Form Keeps Loading/refreshing

Apr 11, 2006

Hi all,

I encountered some weird symptons with my Access forms. I am using the form to display images(done by setting the OnCurrent and After Update property).

When my PC is just powered on, and i try to load say form "ENGLISH". Form "ENGLISH" will appear, but the focus will switch in between form ENGLISH and the MS ACCESS program window. This action will onli settle down after abt 10 secs.

When the ENGLISH form is loaded, i will attempt to switch from one record to another, but the same thing occurs again. IT will load/refresh for abt 10seconds, with the focus toggling btwn ENGLISH FORM n MS Access.. IN addition, it opens a second copy of FORM "ENGLISH" in the background as can be seen on my taskbar. When i close my 1st form ENGLISH and i attempt to close the 2nd FORM tat is appearing on the taskbar, there will be an error msg, English : MSACCESS.EXE-Application Error, Instruction at....(refer to the attached jpeg file for detailed error location)

Y is it tat this weird behaviour onli applies to the forms tat are used to display images but not those normal forms tat contains of purely text?

The entire behaviour will be eliminated after i close MS access, and reload the DB abt twice.....

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Forms :: Opening A Form From Another Form Via Combo And Auto Loading Form Data?

Apr 14, 2015

I have been tasked with creating a tool to analyse mobile phone bill data and present the analysis, and our recommendation, to a customers. Being new to Access (other than basic tuition) this has been a slow uphill task, which is finally nearing completion, however there is a problem which I have not yet been able to overcome.

The requirement is for the DB to open first on a splash screen (lets call it Form A) with fancy picture where our customer is selected from a combo box, the customer is then telephoned, a linked computer screen is established and our staff then click "Go" to proceed to a second form (Form B) showing an account overview and more details.

The problem I have is when "Go" is clicked, the second form loads via on click event, and even populates the correct customer in its combo box. Unfortunately that is as far as it gets - the combo does not look up the information. The customer needs to be selected again for the subforms and subreports to load with the customer overview. To clarify, form B just sits there blank until the customer is re-selcted from the combo box in form B.

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Loading A Form From List Box

Apr 14, 2006

Hello All

I have a list box that displays the names of customers who are allowed to hire DVDs.

I would like to highlight a customer and show all the relevant customer data on a separate form, not have the list box on the same form that displays the customer's data.


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Form Not Loading Properly

Aug 8, 2006

I am running a form on top of a query with around 1500 records in it. The query mostly uses tables that are joined with referential integrity.

The form has buttons and conditional formatting.

It was fine until today, when suddenly the form has stopped loading properly. It looks all fragmented on the screen and I have to scroll down and scroll back up again for it to look right.

I have searched everywhere to find out what is causing this and how it can be fixed, but no luck yet. Can you help?


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Forms :: Form Is Not Loading

May 21, 2013

We have access DB on a server accessed by 3 workstations. When we open the shortcut it opens a form. Few days ago we started getting this error: can't find project or library..Then this code opens in Microsoft Visual Basic

Function CheckCommandLine()
If Command <> "" Then
changeTableLinks Command
End If


Link to the database is like this:"C:Program FilesOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE" serverdbsci.mdb /cmd serverdbsci_data.mdb....We don't get this error on Access 2007.

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Any Way To Speed Up Form Picture Loading?

Jun 22, 2006

Hi all,

I've a form with an image on each page which is linked (not embedded) to filenames from another table. When moving through the forms the time it takes to import the picture is relatively slow, is there any method or hack I could use to speed this up?

The code I'm using at the moment:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim Picture As String

On Error GoTo PictureError

Picture = Me.Clipping_UNC & Me.Clipping_File_Name
Forms!REPORT_Coverage_Clippings![Image].Picture = Picture


If Err.Number = 2220 Then

Forms!REPORT_Coverage_Clippings![Image].Picture = "m:setupimage.jpg"


End If

End Sub

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Forms :: Loading Form At Specified Record?

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that summarizes the record content that is contained within a form (one report line per form record). If the user wishes to view a specific record on the form, he clicks on the report control that contains a numeric value that identifies the record on the form. I can get that to work with the following code:

DoCmd.OpenForm "AdmissionForm", acNormal, , "[Admission Number] = " & Me.Text0

where Admission Number is a control on the form and Text0 is the control on the report containing the admission number requested i.e. if the report control Text0 = 10, the form would open with the current record in which admission number = 10.

Problem is though, the form opens as "filtered" with only the one requested record (i.e. record number 1 of 1). What I would like is the unfiltered form to be opened with the requested Admission Number as the current record. I have tried DoCmd.GoToRecord but can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Form Loading Sequence?

May 6, 2014

I have a RTE 94 happening due to a piece of code running on a subform current-event which looks at a text box on the parent form. I understand this is due to the order of loading of the forms initially and all works fine when moving to other records once all are opened. How can I overcome this happening on first opening?

I am thinking I need to set a counter on the subform on load event to say 1, then when the subform current-event fires add some code so if the counter is 1, then do nothing, if 0 then run the code. When the mainform opens reset the counter to 0, then requery the subform. The form will now see the counter is set to 0 for the rest of the time, so will then always run the code.

Not sure how to go about setting out the code as I guess there needs to be some form of Public variable involved?

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Refreshing A Form

Feb 24, 2005

I have an orders form which contains an items subform.

To populate the items subform I have a button which opens a separate pop-up form.

Is there a piece of code which would allow me to click a button on that pop-up form which actually refreshes the other opened form (orders form)???

Anyone know if this is possible?



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Refreshing Form - Please Help

Dec 8, 2005


I double click a combo box which takes me to a new form. e.g. a purchase order form does not have an employee so they need to be added. When the employee form is closed i would like to refresh to combo box so the new employee appears in the combo box.

Please help

Thank you

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Refreshing A Form

Sep 19, 2006

Hi all,
How are you?
I have a small problem...
I have a form with 3 textboxes and 1 button. When filling these textboxes, and clicking the button, a record will be added to a table. I want when I click the button, the record to be added to the table with removing the the old record from the 3 textboxes for the new record to be added.

How can I do that??

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Refreshing A Form

Mar 2, 2006

I have some dLookUp text boxes on a form. They don't refresh though till after I change the record I am on. There are only two fields on the form that actually change the dLookUp boxes and they are both combo boxes.

Is there some refresh code I can put in the combo boxes so that the form refreshes after someone changes data in the two combo boxes?

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Loading Textbox Value From Form Into Query Problem

Feb 19, 2008

Hi all,

I have a query that is basically loading values from a open form.

Im using the format of Product: Form!form1!products to assign the value of products to product in my query... Now all this works with straight text, however this technique does not appear to work with dates or yes no check boxes. I have used the builder but still wont work with dates. any ideas? thanks

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Blank Fields On Opening Or Loading Of Form

Mar 15, 2006

Hello guys

How can get blank fields on opening or loading my form?. I don't want to prevent data entry option.

Please help me


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Forms :: Slow Loading Of Form On Internet

May 2, 2013

i searched for slow loading and found some fast internet packages on <web address removed by moderator>. By following the tips i just purchased now fast broadband but now i am facing the problem of slow loading on my local computer, is it due to any bugg with microsoft package or my system is infected by virus.

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Forms :: Error While Loading A Webpage With Form

Jun 7, 2014

I try to open a web page with a form in access 2007. During the loading of the page it shows me 2 security error messages.

I tried to change the properties in Activex and especially the Silent property from No to Yes but this is not possible. In the next restart of the form restores the original settings.

When i open the same page with Internet Explorer it doesn't show any error. I have attached the database example to see exactly what happening.

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Forms :: Clear Form Upon Loading - Only Allow Labels

Dec 12, 2013

I'm having trouble getting my form to be "blank" except for the labels upon loading. I've tried putting in some code "on load" but it doesn't clear everything. I haven't had this trouble on some of my other db's, the only difference here is it's a switchboard. I don't know if that matters.

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Forms :: Form Not Visually Loading Properly

Jul 10, 2015

I have a pop-up modal form which is loaded (like 99% of my other forms) by a button on another form.

Unlike all of my other forms, however, it doesn't load its background properly. If I drag the window off screen and back or shrink and resize, it does look right, so I guess maybe it requires a refresh?Obviously, I don't want to rebuild the form from scratch, so maybe some vba which refreshes the screen?

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Access 2007 / Form Not Loading When DB Opens?

Sep 10, 2011

A form that used to automatically open when the db was launched has been deleted. However, the instruction to load the form is still in the db. I would like to remove that instruction, but I can't seem to find where to look for that code. In Access 2007, I went on DB to the Database tool menu, but its not in the switchboard manager.

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Refreshing A Form On Click

Jul 27, 2005

I have a form that has a status, and a button that changes that status when clicked. This should remove the record from the current form and put it in another.

Is there anyway I can refresh the form after that button is clicked to show the record actually dissapearing instead of having to close/reopen the form?

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Form Not Refreshing After Submit

Jul 31, 2006


I have a form, that has some text fields and a couple calendars for the user to select the dates from.

What I would like to happen is, after the user enteres the data, and they hit submit. I want the form to go back to a new entry, but it's not quite doing this.

The data they type in dissapears after submit, but the calendars seem to hold whatever date they used. And when they try and enter another entry, they can't select the same date as before. They have to hit a different date first, before it allows them to re-enter the same day.

Anyone know why? Is there a way to make the form refresh, or reload after they hit submit? So it will allow them to enter something for the same day?


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Automatically Loading The Form When User Opens The Database

Apr 10, 2006

When the user clicks on the file name, I want the form to load automatically & also at the same time minimize the database window (i.e. the window where all the tables, queries etc are listed). Any suggestions?

Thx in advance,


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Forms :: Loading Only Default Form On Start Up Of Database

Mar 23, 2014

I need to load my Default Form at start up of my database while office button,the Ribbon and the Navigation pane will be hidden. And when i go to form design view then i can use the ribbon and navigation pane.

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Forms :: Opening DB With 2003 Form Loading Error

Sep 17, 2013

I have designed a DB in access 2010 and it opens fine on my computer. However, when others I work with (who still have 2003) try to open the database, they get the following error: "An Error Has Occured Trying to Load The Form "Form Name" - Do You Wish to Continue".

When I click Yes, it brings up all of the VBA code in the background, but when i close all of that out, it still doensn't open.I am by no means an access expert.

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General :: Using Recorsets - Loading Form With Information From Different Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have tried on different forms using more than a few different methods to make recordsets happen and to no avail. My current reason for needing to use recordsets is because I am loading a form with information from different tables. Instead of using multiple DLookups, opening the recordset only looks for the information once, speeding up the load time on the form.

Dim Rs As Dao.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("PreviousTRRetrieval2Query")
If Rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
ProjectNumber = Rs!ID
Agency = Rs!WitnessAgency
FileNumber = Rs!FileNumber

That is the start of my code and I keep getting an error, 3061 Too Few Parameters. Expected 1. Now when I run the query I get the results I desire, which is all the information I need at this particular junction. I am using Access 2010. Why I may not be returning any results for my recordset when the PreviousTRRetrival2Query returns results on its own.

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Forms :: Auto Apply Form Filter Upon Loading

Feb 5, 2015

Private Sub Form_Load()
Forms(0).ServerFilterByForm = True
End Sub

This 2002 code is producing an error ?

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