Formatting Table Colors On Access?

Jul 22, 2015

1. Can we have the cells within access table change color when their input changes as in excel? For Ex:

If the input for a cell inside Column "Status" says "Pending" then the cell color is orange.If it says "Completed" then color is green?

Is this possible on Access?

2. Also is it possible to change the color of Column headings?

I tried changing the color but found that the entire table changed colors with alternate rows.

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Conditional Formatting A Table In Access 2013

Nov 4, 2013

I have a table in access and I need to format it so that when column "Status" = "Closed" column "Closed" = "yes". so it will automatically mark column "Closed" "yes" if "status" says "closed". Instead of having to change both columns all the time.I know how to do that in MS Excel, but is it possible in MS Access 2013?

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Alternate Row Colors On Reports With Microsoft Access

Dec 6, 2006

Dear All:

I have a report in Access 2000 showing names, ID numbers, Address and dates.

I wish to have alternate colors instead of the default white backgroud Access has.

Any ideas on how to start?

Many thanks,


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Forms :: Possible To Store Colors In A Form Or Table And Then Reference Them While In VBA

Dec 5, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

I have played around but with no success. Technewonline is a website that specializes in introducing the latest technologies such as Best Tablet Android Have Price Under $200 and Best tablet of Apple in 2014 and The Best Midrange Smart Phone In 2014 and Top Best Ultrabook Of 2014 and The Best Phones 4G Valued At Under 300 USD is also a website for sharing your tips about computers, mobile phones and tablets, products are available from leading supermarkets will surely satisfy you.

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Where Did All The Colors Come From?

Nov 24, 2005

When I opened my database today, all the tables had turned blue??

Does that signafies anything? How can I reset the table in plain white??

Any help is appreciated!

an absolsute access beginner!

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Feb 15, 2005

Anyone know how to convert a color code from something like:


To something that Access will recognize?


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Access And Its Xml Formatting

Mar 7, 2006

hi all, first time poster, with an awkward question.

i'll save you my life story but suffice to say i'm just 3 weeks into a 6mnt work placement from college and i could do with a bit of help.

the company i'm working with has to generate an xml document (preferably with access) corresponding to this schema (

the problem so far as i can make out is that when i import this xsd into ms access - i'm presented with a rediculous number of tables and in turn these are not related, i.e. there is nothing to say that the e-mail address table is associated with the header table. (having them in one table makes more sense to me, but i'm not an expert, all i know is i have to comply with this xsd.)

when the data is exported to xml format, it's meant to look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EUSavings formversion="1" periodstart="01/07/2005" periodend="31/12/2005" language="E">
<TaxNumber taxtype="4">1234567T</TaxNumber>
<NameDetails>Joe Bloggs</NameDetails>
<AddressLineDetails Type="Line1">Test Road</AddressLineDetails>
<AddressLineDetails Type="Line2">Test City</AddressLineDetails>
<NameDetails>Paul O'Neill</NameDetails>
<NameDetails>Tom Paul</NameDetails>
<AddressLineDetails>New Road</AddressLineDetails>
<AddressLineDetails>New City</AddressLineDetails>

everyone in this company is completely new to xml and seeing as i have a little experience with it from college i've got quite a bit of pressure on me to try and make this work.

so, my question is: how would i go about exporting data from access into a xml document which conforms to the xtd, and looks like the xml code above?

is access capable of doing this?

they want this solved programatically, but nobody here knows how to do it.

can anyone offer guidelines on how to tackle this? any help would be really appreciated, i'm in over my head

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Forms :: Default Formatting Option In Conditional Formatting Dialog?

Aug 1, 2014

Need to confirm whether the Default formatting option in the Conditional formatting Dialog won't work in datasheet view of a form. Please note that all conditional criteria are working fine but not the Default Formatting option - only in the Datasheet view (In Single Form view the default formatting is working fine)

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Row Background Colors

Feb 13, 2007

I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings?

I have found examples of how to change the color of alternate rows, but I can't find anything that would tell me if what I want to do is possible.

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List Box With Colors

Aug 8, 2005

How I can do a form whit a list box whit different colors for each record ?

Thank you

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Combo Box Colors

Dec 22, 2005

Hi, All...

Can someone tell me how to change the color (back and fore) within a combo box? I have set both in the properties window and it works fine but, as you scroll through the list within the box, the colors of the active line (back and fore) change to something completely different.

Any assist would be greatly appreciated!

Thanx ;<)

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Keep Access Formatting In HTML

May 4, 2007

.HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "<LI>Resolution Description: " & Nz(Me!ResolutionDesc, "")

How can I keep the formatting of the ResolutionDesc memo field (ie Line Feeds and carriage returns) when I add it to an HTML email like this?


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Another Access Condtional Formatting ?

Aug 27, 2004

My question is two fold. First, I have an Access Report that lists the training due dates of my people. What I need to do is have the cells highlight when they are due/comming due. My guess was with conditional formatting. I have tried the Excel version of that without success.

My second is for the same report. I need to find out percentage of how many people are still current for this training.

Thank you in advance,
Military guy in need,

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Access To Excel Formatting

Jan 10, 2006

I have sort of a loaded question. I have some code that is taking a bunch of records returned from a text box value which is running a query. The results are placed in a List Box. I then have a button set that grabs the returned records and exports them to a Specific Excel File.

1. Can I set the text size so that the imported text is automatically set to size 9?

2. Can I set it up so that the imported records start at row 3? Leaving the first two rows blank.

3. And Finally, can I preset a few column widths?

I appreciate any help in advance.....thanks for all your help up to this is very appreciated.

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Question With Formatting Name In Table

Jul 15, 2007

Hello, i have a excel spreadsheet that has a column with a persons surname (comma) and firstname i.e Steve, Jones.

I export this spreasheet in Access, but would like to splitt the surname and first into separate columns in the table.. whats the easiest way to do this?? Thanks

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Need Help Formatting Results In Table

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to create custom "icons" using values retrieved from an access db. Right now, I'm pulling records that match the user's name(Fname) or "default", then assigning the returned values variables and plugging those variables in as the image, URL, and title of the "icon". The problem is that this setup will only retrieve the first record from the db that matches "Fname" or "default" and I want to create seperate "icons" for each record that matches "Fname". I can pull all matching records using the maketable(), but then I don't know how to format these as I have here to make additional "icons". My source code is included below:

Code: <% if Fname <> "" thenopencnset rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") SQL="SELECT ID, Date_Time, URL, Icon, Title, Description, Status FROM Submission WHERE Technician ='" & Fname & "' OR Technician='Default'" Set rs = cn.Execute(sql, , adCmdText)ID = rs.fields(0)URL = rs.fields(2)Icon = rs.fields(3)Title = rs.fields(4)rs.closecloseCNend if%><a href="<%=URL%>" target="new"><img border="0" title="<%=Title%>" src="menupics/<%=Icon%>.gif"></a><br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial" size="2"><%=Title%></font>

Any help anyone could provide on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. -Chris Gordon

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Back Ground Colors

May 3, 2006

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to translate the background colors used in Access to RGB?

Thank you.

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Dressing Up A Form - Colors

Jan 13, 2006

I built a really good database and now I want to dress it up a bit. Does anyone know how to change the color of a command button ? (access 2003)

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Hex Coding For Colors? At Work/need Sol'n

Sep 16, 2004

reading code behind form and came across:

&HFHEFEF, and &HFFEFFE and the like relating to certain colors: where is this magical "chart/table" of equivalents? Need soon..thanks..teball20 (teddy)

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Alternating Colors In Form

Oct 6, 2004

Is there a way to have alternating colors in a form?

I would like every record to alternate between Grey and White.


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Forms :: Storing Colors Then Using In VBA

Nov 8, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

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How To Get First Form To Change Colors

May 22, 2013

A couple of days ago I was looking to change a form button color in a new database I was working on, I could not. I changed the Back Color to #22B14C but it stayed the same grey color. I could not make the change in that form in that database.

Then I went into a different database that I built and I noticed that the Command Buttons within the form was blue, I changed it to #22B14C and it turned green. What the difference is. I copied the button to the first stated database and in that form and the color stayed to grey even though the Back Color was set at #22B14C. I noticed that the database that the form that I could change the color had Hover and Press color options whereas the first database does not. I copied the form that I could change the button colors to the first database and I could change the colors but they had changed from the second database to the first, I could change the colors but the Hover and Press options were gone.

how I get the first form to change colors and what is the difference between the two databases?

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Web App - Product With Multiple Colors

Jun 25, 2014

I was creating a access web app for my company and want to create a data for its product. Each product will have multiple colors and different material are used for each color. The number of colorways for a product varies.

We want to be able to select a product and a lookup field will appears for us to choose its colorway.

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New To Access, Auto Formatting Tables

Jun 17, 2005

Hey guys, very new to access.

I've been put in charge of setting up a database for work which stores statement and invoice information.

I'm just wondering how I can auto format a field.
I'm guessing it's in the "Validation" section.

A statement is a collective of invoices for each month.
So each March '05 Statement will contain all March '05 Invoices

Basically, what I would like it to be able to do (:)) is for the date inputed into the database, it creates it's own "statementnumber".

Eg. March '05 will create a number as 305 for example. 3 being the month, 05 being the year.
Because I need a common number to setup a relationship of One-to-Many.
Just wondering if this was possible.

Thanks guys :)

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Access Database Date Formatting

Jun 14, 2005

I hope someone can help me here because I'm pulling my hair out... Anyway... Basically I'm trying to save and retrieve a UK date (dd/mm/yyy) to an Access database using asp. The database resides on a server located in the US

Things I've tried so far:

-- Specifiying Session.LCID both in Global.asa and individual ASP pages

-- Using Custom formatting to format date before entering into database (using SPLIT function)

-- Using custom formatting to format date AFTER retreiveing from database

The problem is that the date seems to change how it's stored in the database. If I entered "16/02/1982", it would be saved in teh database as '02/16/1982".. but if I entered "03/04/2005" it would save it as this.. So fomatting after retreiveing the date from the DB just messes everything up!

Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this other than moving to a UK server?

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Formatting Access Export To Excel?

Jul 9, 2013

I am looking to export a table to excel from access. I would like to order the transaction category column in a specific order(round trip air far, parking, lodging etc),. I have a button that runs a make query table and exports it to excel. I would like the rows to be in the order of transactions category. What code would I need in the button to make this order correct?

I have attached some code below.

Private Sub ExportDebitsButton_Click()
Dim oApp As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset


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