Formatting A Chart Into Landscape

Jan 12, 2005

how do i format a chart into landscape view. My charts always format to portrait view, but my data is in the chart as landscape, so i loose information. I cant figure out a way to get access to make my chart in landscape view.

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Pie Chart Formatting

Aug 26, 2013

I have a pie chart in my report, and when i adjust the date, the weights, which are shown in the pie chartt change. Ranging from 0%-30%. how can i format the pie chart, to not show the weightings that are zero in the labels, and in the legend?

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Reports :: Microsoft Chart Object In Report - Formatting Line Weights

May 5, 2015

Using a Microsoft Chart Object 6.0 in an Access 2010 report. It's easy enough to do the basics and that chart responds to data.In my case, I have 12 lines, or columns, being controlled by data. It responds to the data. just fine. What I want to do is control the line weight and colour of each line through VBA.

You can click on the chart itself on the report form, but formatting the line you actually want is almost impossible. Pretending we can, you get the pop-up configuration windows and the TAB "PATTERNS". Under that, you can select "LINE" and then choose the style, color and weight. This is what I need to do in VBA.

Lines like this do not work:Graph_Data.Columns("A").Line.Weight = 5
objDataSheet.Columns("A").Line.Weight = 5I tried a variety of versions of that and am pulling my hair out.

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How To Change Report To Landscape??

Dec 23, 2004

must i install a printer in order for me to change my report to landscape?.. This doesn't sound right to me.. currently my report is set to portrait and when i go to page setup (menu option) i receive a msg saying i must install a printer first.. is this the only place where i can set my report to landscape?.. is there a property i've overlooked?.. thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Export To PDF In Landscape?

Oct 16, 2014

I am currently trying to export a query to PDF, but I want it to be in landscape. Is this possible? Here is the code that I have so far as well.

If Not IsNull(displayQuery) And displayQuery <> "" Then
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, displayQuery, acFormatPDF, OutputString, True, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint
MsgBox ("You Must First Select a Query to Export!")
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Redesigning PDF Report From Portrait To Landscape Mode

Jan 11, 2015

I have an existing report generated in Access 2007 that is currently in Portrait mode and I want to reformat the data so that it fits into Landscape mode.

The report consists of a main report and 2 subrports.

I have managed to do the majority of the reformatting to both the main and subreports except that I can't figure out how to change the layout of the actual data that is displayed.

What I'm talking about is the "slider" control (if this is what you call it) that is displayed on on the main report.

I have attached a few screen shots ....

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Can Form UseMicrosoft Excel Chart Instead Of Microsoft Chart Wizard

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a chart in a form, this is not a problem, however, the chart types available are a bit limited compared to if i inserted a Microsoft Excel Chart object.

I'd do that except I'm trying to create a chart based on a query.

Is there a way to make the chart wizard use the Microsoft Excel Chart object as its chart creator so I have access to the chart types available in that object?

any assistance much appreciated.

thanks all.



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Reports :: Multiple Page Layouts In One Report - Portrait And Landscape

Oct 23, 2013

Is it possible to have part of a report set to portrait, but another part set to landscape? Like you can in Word by adding section breaks and setting the page layout separately for each section?

I have a "MainReport" comprised of 5 sub reports which are all portrait. Now I've been asked to add a 6th section and it will need to be landscape. I tried and tried to get it all on a portrait page but it's just too cramped.

I could keep them as two reports and have the command button simply run the second one at the same time. The thing is, that button "prints" the main report to a PDF file and emails it. And I don't want the new report to be in a separate PDF.

If you can't have separate sections, then is there any way to print separate Access reports into a single PDF? I'm using CutePDF but would be open to trying a different PDF printer if appropriate.

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Reports :: Unable To Print Landscape Oriented Report A4 Size

Mar 11, 2013

I have a landscape oriented report which is A4 size. When I select Landscape in print preview the result is cut off on the right. In the form's design mode I get a little green triangle on the top-left which tells me that the form is wider than the page size. Is this because I am using a default printer with a portrait setting?

I want to avoid having to change the default printer for each different form orientation. I am printing to a pdf printer (pdfCreator which doesn't appear to have a landscape output setting) while testing my design so as not to waste ink & paper.

I am using Windows XP SP3 with Access 2007.

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Limit Chart To Date Range / Chart Isn't Updating

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with a chart , 2 textboxes for start date and end date and a button to filter the data( filter the data by date range) How do i continue from that? The chart isnt updating.

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Forms :: Default Formatting Option In Conditional Formatting Dialog?

Aug 1, 2014

Need to confirm whether the Default formatting option in the Conditional formatting Dialog won't work in datasheet view of a form. Please note that all conditional criteria are working fine but not the Default Formatting option - only in the Datasheet view (In Single Form view the default formatting is working fine)

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Main Report Portrait Sub Report Landscape

Dec 20, 2004


Can you tell me if it is possible to create a main report with a Portrait view and then add a sub report to the main report and print this out in landscape mode. If you can please can you advise on the best way to do this. Thanks PWF

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Help With A Chart

Oct 11, 2005

I have a stack bar chart that shows hours an event took including delays so its 3 stacked bars. I want to add a goal or target line to the chart but can't seem to keep the bars stack because I have to change the chart type. Any ideas ??


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Need Chart Help

Jun 12, 2007

I have a report that is populating from one query. It takes data for a year and groups it by month with the lost time for that month. I am comparing 3 years data 20005, 2006, and 2007. I have set the chart up and it looks good except that my time for each month goes into the data area as a "CountOf" lost time and all months are therefore one. I want to show the lost time for each month. I have tried right clicking on the field in the data area and Autocalc is set to Count, but everything else is grayed out and unavailable. How can I change this setting to just display the value? Thanks in advance for the help.

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Dec 5, 2005

I need some help with charts:

I know that the wizard wont allow me to put in more than six fields in the chart. Is there any way that I can get around this???

PivotChart: if i have a field named "Jan", when i put it in the pivot chart or table as a sum, it changes the name to Sum_Of_Jan. Is there any way that i can change this??
thank you.

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Where Did I See That Chart?

Mar 27, 2006

I once saw in this forum a link to a table that had instructions for referencing forms, controls, subforms and all that good stuff depending on which form you are on. I have searched and searched and I can't retrace my steps to find it again. Could someone please point me to it?



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Chart Help

Oct 18, 2006

What field do I select from my table and where do I place them on the sample
graph in order to get a pie chart showing the correct information?

I'm trying to insert a chart into a report. Each page of the report is for
a different model name and then breaks down the model into parts:

Model 1
section a=25% section b=30% section c=45% ....

I would like a pie chart to represent the way each model is broken down (one
slice=section a, one slice=section b....)

Here is the table I'm trying to base the charts off of:
section a section b section c
Model 1 25 30 45
Model 2 ..................

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Chart Query

Aug 19, 2006

I'm currently using MS Access 2000 - When using the chart wizard is there any way of sorting the data by month ? At present I'm getting all my data on one chart but I want to spilt this into seperate months. (ie; 1 chart for July, 1 chart for Aug etc) I know there is the option for choosing 'between dates' but I don't want to have to do a fresh chart every time



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Max 6 Fields Per Chart?

Nov 22, 2006


I am trying to add a chart to a form/report which will show sickness for each month (ie. 12 fields).

When I goto insert - chart and start adding my fields Access tells me I'm only allowed six!

What am I doing wrong?


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Two Plots On One Chart

Jul 16, 2007

I'm paying a programmer a lot of money to make me a financial application with MS-Access 2003.

What I need is a Moving Average superimposed over a Candlestick Chart.

But he tells me Access 2003 cannot perform this miraculous feat..!!

Is there anyone in this or any forum/support group that can verify that it is impossible to have two plots on one graph..???

Please & Thank you
Glenn Pilkey
The Web Group

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Help With Query For A Chart

Apr 4, 2006

Hey,I have a table with a date of birth field and I need to produce a pie chart showing age groups from this.The groups should be:< 16> 15 < 18> 17Help me!

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Query For Chart

Nov 20, 2007

I want to make a chart that shows the number of PLANNED CLOSE DATES and the number of ACTUAL CLOSE DATES for each month of the current financial year.
How do I make the Query to base this chart on?

Its been driving me crazy! :confused:

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Query For A Chart?

Dec 6, 2007

I have a table called Projects
Each project has a Target Close Date
And some have an Actual Close Date

I want to create a chart that has months on the vertical axis (July to June)
and number of projects on the Horizontal axis

Then I want 2 lines on the chart showing how many projects were supposed to be completed and how many actually completed by each month. ie a running total

I think I need to make a query to get the data for this chart, but i dont know how...

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Basic Chart?

Jul 6, 2005

I have a table with eight fields. I want to do a chart where I the piles are "tighten" togther two and two. I would like the chart to look something like this (Example):

|___ _ __________________________
|___|x|______ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____
|___|x|_ ___ _| |___|x|_ ____|x|___
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |____|x|____
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |__ _|x|____
|___|x| |___|x| |___|x| |__| |x|____

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Chart On Form

Aug 26, 2004


I am trying to get a chart to work on a form,

I want the 'Results' to be the data shown (lines),
over the date range (bottom),
with value range (left)

I can't get it to do this though...

can someone please help....


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Chart / Report Help!

Oct 18, 2004

Report repeats the SAME chart for each value on the x-axis (i.e. x-axis is the date and same chart repeats for each month). The chart on the first page is correct and is the only chart I need. How can I change the settings of the chart so the report is the first page???

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