Form Without Source

May 8, 2005

Can I build a form without it having a table or query. All unbound controls?
If so how would I preform a OnClick event to populate a combo box using code from one of my tables? Then have the form lookup the values that belong to the value in the combo box after I make a selection?

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Remove Record Source/Control Source

Sep 19, 2005

I have an unbound form with three tabs. On each tab there is a sub form. Each tab is a search form and each sub is a results returned. I have made everything unbound and set the sub form recordsource and its controls control souce on afterupdate of the main form search criteria. Works fine except for after some use the db decides the sub forms are not unbound and sets the record source and control sources.

I'm trying to do a

Me.PollingPlacesResults.Form.RecordSource = ""
Me!PollingPlacesResults!PollID.ControlSource = ""

but this does not seem to work in actualy removeing the record source and control source.

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Change The Sub Form’s Record Source

Nov 16, 2005

I have a main form that has 10 sub forms Each sub form’s record source is link to a different Query.

It takes more then a minute to open the form, (because it’s running the query for all sub forms). So I changed the sub forms source to SELECT * FROM tblTest WHERE false;

I also changed the main form. When the button on the main form is clicked, it’s adding the following:

Me.SubMySub.Form.RecordSource = "select * from qMyQuery"
Me. SubMySub.Form.Requery

However, after I close the main form, the sub form’s record source stays linked to

And will take the same long time again to open the main form.

Does anyone have any solution?

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How To Use Same Form By Changing Record Source?

Feb 8, 2005

Hi all,

I have Form F_CashSalesHead with a subform F_CashSalesInvFoot with one-2-many relationship on their tables. Subform contains a checkbox field that I use to lock the record set (On a command button click it runs one update query to add value 1 to each checkbox to make Enable=False all the records of current invoice on the form).

One-2-many relation ship is made on InvNum field in both tables.

When I open F_CashSalesHead form, bcz of some code line I wrote on On Load event of F_CashSalesHead , at the beginning it give massage how many invoices are pending to lock and would you like to see. If click “Yes” to see list, it opens a small form that called F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices showing invoice numbers and unmarked checkbox which is pending to lock. This small form is based on following query,

SELECT DISTINCTROW T_CashSalesInvFoot.InvNum, T_CashSalesInvFoot.CashSalesCustomerName, Sum(T_CashSalesInvFoot.Lock_Cash_Inv) AS [Sum Of Lock_Cash_Inv]
FROM T_CashSalesInvFoot
GROUP BY T_CashSalesInvFoot.InvNum, T_CashSalesInvFoot.CashSalesCustomerName
HAVING (((Sum(T_CashSalesInvFoot.Lock_Cash_Inv))=0));

This works fine.

What I am looking for is, I want to use the same F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices form for Credit Sales invoice also with the same trick. Because I don’t want to create another same form and write code that help to increase size of db.

Can it be done just by changing record source of form F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices? Or what is the way to do it?

With kind regards,

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Complicated Form Data Source

Mar 18, 2005

Well I find it complicated.

I have a table of people, each with an ID, and I have a table of events, each with an ID.

I want to design a form in such a way that when you look at each person it gives a row of event fields, one for each event, into which you can put a Number for the number of tickets that each person wants (each person will only want to go to a few events).

If you enter a number, I want the form to generate new record in a separate table (tickets) with three fields - the Person's Id, the Event ID and the number of tickets.

I only want one ticket record per person per event (so if the numer of tickets changes I want the form to amend the number, not create a new record.

So, I want the Form to show "page" for each person, with "fields" for each event, the info being stored in a separate table, which the form is able to cycle through, despite the fact that there will not be records for every person.

I am a bit flummoxed as to how to design it.

Can anyone give me any guidance, please.

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Cascading Form Record Source

May 17, 2005

Heya. I hate posting yet another cascading query but I just poured through the first 40 bits and couldn't find something similar.

Basically, I seem to have an errored idea in how to effectively used cascading boxes on a larger form-wide scale.

Basically I have a form with an unbound combobox in the form header: cboSchool

The detail section should only have two fields, StudentID (txtStudentID) and a boolean (bolOT) both of which exist in a specific table source (tblStudents). StudentID is a locked field.

What I would like to do is only have the StudentID's available that are valid for the school. I attempted using a query in the record source that would reference cboSchool but I keep ending up with blank forms. (There's a string of queries that link the schools found in cboSchools to StudentID)

Any ideas?

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Record Source Problem On Form

Jan 10, 2006

I'm having a strange problem and was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have a form that is for inputting and modifying data in one table. It used to work when you opened the form you would see x amount of records. Now it's opening to 1 blank record. If you hit filter it fliters like 1700 records and then when you unclick it, you get the entire 10000 records. I thought it had something to do with the Record Source in the properties but when I fixed that it still didn't work. Any ideas?
Thank you!

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Get The Recordset From The Record Source Of A Form

Aug 31, 2004

I have 2 forms. On form1, the record source is a query. From form2, I need to iterate through the recordset from form1 and perform some action. How do I access the recordset from form1?

Thanks in Advance,

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Crosstab Query As A Form Source

Apr 21, 2005

I’m trying to create a budgeting tool for my company. We operate in many countries and budget at the country level so I’ve set up a one-to-many relationship between my tblCOUNTRY and my tblEXPENSE. My tlbEXPENSE has fields ExpenseID, CountryID, Month, and Value.

In order to create a form where each country manager is able to fill out, and make changes to their budget for the next year I would like to create a crosstab query so they can have a horizontal view of the year broken out by month. The problem I’m running into is that crosstab queries are aggregates so they do not allow data entry.

The only solution I’ve thought of is to create a make table query from the crosstab query, but I still run into several problems. First, I need all twelve months to show on my crosstab even if there is not an expense yet for that month, and once I have it broken out by month how can I transpose it back into a form to be able to append it to my tblEXPENSE?

I don’t know if this is even possible with the way I have set up my tables. I guess first I’m wondering if I should change the setup of my tblEXPENSES so it has a field for each month although this would make it harder to do an annual budget rollup based on country? Or should I make a form in Excel for all the country managers to fill out, compile all the data, and append it to my database? Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Form Creation With Query Source

Aug 8, 2007

do you guys use a query as your data source in you form?
if not how do you build a form with mutilple tables with the same unique id.

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Forms :: Record Source Set From Another Form

Jun 19, 2014

This code loads a new subform in the frame. It then scopies a value to an input field but then i need to set the record source and display the data. This latest pasrt does not work.I've been trying for some time now by changing the part before recordsource but no luck.

gekozenwo = Me.Keuzelijst0
Forms!switchboard.subfrmWindow.SourceObject = "frmInformation"
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Forms!switchboard.subfrmWindow.Form
frm.DataEntry = True
Forms!switchboard.subfrmWindow.Form!Tekst33 = gekozenwo
MsgBox gekozenwo

frm.RecordSource = "SELECT * , [orders_maint_detail]![woisnr] & ' / ' & [orders_maint_detail]![Ordernummer] AS Expr1 " _
& "FROM orders_maint_detail " _
& "WHERE (((orders_maint_detail.woisnr)='" & gekozenwo & "'));"
wonr = gekozenwo

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How To Link Additional Data Source To A Form

Mar 22, 2006

Hi All,

I have a db with three linked (related) tables. I have a form that has, at present, only one of these tables as a data source. Now I want to bring a couple of fields from another table into that form.

I know how to link a table to two data sources when first creating a table. But how do I do it when the table already exists?

I tried Table Design View | View Properties | Data source,
but that allows only one data source. If I link to another, the first disappears.



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How To Link Additional Data Source To A Form

Mar 22, 2006

How to link additional data source to a form

Hi All,

I have a db with three linked (related) tables. I have a form that has, at present, only one of these tables as a data source. Now I want to bring a couple of fields from another table into that form.

I know how to link a table to two data sources when first creating a table. But how do I do it when the table already exists?

I tried Table Design View | View Properties | Data source,
but that allows only one data source. If I link to another, the first disappears.



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Dynamic Query And Record Source In A Form

Feb 23, 2005

I have Form A that has a combo box and a "Submit" button. When the user clicks on the Submit button it needs to open Form B. Recordsource of this Form B is "Query B"

Item selected on the combo box becomes the criteria for "Query B and Form B needs to be opened based on that criteria.

What is the easiest and fastest way (no dlookups please!) to do this?

If an illustration is possible through an example that will be wonderful.

Thanks in Advance.

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Record Source For One Form Multiple Tables

Mar 26, 2005

I am making a master form for three tables which ultimately form a hierarchy. I am getting all the fields from each table onto one form. By default the record source would be made up of an INNER JOIN such as below


I'm trying to change the record source to match using the where clause instead. However the following allows me to view but not add a new record

SELECT PERSON.first_name,, PERSON.last_name, PERSON.street, PERSON.area,, PERSON.telephone, CONTRIBUTOR.registration_date, CONTRIBUTOR.fav_category, MUJAHED.profession
WHERE ( = AND ( =;

A tip or guideline on how I can correct this will be appreciated.


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Data Entered In Form To Record Source

Aug 26, 2005

I have a form where users enter data in various ways - combo boxes with drop down selections and text boxes where users manually enter some data. I also have several text boxes that return "answers" based on calculations from user entries mentioned above. The form is bound to a table where all the entered data is stored. I'm having trouble saving the calculated information to the bound table. It's easy in all the non-calced boxes, I just put the column name of the bound table in the control source, but in the calculated fields, I already have the formula in the control source. How can I identify the proper column to save the data in this case.


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How To Change The Record Source Of A Report From A Form

Sep 22, 2005

I'm looking to change the record source of a report and then print the report depending on what button the user clicks on.

Is there some way to do this?

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Form - Record Source - Select A Table

Nov 13, 2013

Form - record source - select a table that when the user enter a value in the field of the form it gets place into the designated table (select a table). my problem is that I have two fields in the form, one field from the data entry is suppose to go to the train table,and another field the data entry is suppose to go to the station table. if I have the form's record source have a designated table for the data entry.It doesn't have two tables for the data entry.

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Using A Form-displayed GUID In Record Source Criteria?

Oct 26, 2006

I am having some problems with an Access database, obviously.. relatively new at the whole thing, so it's quite a patched-up mishmash, and I would be happy to expand on the intended structure, but it would all come together if there's a way to use a form-displayed GUID as a record source criteria.

Essentially, I can do the following:

Form 1 with autonumber GUID 1 has a text field on it which is equal to the autonumber GUID 1 field for the current record. This looks like a series of random characters, nothing like the long number, and it's set to be invisible. It then works, on a subform, to set record source criteria to include this text field as a way to delimit subform 2 by (non-autonumbered) GUID1.

However, what does not work is:

Form1 has an unbound lookup list that includes GUIDs as one of the things displayed. These are displayed properly, as a long number. I can set a text field equal to the value of this on the main form, and see the same long number. But I cannot then reference this text field as a criteria for the subform record source, and neither can I reference the lookup list directly. Essentially, it works when the text field is showing squiggly numbers, but not when showing the 'real' GUID.

Is there a way to convert the nice-and-tidy looking GUID from an unbound lookup list to something usable as a record source criteria? Or is this always possible, and I am just missing something elsewhere? I can do this through VBA for a _filter_ criteria with the ={guid " & guidvariable & "}))" thing, but haven't found a way for record sources.

The structure is rather convoluted.. would be happy to explain if there's no other way to do it. Replies greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Filtered Form With Record Source Set

Dec 17, 2013

In my Access adp, when I open a certain form (frmVertebrates), the databinding occurs in the Load event for the form, for various reasons. I have not specified any datasource in the form's design view.

Databinding for frmVertebrates:

Me.Form.RecordSource = "select * from dbo.vertebrates where catalogID=3"

This works great when just opening the form. However, when opening with a filter from a button on another form it won't work, the form displays all records.

Button code:

DoCmd.OpenForm frmVertebrates, , , "vertID=123"

Obviously, this makes sense, since the record source is explicitly set in the Load event.

Is there a way to capture the filter "vertID=123" so it can be added to the Form.RecordSource sql?

When breaking in the Load-code and watching the 'form' variable, I can't spot the filter condition anywhere...

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Control Source For Entire Form?

Oct 21, 2013

Is there a way to set the control source for an entire form through VBA? I have a database that was set up just as an archive file, not intending to have any forms or reports in it. It was simply to house tables containing data from previous years. My main database just copies the table over to the archive file and adds the year to the table name. I have just been told that the users would like a form and a series of reports set up in this database.

I would like to set the main form up so that before it will allow them to do anything, they have to enter the year of the data they are looking for. After the year has been entered, I would like to adjust the control source of the form to reflect the appropriate table. In other words, when a user opens the archived database, he or she will see a field for the year an nothing else. Once they enter the year they are looking for, the form will populate with data from the corresponding table (the table names look like this - tblPM_Completed_2013). Is this possible?

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Reports :: Set Record Source Of Report From Button On Form

Jun 13, 2014

How can I set the record source of a report to a saved query through VBA. I am trying to use the same report for a number of uses, all of the info on the report is the same, but the only difference is the query that the information is based on. I have this simple code below, how do I add a record source to it (if it can be done)

DoCmd.OpenReport "SellRPT", acViewReport, , , acNormal

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Forms :: Can A Query Be Used As Control Source For Text Box On A Form

Jun 7, 2013

Can a query be used as a control source for a text box on a form?

=[QueryLibrary]![Kit] is the control source do I need to change anything else?

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Forms :: Split Form Ignoring Record Source?

Jan 15, 2014

Access 2013 on a Window 8.1 system.

I have a combo box based on a look-up table which I use to filter the records in the form. Seems after closing the form and reopening it, the filter remains.

I'm not sure if this is referred to filtering or restricting the records.

The value in the record source doesn't get changed but the records displayed don't reflect this. The records shown are the last filter I selected in the combo box.

The only work around I have found is I must explicitly set the record source in the on open of the form.

The was not occurring with access 2010. And I have made no changes what-so-ever.

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Forms :: Filter Form Using A Query Not In Record Source

Aug 20, 2013

I have one form which houses all my product information via the use of a query and subforms where appropriate. I would like to filter it in order to find records missing certain information.

I want to filter the information using a combo box.

The combo box has a user friendly name (Product Dimensions) and the name of a query related to that name (qryfilter_missing_prod_dims - this query is the record source query for the form plus the query that has the missing info, the query is set to return all records that match ie. all records that are missing info).

I want to write a vba code to filter my form based on that query.

And i can't get it to work using the cmd.applyfilter (docmd.applyfilter me.cbo_missing)

I've also tried to use me.recordsource. when i do it filters perfectly, but i can no longer edit any of my data in the form.

How to filter my form using a query that is not in the native form's record source?

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Form That Is Linked To A Query By Its Record Source - DCount?

Mar 25, 2015

I have a form that is linked to a query by its Record Source.In one of the Text boxes I want to appear the number of rows in the query where Days = 4 so I thought I would try to use DCOUNT as the Control Source for the Text Box. However every expression I try for DCOUNT throws back error? or name?. How to sort my code?

=DCount("[EPISODEUNIQUEKEY]","1-12 Show Records by Date Range","[Days] = '4'")

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