Format Field Output Of A Complex Expression In Query.

Feb 8, 2006

I have a simple query to calcualte a profit margin on daily sales lines and I use a quick and dirty expression to calculate the margin in the query so I never need to drill it down further than that level (I don't want to go as far as putting the output into a report as it is only for use when double checking lines for errors which get fixed there and then in the database).

So far so good, however the margin output is a bit awkward to read as I can't seem to format it as a simple percentage. The field properties page doesn't like doing anything with the expression and even typing in a format manually has no effect, so I end up with figures like


the expression i use is:

Margin: IIf([dbo_tbl_sales_invoice_lines.price]=0,"",([dbo_tbl_sales_invoice_lines.price]-[net_cost])/[dbo_tbl_sales_invoice_lines.price]*100)

Is there any way to format this output to show only 1-2 decimal places and be in a proper number format so I can sort them in ascending order properly?

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Query Expression Too Complex?

Sep 26, 2007

The recordsource of a listbox is a query which is filtered by a combo box on the form. There are 4 possible groups to be viewed and the values for each group are Group 1=(Null or " "), Group2="Denied", Group3="Restricted" and Group4=("Approved" or an approval number). The query worked fine until I added the code to get Group4 by eliminating all of the other values. It is causing an 'expression too complex' error. Here is the sql for my query:

SELECT vi_AuthApproval.AuthID, nz([Approval_Number]," ") AS Approval
FROM vi_AuthApproval
WHERE (((nz([Approval_Number]," "))=IIf([Forms]![frmAuthApprovList]![cboApproval]="Approved",(nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>" " And (nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>"Denied" And (nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>"Restricted",[Forms]![frmAuthApprovList]![cboApproval])));

Can someone help me simlify the query or point me in another direction to accomplish this?


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Queries :: Format Expression Field As Currency

Jun 4, 2014

I have this expression I created and I want to know how to format it as currency. I know how to do it with a regular field but the option is not available for an expression.

The expression:

Code : Charge: IIf([Rate] Is Not Null,[Rate],"0.00")

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Modules & VBA :: Format Single Field As Part Of Expression In SQL

Mar 22, 2014

Expr1 is a field in a report that is bound to this query.

timeline.CompanyName doesn't usually have any data in it, and when it does it needs to be removed and manually input into companies. Company Name.Is it possible to make timeline.CompanyName output as italics? Otherwise we dont know which field is populating.

SELECT [timeline.CompanyName] & [companies.CompanyName] & " (" & [] & ", " & [companies.state_id] & ") ~ " & [timeline.Title] AS Expr1, timeline.showitem, timeline.EntryId, timeline.EmployeeId, timeline.CompanyName, timeline.EmpStartDate, timeline.EmpEndDate, timeline.Super, timeline.CoPhone, timeline.Notes, timeline.Title, timeline.company_id, timeline.start_date, timeline.end_date, timeline.assignment, timeline.notes_staff, timeline.showitem
FROM timeline LEFT JOIN companies ON timeline.company_id = companies.company_id
WHERE (((timeline.showitem)="false"))
ORDER BY timeline.end_date DESC

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Expression Too Complex

Jan 31, 2006

Hello all,

I am experiencing this error:

"This expression is typed incorrectly or it is too complex to be evaluated….For example a numeric expression my contain too many complicated elements."

I think the error is as a result of this expression in my query, I have 9 fields with the expression below with different field names:

Like Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*" Or Forms!QBF_Form!Sales Is Null

The problem is when I close the query and open it, the expression multiplies to numerous rows and also creates additional fields for the last part of the expression. Is there an expression that I could use that would work okay.

I tried using this expression:
Like IIF (Forms!QBF_Form!Sales)="", "*", "*" & Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*"

It was working, but is no longer working..not sure why.

Do you have a similar expression that will achieve the same result but create additional criteria.

Very grateful!

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Expression Too Complex To Be Evaluated?

May 23, 2007

The control source for the Activity Summary report in my DB is the primary data table. The report contains about 12 fields, each with a statement like this one as its control source: =Sum(Abs(Year([RecDate])=Year(Date()) And ([NotifType]=9)))

Up until yesterday afternoon the report was working just fine. But suddenly when I run the report I'm getting this error:

"The expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

I have no idea why this problem suddenly popped up when the report had been running just fine for weeks.

Here's what I've done so far to try and fix it:
1. Copied the report and gave it a new name, thinking if the report were somehow corrupt creating a new one might fix it. No such luck.
2. Tried running the report after removing each control source statement one-by-one, but the error didn't disappear until all the statements had been cleared.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm willing to post the DB if that will help.

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3071 - Expression Too Complex Error

Feb 5, 2008

I have a query that gives me the "3071 - Expression too complex to be evaluated.." error. The problem is I can get the EXACT same SQL to run and not produce the error. The query is part of a reporting tool that hundreds of users run (each on their own instance or a few people sharing one instance). Here's the flow of what I do:1 - Open DB2 - run query3 - Query dies w/ "3071 - Expression too complex..." error4 - open query in SQL edit mode5 - Rerun query and it works fine.6 - Scratch head and curse loudly....After modifying the query it works for a random amount of time and users don't complain. Then all of the sudden, it starts failing again, and I repeat the query edit, resave and it works fine until the next time. The problem is I never know what may or may not fix it because it will work fine after opening in edit mode. I've tried compact/repair and that has no effect on the query. The only thing that fixes it is opening it in design mode.I need to figure out what is the root cause of this. I'm getting sick of fixing it with my edit/resave hack. It's not excessively complex or anything.Here's my SQL. It uses some form value references in the criteria, but the form is open and values exist when I'm trying to run the query, so that shouldn't be it.SELECT [VARIANCE DIVISION].MONTHNBR, CHOOSE([MONTHNBR],"January","February","March","April", "May","June","July","August","September", "October","November","December") AS MTHNAME, [VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_DESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LED, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MATL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVCODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVDESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCESUBP, [VARIANCE DIVISION].BASE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].PCT, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYMTHPRICE AS CYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MTHVARIANCE AS VARIANCE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYYTDPRICE AS CYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].YTDVARIANCEFROM [VARIANCE DIVISION]WHERE ((([VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![INVTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![TRFTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE) LIKE IIF([FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![PRODCHOICE] = "2",[FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![COMM], "*")) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY) <> "0"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;

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Error 3071 - Expression Too Complex?

Mar 13, 2008

I have a strange problem I can't figure out. I have a massive query that runs off of about 10 other queries. I use [forms]![Authority].[Emp#] in the query conditions, using the supervisor's employee# to only show them the members on their team on the form.

My problem is that the query/form is working fine for most of the supervisors, but when I enter the employee number of two other supervisors, I get this error: This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.

Those two supervisors don't get the error, the form just doesn't load for them after they click on the button on the switchboard, but if I go into the database window on their pc and try to run it, the error appears.

Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

Thank you,

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This Expression Is Typed Incorrectly, Or Is Too Complex To Be Evaluated

Aug 16, 2006

Hey guys,

I am getting this error "This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated"

For this query:
SELECT first([TblProp].[Name]) AS [SName], First([TblProp].[CommentDate]) AS DateCommented, First([TblProp].[No]) AS BNum, First([TblProp].[Indication]) AS Ind, First([TblProp].[PropSubmitted]) AS DateSub, First([TblProp].[Contact]) AS PrimCon, First([TblProp].[Prepared]) AS PrepName, First([TblProp].[Comment]) AS Comment,First([TblProp].[Value]) AS ValueNew, First([TblProp].[Rating]) AS Prob
FROM TblProp
GROUP BY [TblProp].[RFPNo];

This query had been working fine for a good long time, but suddenly it starts throwing up this message. I haven't changed anything at all with this query. Its very puzzling. I went through each of the fields and its the comment field that is causing the problem.

Would anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?

Thanks for reading this!


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Reports :: Expression Too Complex When Printing Report

Jun 8, 2015

I have an Access application that print a report with 7 sub-reports in it. When I preview the report, it looks fine. When I print it directly to the printer, it looks fine. The problem is when I print from the preview, Access error with a "...too complex..." error and crashes the application.

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Error - "This Expression Is Typed Incorrectly, Or It Is Too Complex....

Feb 14, 2008

to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

I did a search and it looks like date prompts cause this error sometimes. The message pops up when running from the Switchboard to generate a report. When you hit the button, you are prompted for the Start Date and End Date, but then this message appears.

Running the query directly, not using the Switchboard or Report to generate the data, it runs fine, still using the two prompts.

Any idea on what I should look at to resolve this issue so users can run the report from the switchboard? Let me know if I need to post the sql or something.

Thanks for all replies.

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Queries :: Expression To Output Value As A Number?

Apr 17, 2014

I've created several expressions in a query to test for values in a field (one column for each value for use in a report).

The expressions output the value 1 where the test is true. I planned to sum them to establish how many times the value is true but this isn't working. I am only offered a Count and this returns the number of records. Other fields (numeric) are offering me a sum at the total line and are working as expected.

I assume the expressions are outputting the value one as text rather than as a number but I can't work out how to change this.

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Queries :: Sum 2 Expressions - Output With 3rd Expression

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to sum up 2 expressions.

1st. UsedAF: nz(DSum("AF_lengte+AF_zaagbreedte";"VRMUTSTAF";"VR ID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)
2nd. UsedRES: nz(DSum("RES_lengte+RES_zaagbreedte";"VRRESSTAF";" VRID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)

Now with a third expression I like to sum those 2 up.

3rd. Used: [UsedRES]+[UsedAF]

The thing I run into is when 1st has a value of 15 and 2nd a value of 0 the outcome of 3rd is 150 while it should be 15 ofcourse.

When I change the first 2 expressions to Sum (at Totals) the 3rd works properly. Yet the other 2 comes with wrong values.

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Reports :: Sum Different Fields With Same Format - Too Complex To Be Evaluated

Aug 6, 2013

I am trying to sum 3 different time fields together in a report that all are the same format but it wont allow me to.

The expression i have built is =Sum([ACDTime]+[AgentRingTime]+[OtherTime])

but I get back a error message saying...

"This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

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Output Of A Report To .csv Format

Nov 14, 2005

I have a report and wish to convert the output of this report into a .csv file.

Can anyone help?



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How To Control Output Format

Aug 17, 2007

select salary, pct
from tally

I want salary to be in this format: $3211.00
pct in 23.00%

How can I do that?

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Output Format Of Date/time

Sep 3, 2005

Hey guys, been away from Access and SQL for some time. I have a simple 2 column table with one thats set to Date/Time that displays the date only. Unfortunaly, when I run my query, the date comes out 7/9/2005 and I want it to come out as 7/09/2005. I know I am going to have to force it out with a format command, but its been so long that I have no idea how to. Right now my query, in SQL format, looks like this.


I just need the format command to force the date. If anyone can help, thx.

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Format Within An Expression

May 22, 2006

I have an update query which calculates the difference in hours and the difference in days(in seperate fields) between two date and time values. The formulas is below

DateDiff("d",[Admission Date],[D/C Date / Time]))

This works fine as long as there is a value in the [D/C Date / Time]feld. When there isn't a value in this field I have added the Iif function below:

IIf([D/C Date / Time]=Null,DateDiff("d",[Admission Date],[Enter date],DateDiff("d",[Admission Date],[D/C Date / Time]))

However I get a conversion failure error message because i believe the [Enter date] is not formated correctly. This is the date and time format that I am using 99/99/99" "00:00;0;_

Can anyone help me fix this formula so that it works.


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Queries :: Dealing With Null Values In Format Expression

Apr 4, 2014

I am trying to use the expression below to transpose strings of 4-6 numbers (140504) to a string of 8 numbers with "20" in front (20140504). Some of the [Receive_Date] fields are empty or are 0, and in those cases, I need the expression to return a null value.

New_Receive_Date: IIf([Receive_Date]=0,"",IIf([Receive_Date]="","",Format([Receive_Date_YMD],"000000")+20000000))

The Format(...) part of the expression works fine on its own, but I am new to dealing with null values in my expressions, and when I add the rest of the expression, all '#Error' values are returned.

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Queries :: DLookup To Return Value Of Field In Query Expression

Oct 30, 2013

I have a field created in a query expression

BirthMon: Format([DOB],"mmmm")

I would like to create another field in the query using DLookup to return the value of the BrithMon.

BrithMonthID=DLookUp("MonID","tblListMons","BirthM on = Mon")

This works good if used with an unbound text box on a form, but when entered into a query expressions, an error is returned: cannot find the name 'BirthMon'

Can I used DLookUp in a Query expression to refer to another Query created field?

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Invalid Format? Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Jan 30, 2008


I am trying to insert a text box value into a text field value in a table. I am checking to see if the value is already in the table but come across an error on the second click. The first click enters the number, and the second click gets error. I know where the error is but I'm not sure why or how to fix it.

Code:Dim db As DAO.DatabaseDim rs As DAO.RecordsetSet db = CurrentDb()Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CVHOLD", dbOpenDynaset)If Not rs.BOF Then rs.MoveFirstrs.FindFirst "[Batch Number] = " & Me![Batch Number]'Error here on second passIf (rs.EOF) Then 'Seems to insert new record properly 'No Batch Number in Table yet. rs.AddNew rs("Batch Number") = Me![Batch Number] rs("Date Closed") = Now() rs.Update rs.CloseElse 'never enters, jumps to Error label 'Batch already listed in table MsgBox ("Batch already in table. Updating Closed date")End IfErr_cmdHoldStatus_Click: MsgBox Err.Description

This is what the debugger outputs for my values
Code:Me![Batch Number] : 81697 : Object/Textbox rs("Batch Number") : "81697" : Object/Field rs.BOF : False : Boolean rs.EOF : False : Boolean

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Queries :: Calculating Bonus - Expression Using Sum Of Another Calculated Field In Query

Mar 28, 2015

I've can do this on excel but don't know how in Access. I'm calculating bonuses. My table has salaries, and my query simply multiples each salary amount by a % to get the bonus amount. But I need to calculate adjustments to the bonuses using the sum total of the bonuses my query calculated:

Salary (from table) Bonus (calc'd by query) Adjustment (to be calced)

100,000 1,000 Sum of total bonuses/salary*4%
90,000 900

How do I capture the total of my calculated bonus column to use to calculate the adjustments in my right-most column?

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Modules & VBA :: Fields In Text And Number Format - Type Mismatch In Expression

Oct 29, 2013

I have two tables in a query joined by a ID field. The problem is in the one table the ID fiels is a text format and in the other table its a number format so the query builder doesnt like that and gives me the Type mismatch in expression error.

There's no way around it though; i need it to be those formats in its respective tables for reasons i wont go into here for simplicity.

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Format Query Field To Currency

Aug 24, 2007

I have a calculated field in my query that takes the difference between to incomes. I want to format this field to currency. How can this be done?

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Query Based On Format Of A Field

Feb 6, 2006


I have a Postcode field in my table and I want to be able to check the data to make sure that it is a correct UK postcode.

Is there away that I can find out the format of the data, to be able to run a query against it, or is there a better way of doing it?

I need to account for all types of UK postcodes (A1 2BC, A12 3BC, AB12 3CD, WC2A 3BC). There are also foreign postcodes in this field.

Help appreciated!

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