Formatting Report Controls

Feb 8, 2005

I have 2 questions with regards to report controls

1) is there anyway to stop calculated controls from rounding numbers off. We want 7.6 to show as 7 not 8

2) can you make negative numbers appear as zero instead of the number.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Disabling Auto-formatting Of Controls In A Form?

Jul 14, 2014

I have a problem with formating controls in a form. As a example, I inserted a tree view control and adobe reader control. After I've resized them manually in a design form, I switch into form view and they both resize automatically to their own size (don't know where it gets from).

In the result, I can't obtain the required width and height. How can I make them resizable to my own preference?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Controls In A Continuous Subform (Access2007)

Aug 28, 2013

I have a continuous subform with multiple controls (textboxes) per row.

I'm trying to set up conditional formatting such that certain textboxes are highlighted based on comparisons with other textboxes within the same row/record.

What's bothering me is, I have managed it for one, but struggling to do it for others!

For example - I want to highlight 'similar' records (i.e. possible duplications) - and have managed this by adding a textbox across the length of the row and applying the following CF expression :


DCount("[ID]","[tblMyTable]","[ID] <> " & "txtID" & " And [Field1]=" & "txtField1" & " And [Field2]=" & "txtField2" & " And [Field3]=" & "txtField3" & " And [Field4]=" & "txtField4" & " And [Field5]=" & "txtField5")>0

Works brilliantly - highlights all records where fields 1 thru 5 hold common values.

Now I want to highlight where two fields within the same record are different (i.e. they are driven by different data but should hold the same value)

Am trying this :



But it's not working - it's highlighting pairs of fields even though they do hold the same value.

Even tried switching it for a DLookup (which seems like doubling up on effort, but just to see if it worked)


DLookUp("[Field3]","[tblMyTable]","[ID]=" & "txtID")<>DLookUp("[Field4]","[tblMyTable]","[ID]=" & "txtID")

But no dice? I can't figure out why the same basic logic which works so well for the first CF, doesn't hold for the second one.

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Copying Controls From FORM To A REPORT?

Jan 9, 2006

Hey all, I am wondering if there is a way to copy and past a control from a FORM to a REPORT? I have an activex control for my digital signatures and for some reason the value is not showing up on my report, I have tryed several different ways and I was wondering if there was a way to copy the activex control and on the open of the report the value what was copyed would appear on the report. can this be done?
I believe that somehow the value is not staying in the field provided and just going directly to the table therefore I cant see it on the report. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: How To Refer To Controls In Selected Report

Jun 3, 2014

i have created a module under module section of my DB My Report Name : "PURCH VB Query"

the code is as follows : (what is want tell you later..)


Sub Erlick()
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, "PURCH VB Query", True
'"PURCH VB Query", acViewPreview, "PURCH VB Query"
For i = 1 To 3
DoCmd.PrintOut acPrintAll, , , , i
Next i

'This is for creating Seperate Text Per Copy in RptHeader Preview End Sub

i've placed a TextBox in my report named Text25 to the value :
properties-->data-->running sum--> Set to OVer all

i've also set a textbox in my report named CpyWord to the value : =IIf([Text25]=1,"Original Buyer Copy", IIf([Text25]=2,"Duplicate File copy",))

Now what is want is Three Copies of Report with Two copies marked seperately as per above IIF statement

As i want Three Copies with each Rpt-header as Different Text

Possible solutions (ba donna no a script) How do i refer to Report's control after Docmd.SelectObj.... if any facility then i can do easily thru the dazzling for next loop How do i increase Report's control Text25's value, if three copies r there I know there are many events in Report

I've stucked over this point. My all App in db is ready

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Report Formatting Problem

Dec 9, 2004

I have report that uses a query that summarizes the hours for a particular job. When I look at the query itself I get decimal numbers, such as 26.84, which is correct. But when I run the report the report rounds the numbers, instead of 26.84 I get 27. I have changed the format of the text box to General number, but it does not work. Actually the report does display some of the decimal numbers but not all of them. And all of the text boxes are the same. Hopefully someone will be able to help.

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Formatting Text For Report

May 10, 2005

I have a need to take two fields and make them appear as one with the first one bold and the second one nonbold.

The text needs to look like:

FOOD tomato
FISH cod

These are all from the same table, two fields (type, value)

To have a report look like this I figure I need to know the width of the first field and then position the second field near that position.

Any ideas.


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Formatting Names On Report

May 23, 2006

This is probably a simple question, but I can't find the answer and can't seem to be able to format my question into a searchable format, so here goes.

I'm building a report that contains names; prefix, first, last, title. I would like to somehow link these so that instead of a bunch of spaces in between the data, the data is seperated by a single space. I.e. instead of


It says:

Mr. Bob Smith, Director

Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Module To Modify Report Controls Based On Form?

Feb 12, 2015

I am trying to create a customizable report that would allow the users to choose fields. I have a pretty common code that I found online and adapted it, but it fails on the first SetReportControl function.

The error reads: Run-time error 2465: Application-defined or object-defined error

Could it be something as simple as an incorrect reference? I have checked multiple times, but I am stumped.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub MakeReport()


This is a trial run, in the end I need to be able to open a report, then adjust the Report controls within 1 or more subreports inside the main report. That is a battle for another day.

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Parsing/formatting Textfields In A Report

Jan 11, 2005

Is it possible to parse, and format a textfield in a report on a line by line basis?
What I am trying to do is get a document to be processed into a printable format using reports. The text, and formatting information of each line, and any specific word details are stored in separate columns in the table. If, for example an entire line needs to be made Bold, I can get that done. What I would like to know is that if a word in a particular line needs to be formatted differently to the rest of the line, eg underlined, is there a way to do so?

For example, if I had the line as follows:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

I'd have the default, unformatted text as one field in the table, and the word, in this case quick, and it's formatting in another field of the table.

So rather than stating my question again, can it be done?

Thanks in advance,


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Report: Formatting To Fit 1/3 Page Three Times

Aug 18, 2006

I need to print data on a pre-printed letter-sized piece of paper that will be cut horizontally into three identical 8.5" x 3.667" forms.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to format a report to get the data in the right spots. I've tried messing with the margins, height of the detail area, columns...everything I can think of. It seems I can get the data to print in the right spot on the top form but neither of the other forms and/or on the top two but not on the bottom at all.

There *must* be a way to do this.

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Reports :: Horizontal Formatting Of A Report

Apr 23, 2015

I am having a problem with the formatting of a report. My boss would like for the report to show (grouped by employee name) a horizontal list like below and update itself.

Aircraft AS350 A119 AW139 AW189
Training Hours 300 50 25 160
OJT Completion 85% 100% 25% 45%

Each training class has a category in the table showing which model(s) the training is. For OJT I got it to count up the tasks and tasks completed in each model and calculate the percentage. I can easily get it to show vertical for each employee. I cannot get it to show like above. I tried using IIF statements to pull the hours and OJT by model aircraft. If I try to put it in the detail section it shows vertical and if I put it in the group of employee name it only returns one record (I assume its still trying to show vertical). The only way I could think of to get it to show properly was a crosstab query but its my understanding those are for archival purposes or for a snapshot and do not update. This report will need to update as things are entered.

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Reports :: Report To Rtf- Right To Left Formatting?

Dec 3, 2014

A client wants to convert a report I designed for him, to a word document so he can edit it.

The report's Report.Orientation Property is set to 1 - Right-to-Left

Relevant TextBox.ReadingOrder Properties set to 2 - Right-to-Left,

and relevant TextBox.TextAlign Properties are set to 3 - Right

When exported to RTF, the document is LTR and text alignment is to the left (even though the page actual layout is seems RTL, just like the report).

Is there a way to enforce RTL layout in the exported Word file?

I am using Acc2010.

Edit: Iv'e added a sample word file. You can see it looks RTL, but is actually LTR. Set it as RTL - and it gets all disordered. Now multiply this by 47 pages...

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Forms :: Formatting Form Like Report

Jul 30, 2014

I'm working on a form that needs to look similar if not the same as the report that contains the same information. When building the reports I was able to sort the data so a value that applies to many entries appears only once at the start of the corresponding group of entries.

How can I have this effect in a form?

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Date Conditional Formatting For A Report?

Sep 20, 2012

I have set a conditional format for a report...very basic, Now()+7 and set it to format to turn red, but it will not turn red unless I click on it.

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General :: Conditional Formatting Of Report Fields

Dec 11, 2012

I am struggling to format a field on a report.

I believe it is because special charachters are in the text string

I want to highlight the field if it contains the following text

Stage 6: Won and Deploy (shipping)

Regretably, I believe Access see this as code.

I suspect I need to encapsulate it some way, but nothing seems to be working

What am I missing?? How can I force Access to see it as a text string??

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Two Fields In Report

Mar 26, 2015

In my Access 2010 report, I am attempting to perform conditional formatting of one field based on the difference between two fields. In particular, one field is "Time Scheduled" and the other field is "Time In". If the "Time In" is equal to or greater than 60 minutes of "Time Scheduled", I would like to format it to be red font. If it is less, I would like to format it to be green I can conditionally format to do this?

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Reports :: Add Conditional Formatting To Several Fields In A Report?

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to add conditional formatting to a several fields in a report. So far i can use the contional formatting to set a field called [colour] to set that field to red and bold. But i believe I need to use an Expression for all fields, so I can make all fields that = red go red. I have used the the expression:

[colour] = "red"

but nothing happens.

Expression Is [Subtotal]+[Freight] > 50

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Reports :: Formatting A Report From A Command Button

Aug 21, 2013

What I want to be able to do is have a button next to every client entry which the user can click. Once the button is clicked, I want the "person name" box in the report to be formatted to have a yellow background.The purpose of doing this is so after a couple of days when we come back to the report, we can easily see by the yellow background which people we have to follow up with.

I don't think conditional formatting will work because I have so many different "person names" in the report that it would go above the 3 rule limit, only solution in VBA.The button I created is called "Format", and this is the VBA code I have tried:

Private Sub Format_Click ()
Me.Person_Name.BackColor = vbYellow
End Sub

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Text Box On A Report

Jul 3, 2013

I have a text box on a report from the Control Source CSCS Expiry Date. The format in the table and query and report is Short Date. The Text Format is Plain Text.

I have named the text box txtCSCSExpiryDate. I would like to make the background red when the date is 01/04/2013. I have ensured the text box back style is normal.

I am using expression

And in case it was the Control Source:
[CSCS Expiry Date]=#01/04/2013#

I also tried:
[CSCS Expiry Date]<Date()

I applied the formatting each time, tried closing and re-opening the database. Changed the background format colour to green instead of red and even restarted my computer and it just stays exactly the same.

I've just noticed something else. I have a screen only button on my report header with

DoCmd.OpenReport "All_CSCSExpiry_Rpt" acViewPreview

Which has also stopped working. I get an error:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Employee Details was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Is this linked to my formatting not working?

I've just checked and on my 5 reports all of the print buttons are giving me this error! (I added the button as they are part of a navigation form menu which only shows report view, I am editing in the original report design view though.) They were working yesterday! Is it because I compacted and repaired the database?

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Reports :: Formatting Report - Alternate Row Coloring

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a report and I am having issues changing the coloring of the rows in the report. If possible, I would like the first column to be completely white with no alternating color because there is only data in one cell at the top of each grouping. So the column with "Aggregates", "Attachments", etc would have no alternating color rows below them.

In addition to this, I am having difficulty changing the alternating row color for the other columns. I'd like to use colors with more contrast. I have tried changing the color in both design and layout view, but the options for formatting row color is also greyed out, and not available for me to use. In other words, the alternate row color button on the home tab is unclickable, for lack of a better word.

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Reports :: Crosstab Report With Conditional Formatting

Feb 22, 2015

I am playing with a report. Crosstab report works, but I would like to print check mark if value is "X". Other values are "A" and "E" and they need to remain as they are.

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Forms :: Formatting Text In Report Based On Yes / No Field

Jul 25, 2014

I am having problem on formatting text on a report based on a Yes/No field using Conditional Rules Manager in Access 2010. When adding a rule [field name] = Yes the font color does not change. I have tried setting the expression to [field name] = True and still does not change the color. Adding a Yes or True in query works OK.

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Queries :: Totals Sub Report Does Not Display Currency Formatting

May 28, 2015

I have a main report with 5 sub reports. There is a detail page for each company and a totals page at the end. The record source for each sub report is a Union query (combines the detailed information with the total information.

One of the sub reports displays currency amounts. The detailed reports display the currency correctly: $26,001 (no cents). The totals sub report does not display the currency formatting: 468934

When I run just the totals query the amounts display correctly ($468,934) by using the CCUR(TotalAmount) variable type conversion. The VarType for the amount field in the totals query is 5 (double precision).

When I combine the detail query and totals query into a Union query the detail amounts display correctly but the total amount is missing the formatting.

Here is the union query.

SELECT TblCompany.TblCompanykey, FormatCurrency(ProviderCostsRetrieval([TblCompanykey],1),0) AS TotalCost
FROM TblCompany
ORDER BY TblCompany.TblCompanykey
UNION ALL SELECT 9999 AS TblCompanykey, CCur(Sum(([QryRptProviderCostsDuringPeriod.TotalCost]))) AS TotalCost
FROM QryRptProviderCostsDuringPeriod
GROUP BY 9999;

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Reports :: Formatting Report To Resemble Merged Cells

Jun 13, 2014

I'm having trouble with field borders in a report I made. The image at the URL below shows what I've made and what I want (used Excel to make a simple version of my report).Using Access 2007


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Reports :: Change Text Formatting Of Control In Report Based On Boolean

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to change the text formatting (color, italics, bold etc) of the contents of a control based on a boolean value in the underlying datasource of the report.

For instance, I have a report that generates a "Proforma Invoice" i would like to ability italicize the prices of certain items based based on a boolean value (EstimatedPrice) in the underlying datasource.

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