Formating A Subform For Printing

Dec 12, 2006

I have a database that has a form with 3 subforms. Once a user has entered date, there is a command button to print the current record. The problem is, the 3 subforms have a very thick black boarder around them. Is there anyway to remove the thick boarder? Any help would be appreciated.

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Printing Only The Subform...

Feb 16, 2006

Could anyone give some assist on how to print only the subform in a form. I'm looking to create a print preview command button that will allow only the sub form to be printed... Thanks for the assist.....

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Printing From A Subform?

Jan 2, 2007

I have my subform on my main form and when I press the print button that I created it prints the main form 200 times due to the amout of records in the table.

When I open the subform by its self then press the print button that I created it will print what I want, the subform only.
Please help!! I want to print this subform from the main form.


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Exclude Subform From Printing

Sep 19, 2005

Need to know if there is a way to exclude a subform from printing when I print forms?

Here's what I'm trying to do - Have a form that contains multiple subforms that are linked back to the master form. One of these subforms is a memo which they would like to see on the "preliminary or draft" copy of this form but would like to exclude it from the "final" copy.

I would think there is some why to do it but I'm stumped at the moment.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Please Help! Printing Single Subform Only.

Aug 24, 2007

I am trying to develop a service dispatch DB and would like to have a print workorder control button. I have it working OK until I enter subsequent records into the subform. I better off creating a report for the specified workorder? IF so, how? Any direction would be appreciated.

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Multiple Printing When Using Subform

Jan 8, 2008

While using a relational database in Access 2003, I am writing a letter to people, reminding them what resources they have been allocated. The short letter is in a form and a subform has been used to list the resources - between 1 and 5 lines.

If I isolate one person by filtering, I get x identical pages, where x = the number of resources that have been allocated to them. Therefore, some people get one page, others could get 5 identical pages.

Can anyone advise how I can just show and print one page per person, irrespective of the number of resources allocated to them? I can get the correct result in a report but need it in a form so that the users can edit and select the letters to be printed easily.

Many thanks.

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Printing The Current Record Which Has A Subform

Jan 11, 2006


I have done a search on this forum and found all the postings relating to printing only the current record for a report. I have a command button and have followed what these posts say. The report prints the current record but leaves out the data from the subform.

The database is a recipe organizer. The main form is called Recipes and the subform contains the ingredients for each recipe. This subform is called Ingredients.

I set up a command button with the following code:

Private Sub Print_Recipe_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_Recipe_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "Family Recipes"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, , "[RecipeID] = " & Forms!RECIPES![RecipeID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Print_Recipe_Click

End Sub

Since the RecipeID is used in both forms and the report, I thought it would be the best field to use since it linked all the information together.

So what do I need to do so that the subform data prints out on the report?


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So Close To Printing My Subform To A Report But

Oct 4, 2006

I have a subform that displays results based on selections from cascading boxes on the form. I am trying to print them to a report. I think my procedure is correct for the print button and Im afraid my problem is that the form is not based on a seperate query. Is that they only way to be able to print? It is based on procedures defined in the cascading boxes. How can correct it so it will print the results to a report? Thanx.

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Printing Report From Form Including Subform

Aug 31, 2006

Hi there,

I am trying to save my form that i have created as a report by right clicking on the form and choosing save as report. However, my form includes a subform but the subform does not show up in the report. Any ideas as to why this and how it can be shown????

Thanks in advance


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Printing Current Record On Form And Subform

Oct 21, 2006

I currently am trying to print the current record that I have selected on my form and the subform that I have on the same page. If I try to print selected record it will only print out the main form correctly and will print out the first record on the sub form. I have tried to make a reprot of the current form and it only will do the main form and nothing from the sub form. I am willing to try whatever method would work in getting this to work. Thanks

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Subform Without Data Printing As A Blank Space

Nov 2, 2004

I have an Access 2000 form containing several subforms that needs printing on a regular basis, which works fine when the subform contains data, but sometimes the subforms contain null values. We want to print the subforms without the data to maintain consistency, but when printed they have disappeared and a blank space in the form is printed. The subforms view perfectly in print preview... any help would be appreciated, I have spent a good deal of time researching this issue without any leads

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Reports :: Printing Report From Subform Control

May 30, 2013

I'm using access 2003

I've successfully printed a report from a main form control and now I'm trying to do the same with a subform control.

I'm using a query to filter the report, with the criteria of:

Code: [forms]![MainForm]![Subform].[form]![textbox]

Is there something I'm missing?

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Code Slowing Down Printing Reports?

Feb 25, 2014

I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.

This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)

So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.

So all I had to do was say:


and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!

See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.

Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean
Dim MyPrinter As Printer
PrinterOK = False
For Each MyPrinter In Printers
If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then
PrinterOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.

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Sep 27, 2005

Hello everyone.
I have a multi user database that is used across 2 sites. In one of the sites the regional settings for 'short date format' is set to dd/mm/yy - the other site its set to dd/mm/yyyy. All the data that its the tables are set to dd/mm/yy. When the second site try to use the reports and queries they permanently error due to the fact that the date look up box is setting its self to dd/mm/yyyy as per its short date format. The IT manager there refuses to change this as its - and I quote 'its not y2k compliant !!!! :mad: :eek: :confused: - anyway. I cant change the data in the table to yyyy as its a text feed and Im not in control of that.

I planned on using a hidden text box to format the date to dd/mm/yy and hence bypass the regional settings, but this queries arent recognising the new foramt and are returning null and blank tables. Im now completely lost and stuck. Can anyone help ??

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Conditional Formating Help Please

Apr 17, 2006

Good morning, all...

I have an unbound box on a form and, within the box are 25 strategically placed "X" marks (text fields) named X1 - X25. I want only one of the X marks visible based on the value of two fields, i.e., if field "Impact" = 0.5 and "Probability" = 0.3 then X23 will be visible.

Could someone please get me started with the code to accomplish this?

Thanx in advance for your assistance.
Karen :)

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Conditional Formating

Jul 13, 2005

Trying to setup a conditional format for a field on a form based on conditions from another field.

I have a form with [Field1] and [Field2]

I have a 3rd field called [New SMF]

What I want to do is have conditions on [New Field] so that if the value is greater than Field1 or less than Field2 the background of new field turns red.

How can I do this?


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Number Formating

Apr 25, 2006

Hi All,

I'm new and have a question:

I would like to display the following number 2,550,567 as 2,550 (K)

Does anyone know how to apply this custom format

Thanks in advance


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Formating Number

Mar 9, 2008

Have searched for a while, but could not find an answer. Probably is very simple.

I have a DB with orders, in order to create an ordernumber i count the orders made this year, get a result and want that result to be 3 digits (eg counted 3 should be "003")
Here is my code, but wont get what i want.

strDatumNu = Format(Now(), "yy")
lngVolgnummer = DCount("[Jaartal]", "tblLevOrder", "[Jaartal] = '" & strDatumNu & "'")
lngVolgnummer = FormatNumber(lngVolgnummer, "000")

If i put "&&&" or "___" instead of "000" i get an type mismatch error

If i have 3 records, it always returns me 3 instead of 003.

Any help?
Thanks, Tom

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Re Help Me About Date Formating

Sep 28, 2006


i am using a 2 tables where in one table my startdate format is general.
where as in another table date format is shortdate

now i want to compare 2 dates in select query

my query is

rsBreakDown.Open "select Breakdown.*,EquipmentMaster.McName from BreakDown inner join EquipmentMaster on reakdown.McNo=EquipmentMaster.McNo where startdate <=#" & dtpshow.value", conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

here startdate is in general format n dtpshow is in shortdate format

i want to compare these 2 dates

how can i?
is anybody help me?

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SQL If Statement For Formating

May 17, 2007

Can you do an SQL IIF Statement for formating? I am trying to Bold a value only if the value is greater than a value in another column.

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Formating Date

Feb 1, 2005

Hi...I am new to access...not sure if we can do that...
is there any way we can enter the date in access this way..

if we enter 01012004..the slash is added automatically..i.e the date becomes 01/01/2004.

It would be great if anyone could help me out..


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Hel P On Formating A Form Please?

Dec 5, 2005

at the minute i have a form displaying all my customers in one list, i would like to display one customers details one at a time. i was to do this so i can search through my customers etc.

there is something in the properties of the form i need to change so it only displays one customer details per form. can anyone help me?

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I Need Help With Formating Numbers

May 25, 2006

Hi: I am new at this so forgive the crudity of this code.
I have a form I am trying to do calculations on I am using code to do this as follows.

Private Sub Text108_AfterUpdate()

Dim east As Single
Dim Center As Single
Dim west As Single
Dim Ans As Single

east = Text104
Center = Text106
west = Text108
Ans = east + Center + west

Text110 = Ans / 3

End Sub




I want Text110 to show 24.7

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Formating Case

Nov 1, 2005

I have a linked table that updates regularly. It stores all words in Upper Case. I would like to mail merge out of a query but I would like to format the words so that the first letter is Upper Case and the rest of the letters are Lower Case. I have tried formating the field in the query but this doen't work.

Any way to do this?

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Custom Formating Of Dates

Sep 16, 2005


I am looking for a way to format a date in a textfield troughtout my application. I created a module containing a Function that receive a Date as parameter and returns a string. I put : =formatCustomDate([dbColumnName]) in the source field. Everything works fine when the date is not null. However if the date in the DB is null, empty, etc. The function is not even executed and I get a #Error in the field.

Why is the function not executed? Is there another way to do that? The reason I want to do that is because I want to avoid using the formating embeded in Access. I need the Function to return mm/dd/yyyy (00/00/0000).



Here is the code I used to do that:

'************************************************* ********
' Function formatCustomDate(dbDate as String) As String
'************************************************* ********

Public Function formatCustomDate(dbDate As String) As String

'MsgBox dbDate

On Error GoTo err_Wrong_Date_Type

Dim formatedDate As String

If IsNull(dbDate) Or IsEmpty(dbDate) Or dbDate = CStr("") Then
formatedDate = Empty
formatedDate = Format(dbDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")
End If

'MsgBox formatedDate

'MsgBox formatedDate
formatCustomDate = formatedDate

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
formatedDate = Empty
formatCustomDate = formatedDate
'MsgBox formatedDate
'MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
formatedDate = Format(dbDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")
'MsgBox formatedDate
formatCustomDate = formatedDate
End If

End Function

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String Formating Question

Nov 15, 2006

I have a comment that I pulled with a dlookup from a table. Example below

Interface request received and filed (nk-11/14/2006) Test file sent to vendor. (nk-11/15/2006).

I want to seperate the data based on date. Example below

11/14/2006 Interface request received and filed
11/15/2006 Test file sent to vendor.

Is there an easy way to create a loop to walk through each character and format the original data to the formatted data?

thank you

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