Forms :: Access 2003 / Do Not Display Form Until Fully Loaded

Sep 23, 2013

Access 2003

I have a rather complex form with an ODBC connection to data that takes some time to load.

The Form has a continuous subform I am using in place of a listbox to select records (I need more functionality than a listbox)

The Form's Record Source is a query

When the form opens, I does so in pieces as it populates

I'd like to either keep the form hidden until it completely loads

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Forms :: Timer Event - Wait Until Form Fully Loaded Before Visible

Nov 7, 2014

I have tried using a timer event to not show a form until it is fully loaded, to no avail.

If CurrentProject.AllForms("FONNewEdit").IsLoaded = True Then
Me.Visible = True
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End If

I have tried using the onload, onopen but the form still displays before being fully loaded.

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Forms :: Importing Navigation Form Between Access 2003 Databases

Mar 31, 2015

When I import a form with the Navigation control on it The following attributes of the navigation buttons are changed to #FFFFFF:

Hover Color, Pressed Color, Hover Fore Color, Pressed Fore Color

I was hoping to be able to automate the updating of customers databases by sending them a database which would export the required objects rather than the whole front end database. I can think a way around this by including code in the form so that it changes the attributes to the desired values, which are:

Accent 1, Accent 1, Background 1 and Background 1. But I would rather not have to do that.

It is interesting to note that the Border Color attribute is not changed on importing.

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General :: Possible To Permanently Display File Path In Access 2003 Main Title Bar?

Nov 22, 2012

Is it possible to permanently display the file path in Access 2003 main title bar? I.e. whatever object is open the filepath is shown.

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Set Properties In Non-loaded Forms

Feb 17, 2006

Hi all,

I would like to set the filter property in some forms that are not loaded. Does anybody now how these forms and their properties can be accessed via VBA?


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Malfunctioning Forms When Loaded From Switchboard

Apr 23, 2013

I have a db that I added a switchboard to; it has 6 buttons, the first 4 work correctly. The remaining 2 buttons, Btn5 and Btn6 load forms "Gallery" and "Beginner_Pics" that display pictures. These 2 forms work perfectly when I load them directly. These Forms do not pause for a comboBox selection to be made; they act as though a selection was made ending with my error message display. No subsequent ComboBox selections work thereafter. At first I thought the Switchboard was loading old Forms, since the Switchboard was developed before the last two forms were totally debuged, but all old Forms have all been deleted. I do not know where to look for the problem Switchboard or the errant forms. Is it possible I need an "On Load" Event Procedure to force a ComboBox selection?

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Forms :: Multiple Monitors - Different Form Display On Each Monitor From Single Access DB

Apr 25, 2013

I have built a few Access DBs and am looking to improve my development skills and attemt to migrate my Access DB to SQL Azure. I find access to be a very powerful development environment to build rapid applications . How to use multiple monitors so that I can display different forms on each monitor from a single Access DB.

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Forms :: Display Field List For The Table Associated With Form - Access 2010

May 21, 2013

I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.

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Modules & VBA :: Determining If Another Form Is Loaded In Add Mode

Feb 2, 2014

I have two related forms.One is a list of transactions and the other is used for both inquiry and adding new transactions. If the Inquiry form is just sitting in Add mode and the List form tries to open it in Edit mode, it won't open. Is there a way I can tell from the List form that the Inquiry form is in Add mode and either close it or tell the operator about the issue?

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Modules & VBA :: Check Status Of Insert Key (On Or Off) When Form Is Loaded

Sep 12, 2014

is there a way in vba we can check the status of Insert key if it is on or off when the form is loaded?

i want for the insert key to be on, where the key strokes write over the existing entry.

i do set the key preview to "yes" in the form, and it works fine, but i wanted it only on a specific object.

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Forms :: Command Buttons For Access 2003?

Mar 16, 2013

I am making a database for some people I work with, I'm having trouble with making a button to work. I want a button to go to the next tab on the tab control, but still in the same record. I prefer not to use the vba, but if I need to use it

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Access 2003 And Automatically Finding Records In Forms

Jul 19, 2005

I currently Have this form setup in 2 sections. The first section includes 2 text boxes for Eligibility Number (field name = EligibilityNum) and the second for School (SchoolName). The second section is a subform called sfrmSchools that includes all the eligibility numbers, schools and other useful information.

I have created an Access 2003 database from a ledger. The main key is an eligibility number that corresponds to a school. There are over 2000 schools in my database. How can I program Access to automatically find the record (eligibility number or school) if I type it in the first section. For instance if I was looking for a given school with an eligibility number of 5670A0324. If I type in '56' I would be taken to those eligibility numbers with 56 to show. Same for if I typed in the name of a school. If the school I wanted started with 'D', I would be taken to them.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanning Into Combo Box - MS Access 2003

Jul 31, 2013

I designed an inventory control software and we are managing our stock through barcode scanning, it is working well although i have a problem to solve that i have put a combo box for scanning code 39 barcode, upon scan the barcode a code is entered into combo box and then we need to press the "ENTER" key to go for new record, we would like to ms access form to automatically go to new record when a code input from scanner.

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Speeding Up MS Access 2003 Form

Jan 13, 2005

I have created a form to summarize sales data for the past two years. The form uses a tab control with 12 tabs(By Region, Country, State, SalesRep, etc.). Each tab has its own subform link to its own query(Each query has two subqueries so that I can get percent difference). The subforms also have total fields at the bottom in the footer. The sales data comes out of two differnt tables so I can compare this year to last year. My problem is speed. It takes about 35 seconds for the form to open. Is there a smarter way to do this.

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Adding Pictures To Forms And Reports (Access 2000 Vs 2003)

Apr 8, 2006

I have successfully used the recommended way to display images from a folder in a form as posted on the microsoft website.

These instructions were for Access 2000. I noticed that there are seperate instructions for doing this using Access 2003.:

My questions are:
1. If multiple users access this database using different versions of Access (2000 and 2003) will it not work for some?
2. do i have to modify code if i update to 2003?

Thanks for youir feedback!

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Problem While Updating Table Data Using Forms In MS Access 2003

Feb 1, 2005


i am getting stuck while updating the data in the database table using a command button in the MS Access2003 forms. when i click the command button in the form, a message "Run time 2185: you cant refer to a property or method for a control unless the control has a focus". the code is as follows.

rivate Sub Command10_Click()
Dim query As String

query = "select RESOURCEINFO from tbl_control where CONTROLNAME='" + Combo4.Text + "'"

If (cn.State <> 1) Then
cn.Open "dsn=ABC", "", ""
End If
rs.Open query, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rs.Fields(0) = RESOURCEINFO

Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
On Error GoTo Err_Command10_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command10_Click

End Sub

i am a beginner. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Flickering Controls On A Form -Access 2003

Jan 6, 2008

Hi All,
I am learning heaps and constantly wrestling with access, this is a good thing. However at the moment i recently added tabs to my form to restructure the appearance and content and thus far i am happy and its working fine. Except that moving the mouse cursor accross the from causes controls and textboxes to flicker / refresh. I find this annoying and given all the effort going into the presentation of the application i have done.
Is there anyway to eleviate this, is there something i have done wrong perhaps.

I wish to host various controls and inputs from other tables on the other tabs. Will this complicate things or should 1 form with its Tab controls be particular to 1 table........ or can / should a form serve as an input or display to several tables? Is this a bad database practice?

thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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Access 97 To 2003 Using Form Data In Query

Dec 12, 2005

I was just converted from 97 to 2003 this weekend. I have a query set up that links a field to a form to get the date entered in the form into the query. For example if I enter 12/31/04 on the form and run my query it is put in the field 12/31/04. But in 2003 it is just blank. The formula I used in 97 is

StartDate: [Forms]![Cash Flow]![Start Date]

Is there something new I should be using to get that to pull in?

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Is It Possible To Fully Flash (Clear) The Title Bar

Aug 14, 2007

Is it possible to fully flash (Clear) the MS Access application window title bar?
I mean to let it appear fully empty without the "MS Access" and the Access logo, the key.

I made it but I wasnt able to remove the MS Access logo, the key from the title bar


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Forms :: Access 2003 - Scroll To Selected Item On Multiselect Listbox

Sep 2, 2013

I've got a form with a multiselect listbox (extended) that holds a very long list of items (~90,000):

1 | Apple
2 | Orange
3 | Banana
35313| Corn cob

The user can select multiple items (non-sequential) on the listbox, say items 1 and 35313. I'd like the listbox to scroll (meaning display) to the currrently selected item, so that the user can see it while being processed.

I've seen stuff about property ListIndex, which does exactly that, but it's only useful when you have just ONE item selected (in a multiselect listbox apparently it deselects the rest of the items, so no point in using it, I guess, unless there's more to it!!).

So the key here is how to do the scrolling/display.

The code to loop through the listbox and process each selected item is attached:

Dim vItem As Variant
Dim Content as String
For Each vItem In Me.lst.ItemsSelected
'scroll to selected item ???
'processing of the selected item
Content = Me.lst.Column(1, vItem) 'copy the content to do sth with it
Me.lst.Selected(vItem) = False 'unselect the current item
Next vItem 'go to next selected item

how to scroll to the currently selected item? Mind that I need to go through the list of selected items to process them for further use (i.e, I need them selected).

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Forms :: How To Open A Specific File Using Search Function In Access 2003

Dec 5, 2014

I have a access 2003 database, and i am wondering if i can't setup a search function in a form that will open a file in windows explorer?

What i would like to do is have a test box that i enter in a number for example: 1234 then have a button named "Search" hit that button and it opens a corresponding file in windows explorer named 1234, or just opens that folder directly..

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General :: ACCESS 2003 - How To Embed SQL In A Button On A Form

Jul 28, 2012

I am new to ACCESS, I have some experience with SQL, VBA and RDBD having been trained by ORACLE

The attached tables come from a RB I am making, I can run the SQL and it works, I have failed to create form or report tha enables users to simple use a button to invoke that code.

Several people have sent answers but I have not made them work, the tutorials that I have looked do not explain with simple examples that I can follow.

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Access 2003 Form - Combo Box Will Not Accept Any Entry

Nov 30, 2011

I am using Access 2003 and I am having trouble with a Combo Box on a form.

I had a combo box (based on a table), storing the choice in a field in the query and underlying table the form is based on. Everything was working fine, until... I altered the form based on a query. Now when you make a choice from the drop down list you get an error bell and nothing happens.

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Forms :: Access 2003 VBA / Unable To Tick Labels Property Of Axis Class

Dec 3, 2013

I have the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"

I continually receive a runtime error 1004 " unable to get tick labels property of the axis class"

if I remove this code, then I error on the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
If FrmGraphObj.SeriesCollection(2).HasDataLabels Then

also a runtime 1004: "unable to get the seriescollection property of the chart class" on the last line above

searched this forum and found:

If your chart is in a form (or report), you have to:

1) refer to the form (or report) name (Form_Charts)

2) refer to the name of the object frame holding your chart (.Graph1)

3) refer to the object within the frame (.Object)

4) refer to the application that created the object (.Application)

5) refer to the actual chart itself (.Chart)

6) refer to the axes collection and select the axis you want to reference - in this case the category, or X-axis (.Axes(xlCategory))

I made the assumption, that I would just replace xlCategory with xlValue for the Y-axis. So I'm back to:

Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Graph
With FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"
End With

Same error....

Looked in the Microsoft Graph Visual Basic Reference and it indicated:

"Tick-mark label text for the value axis is calculated based on the MajorUnit, MinimumScale, and MaximumScale properties of the value axis. To change the tick-mark label text for the value axis, you must change the values of these properties."

I reset my code to call these 2 functions prior to changing the number format.....

Public Sub txtMaxPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = txtMaxPercent
End Sub
Public Sub txtMinPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
End Sub

now I am receiving error 1004 again, this time it states "Unable to set the minimumscale property of the axis class" erroring on this line....

FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
debug.Print me.txtMinPercent

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