Form To Find Record And Move To Another Table
Oct 11, 2004
I'm trying to make a form with a single text box that will search for the contents of the text box in a table. Once it finds a match, it moves the record into another table. Anyone know how to do this?
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Jun 27, 2013
How move to next record (without enter) after fill mask in first record in access form?
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Sep 8, 2006
ok ive read some responses to people having trouble or need to know how to move a record from one table to another...
i have two tables. One with member and another with thier siblings.
i have two forms. one with the member details which contain a command box to open the other form for their siblings. the siblings form is a tabular form so when i double clikc the siblings form i can all the children but when i open it from a specific member only their children are shown.
each member has a memberID (primary key). but the siblings have the same ID as their father(member)
i have put a commmand box in the siblings form next to every sibling. what i want is that when i click this button the record moves to the members column.
i only know the very basics of a step by step explination would be helpful...
this is very specific and if more information is required please ask here or ask for my msn address.
Thank you in advance
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Jan 15, 2014
After I enter data into one field in a record I would like the form to save the record when I move to another field in the same record. It seems that the record is only saved when I exit it entirely. Is there a way to save a record when moving between fields in that record? Can this be done without using an Event Procedure for each field?
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Nov 24, 2006
Ok my problem is this......
I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -
"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"
When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?
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Mar 26, 2008
Say i have two tables
1 = computers (it holds info about the computers)
2 = Repair (this table holds only the PCs that are under repair)
I want to be able to move one computer record to Repairs table as soon as i select that "this pc is under repair" on a form. So it does not show up on my report of computers in hand and shows up on computers in repair.
and when i get the pc back from repair, i want to be able to select "back in stock" and it'll move the record back to Computers tables & removes tht record from repairs table
is there a way i can do this automatically (without manually move a record)?
Any suggestions - web links or examples will be much appreciated.
Thank you
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Jul 8, 2014
I have 2 tables, a and b.
Then I have records in each table with fields ,Name and Status(Done and Done_s)
I want records having "Done_s" to be moved to b whenever the change has occurred. Is this possible?(I have tried somethings with Macros but didn't work)...
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Aug 14, 2014
I have the following code:
techid = Forms!Main!txtCurrentUserID
Task = 2
note = "Work Instructions"
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM [tblTracking] "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ([EmpID]=" & techid & ");"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
For whatever reason, this code will move to the last record that was entered in YESTERDAY, but I want it to move to the last record that was entered in TODAY. If I change the code to only records that are dated today, it claims there are no records (EOF), when there clearly are. why the code will not move to the last record of the table, it is only moving to the last record that was entered yesterday.
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Sep 18, 2012
Using access 2003, i would like to add a button to a form so that when clicked all the data in that record is moved (cut and paste) to another identical table, like archive.
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Sep 27, 2005
1) HOw can I move a record from one talbe to another when a specific drop-down option is selected. Example: a combo box with "Active"; "Pending"; "Closed" I want all closed recoreds in a table just for closed records to reduce clutter. They're not going to be referenced often if ever, we just want them so we have them if we do need them.
2) How can I prevent changes to the design of a form/query/report/etc.
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Mar 16, 2005
I have a form we use for data entry, and not all the fields willhave data in them. When we click the new record button the cursor stays in the field where it was for the last record. We would like the cursor to move to the first field on the form everytime a new record is started.
Can anyone help me out here??
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Dec 10, 2013
I have two subforms on a "Page"/Tabs. Subform #1 is a continuous form which accepts data about dimensions of a pattern piece. The other subform needs to update its information display each time the last control of the first subform loses focus, because it tells me how much material is required for all pieces of this pattern that are entered.
My first feeble attempt at this was to add the following code to the "Lost Focus" event of the final control on the first subform:
This succeeded in forcing the second subform to re-run its calculation.
However, after the recalculation took place, I wasn't able to move to the next record on the first subform. This subform is a continuous form, and I need to be able to add another row of data and then see the second subform change based on the additional information in the first subform.
Obviously I've done this wrong.
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Jun 27, 2005
Hello. I have a question that seems simple but I can't get it to work. Any help would be appresiated.
I need a form that will pull the oldest record from one table, allow the user to add a few fields to the record, then paste the record to a different table. when it is done the original record has to be removed from the original table.
I have tried using a append Query, but it moves all of the records at once and doesn't allow data entry on each record. I'm not sure if this would be done by a Query, Form or Macro. I have laid out the nessacary data flow below incase there is an easier way to do this.
Persons A,B, and C enters data into table 1.
later person D pulls the oldest record from table 1, reads the data then adds fields to the record and records it to table 2. The information is then removed from table 1. Person D then goes onto the next record from table 1. When person D is done, there will be no data left in table 1.
Any Ideas? or can someone point me in the right direction for help?
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May 30, 2005
Newbie problem. I want to display on a form the last entry or (record) from a particular field of a table
(the date field of the last club event). I have set the Form Property of 'Data Entry' to 'Yes' to prevent the user from
having to scroll through records to get to the next blank record. Could someone kindly give me a clue how to go about
displaying that last record of the field. Thank you.
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Nov 30, 2006
I created a small database and on my form (frmGE), I added a button "Delete". This button have to move the record (just the actual record and not all records) to the form "FrmRetired". The form "FrmRetired" have the same fields, except for the "comment" field.
I tried to programm it so when i click on it, the record will be moved to the "FrmRetired" and by the same time, the record will be deleted from the form "frmGE"
I created a ADD query, but I missed something...then for the "Delete" button, I added this code
Private Sub Move_data_click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QueryMove", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
Any help will be appreciated.
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Jan 24, 2015
Tried to find things but being a mix of a couple of different actions havn't been able to actually find it
So basically I found a awesome form somewhere that builds the SQL query based on all the users selections.
When you hit the create button it will save the query and update the sub data sheet below with your query results.
From here the part I'm lost on is getting the TOP x number of records and moving them to a new table, I wanted it to work on the 2 drop down boxes that are on the form. select your values and hit the button.
I'd imagine it would be a sub query that I'd use for the top x like I have in the past but I just can't seem to get it to work
Quick steps
1. create your query
2. check your data in the sub datasheet
3. decide the number of records to move to the new table
4. select the name
5. hit the button
This would copy the ban, xcv & dfs fields from the importeddata table to the moverecordshere table & also update persname in the moverecordshere table with the name selected in the form.
Sample db attached ....
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a table that contains records of transactions. I need to find the last record for each day.
DBTransIDtransDay UID
1931219/17/07 8:50 AM128
1932879/17/07 9:13 AM128
1932929/17/07 9:14 AM128
1933049/17/07 9:16 AM128
2388149/18/07 4:54 PM128
2388449/18/07 5:06 PM128
2388459/18/07 5:06 PM128
2388469/18/07 5:07 PM128
2389299/18/07 5:45 PM128
2389309/18/07 5:45 PM128
2389319/18/07 5:45 PM128
2391299/19/07 8:55 AM128
2391389/19/07 8:57 AM128
2391399/19/07 8:57 AM128
2391409/19/07 8:57 AM128
2391419/19/07 8:57 AM128
A script that I found that appeared to do what I needed it to do:
SELECT [TT Transactions - KT].DBTransID, [TT Transactions - KT].transDay
FROM [TT Transactions - KT]
JOIN (SELECT MAX(transDay) Max_transDay_By_Day
FROM [TT Transactions - KT]
GROUP BY convert(varchar, transDay, 112)) t2
ON t1.transDay = t2.Max_transDay_By_Day
But it returns a "Syntax error in FROM clause" that I can't figure out.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have a table called login and inside that table is three columns: username, password and admin.
I have the username saved in a global variable called GsUser. How can i find the record in that table with the same Username as the string stored in GsUser and use that record for an if statement which sees if the value of the admin column is "Yes". Im trying to do it using VBA. Im not using a form where everything is bounded.
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Jan 5, 2014
I'm trying to build a search form.- Access 2007
I have a table (Table1), contains a 'part' field.
I wan to build a form with a blank text box (txtbx1) where users can enter a part description, this will search records in Table1>part and return a list of parts that match the textbox input.
Here's what I've done -
txtbx1 - property sheet - control source - part
event - on enter - ...
I've built an expression -
[Table1]![part] = [txtbx1]
hoping that this would match records 1n Table1 to txtbx1
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Mar 30, 2006
Is it possible to create text box for search for records if I use SINGLE FORM?
i try but without effect :(
pls see my database (I want to use for record "Title")
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Aug 27, 2014
What is the best way to move from the last field on the last page of a form to a new record field on the first page?
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Aug 23, 2012
I have a form [Invoice] with a subform [Orderssubform1] in it and they are both linked with the field 'CustomerID' using a parent and child relationship. I have also established that relationship in the tables too. Using a combo box [Combo0], the user can select a customer from the form and then enter details about the invoice in the subform. They then click 'Generate Invoice' and it creates a report for them. This all works fine.
The problem arises when I want the customer to locate a certain invoice using a button. I would like the customer to be able to click a button on the form which would then bring up a box asking them to enter the invoice number [InvoiceNo] and it would then locate that invoice so they can generate it as a report again. The user can find the customer themselves using the combo box, I just want the record related to that customer to be found using the button.
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Dec 24, 2014
The school director is going to input a date (by default today) and a subform will display all of the students who started before that date and haven't been closed as of that date. Next to each name, there will be 4 radio buttons (present, absent, holiday, hospitalized), which by default will be set to present. The director will go down the line, only needing to click when a student isn't present. At the end, she'll push a save button and the new records will be added.
My proposed method:
1. When the textbox with date input is changed, the subform (or just form and I put the textbox in the header?) will populate itself with a query based on student names whose corresponding startdate and enddate work with the inputted date.
2. The subform will be in continuous view so that it kinda looks like a data sheet but it has radio buttons rather than just spreadsheet cells.
3. When the save button is pushed, some visual basic code in the background will look at record 1, grab the student name and selected radio button value, and add a new record to the AttendanceRecords table with the name, attendance type, and date. Then the code will move to the 2nd record, rinse and repeat until it goes through all of them.
1. At its core, is this the Access way of doing something like this? Is there a simpler, more efficient, or generally smarter way of doing attendance?
2. How is step 3 going to work? I can look up how to add new records to a table, but I'm not sure how to move around from record to record collecting corresponding data.
3. Since the AttendanceRecord table uses studentID and typeID rather than actual names and actual attendance types, what's the easiest way of adding the new records with that data efficiently? I'm thinking of making the RecordSource of the subform some sort of linked up set of tables such that if I'm looking at record 1 and the name in the textbox on the subform is "Bob" I can just reference studentID in the background without needing anything on the form at all with studentID?
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Jun 23, 2006
I currently have a form to manage inventory. On the left side of the form, I have a list box that shows all of the items in the database and finds the record on the form based on the selection.
I would like to have toggle boxes or something underneath the list box that when clicked will sort the box by vendor and item and another that when clicked will sort the list by part number and then select the record on the form based on the selection at that time.
I have no idea how to accomplish this...can anyone help?
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Aug 7, 2013
Lets say,
Form A has fields: ID, LN and FN
1 A F
2 B G
3 C H
4 D I
5 E J
Form B has fields: ID, LN and TR
1 A Y
2 B N
3 C Y
4 D Y
5 E N
I would like to be able to switch between these two forms and the form automatically set focus to the record that I was on the form prior. Meaning if I am on record 3 on Form A and navigate to Form B, I would like to automatically set focus to record 3. Is this possible?
A possible issue after this gets sorted out is what happens if with the same scenario above record 3 does not exits? is it possible in that instance to simply requery the form?
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Jun 2, 2014
I am trying to add a combo box into a form and when the Combo Box wizard pops up I only get two choices:
I want combo box to get values from another table or query. I will type in the values I want
I want the third option...
Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box.
Why am I not getting the third option??
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