Forms :: Add Records To One Table And Update In Another Table

May 16, 2014

I have three tables: Members, Promotions, Ranks.

Members has all the data specific to a member and contains just one record per member.
Promotions contains information on member promotions and contains multiple records per member.
Ranks is a table of ranks and data specific to each rank such as name, description, title, fee.

I have a Promotion Detail form used for adding new promotions. I use some VBA that auto completes other fields on the form with information from the Ranks table based on the rank selected. The user has the ability to modify any of the data.

What I would like to do is update the Member's title (in the Members table) when a new promotion is added to the Promotions table. Their title is determined by the information from their latest promotion.

I'm trying to automate as many processes as possible.

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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Modules & VBA :: Identify Strings Into 2nd Table Records Then Update 1st Table

May 5, 2015

MS Access 2013: I have two database tables as below:

tbl1_MainDB --- It has a field named as "City" where I get huge data for some city names. Sometimes This field may have some unknown/new names which are not listed in our 2nd table ("tbl2_RefrDB")

tbl2_RefrDB --- It's a reference table which has raw names for cities, and then standard names of their city and state in another fields.

Target --- I want to create a VBA prorgram (Sql query) which can look from tbl1_MainDB.[City] to tbl2_RefrDB.[Raw_City] field, and if found then pick the "Standard_State" and "Standard_City" record values from there, and update into the 1st table "tbl1_MainDB".

...if not found in "tbl2_RefrDB" table, then user can be informed & ask for updating the new/unmatched city record as a new record in this table.

Attached sample database for more details.

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Count Records In A Table And Update To Another Table

Feb 25, 2005

I need to use an update query to count the number of selected records and then place this number in another table using an update query. The table has a field with a 1 in that field for all records to do the counting. I know I can use forms and subforms, but the data needed is too massive to be practical. Thanks Abe

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Forms :: Update Table That Is Recordsource For Combo Box That Is Updating That Table

Mar 29, 2013

I have a combo box (cboManifestNumber) that is based on the following table:

ManifestDataIDPK (autonumber PK)
TsdfIDFK (FK frm tblTSDF)

This table is related to:

TsdfIDPK (autonumber PK)

I need to be able to update tblManifestData with a new manifest number and manifest comments, along with assigning it a TSDF. how to be able to enter a new manifest number and the associated data without having it create two lines in tblManifestData. I thought that I could enter a new manifest number, then requery the table and form so it shows the complete list of manifest numbers (including the recently entered one) while staying on the newest entry.

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Forms :: Update Table From Text Box Already Linked To Another Table

Dec 13, 2013

I have a form that contains the following: Combobox, (Lists BadgeNum from tblPersonnel)

2 Textboxes (LastName, FirstName) populated via code from the combobox using info from the same tblPersonnel.
2 labels (one containing Date, another containing Time)
ToggleOnButton (Valueof 1)
ToggleOffButton (Value of 0)

This form is basically used as a cheap police timeclock. All Im trying to do is when a user chooses their name from the combobox, clicks ON or OFF and then save, is just write the much of the same info to a table. Specifically, BadgeNum, DateIn, TimeIn, DateOut, TimeOut.

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General :: Update A Field In One Table From Another Table Via Forms

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to update one table's field, via a Form, with certain data from another existing table in my DB when I enter key data in this first form. Example:

Table Equipment ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LIcPlate, etc.

Table Fuel ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc.

Form for Fuel has Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc. BTW, it will take Year, Make and Model to fully qualify the search/lookup as there may be more than one occurrence of a Year and Make in the Equipment table, so Model is necessary to fully qualify. . Yes, something like VIN would be a simpler lookup but remembering a VIN is much harder than entering a Year, Make and Model.

In a Form over Table Fuel, I want to have the LicPlate field (possibly other fields as well) automatically updated from Equipment Table when I enter the Year, Make and Model in that form.

I'm assuming the solution involves creating VB code, of some such, via an Event (AfterUpdate) or some such built through the LicPlate field in the Fuel form. A mass Update via SQL is not appropriate.

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Forms :: Need To Count Number Of Records In Table Between Dates In Another Table

Mar 6, 2013

I have created a booking system for a set of resources for schools. Most schools have a membership which entitles them to 2 free sets. I have a booking form with a membership subform (membership table), and a booking details subform (kitloan table).

Once a school is selected on the main form, the membership subform shows the most recent record for that school based on schoolID.I want to display the number of sets they have already had within their membership period (can start at any time of the year, and lasts for 1 year) on the membership subform, so we know how many free ones they have left.

I therefore need to count the number of KitBkID (ID of the booking) in the Kitloan table where SchoolID = the SchoolID displayed on the membership subform, and the DateOut (booking date on kitloan table) is between the DateJoined and DateRenewal displayed on the membership subform (from membership table).

I can do this with a query which works when run and provided with the parameters SchoolID, DateJoined, and DateRenewal.

SELECT Count(Kitloan.KitBkID) AS CountOfKitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID
GROUP BY Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
HAVING (((Kitloan.SchoolID)=[Me].[SCHOOLID]) AND ((Kitloan.DateOut) Between [Me].[DateJoined] And [Me].[DateRenewal]));

What I can't do is get it to run on the form and take those values from the form.From the searching I've done, I'm thinking a DCount should be the way to go, but I cannot get the criteria right. I created a query (KitloanCountQry) so that criteria could come from both the kitloan and membership tables.

SELECT Kitloan.KitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Membership.DateJoined, Membership.SCHOOLID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID;

I have put the DCount as the control source for a textbox on the Membership subform (but have tried it in VBA too):
This works but obviously gives me the total for all bookings.


Although I have to admit to getting lost in the syntax. This produces #Error.

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Update Certain Records In Table.

May 7, 2005

Hi there all,

I am looking for a way to update certain records in a table with an incremented value of +1 each time.

For example, TBL_MAIN will have fields REF_NO and INCREMENT_VALUE. In field REF_NO, the same record may appear more than once and the INCREMENT_VALUE field needs to update by +1 each time. I have attached a simple snapshot of the table. In this example, I would like ref ABC123 have it's INCREMENT_VALUE increased by +1 each time following on from the last incremented value of 12460. I believe this may involve DMAX function, For Next loop and possible DAO recordset code but don't really know where to start!


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Update Records From One Table To Another

Mar 9, 2008


This may seem a really dumb question but I just can not get my head around the best way of solving it.

I have two tables orders and orders_tmp
the table orders is created form the orders_tmp table. The order is created by a single field createorder (yes/no)from the order_tmp table. I run an append query to copy the records into the orders table. this woks fine.

The problem I am trying to solve is how do I now go back and change the order for what ever reason. I need the order_tmp table to now also include my existing order.

Help please

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Update And Compare Table Records

Sep 1, 2005

I'm using MS Office 2000, I have an Access database table that contain many fields, namely I need to update FieldA from an Excel Spreadsheet according to the specified primary key of CustomerID. Is there a way to write automate process to import the records from an excel spreadsheet and then place those records in FieldA of the Access Database according to the corresponding CustomerID? The reason I ask is that these two fields are not exactly in the right order in my spreadsheet and my table and to do it manually will take lots of effort.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated


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Can't Update Records In Linked Table

Apr 2, 2006

I have done everything I can think of to remedy this, but I can't figure out why this is happening. I have a linked table from excel that contains 5 fields for each record. I have a table in access with matching records and 20-30 fields. The linked spreadsheet is used when adding records. I have a query that queries both tables to get all data from both and a form based on that query where others can pertinent data for the records resulting from the query. My problem is that when I open the form the new records that were added in the linked file are there but all the fields from the access table cannot be updated. I have looked every place I know to look for record locks, read only options, everything I can think of why i cannot update these records and I am coming up empty. I checked my join properties and selected the only one that actually displays the linked records when the query is run (not sure the name of the join but it's #2 of 3 join properties options (in Access 2002). maybe I am just overlooking something simple? Do you have any ideas what I can do here?


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Update Records In A Table Same Time

Oct 12, 2004

Hi all,

I had a table which had a yes/no check box. Is there any way to update all the checkboxes
in the table based on a value in a field same time?????


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Update Two Records In One Table From One Record In Another

Oct 14, 2004


I am creating a league table for my soccer team.

I have a database with these tables:

1. teams
2. league_table
3. fixtures

The Fixtures Table has a lookup where it pulls in the opposing teams - home_team & away_team. There is also Home_goals & away_goals. How can I get the fixtures table to update each teams goals in the league_table table where these details are held.

Anyone any ideas on how this is done?

Thanks in advance.

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Update Query Not Updating Records In Table

Nov 3, 2005

I created an update query that says it has successfully updated 600 records, but when you go into the table, it has not been updated. I am working with an .mde. Does that make a difference?

I first created a select query to find everyone in TX. Then I changed it to an update query to change all TX to CA. Since it did not update the table, I tried running the update query again and this time it says there are not records to update (since it uppposedly updated my 600 records).

Your help is appreciated.

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General :: Form To Update Records Within A Table

Jan 9, 2014

Still working on the registration and badge print system for their upcoming exhbition the company I do a bit of work for. Managed to solve most of my problems but have got stuck here.

Basically each of the badges have a barcode (code 39) on them which is in the following format...

(*'s required for the barcode to work, the numbers are the badge number and the $M is the enter command (i think))

Basically we need a form that allows us to scan the barcode (the number of the barcode is the Primary Key in the tbl_Attendees), and for this to update the "Attended" (Yes/No) field to yes. This bit I can do with a simple update query, but we need some form of confirmation, something simple like a line of text showing up on the form saying

"Joe Bloggs of Leeds registered as Attended".

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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SQL SP To Update 2 Records Using A Value Found In A Completly Seperate Table

Nov 9, 2005

OK this may be a bit of a weird one.

Here are my tables:

Table: Relationship
PK: RelationshipID int (Indexed No Dup)
FK: ContactID int (Indexed No Dup)

Table: Contact
PK: ContactID int (Indexed No Dup)
FK: RelationshipID int (Indexed Dup Allowed)

I also have following Local vars:
@Contact1 int
@Contact2 int

How do I create an UPDATE statement that will read RelationshipID in Relationship where Relationship.ContactID=@Contact1 and use it as the value to update the Contact.RelationshipID for all records in Contact where Contact.ContactID = @Contact1 or @Contact2

Hope this makes sense?

Also please let me know if I should post this in the SQL area instead.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Loop Update Query On All Records Of A Table

Sep 2, 2014

I've set a database which has a table in which there are 2 fields "Account" and "Total Accounts". I want to have the amount of total summation of accounts in "Total Accounts" field of each record, which is the result of summation of "Account" values in all previous records till the current one. In order to do this purpose, I copied the value of "Amount" field of each record into "Total Accounts" field of the same record, at first. Then, I tried to add the amount of "Total Accounts" field of every record with just the amount of "Total Accounts" of previous one to earn the actual total amount of that record. I found that I need a VBA loop to do this query for all records (except first record) and so I code it as below, but it has the Run-time error '424' : Object required and it seems that I am in a mistake in definition of strSQL variable:

Private Sub doDataSegm_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("Table1", dbOpenTable)

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Update Query - Add Records To A Join Table?

Apr 11, 2013

I have 2 tables that are joined by a many to many table:

- ProductID


- PLProductID (FK to [tblProductInfo].[ProductID])
- PLLinerID (FK to [tblLiner].[LinerID])


- LinerID

I have a range of products that each use 2 liners. An inner liner and an outer liner. I need to add 2 records per product to the tblProductLinerMM table.

for example

tblProductInfo has the following records:

- 2138557
- 2378954
- 4387657

tblLiner has 2 liners in particular that relate to these products:

- L5475
- L5468

I need to create the following records in tblProductLinerMM preferably with the use of a query :

- 2138557 | L5475
- 2138557 | L5468
- 2378954 | L5475
- 2378954 | L5468
- 4387657 | L5475
- 4387657 | L5468

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General :: Append And Update Records Daily From One Table To Another

Jan 9, 2014

I need to know the best way to append,

table1=productid,ProductName,Qty to table2=Productid,productName,Qty,date daily

I want to be able to append Records daily from table1 into table2 OnClose. But i do not want duplication of record in the same day.

If changes occurs in table1 after append,table2 should be updated using If conditions

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General :: Update Record ID To Another Record ID In Same Table And Update Related Records

Aug 22, 2013

I have a table called tblCompanies. When a company acquires another company, I need a method by which the acquired company's CompanyID (PK) can be updated to the new company's CompanyID (PK). I also need to be able to update all related CompanyIDs (FKs) to the new value in related tables.

In cases in which the new company does not have an existing record, there is no problem: the company name simply gets changed to the new company and the existing CompanyID is maintained. I then use an audit table and Track Changes function to keep track of the company name data and a union query to keep the old names in the selection lists.

The problem is when both companies already have existing records in the table.

So, let's say I have records for Company A and Company B. Company A merges with Company B and Company B is now the main record. What is the best, simplest and easiest way to update the CompanyID (PK) from A to B and change the CompanyID (FK) to the new value in all related tables?

I am envisioning a pop-up form that directs the user to select the new company and then an update query happens behind the scenes... but exactly how does the criteria for the update query get selected and how do all the related tables get updated? My vba skills are pretty basic, will I need extensive coding to do something like this?

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Queries :: Update Table If A Field Is Blank Without Clicking Through All 5K Records

May 7, 2014

I am putting the finishing touches on a DB and have come up with a a problem which I cannot solve. I have code on my data entry form that concatenated the days and times of up to five days. That is : [Day1] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time1],"h:nn AM/PM") & " " & ";" and so forth for five days. It has a complicated (for me) nested IIF statement and it works fine on the form. But I have now transferred the data from an old DOS DB and I do not want to go through almost 5K records just to update three fields.When I tried to do it in an update query, it said that the string was too long for the update. My update is:

IIf([Day5] Is Not Null,[Day1] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time1],"h:nn AM/PM") & " " & ";" & " " & [Day2] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time2],"h:nn AM/PM") & " " & ";" & " " & [Day3] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time3],"h:nn AM/PM") & " " & ";" & " " & [Day4] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time4],"h:nn AM/PM") & " " & ";" & " " & [Day5] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time5],"h:nn AM/PM"),IIf([Day5] Is Null And [Day4] Is Not Null,[Day1] & " " & "@" & " " & Format([Time1],"h:nn AM/PM") &


how to update the table if a field is blank without clicking through all 5K records? I have tried simple concatenation, but I usually get a lot of extra @ in the field.

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Modules & VBA :: Update And Amend Records In A Table - Error Trying To Execute SQL Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to create a function to update and amend records in a table.

The update part works and updates existing records with new data but I'm getting an error with the insert part.

Run time error 3078
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'FALSE'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Nothing called 'FALSE' so not sure what that means?


sSQL = "INSERT INTO Pupil_tb (PupilID,Class,PupilName,etc ) " _
= "SELECT PupilImport_tb.PupilID, Class, PupilName, etc FROM PupilImport_tb " _
& "LEFT JOIN Pupil_tb " _
& "ON Pupil_tb.PupilID=PupilImport_tb.PupilID " _
& "WHERE Pupil_tb.PupilID Is Null "

CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table Based On List Box Multi Selected Records

Nov 24, 2014

I have database with an userform called AssignWP, combobox called WPDevBy, listbox called List352 (Multi select) and table called Justified.I am trying to update one field WPDevelopedBy of the table as combobox value based on list box multi selected records.

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