Forms :: Adding Records - Tabbed Subforms Not Updating

Oct 10, 2014

I have a form with a tabbed area, each tab containing a subform. One of these subforms adds records to a table. Another subform shows the totals from that table.

But when I add records, the totals tab is not updated with the new quantities unless I close the form completely and go back in. I tried adding Me.Dirty = False to the subform that adds the records but that makes no difference.

It seems as though the 'totals' subform gets those values as the form is loaded and does not change, even when records are added and then that tab is selected.

How can I get the totals subform to show the updated totals?

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Forms :: Updating Records When Using Subforms

May 10, 2014

I created a new form with two subforms. They each reference their own table but are linked by a field called Case_Name. I created a unbound combo box in the main form to allow filtering of the records based on Case_name and I do a requery when the record is found. I am importing data from another application into the three tables ( main with other fields, as well as other tables ..Case_Name only).

The form/subforms are then used to modify or add new data to the existing records in each table/subform. The problem I have is when I go to update/add data in the subforms, it comes back and tells me that it cannot add data due to data integrity. It thinks I am trying to add a new record with the same Case_Name. I have the forms and subforms set up as Data Entry = No so that no new records can be added. I only want to modify existing data as the records are created from the import process.

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Forms :: Subforms Randomly Adding Blank Records Not Clearing Fields

Sep 18, 2013

My subforms are randomly adding blank records and one subform I would like to stay blank repopulates with data, though not necessarily the most recently added record. Both of these seem to happen when I navigate to other main records in the database and then return to this page.Using Access 2013, I have a large form with 10 pages. On one of the pages, I have two subforms. This is set up to gather many-to-one data. The top subform is my data entry form with three fields (two combo and a text) and a command button. The bottom subform is a datasheet displaying the three fields.

The two combo boxes are cascading, and they work great. The text box is there to collect additional info for each selection.
The command button works to

1) save the record,
2) requery both subforms in order to display the new data on the datasheet,
3) clear the combo and text boxes, and 4) set focus back to the initial combo box. It all works!

But then when I leave that main record, the horror begins: blank records (from the "many" table) show up on the datasheet and the data entry fields do not stay blank. I suspect my problem is in the command button. I added this code to the OnClick for the command button:


Private Sub addMinistryItems_Click()
'save record
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
'requery both subforms
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Child572.Form.Requery
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Ministries1.Form.Requery


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Subforms - Adding New Records, Etc...

Dec 5, 2005

I am creating an Access database that I want to be able to use to change a header table and its associated detail table. I have created a fmain-form that shows the header table fields. This form also has a subform which shows the detail records which are linked to a field in the header table. One header may have many linked detail records from the detail table. I have been able to easily enter information into the detail records that are shown in the subform.

I would like to know how I can add new detail records directly on the subform so that they will automatically pick up the correct header field from the main form. This way I know that the record I add to the sub-form with be linked to the open record of the main form.

Also, I would like to learn a way to sum all of the values of one of the fields shown in the sub-form and place it on the main-form. How can I do this so that I only sum those values that are in the sub-form that are linked to the open man-form record... not sum all of the values from all of the records in the database?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Forms :: Adding Subform To Main Form As Another Tabbed Page

Jun 25, 2013

I am modifying an existing form that has some tabbed pages(subforms) in it and I am wanting to know how to add another page. I have created another subform that I am wanting to add to this main form as another tabbed page.

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Forms :: Access 2013 - Adding Cross Close Command On Tab In Tabbed Documents Mode

May 25, 2015

I would like to add a cross close command on the tab in tabbed documents mode. Is it possible to accomplish?

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Querying Tabbed Subforms

May 16, 2005

Hi all,
I have a main form with tabbed subforms(all based on different tables) where I want to display only the records the specific viewer is able to see. I know that I need to change the record source for the subforms based on the criteria of filter I want but somehow I'm lost in the syntax.


Thank you!

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Tabbed Pages With Subforms

Jul 14, 2005

I have created a form which has a main section (Client demographics (bound to tblClient) and then five tabbed pages with subforms.(Data associated with the Client- all forms derived from tblAssociatedDetails). The subforms on the tabbed pages are all linked via a ClientID number.

In the form header I have put a a combo box and with the wizard said that I want it to select data from my form (in the case search via Surname). This works but only for the top part of the form (ie it will load the demographics) but will not load any of the data from the tabbed pages (subforms).

Any idea where the missing link could be?

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Updating Adding Records By Using Email

Jan 29, 2013

I have a database too big to upload here at the moment, however i have a main data entry form that is based on more than one table, what i want to do is create an email form either as html or info point and have this form emailed out so that my colleagues can then fill in thus on its return add records to the database.

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Queries :: Updating / Adding New Records To Existing Tables

Jul 29, 2014

I have a table with more than 60 fields and need to update it with records from another Access file with a table with an identical data structure.

Is it better to run an update query or an append query (i would have to delete the original records in the target table first) or a union query?

If I run an update query I will have to manually add each field to the query.

The update query will not add 'new' records. If I run an append it is quicker because I can use the * to match all fields, but i will have to delete the 'old' records first, as both tables use autonumber for the PK so the PK ID will be the same in each table (will get a key violation error).

If I import the 'new' table and run a union query it will match the fields and add the new records, but then i will have to create new table from that query.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Or Adding Records To Form - Find MAX Of Number Portion

Jun 28, 2013

I want whenever I'm updating or adding records to my form, the ID automatically take the value of the previous ID and increment it by 1.

The field type is text (mixed with number) - PM0000000.

I've done some research, what I understand is that I need to:

-do a lookup and
-find the MAX of the number portion.

Name of form - Payment
Name of table - Payment
Name of field - payment_id

I tried these, but to no avail...

Private Sub payment_id_Click()
payment_id = DLookup(("[payment_id]", "Payment", "[payment_id]=Forms![Payment]![payment_id]-1")payment_id + 1)
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Finding Records In Subforms

Apr 28, 2015

I am working on MS Access 2010 and have come across a bit complex situation. I have a table with about 20 fields. In a main form, I have added 4 sub-forms where each sub-form is showing 5 fields of each record from the table. This is because of step by step data entry into the same record. I have made these sub-forms as "Continuous Forms" and have given them look of Data Sheet.

There are about 1000 records currently present in the table and these are showing in my sub-forms (5 fields each). Now the problem is that, when I have my Focus on one record in my first sub-form to enter some data, and then I click on second tab of sub-form, the same records should be shown in second sub-form as well. Currently it is not being happening and I have to scroll down my second sub-form to search that particular record. It will become much more difficult when number of records will increase.

How can I work it around and get my cursor on the same record on every sub-form?

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Forms :: Create A Button To Copy Records From One Of Subforms

Jan 26, 2015

I have a form with several subforms for entering information while surveying rooms in a building. I am trying to create a button to copy records from one of the subforms if the data is the same (for example if there are 3 types of flooring in multiple rooms) and append it into the same subform with a different space ID. I can not get it to recognize the Space ID on the current record. This is what I have in the command button code:

Private Sub AppendFloorCmd_Click()
Dim FloorTypes As String, SpaceUpdate As String
Dim CurrentSpace As TextBox
Set CurrentSpace = Me.SpaceID
FloorTypes = "INSERT INTO FlooringSurveyTable (FlooringHomoID)" & _
"SELECT FlooringSurveyTable.FlooringHomoID FROM FlooringSurveyTable " & _
"WHERE (((FlooringSurveyTable.SpaceID)=[Enter Space ID to copy]))"


When I click the button, it appends the right records but makes me type in the current space ID - I've tried a bunch of ways of naming that control, but it will not work.

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Forms :: Duplicate Records Created Using Two Subforms In Main Form

Jun 23, 2014

I have created a database in microsoft access 2010 to show invoices for different customers in different countries. In doing so, I created using a two subforms in a main form. I have used the "country name" to link the subforms to the main form. When I enter new records into the subforms for a specific country, I realized that a duplicate record of an old record are being created in the subforms. What can I do to prevent this from happening? I tried to change the query link between the main form and subform to "invoice number" but the same problem has occurred.

I am novice to microsoft access 2010 ...

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Updating Subforms

Sep 15, 2006

I have a form with a subform. The subform displays the results of a query, as a datasheet view below the items on the main form (i.e. it's effectively a copy of what you can see if you open up the query itself in datasheet view, but neater because it's in the same window).

The query changes frequently to include different fields. Is there a way that I can make the subform update so that it always shows all the fields that the query contains?

At the moment I can't find a way to do this: the subform always tries to display the fields that the query had in it when the subform was created and, if those fields are no longer there, it just puts #!Name in the field!

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.


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Forms :: Records Total On Main Form From Subforms - Run Time Error 2450

Apr 24, 2013

Trying to get a total on main form from records from two subforms.

I'm coming up with Run-Time error 2450 Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'tblitemlist subform'.

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Forms :: Updating Several Records At Once

May 22, 2013

I have a database I created. its has Units, then it has Tracts and under tracts it has Leases. the main form is for the units. then I have a sub form which is tracts. in the tracts there is a field for Leases Vol/Page. everything works great. now I have a client that wants to send me Title opinions which are for several of the leases in the tract sub form. I need to input the info in a form and have it saved in fields in each Lease at one time.

Right now I have to goto each lease and insert it every time one by one. the field for each lease is the Vol/Page field. is their a way I can do this without having to goto each lease one at a time.??????? in other words one title opinion might be the same for ten of the leases I need to update these all at once.

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Updating Subforms As Data Is Added/deleted

Sep 6, 2005

I'm new to form design and do not know any VBA (but that won't stop me from messing with the code when need be).

I'm creating a form that will serve as the user-interface for viewing, adding, and deleteing data.

The product I want is a form with 3 items: a subform that displays data in a table (so users can see all the data), a button that links to a second form for adding data, and a button that allows users to delete data.

I've gotten close to accomplishing this with the exception of the delete option. The hang-up is due to the fact that the subform that displays all the data is the output of a query (can't delete data through the query). A friend who used to work with Access years back was trying to solve this issue by writing code that would identify the primary key of the record selected in the subform/query and then adding code that would use this extracted primary key to delete the record in the original table.

This seems like a slightly convoluted approach. Any suggestions how I can get the product I'm looking for?


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Moving Through Records And Updating Sub Forms

Jan 23, 2006

hi all,

I have this database I'm working on and have a couple of issues I can't work out.

The first is this, I want to have my sub forms go to the last record when moving through the main form, currently I can only get this to work when I open the form?

If I move through the records in my main form (forward and backwards), the two sub forms go to the first record only, so how can I get them to go to the last recor?

I've attached the DB to show you what I mean.
Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Records On A Screen?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a screen with multiple records from a database. At the top of the screen I have a button that lets the user change the mode between read only and edit modes. The current mode is displayed near the button. When the user decides to update a record or records he goes into the edit mode and starts changing the records. The user may change any number of records on the screen. When editing is finished he presses a button called save and close gets feedback and leaves the screen. Now in this process how do I keep track of the records that are changed on the screen . Plus he can hit the page down key and go to the next page and make changes there also. Is it possible to stop the hitting of the page down key. What indicators can I use to spot the records changed?

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Forms :: Subform Not Updating Correctly To Show Corresponding Records

Aug 26, 2014

I have been having issues with a subform on the attached database - for some reason it is not always updating to show corresponding records.

What I am planning, this is effectively going to be an interactive learning portal which can test users as well. There will be learning material (not yet included) and a bank of questions with corresponding multiple-choice answers, only one of which is correct. Each time the main form is loaded (Cat1MainForm) it randomly selects and orders questions, then, via a sub-form, returns three potential answers. There will then be radio buttons with which the users can answer appropriately.

If you load up Cat1MainForm and scroll through various questions you will see that sometimes the answers appear, other times not. Sometimes on one record the answers are there, you navigate away and back, and they have disappeared, and vice-versa.

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Forms :: Popup Form Updating Incomplete Records

Jan 21, 2014

I have a popup form that user will select for updating 4 fields in table. I have a update button that has code behind it that verifies the record is complete before closing the popup form. That works well.

However, I want to add an abort button that will close the form and save nothing entered however, I getting incomplete records and blank records. How can I code the button to not update the table and just close the form?

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Forms :: Updating Cost Without Changing Previous Records

Apr 11, 2014

I have this estimate database for a construction company. In this database I calculate how much will a project cost. It's pretty much complete the only problem that I have is trying to figure out how to update the cost of a trade without affecting older records

Example let's say we have a painter that makes $15/hr in project A,B,C,D,E we decide to give him a raise so project F would have a new amount for painter. The problem with that is that it will affect record A-E

I don't want that my department wants to go back and view a history of records. Also take a look at my database it's my first time creating one ...

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Adding Data To Multiple Tables With Subforms

Mar 2, 2015

I am new to access but I am familiar with SQL databases. I have two tables: one for project data and another for project leader data. These tables are linked by a third table that relates projectIDs to leaderIDs. I am currently working on making a form that will go through each project and display the people involved in each project in a subform. I pulling the data from the the leader table that matches the the projectID with a query.

I would like to be able to update the information in this subform directly (which I can currently do) and be able to add new project leaders to a project. What is the best way to add the new leader to this? If a person is already in the database how do I add them with the form without re-adding new information to the table?

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Adding Records In Forms

Jul 27, 2006

Hopefully I have provided enough info as I have tried to keep it concise...

I am adding records to both a parent table and a child table using a form (for the parent db) and a subform (for the child db). When enterring data into the subform, I would like all previous records enterred into the subform (for a given entry in the main form) to remain visible as new records are entered (rather than simply having the view switch from one record to the next). A follow-up question would do I get a unique identifier variable to increment one unit every time I add a new record into the subform, e.g.

ID var1
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
. .
. .

Many thanks - Zach

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Forms :: Adding Records Only?

Apr 3, 2014

How do I configure a form so it can only add records. I don't want users to see what is currently stored in the table, just add records to it.

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