Forms :: Based On User Selection In A Form / Create New Records For Subsequent Form

Feb 3, 2014

The user will be creating a new project that contains a bunch of releases. The releases have standard names which are stored in a table tbl_ReleaseNames It should be noted that the list of names is not static.

The user selects which of the releases pertains to their project and then based on their selections, new records would be created in tbl_RFP_Release and then a subsequent form would open where it would display each of these newly created releases where they could enter additional information. I thought of creating an unbound checkbox associated with each of the standard names, and then checking to see if the checkbox was checked and then creating the new records followed by opening up the new form.

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