Forms :: Adding All Selection To Combo Box That Acts As Filter For SQL Statement

Nov 4, 2014

My form has a combo box which is bound to a query that selects a list of member numbers. The value selected the goes onto filter a list driven by an SQL statement.

Private Function PopulateADO(qpMemberNo As Long)
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

[Code] .....

This works fine when a single member is selected from the combo. But obviously i want a "select all" or * wildcard option.

Question is 2 parts.
1. How do i add the all or wildcard option to the bound combo?
2. How do i code the all or wildcard option into the SQL statement?
Is it something like is not null ?

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Combo Box (Filter By Selection)

Jul 24, 2005

hi all,
another quick question (last one for awhile I promise) but is there a way to add an option to a combo box (Filter by Selection) and Remove/Filter sort without right clicking on it?

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Combo Filter Selection Affects All Records

Nov 18, 2004

this is a re-post - can anyone help? I think this is an easy one for the experts out there!

I have a form called frmTshtExp which is bound to a query called qryTshtExpenses. Most of the fileds in the form are combos and text boxes bound to the fields in the queries.

However, the first combo is unbound. It is called cboProjectSelect and it filters the second combo called cboWorkstreamExp. This is done using a query called qryTshtWorkstreamExp which has workstreamID, workstream and projectID as fields.

The filter works fine. The trouble is that selecting a project from the first combo filters workstreams from the second combo for ALL records that are entered. In other words, no matter how many rows are entered in the datasheet on the form, they all have to have a workstream belonging to just ONE project. I want to be able to enter different workstreams belonging to DIFFERENT projects on each row.

I hope you can help. I've put in a reduced version of my db in the following location:

unfortunately, I didn't know how to disable the securities I've set up, so you need to log use the shortcut (after modifying the target location in it's properties) and use the word "forum" as username and password.

Thanks in advance


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Adding All Selection To A Combo Box On Search Form

Jun 5, 2014

I have a search form with unbound combo boxes that uses the combo box values as criteria for a query. The Row Source of cboCategory is based on the query:

SELECT Categories.ID, Categories.Category FROM Categories ORDER BY Categories.Category;

When I start the form and I don't select a value for the cboCategory combo box, the query just returns all the values. This is great. The problem is that if I make a selection in the combo box, I have no way of reverting it back to that initial value that would make the query return all categories - if I erase the combo box the query returns nothing. So I have to close the form and reopen it.

I tried adding an "All" value to the combobox like so:

SELECT Categories.ID, Categories.Category FROM Categories UNION Select Null as AllChoice , "(All)" as Bogus From Categories
ORDER BY Categories.Category;

but it does not seem to work. It just returns nothing instead of all the categories. How can I add a value of "All" to the combo box that will return all of the categories?

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Queries :: Filter From Combo Box Also Has IIF Statement?

Mar 15, 2013

Here is what I have in my Query
IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,1 or 3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])

in the combo box I have it setup like this
Yes = 1
No = 3
All = 0

it is pulling for a SQL database and what I am looking to do is if they want them all select 1 and 3 but when I save the Query is changes it to this and doesn't work.

IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=1 Or ([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])

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Forms :: Filter Queries By Listbox Selection?

May 31, 2013

I am currently working on a form for my users to look at budget data. I have several listboxes for them to filter queries by. What I was wondering is, if it is possible to have data in one list box be filtered by the preceeding listbox?

For example: Three list boxes: Report_Period, Budget, Dept.

Each list contains all the values possible. This data is all in a filter table (and the listboxes created using SELECT DISTINCT queries to that table for the specific field). So, if I select Budget XYZ, could I filter the Dept listbox to only show the dept.'s associated with that budget? These are all multi-select listboxes by the way, so budget ABC and XYZ would only show the departments associated as well.

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Forms :: Date Selection On Form - Filter Records Based On ID

Feb 15, 2015

I have been building a database for use in a charity shop and am struggling with an issue regarding one of the forms.

I currently have a form which displays all expenses from the shop. I have added a combo box to the top of this form which allows users to filter records based on an expense ID Code. It all works fine but I would like to be able to add a start date and end date box to the form also so that records can be shown between two dates.

I have tried adding parameter boxes to the query which runs the form (which works) but the issue I am having is that when a new id is selected from the combo box the parameter boxes pop up again asking me for start date and end date again. This happens every time a new combo box id is selected.

I think the way resolve this issue may be to add a start date and end date box to the form but I don't know how to implement this.

Please see the attached files for images of what I currently have. The forum won't let me post images directly here until I have 10 posts so I have had to attach the files instead.:

Query running the form - Attachment 1

The Form itself - Attachment 2

Combo Box - Attachment 3

Bound Column on combo box - Attachment 4

Code in Combo Boxes after update event - Attachment 5

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Forms :: How To Make Subform Filter Its Data From Date Entry Selection

Aug 17, 2014

In my main form, there is this date entry selection and a subform with data on it.

How can I make the subform filter its data from date entry selection?

I have already created a relationships for my tables

I created a query for this subform (should I need to?)

It does not refresh my subform or I do not know what to do?

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Forms :: Filter A Report Based On Listbox Selection - Apostrophe In Results

Feb 17, 2014

I use the follwing code to filter a report based on the listbox selection on a form. Below is the code I use, the problem it will error if the results have an apostrophe in the string.

Private Sub FilterDesc_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made
If Me.ListCarrier.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Must select at least 1 Carrier"

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Filter Statement Asks For Parameter Entry

Aug 22, 2014

I have a bound form, in its heading I have a combo box which lists three choices. Basically I want to filter all my purchase records by checking a field PUOrderNb (Example: PO200100025) against the choice made in the combo box, namely DE (for demand), PO (for Purchase order) etc. On the after update event of the combo box, I have the following code:

Dim strfilter As String
strfilter = " left ([PuOrderNb],2) like " & cboFilter.Column(1)
Me.Filter = strfilter
Me.FilterOn = True

When I make a choice in the combo box, I get a window asking me to enter a parameter value and it lists the value of the combo box choice as a sort of a title just above the white input fame.When I type in PO for instance, the program does correctly filter all order numbers starting with PO, but the whole point of having a combo box is not to have to type anything.The other odd thing is, when I change the choice in the combo box, after my first choice, I do not get this parameter question but nothing happens as to filtering. The first choice remains active.

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Forms :: Combo Box Value Based On Selection In Other Combo Box?

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to build a database for daily work. My work in daily basis I have to fill all condition for several items.

We have two areas, with two locations under each area, and three systems under each location and each system contain more than 500 items.

I created all tables and fill by all information:

1-Table 1: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6.
2-Table 2: Location 1, Location 2.
3-Table 3: System 1, System 2, System 3.
4-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-1
5-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-2

[Code] ....

Last table will be LogBook which will be as follow:

date l time l area l location l system l item l Conition1 l Conition2 l Conition3

My question regarding to the form of the above table:

How can I make a combo box for area field and when I select for example area1 will appear only the locations which under area1 in location field, and when I select location1 for example will appear only the systems under location1 in system field, and when I select system1 one for example will appear only items under system 1.Combo box list will be based on the selection in previous combo box and so on.

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Forms :: Adding Filter To A Subform

Feb 25, 2015

I am trying to apply a filter to a subform.I have three tables as follows:

ITEM (primary key Item ID) (AutoNumber)
CREATOR (Primary key Creator ID) (AutoNumber)
ITEM CREATOR (junction table) (primary key Item ID and Creator ID)

ITEM has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR.
CREATOR has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR.

I have added a subform to the data entry form for ITEM. The fields in the subform are the fields in the ITEM CREATOR table, i.e. Item ID and Creator ID. The purpose of the subform is to link an Item to a Creator and populate the ITEM CREATOR table.These are the subform properties:

Record Source: Item Creator subform
Link Master Fields: Item ID
Link Child Fields: Item ID

The subform contains a combo box for Creator ID. These are the properties.

Control Source: Creator ID
Row Source: Item Creator Subform query
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 9

When a user clicks on the combo box drop-down, the first 9 fields in the CREATOR table are displayed. The purpose of this is to give the user more information when linking ITEM to CREATOR, so that the correct Creator ID is chosen and the Item is linked to the correct Creator. Two of these fields are Creator Surname and Corporate Creator.

The issue is that CREATOR now contains over 2500 records. When trying to link an Item to a Creator the drop-down list that appears when the Creator ID combo box is clicked is very long and the user is potentially faced with a long time spent scrolling the list. I would like to filter the drop-down list by Creator Surname so that the user enters a surname and only the Creator IDs for the Creators that have that surname appear in the list.

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Forms :: How To Filter Combo 2 From Table After Select Value From Combo 1

Nov 5, 2013

i have a table with three column Named


on a form i m placing 3 combo box for each column how can i filter combo 2 from table after select value from combo 1

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Forms :: Combo Box Range Selection

Dec 12, 2014

Access 2007

Inside main form f_order

I have a subform f_filter_nycklar

with only one column [Serie nr].

A list of unique serial numbers.

... to

The subform is based on q_filter_nycklar which in turn is based on tbl_filter_nycklar

I have two unbound combo boxes both based on tbl_filter_nycklar. I want chose starting number [ex 14001B], and end number (ex 14050B) and the subform to filter all numbers from first to last based on that selection.

I later want to copy this selection and past append into another subform on the same main form.

I have tried to set condition in q_filter_nycklar
>=[Forms]![f_filter_nycklar]![F] Or <=[Forms]![f_filter_nycklar]![T]
It does not work

-With condition blank the combo boxes list all available numbers and the subform continuously lists all numbers
-With condition the combo boxes list all available numbers but subform is blank no matter what I chose in the combo boxes (including leaving blank)...

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Forms :: Combo Box Column Selection

Mar 25, 2013

I am having a problem entering the 2nd column of a combo box.This is a lookup combo looking at a table called Accessories. The combo is looking up 4 columns in the table, the first column is called "Action" the 2nd column is called "Item". I click on the combo box in the form and decide on the action I want and click that row, it then enters the action I have clicked. But it is the "Item" column I want to enter on the form not the "Action" column.

This only works if I make "Item" the first column which I do not want to do. I want to keep the combo columns in the order they are but enter the 2nd column not the first. I have tried making the bound column the 2nd column but it still enters the 1st column. I am sure access must be capable of doing this but I cannot work out how. It seems you can only enter whatever is in the 1st column.

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Forms :: Setting Up A Combo Box To Filter Another Combo Box

Jan 27, 2015

I'm having a little difficulty setting up a combo box to filter another combo box. I've actually got one working but the second one is giving me all sorts of errors. On the attached database, there's a form called frmAddNewRecord. At the top of the form there's a combo box which allows you to select a name and another combo box beside it which acts as a filter so only names from a certain section are shown (working fine).

The subform which is attached to this form and contains the training details, has another combo box which allows you to select a job...I've tried to add a combo box beside this to filter it but I can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Display Flag Corresponding To Selection In Combo Box

Apr 18, 2015

I'm trying to create an access database to make an inventory of my model trains.

I have a main entry form (frmTrain) where I enter all sorts of info regarding e.g. a locomotive. This info is then stored in a table (tblTrain).

In the main entry form, I've put a combo box (cmbCountries) linked to a query (qryCountries) which queries the country codes from a table (tblCountries) that has three fields:

ID (autonumber)
CountryCode (short text) (containing the country codes UK, FR, DE, ...)
FlagFile (short text) (containing the name of the flag picture, e.g. UK.png)

The flags are stored as *.png files in a folder Flags that is in the same folder as the database file. I have chosen this approach instead of putting the flag pictures in an OLE field in tblCountries because I'd like to avoid being stuck to *.bmp files (don't support transparency). I'd also like to avoid having to mention the complete file path in the field FlagFile

I created a form (frmCountries) to easily add countries to tblCountries as needed.

Now back to the main entry form. The selection made in cmbCountries is stored in the field 'Countries' in tblTrain. When a country is selected in cmbCountries, I'd like that the corresponding flag is displayed next to the combo box.

I found an example on the web where an image field was used to display the flag, let's say with the following code:

Private Sub cmbCountries_Change()
Me.ImageFieldName.Picture = Me.cmbCountries.Column(2)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.ImageFieldName.Picture = Me.cmbCountries.Column(2)
End Sub

and where the combo box had as row source (not using qryCountries):

SELECT tblCountries.ID, tblCountries.CountryCode, [Application].[CurrentProject].[path] & "Flags" & [FlagFile] AS Expr1 FROM tblCountries ORDER BY tblCountries.[Code];

The problem with this example is that, if you select in frmTrain e.g. UK, the UK flag is then displayed across all records in frmTrain. So the image field is not the appropriate field to display the flag in frmTrain and I guess an unbound/bound (?) object frame should rather be used.

How to display correctly the flag picture for every individual record in frmTrain corresponding to the country chosen in cmbCountries.

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Forms :: How To Open Subform By The Selection From Combo Box

Feb 4, 2014

I have a form that contains a form (Contain business data) and a then a sub form that hold the companies history of donations. BUT I also have another forms that hold miscellaneous data that I would like to look at also in the sub form area.

I want to select the sub form by a combo box to show the "sub forms"I want to look at by selecting a menu from a combo box.

I have worked with Access for years but some reason the combo box has always been difficult for me to completely understand.

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Forms :: Combo Box Selection With Multiple Query

Feb 18, 2015

I have created form with multiple tables field in some of these fields I have assigned the combo box selection the total combo boxes in form is four and all are unique numbers but this form is incomplete.

1.When I select or update any of four combo box then remaining combo boxes and fields on form should be updated automatically with related records.

2.I need to bring calculated fields from multiple queries on to my current form .how I can insert query fields in to form...

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Forms :: Subform Won't Load From Combo Box Selection

Jul 12, 2013

There are 2 issues I am trying to figure out for an Access2007 form:

1) I should first state that I am working off of 3 tables:
a) Marketers
b) Companies that belong to those marketers
c) Points of Contacts (POC) for each Company

2) In my frmMain, I have 2 combo boxes. The first loads the second and the second loads a CompanyID text field (IDc) that the subform bases for which record info to pull. How do I get the CompanyID (and subform) fields to load blank upon form open and until the 2nd combo box selection is made?

3) A company that doesn't have any POCs entered yet won't load its CompanyID even though it DOES have an ID number. Well the Id not being changed doesn't change the POC info either. I am guessing it's because there is no info to fill in the subform yet. However, I need to be able to still pull up the blank fields so I can ADD a POC.

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Forms :: Text Box Based On Combo Box Selection

Dec 31, 2014

I am trying to auto populate the text boxes in the form based on drop down from the combo box. As you can see in the form Frm_Input, this works fine for FL, but for some reason it will not populate for Skill, Role, FLM and Location. The table it is linking to is Tbl_Names. Why as I have changed the column source?

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Forms :: Showing Image From Table Using Combo Box Selection

Apr 9, 2014

I am a novice to Access and in order to get some training in my workplace I need to show how access can be applied to my role.

I have a table of information consisting of 3 fields:

Motor manufacturer
Attachment (picture of particular car)

I want to have someone able to select the manufacturer and Model from Combo boxes and this will pull up the image associated with this model.

There are more than 1 model for each Motor manufacturer so you may have:

manufacturer Model
Ford Fiesta
Ford Mondeo
VW Beetle
VW Golf
Fiat 500

You must not be able to select the wrong model for manufacturer, i.e.
Ford 500

The images are currently saved onto the table as an attachment,
This may be wrong as well,
This may be a simple task to do, but hopefully I can get it running smoothly and show this is the right tool for the job.

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Forms :: Open Report Based On Combo Box Selection?

Jan 29, 2014

I am struggling to pull out a report based on the combo box selection. I have NOI database and want to pull out a report for a specific customer that how many NOIs are generated by this customer..

I have a separate table of customer and another table of NCRs and the customer information comes from customer table.

I have tried the below statement but gives me an error message:

code for Macro that pulls the report in click event:


do i need to mention the report as well in some where in report ?

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Forms :: Unlock Form Based On Combo Box Selection

Mar 17, 2014

I have two forms linked together.



What I want is to meet the following:

- Form 2 to be locked but its "MaterialRequest" is enabled.
- HandledBy to be unlocked if the MaterialRequest meets the "Status" of "frmMaterialRequest" which is "Approved".

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Forms :: Open New Form Based On Combo Box Selection

May 26, 2013

I have "donations" form with a cbo called "DonationType".


Employee Match
Employer Match
Royal Crown*

The last three options need to redirect the user to a different form used for pledged donations.

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Forms :: Multiple Field Population On Combo Box Selection

Nov 4, 2013

I'm building a test registration form, and I want to populate 2 additional fields based on the TestID ComboBox selection. This same TestID table has a Requirement and Expected result field, that I want to display for the end user, to make sense of the test in question. Multiple fields in the ComboBox does not work since you cannot select a single testID; you can click on the relevant testID, but the table remains in view, rather than displaying only the relevant testID.

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