Forms :: Access 2013 - Adding Cross Close Command On Tab In Tabbed Documents Mode

May 25, 2015

I would like to add a cross close command on the tab in tabbed documents mode. Is it possible to accomplish?

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Forms :: Tabbed Documents Icon On Caption Bar

May 25, 2015

Customizing the form with the following code


Public Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" _
Alias "LoadImageA" _
(ByVal hInst As Long, _
ByVal lpsz As String, _
ByVal un1 As Long, _
ByVal n1 As Long, _
ByVal n2 As Long, _
ByVal un2 As Long) _
As Long


I can load the little icon on the left on CaptionBar.It works very well on overlapping mode but no on Tabbed documents. How to works with tabbed documents mode?

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Adding Forms/documents To Access

Oct 21, 2006

I have a simple database for my rv rental business, I want to be able to import an existing form into access and then use the data in my dbase to fill in the forms to print and have the customer sign the contract etc. I use 2003 how would I go about doing this?


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Forms :: Set Form Property To Window In Database Set To Use Tabbed Documents

Oct 16, 2013

I'm using access 2010.

How to set a single form's property to act as it's own "overlapping window" in a database that is set to use tabbed documents. I want most windows to have the tabbed layout but there are a few that I would like to have pop out and be their own windows.

I noticed that the Northwind database did this somehow. if you click on one of the products from the home screen a form pops up in its own window. I tried reverse engineering it, but no luck so far.

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Forms :: Mixing Forms Overlapping Windows And Tabbed Documents

May 22, 2015

Is there any way to mix together on a db based on tabbed documents some overlapped forms?

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Forms :: Close Database If Click On Cross In The Upper Right Top Corner

Aug 26, 2013

How can I close database if I click on the small close cross in the upper right top corner on my logon form?

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General :: Disable Close Button Access 2013

Jul 18, 2013

how to disable the main close button so the user is forced to click the Quit Application button on my main switchboard?

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General :: Order Of Tabbed Documents

Oct 17, 2012

Because of certain design considerations and the amount of data I'm maintaining, I have chosen to use tabbed documents rather than floating windows or subforms.

The hierarchy is supposed to be a person who is categorized as either a client, family member, donor, etc. Further, a client may use one or more services. In the example, our client uses Specialized Home Care. However, the tabs are intuitively out of order: the people tab is left-most, followed by the Specilaized Home Care tab, and lastly the Client tab. It should be People, People:Client, People:Client:Service. If a person uses a lot of our services, there will be separate People:Client:Service tabs and the People:Client tab will scroll off to the right. I'd like Access to order them properly but see no way to do it.when the forms are opened, it's people first followed by the high-level classification (i.e. Client), and the lastly the specific Client:Service tabs. I would expect Access to open and display them left to right, but, as you can see, it doesn't.

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Freezing Header Of A Form In Overlapping Tabs Instead Of Tabbed Documents

Feb 16, 2015

I have a form (frmMain) which has a header with some basic links and text boxes I would like to keep as a frozen pane on top as the user are scrolling down the detail section of the form. The detail section does include a subform if that makes a difference (frmhome). When going to Options>Current Database> tabbed documents, the form header stays frozen perfectly.

I however would like to use "Overlapping windows" as the form center aligns in the Access window instead of left aligning when using "tabbed". So either :

1) how do I keep the header frozen in "overlapping" or
2) how do I center align the form in "tabbed" view, as right now the form just wants to go as far left as possible in the full Access window.

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Combo Box Requery In Tabbed Form Mode

Nov 17, 2011

I have an application where I have developed a tabbed user input form with several tab pages to populate several tables with data using the master/child linking philosophy. There is one subform in particular that has two combo box fields that are related. I have them both set up to display value choices based on an undelying query. I want to restrict the scond box's choices based on the choice made in the first box and have written the following code to be applied after the first combo box is updated.

Private Sub RteGroup_AfterUpdate()
Form_Routing.OpType = Null
Form_Routing.OpType = Form_Routing.OpType.ItemData(0)
End Sub

This effectively limits my second combo box choices based on the selection of the first box. It works fine if I run the subform individually but if I run it as part of the master form in tabbed mode I get an "Enter paramter value" dialog box asking for the value of the first combo box. it appears the requery is not functioning under the tabbed mode.

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Forms :: Adding Records - Tabbed Subforms Not Updating

Oct 10, 2014

I have a form with a tabbed area, each tab containing a subform. One of these subforms adds records to a table. Another subform shows the totals from that table.

But when I add records, the totals tab is not updated with the new quantities unless I close the form completely and go back in. I tried adding Me.Dirty = False to the subform that adds the records but that makes no difference.

It seems as though the 'totals' subform gets those values as the form is loaded and does not change, even when records are added and then that tab is selected.

How can I get the totals subform to show the updated totals?

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Forms :: Adding Subform To Main Form As Another Tabbed Page

Jun 25, 2013

I am modifying an existing form that has some tabbed pages(subforms) in it and I am wanting to know how to add another page. I have created another subform that I am wanting to add to this main form as another tabbed page.

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Reports :: Access 2013 / Horizontal Limit And Adding Fields?

Sep 26, 2014

I have access 2013 windows 7, I'm trying to expand the record keeping on a database someone else designed. I've added the fields i need to the Recordsource(s) (the table, query, and working on the form as well) I can't make the report any larger it seems (its currently at 22") and i need to add another "page" worth of fields horizontally; is there a way to do that? and also to replicate the header and other key fields so they're on that 3rd page.

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Forms :: Updating Form Properties Dynamically - Command Button To Display Mode

Apr 16, 2014

I have a single form which becomes either readonly or editable or addnew using a circular toggle switch. The toggle switch is activated by a command button and the caption of the command button is used as the display of the mode.

The SetAddModeBt is a separate command button that initiates the add mode. The problem is that various form or field properties when defined on the fly are not stored and they get lost when you open the form again. Look at the code below:

Sub tglEditBt_Click()
' Circular toggle button to change display mode of the form
' ReadOnly - Edit - Add
' On Error GoTo NotFound
Dim ForName As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim FMode As String

[Code] ....

Here the first two cases fail when executing the last statement saying it is not supported.

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Msg Box On Close Only If In Edit Mode

Sep 7, 2006

I have a form that is locked unless they click the command button to edit records. I want a msg box that when they click the close button it pops up with something like save edits? Just as an extra precaution. But I only want the message box to pop up if the form is in edit mode. Is this possible? And I would like to be able to have them click ok or cancel in the message box

Here is the code for the close button:

Private Sub Close_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Close_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Close_Click

End Sub



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Forms :: Subform Shows In Design Mode But Not In Form Mode?

Sep 22, 2014

I have several subform tabs and one that I have updated no longer shows up when I run the form on Form mode. The tab is there but no content or details of the subform

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Adding Word Documents And PDFs To A Form

Apr 21, 2015

I am attempting to create a database where I can input a number that will display a word document, and pdf's, and be able to toggle through them. I have all the data compiled. I just need to present it in some type of a front.

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Reports :: Can Create A Report A Little Like Cross Tab Query But Without Adding Anything Up?

Mar 6, 2015

I want to present some data in what seems to me like it would be a very natural and normal format, however have so far been unable to figure out how to do it.I record attendance data for a children's after school club in a table as follows (simplified):

AttendanceID - autonumber
AttendeeName - text
AttendanceDate - date
Attended - True / False

The data looks like this in the table. I would like to be able to easily see who attended on which days, so I would like to therefore see the data laid out like this:

The Crosstab query looks almost like it would do what I wanted, however it seems to insist on adding something up, rather than just showing me the value true or false.

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Forms :: Open Access In Design Mode From Within Access

Jul 23, 2014

Can I for instance while my db is open, open it in design mode from my form via code?

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Using Images In Reports And Forms - Access 2013

Apr 29, 2015

Having trouble using .JPG images in Access 2013 reports? I inserted some images (of arrows) onto a label report. Since then, I've had problems with my DB becoming corrupted or "unstable". I can give more detail if wanted, but my main question is do y'all recommend using images in reports and forms. If so, what format?

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Forms :: Creating Tabbed Form In Access 2007 - Control Alignment?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm creating a tabbed form in Access 2007, and in the first 3 tabs, when I dragged the field controls onto the form, they stretched to the width of the form and all stacked nicely underneath each other.

Now on the next tab they are coming out as much smaller. I don't want to stretch them to fit as I want them a uniform size and I just want to find how to get that setting back! I've been messing with the anchoring buttons to what seems like no avail!

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Forms :: Adding Import Command Button To A Form

Nov 4, 2014

i am trying to add an import command button to a form so that personnel not familiar with Access can simply push the button and then select the file to import. I want it to import information to a specific table by replacing all records in the current table with the import. I am not the best at coding, but I can understand enough to figure out what I may need to do.

I will be exporting a table to excel from the database. Multiple people will have this database and often times will not be able to access a shared database, so I need to export the table and then set up a way for them to import the excel document into their database by deleting the information in the old one and then updating to the new one.

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Modules & VBA :: Word Doc With Command Button - Edit Mode

Oct 2, 2014

I have a Word Doc with a Command Button.

The Command Button loads a form.

How do I find the form in "Edit Mode"

Alt-F11 opens the VBA editor but I don't seem to be able to locate the form there.

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Forms :: Cannot Open External App Using Shell In Access 2013

Aug 19, 2014

In previous versions of Access (i.e 2003 and prior) I could use the following code in the On Click event of a form's command button to open an external file:

Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:Program FilesCadroTransPost PlusTransPostPlus.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

However, I'm now using Access 2013 and it wont allow me to use this anymore, it gives me the following error:

Runtime Error '5"'
Invalid procedure call or argument

Why this doesn't work in Access 2013?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Mail Documents To Lotus Notes Collection

Oct 13, 2013

I receive mails through LN and loop through a certain folder, reading DeliveredDate, Body, Subject and writing those items into an Access-table.This works fine, before I go for the loop I put the doc in another folder and remove the current doc from the folder.

Call LNDoc.PutInFolder("SMSBackup", False)
Call LNDoc.RemoveFromFolder("SMSResponse")
Set LNDoc = LNView.GetNextDocument(LNDoc)

Without any error, without anything abnormal in the mails the code exits after a few loops, sometime after more or sometime after less read mails.The problem ist the RemoveFromFolder, not the PutInFolder function.

So to avoid this behavoir, I changed my code to finish the loop without
Call LNDoc.PutInFolder("SMSBackup", False)
Call LNDoc.RemoveFromFolder("SMSResponse")

and added after the loop a NotesCollection which should do ALL at once.But this part of the code does nothing at all (allthough found on the web).

With LNCollection
.PutAllInFolder "SMSBackup", False
.RemoveAllFromFolder "SMSResponse"
End With

The complete code looks like this:

Set objNotes = GetObject("", "Notes.NotesSession")
Set LNdb = objNotes.GetDatabase("myServer", "MyNSF")
If Not LNdb.IsOpen Then LNdb.OpenDatabase
If Not (LNdb Is Nothing) Then
Set LNView = LNdb.GetView("SMSResponse")


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General :: Retrieve Links To Find Some Documents - Adding Message Box?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a report named Link_report which retrieve links to find some documents. I would like to add a Msgbox to say: " No link has been found for this document" when the case link is empty.

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