Forms :: 3 Linked Drop Down Boxes

Aug 13, 2013

Is there a way in which i can link three drop down boxes together?

I'll create an example of what I mean...

I'll attach a Excel file which contains two identical filters, one of them where the filter is turned on.

If I select the "Serviced" filter, I am left with three options for "Make" and two options for "color".
If I select the "color" as "White" I am left with just one "Make" - "MG".

I understand that some sort of "hierarchy" needs to be in place so I will Make it so that "Serviced" Must be entered first, then "Color" then "Make" so that if you select a different "Service", the "Color" and "Make" will repopulate with the appropriate values.

This is certainly possible with a REDICULOUS amount of coding that would map each value to its corresponding values however is this possible some other (easier) way?

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Drop Down Boxes In Form Linked?

Jan 28, 2005

I have a form ive created as part of my database used for data input.

Someone opens the form , enters their project number, and then enters what country it is in, what region it is in, and what sub region it is in. They are all dropdown menus with the information coming from a table via a lookup wizard.

What i want is when someone choses england in the country field, i want the region field to only displays the regions in england, and then in the sub region field i want only the sub regions that are in the regions displayed in the drop down list.

Anyone know how i can achieve this please?

I have attached a copy of the forms and tables

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Forms :: Multiple Values For Drop Down Boxes

Feb 19, 2014

I have created a database that has both English and French forms feeding information into the same table. I'm not concerned if the info stored in the table is stored in French or in English. It all works fine other then the drop down boxes in the forms, here I only seem to be able to either have the English or the French options visible on both the English and the French form. Is there a way to have the English options on the English form and the French options on the French form, both feeding the results into the same field in the table.

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Forms :: Drop Down List Linked To Table - Names Not Appearing Alphabetically

Sep 14, 2014

I have drop down list linked to table included "agent names" , the names appeared normally in the form but not Alphabetic (A-Z) although the table was alphabetic .

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Drop Down Boxes

Jun 3, 2004


I have a drop down box that gets its data from an access database. How do I stop it showing duplicates using ASP

New to this forum looks good



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Merge Drop Down Boxes.

Mar 17, 2008

OK, below is a pic, should help explain.


I have a drop down box which shows Quote: Code | Surname | Forename | Faculty | Team However I can only get 1 drop down box to enter its data into one cell. What I want is for 1 drop down box where there are currently 4 which will fill in all the details.

Any ideas


image link


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How To Search Via Drop Down Boxes

Mar 1, 2013

I am just starting out with a database and last night got more success than I imagined in that I have the basic database, a usable form and a report set up and displaying mostly as I want.What I would like to do is to be able to look on a form and select certain criteria and only see records that fall into them.The database is for magazines so for example I would like to be able to select "Prima" magazines and only see those, then maybe select 2005 and only see the Prima magazines i have from 2005,

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General :: Drop Down Menus - Linked List

Jan 31, 2014

I have a number of drop down menus to select Building Name, Building Number and then Equipment Name and Equipment Number. I want the list to be linked so that when you select the building name the building number is picked up. Also I want the Equipment List's with to change so that once the building has been selected only the equipment available in that building is available to be selected. Is there a way I can do this?

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Relationships And Building Drop Down Boxes From Various Tables

Aug 2, 2006


I am trying to build a database in which there is a main table and in this main table there are products and there are types of products eg.

Ringtones - is the Product and Type - True Tone(mp3), category - R&B
another eg is Graphic is the product and Wallpaper is the type of graphic Category - friends .

I would like to combine this so when you are in the MAIN products table with
"Code" ,"Product" ,"Type" , "Category", "Title", "Artist" and "Price" that the drop down boxes say for instance when you click on "product" and you chose ringtone then in the "type" column there are only the options from the Ringtone type and not also for graphic etc.. is this hectic to do?
Hope I have explained it ok...?
Thanks !
Really hope some one can help me with this ?
Cape Town

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Simulate Drag And Drop Between Two List Boxes

Jan 20, 2005

Hello to all
The problem that I am facing is the following. I am trying to create a form that has the following:
1. A combo box in which you select from a list of users
2. A list box which is populated when I select a user showing me the courses that they have to take
3. Another list box that is populated when I select a course showing me the dates available for that course
4. Finally a third list box which is populated by what I drag or double click on the dates list box basically scheudling the user to his courses.

The first 3 parts of this done what is left to do now is the hard part which is to be able to drag and drop the dates in the other listbox which basically maps that user to that course date and populates the corresponding table. Any suggestions on how to do this would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance

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Reports :: Drop Down Boxes Before Opening Report?

May 16, 2014

I've made a query and designed a report for it. Simply it includes:

Area code, customer name, other customer details.

I want other people, when they click on the report to be given a drop down box which allows them to choose a specific area code before it generate the report. So, for example, they just want to look at Yorkshire region records, they choose Yorkshire from the drop down box and it'll generate the Yorkshire report. I've searched around but can't find what these are called.

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Drop-Down Boxes And Multi-Field Searches

Jan 12, 2015

I am designing a search query that will allow the user to look up a record in a database to view it. I have everything already set up, and most of it working properly.

The user can recall a database entry using 7 different criteria--Type, Customer, PartNo, JobNo, Warehouse, Bin, and Shelf. The Type and Warehouse entries on the database are drop-down values, the other 5 values are text entries.

So far, I have been able to get the look up query to pull up the desired records on the Customer, PartNo, JobNo, Bin, and Shelf criteria using

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search Form]![Customer] & "*"

However, with Type and Warehouse criterion, the two that use drop-down boxes in the database, I have been unsuccessful in being able to call up any records using either the above partial or the more exact:

=[Forms]![Search Form]![Type]

I did try to change Type to a textbox on the look up query, but that was similarly unsuccessful. On a side note, I must use drop-downs on the Warehouse field since I have another query that concatenates that value with a couple others.

How can I, without delving into VB coding unless absolutely necessary, format the lookup query so that it will read the values of the drop downs?

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Attaching Dates To Drop Down Check Boxes

Feb 10, 2014

I want to be able to attach a date field to a dropdown check box. For example, say I have a client who we submit multiple deliverables to on different dates. I want to be able to check the deliverables submittted and add the date for that deliverable (each deliverable has a different date). image which is how the drop down is currently set up.

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Reports :: Result Of Drop-down From Query Puts X In 1 Of 19 Boxes

Jul 15, 2014

I have a query which works perfectly fine, it's the report that I'm having issues with displaying correctly.

My report is a daily personnel accountability report that shows where everyone is for the day. Instead of having a cumbersome query like I did before, I have opted to just use the results of the selected drop-down option to move the X to the appropriate box of where so-and-so is for the day.


If [marked_as] = 1 Then
Me.Morning.Value = "X"
ElseIf [marked_as] = 2 Then
Me.Afternoon.Value = "X"
ElseIf [marked_as] = 3 Then
Me.Evenings.Value = "X"
End If

I was unable to get it to work accurately outside of showing the three dummy names under the same column, even though the three dummy names were each placed in one of the three test categories.

I have this set as a private function called when the report loads, which is based on a query that filters down to the exact department or office (depending on the user's selection). Like I said, that part works fine, it's getting the code to accurately display in the correct column.

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Populating A Table With Data Based On Drop Down Boxes

Sep 6, 2011

I am trying to setup a database in order to demonstrate a tie in between active directory and the HR side of a business.As such, I would like to select two fields from drop down menus that reference in Department and Location tables, but use this data to actually Populate the Personnel Records table rather than Query.I know this is not normally best practice from a DBA perspective.

I have this setup already in Filemaker, just through using relationships.However, I want to move to Access, as it is more industry standard and much lighter weight, so am trying to find the best way.I have attached two pics of my filemaker database, and a zipped copy of my Access file.

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Access 2002: Selected Data In Drop-down Boxes Blacked Out!

Apr 1, 2008

Hi everyone!

Why is it that everytime I print a report containing Drop-down Boxes, the selected value for that particular record is blacked out?

This is a screenshot of what I'm talking about: http://ww
All the blacked-out bits are supposed to be the selected values for each record.

I use Microsoft Access 2002. How can I fix this so that the actual value is legible?

To recreate the problem:
1) My table contains a field (called "Colour") that can only be satisfied by certain values ("Black"; "White"; "Coloured") as defined by a drop-down list.
2) I enter a record about a white scarf. Therefore under "Colour", I select "White" from the drop-down list.
3) I make a report from my table.
4) I print the report.
5) However, when I look at the record of the white scarf, all I see under "Colour" is a box containing the values "Black" and "Coloured", and in between them, the selected value "White" should be, is a black line.


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Text Boxes Linked To The Same Field

Jan 30, 2006

Is it possible to link multiple text boxes to the same field in a table

For example allowing three boxes for the entry of an address however it is all copied into the one field in the database?

Thanks for the help

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Forms :: Database With 3 Tables - Linking Combo Boxes And Text Boxes

Jul 29, 2015

I currently have 3 tables within a database with student details of three different classes. I need to create a user form that has a dropdown box which I can select a student from one of these tables with a number of text boxes below which brings up all the students details, then once the student has been selected and the correct details are shown then I need to create a button which allows me to move that student from one table to another.

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Forms :: Changing Multiple Text Boxes To Combo Boxes?

Mar 14, 2014

there is a way to convert multiple text boxes to combo boxes all at once, rather than right clicking on them one at a time, and selecting Change to.

I have a form with about 50 fields and most of them need to be converted to combo boxes. I'd always done it manually one at a time up to this point, but I'm trying to build up my learning and look for smarter ways to do things.

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Forms :: Search Form Using Both Combo Boxes And Check Boxes

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to make a search option in my form header. Right now I have two unbound combo boxes (CboAccountsfilter and cboCourseName) that I can use to filter my records. Currently, I can use the drop down for CboAccountsfilter and a list of accounts will appear. When I select one, the corresponding Course Names will appear in cboCourseName. This works fine...Code below. I would like to take the filtering a step farther and add checkboxes to filter the data. I my form, there currently exist several check boxes (yes/no)...(Priority, Rep Top Target, Manager Top Target, ect). I would like to have the option to use a check box to filter. I.E if I had a checkbox in my header called PriorityFilter, if checked it would only bring up those records that met the two combo boxes criteria and was a priority.

Below is the code I have so doesnt have anything for the checkbox because I am at a lost of how to get started.

Private Sub CboAccountsfilter_Change()
End Sub


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Forms +List Boxes +Text Boxes With Formulas

Nov 8, 2004

I have a form with a List Box (List BoxA) that returns a value from a query. I then have a Text Box (Text BoxB) that uses the value from List BoxB and multiplies it by let's say 2. It works giving me the correct value but only becomes visible after I click inside List BoxA. How can I make it visible as soon as the form is opened? I tried refreshing the form data, didn't work and I tried a requery macro which didn't work either.



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General :: Any Way That Access Could Create A Drop Down Box Within A Drop Down Box?

Jul 24, 2012

Is there anyway that access could create a drop down box within a drop down box? For instance, when a selection is made in a drop down box, it opens another drop down box with choices.And is it possible to link an inserted image from a form to open in MSPaint that when it opens, the image is already there?

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How Can You Use Drop Down Combo Box In Forms

Jul 4, 2005

Hi I'm a beginner using access and I was wondering if it's possible to choose a value from a combo box in a form (like a customer #) and when chosen the rest of the fields would get the corresponding values from table CUSTOMER. I have made the customer info a sub-form in my main form called ORDER your help will be greatly appreciated

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Forms :: Drop Down To Filter With All Records?

Mar 25, 2015

I can create a dropdown list to filter my form (text) however im struggling to get back to showing all the data prior to my drop down selection.

ive tried refreshing and requerying with no success.

I would either like to get a drop down with the addition of "all records" in it or a refresh button.

the form that this is on is a sub form.

I could reference the drop down to a number if required.

Additionally: When I have selected my choice from the drop down box it blacks out "selects all". Is there away of making the list just select and lose focus so to speak.

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Forms :: Conditionally Formatting A Drop-down Box

Apr 30, 2014

I work for a doctor, and I am creating a database to assist with surgery scheduling. There are a lot of pieces and parts to this process, and I am building a "bird's eye view" of tasks to be completed, such as "Notified OR," "Sent Surgery Packet," and "Scheduled Post-Op Appt." Each one of these fields has a lookup attached to it with three choices: "Yes," "No," and "Not Needed."

What I want is for the drop-down box with the three choices to be (a) automatically defaulted to "No," (b) immediately turn red if "No" is displayed or immediately turn green if "Yes" or "Not Needed" is displayed. In this way, the goal for our scheduler will be to get all the drop-downs to turn green (an easy visual cue that the patient is ready for surgery) by the date of the procedure.

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Forms :: Retaining Drop Down Value For Next Record

Apr 27, 2015

After choosing a dropdown value and filing in other required fields, I click Add Record. Is there a way to retain the same value in the dropdown list assuming it will often be the SAME AS dropdown value (e.g., the same customer) of the record I just added?

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