Forms :: Access Form For Hardware Allocation - Duplicate Entry Restriction

May 19, 2015

I have a Form created for Hardware Allocation.

I have following Fields. Allocation ID(PK), HW ID, User ID, HW Status, Assigned Date.

Values of HW Status = Active, Inactive, Decom, In Stock etc.

What I want is explaind below example

HW XXX is allocated to User ABC and the Status is Active.

Now When I want to reallocate the same HW XXX to Another User XYZ then Make the current status as Active. But before doing that the form should force me to change the Status of previous allocated to user ABC to anything other than active. Because One Device can be active to only one user at a time.

i,e Combination of HW ID & HW Status(Active Only) should not be duplicated.

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Forms :: Preventing Duplicate Entry In Names In MS Access

Apr 15, 2013

I want to stop duplicate entries from being entered on form. I have read through the thread , however I am totally confused as it seemed to be v high level complex queries. I am looking at:

Preventing duplicate entries to be entered

It should show an error "Saying entry already exists" Do you want to check,edit or add new...

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Forms :: Preventing Duplicate Entry In Unbound Form

Aug 13, 2014

What is the code for displaying warning message when enterenig duplicate information in unbound form in BeforeUpdate event procedure.

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General :: How To Get Single Table Entry View For % Allocation Of Items

Dec 28, 2014

How could I create a single table (matrix) type input view to allocate bank transactions to categories, noting one transaction can be allocated multiple categories with an associated percentage? What approach should I use in Access to get this? So say I have the following tables:

* Transactions
* Business Category
* Transaction-Business-Allocation (which includes)
- Transaction ID
- Business Category ID
- Percent Allocation

But in terms of the means of reviewing bank account items and allocating I really want a view like this (see attached image)The specific business category could be either selected specifically, or all included.

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Forms :: Message Box To Confirm Entry Of A Duplicate Value?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a single table in my database and I have to make a form for entering contact details for clients, staff, funding bodies and everyone else into this table. There is a phone number and what code I would use the get it to check if the number already exists.

If it does, I wanted it to return a custom message telling you what entries it already exists for by displaying certain fields so that they can be identified, such as name and organisation, but then I wanted the custom message to allow you to confirm entry of the data anyway. This is because there may have been an error in entry or as some people may be contacted on the same phone number, I want it to allow the option to continue and enter the data anyway.

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Forms :: Warning On Duplicate Date Entry

Aug 14, 2014

I have a data entry form linked to a table that records daily catch details (date, invoice number, buyer, kilos, price, etc). For the last 2 years I've been using the no duplicate index on the date field of the table to prevent duplicates, until he (my husband) decided that he wanted to sell his catch to different buyers on the same date.

I've changed the index to allow duplicates but now I need to create a message box which warns that he is entering a duplicate date as he has a history of trying to enter the same info twice. I've found examples of code that warns on duplicate text entries but nothing for duplicate dates?

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Forms :: Query Using Table - Indicate Previously Input Data In Case Of Duplicate Entry

May 30, 2015

table name : Schedule
Field 1 = Vessel code
Field 2 = Voyage
Field 3 = ETA
Field 4 = berthed
Field 5 = Sailed

there is a query by using above table and data entry form based on that query.

need to add following facilitate

While data entering, if given voyage number is already exist for the particular vessel code, msg should be pop up immediately at that time saying " This voyage number is already exist"

How could this be manage ?

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Forms :: Access Form - Close Field And Duplicate Record

Nov 25, 2014

Access form fields (ID, Name,File_Ref,Mobile,Email, Closed (yes/No)

If Click My Command button at the same auto tick the current record closed filed and duplicate record.

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Forms :: Data Entry Form To Add New Records To Access Database File

Sep 30, 2013

I have a data entry form to add new records to an Access database file called Claims. An auto-incrementing sequence number (SeqNbr) needs to be kept PER YEAR. If the user enters a date the sequence number pertaining to the year of this date needs to be incremented. The first record within a new year of course takes value 1.Records can be added at random for different years.

A simple SQL-statement can be made to determine the new sequence number:SELECT max(Claims.SeqNbr) + 1 from Claims where year(this.value) = year(Claims.EventDate)...this.value meaning the value of the date control in which the user entered the date.I need to return the new sequence number to another field on the form in which also the COMPANY CODE, YYYY and MM from the EventDate, the new sequence number and the USER INITIALS are concatenated.

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Forms :: Combo Box Restriction - User Name

Dec 30, 2013

I have a combo box with a list of employees I want to restrict the user/employee to be able to only pick his name from the combo box? Is it possible?

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Forms :: Combobox With Restriction For Inputting Text

Nov 4, 2014

I have a question about for combobox. I have a field from my tables that a text only then I make in the look up property field to become combobox then row "source type is a value list" then,"Allow value list edits, I make it Yes". then in the form its possible for me now to add value list in the combobox. but I want that what ever I input to become a value list, that's all they can select for the value of that field. if they can type or add not listed in the value list I input, it will not possible & there's a msgbox will appear mentioning the "the value you input is not in the list..

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Creating A Resource Allocation Table / Form

May 29, 2014

I'm working on creating a resource allocation table for my small company. Basically, we want to be able to designate a certain number of "man-months" per functional group per month per project. Additionally, this database will hold the billing milestones that are associated with the project and we will track some health indicators to each of them.

For instance, we may have a project that is going to be running from May 15th 2014 to June 5th 2015. Based on an access project template I found, I have created some pretty good quality forms/tables that are working well for project inputs and milestone tracking.

Project Table
Lists the Project Name, Project Manager, Priority, Status, Start Date, End Date, and some baseline budget info.

Resource Groups
Lists the functional groups (Electrical Engineer (EE), Mechanical Engineer (ME), etc.) There are 9

Milestone Table
Project, Title, Priority, Status, Client Billing Amount, Schedule Risk, Technical Risk, Owner, Start Date, Due Date, and some budget lines and descriptions

Alright, So I can't for the life of me figure out how to structure the monthly allocations in a usable table/form. This is what I would like it to look like, similar to the excel document we used to track it in.

How can I create a table that will store all of the data (Project, Resource Group, Month/Year, and Man-months) with inputs from a form that will automatically show the relevant months (between project Start Date and End Date)...

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Access 2010 Table Suddenly Read Only - How To Remove That Restriction

Nov 8, 2014

This application has worked fine in the past, but now I find it stops cold saying a particular linked table is read-only. I've looked around and all I can find in the various forums is how to MAKE a table read-only. Reversing that process seems very difficult.

The application is a copy of another that now exhibits the same problem. Each uses a different data mdb - part of the development I'm doing involves changing a different table. I'm developing changes to the application in this separate copy.

I can't tell if other tables would have this problem - the table in question is the very first used (initialization routine) and I can't get past it without deactivating a bunch of code.

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Not Allow Duplicate Entry

Dec 8, 2004

I have a Timesheet form where you select your name from a combo, and you select a Timesheet Period from another combo. Then you can enter various details in the sub-forms.

I want to prevent a user from being able to enter two timesheets for the same period. What's the best way of achieving this? I would like a pop-up to appear saying "You have already started a timesheet for this week. Please use the Update Form Dialog"

The timesheet form is bound to tblTimesheets which contains fields TimsheetID, StaffID, and TimesheetPeriodID

In cboNameSelect, StaffID is bound
In cboPeriodSelect, TimesheetPeriodID is bound.



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Duplicate Entry Woes

May 30, 2005

I have a table that has (to simplify things) two fields.

[Patient_No] [ID]
BA4206 1067404
BA4206 1067405
BG1013 1067545
BG1013 1067546
BG1013 1067547
BG1111 1078432

I want to be able to count the number entries where the Patient_No is the same and output the query like this:

[Patient_No] [ID] [COUNT]
BA4206 1067404 1
BA4206 1067405 2
BG1013 1067545 1
BG1013 1067546 2
BG1013 1067547 3
BG1111 1078432 1

Hopefully this is just a simple query but for some reason i cannot get it to work.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Prevent Duplicate First & Last Name Entry

Feb 28, 2005

Have read through all the threads related to this topic and can't find anything to help. Just want a message box to pop up after entry of first and last names in a form if the string already exists in the database. DLookup works wonderfully for validating on one field, but adding the second field is driving me crazy - Can I use DLookup to check more than one field? The following code gives me the error: "Run time error '2001' - You canceled the previous operation."

Private Sub LastName_AfterUpdate()

Dim x As Variant

x = DLookup("[txtLastName]", "[tblVolunteerInfo]", "[txtLast Name]= '" & Me![LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[txtFirstName] = " & Me![FirstName])

On Error GoTo CustID_Err

If Not IsNull(x) Then
MsgBox "This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub



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Detecting Duplicate Entry

May 22, 2006

I have a Form based on a table of current Players in a football league.
The Form is used to edit, but mainly add new registrations. The fields are...

Surname FirstName Address Suburb Age Club YearRegd

Is it possible in some way to have an alert or message come up stating that the Player is already registered if the Table already contains a player with the same Surname and FirstName only. This would need to happen after the FirstName has been entered as it is the second field after 'Surname'. I'm not sure if Access can do this type of function or not.

I've searched the Forums but have had no luck.

Any advice/assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank-you very much.

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Forms :: Creating New Rows For Data Entry In Access Forms

Dec 26, 2014

I am creating a simple data entry form wherein the user will enter the product id and on change the product description and retail price must be displayed.

When the order quantity is entered, the total cost need to be calculated. I am able to do this using DLookUp and simple multiplication.

However, after doing the above, I need another row to appear so that I can accomplish the same for another product.

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Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Records

Apr 17, 2008

I am using a data entry form to enter new data into one of the tables.How can we prevent entry of duplicate records? Duplicacy shall be checked on the first two fields only.
Please help.

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Notification-Cancellation Of Duplicate Entry

Sep 20, 2005


I am using Access 97 at work, Access 2000 at home. This is a work project.

I have a database that tracks employee awards. One type of award is the Peer Award. An employee can receive more than one award during the reporting period (01 May 05 through 30 April 06), but an employee can nominate someone only ONCE during this period. The query also filters all award for the word PEER in the Award_Type field.

I need a method in my subform (where all of the award info is entered) to display a message if the NOMINATED_BY field contains the name of a nominator more than once. I am using a combobox (cboNominated_By) to select the nominator from a query based on the Employee_Name table.

I had thought of making the field NO DUPLICATES, but cannot do that, as I also keep these records as multi-year archives.

In my query I have as the criteria to limit records for the reporting period above.

In my subform, is there a method to check the combobox that I'm using for a duplicate nominator, then notify the user of this duplicate?

I've seen something similar to what I want in the below thread, but FoFa didn't offer an example of how this would be accomplished;
Notification of Duplicate Records

Thanks all for any assistance you might offer!

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Code To Refrain From Duplicate Entry

Sep 18, 2005


Please help. I have create the below code in red but what is the mistake.

If DCount("[product_code]", "PRODUCT MASTERLIST", "[product code]"= " & Me.Product_code& "'") Then
MsgBox "This Product Code has already exists!!"
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
Else 'Do nothing
End If

Thank you

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Preventing Duplicate Record Entry

Aug 23, 2006

Hi all,

I created a form for entering employee skillset in Accounting.

I have set up three fields - one for Primary Skillset and the other two for secondary skill sets -

The skillsets are -Payables, Receivables, General Ledger, Purchasing etc.

How can I ensure that a user will not enter duplicate values in the three fields.

That is a user will not enter for examply "Payables" in the Primary Skillset, and Secondary Skillset fields.

I tried creating a multiple field index but it does ont appear to work.

I will appreciate all the help.


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Warning Message For Duplicate Entry

Nov 27, 2006

I have struggled with this for so long now I hope someone can help.
I have a form called frm_Collections which is run from the query (qry_Collections). When I type into the Reg field in the Form I would
like the user to know if the Reg details have already been used in a
previous record. The database can have duplicates in this field, however a
"Warning Message" would promt some investigation.
I have tried loads of DLookup on Before Update, but really need setting of
in the right direction.

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Duplicate Entry Error Message

Jul 7, 2006


I have a form which is based on student records. What I'm trying to get Access to do is to bring up an error message as soon a duplicate student number has been entered. At present I've managed to replace the Access standard error message 3022 with my own by using the following code:

Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
Const conDuplicateKey = 3022
Dim strMsg As String

If DataErr = conDuplicateKey Then
Response = acDataErrContinue
strMsg = "Duplicated record. Please recheck your data."
MsgBox strMsg
End If
End Sub

However the error message only appears when you try to leave the form (e.g. start a new record). I would like the error message to appear as soon as the user leaves the Student Number text box on the form. Is there anyway to do this?

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Prevent Duplicate Entry In Records

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to prevent a user entering duplicates of date and time in an appointments table for the same do I do this?

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Control Or Stop Duplicate Name Entry?

Dec 3, 2012

I have one Form & Table. I am making customer list, But i dont want a duplicate name, so how i control or stop duplicate name when i do entry.

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