Forms :: Adding Links To Files Into A Field - Accessing Correct Folder

May 16, 2014

I have a code to add links to files into a field, I recently migrated from Windows 7 to 8 and the name of the folders in 8 are different; therefore the database I have does not find the linked file anylonger.

To avoid this happening in future, I would like to have the option for the user to set the folder path through maybe a table and then the link will refer to the settings in the table.

Currently I am using the following code:

Private Sub AddLinkDoc_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInputFileName As String
Dim varDirectory As String
varDirectory = "C:UsersMarco TagliaferriDocumentsBA CityflyerCrew SchedulerDocumentationDocs"

[Code] ......

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General :: How To Create Forms In Access DB Which Uses Links From Source Files As Its Tables

Sep 7, 2012

I have a client who needs a Database created in Access for him. he would like to regularly auto-populate this Access DB from an Excel file - like twice a week.In addition, he wants me to create Forms, Queries, reports and Macros for him in the Access, which will have 2 Tables from Excel files and about 3 Tables created in Access.I figured that I could do that if I gave him a link to the Tables he needed from the Excel file(s). But how do I work remotely for him- the path to those files is on his computer. I can load them to mine, but then he can't open the files.How can I create Forms etc. in an Access DB which uses links from source files as its Tables?

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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Accessing Correct Combo Box Column From Query

Jan 4, 2008

Hi everyone,

I have a combo box that is populated from a table called tblProducts.
There are only three fields ID, Model and Description in this table.

ID is the primary key field and is an Autonumber

In the form when a user selects a product from the combo box the "Model" fields is displayed which is how I want it.

I am doing a query that should show the "Model field however when I run the query it shows the "ID" field which is useless information for the end user.

How do I show the correct field in the query?

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General :: Accessing Shared Folder In Different Machine

Aug 11, 2015

I am facing a issue in accessing my db file in server. I just splitted my database into front end and back end , placed in a local folder which is shared in network . I opened the files in network from my colleague machine and everything was working fine yesterday .. but right now i am getting error like "the network path is not found " 0X80070035 which tells that check whether the source machines is able to accept file sharing ..I googled and tried 2 solutions Like turning off windows firewall and enabling NetBIOS Over TCP/IP..

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General :: Pull Images From Shared Folder On Network With Links - Email Attachment

Jul 9, 2014

I have a database that pulls images from a shared folder on our network with links. Is it possible to create a button to email the current record on a form and attach the file it references in the link?

The attachment is a pdf signature. I didn't want to include the files in the database for space issues.

I am using Access 2007. We out outlook as our email client.

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General :: Accessing Disc Drive (Folder Content)

Jul 30, 2015

I need a facility in the access VBA coding to check if a directory exist.

It does exist, I need to open it and check for a specific file.

Or if the directory (folder) exist, to determine or display folders within.

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MP3 Files In Access DB: Accessing In ASP

Apr 12, 2006

I have an access database with MP3 music stored in it.

This works file in access if I double click the access cell the the tune O want to here it works, so it looks like I can store MP3 sounds in an access database.

Not I have it in the database how can I extract it in ASP so the my new web-page will play the tune when the item is double clicked?

To play MP3 hard coded I put an embed this works with a file-name "mytune.mp3" but I want get those on the d/b.

I made this ASP:
[code]<p><%=RS("Tunename")%> <br>
<embed src= "<%=RS("MUSIC")%>"
width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

where Music is the name of the cell containing the MP3 file.

This gave me:
[code]<p>mytune &nbsp;<br>
<embed src= "?$" width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to play?

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Accessing Linked Files

Jun 19, 2012

I have linked excel files to my access database and wrote queries for data retrival. Now the problem is, when i open the linked table in Ms Access or run a query, I am not able to open the excel file at the same time. It says, "this file is in use. try again ".. Is there a solution that i can open the excel sheet while it is open in Access?

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Accessing PDF Files After Drop Down Menu Selection

Aug 27, 2012

There is a field already that has a dropdown menu that a user selects from and there is a PDF on a fileserver that is associated with every selection possible.What I want is the PDF file to open automatically (or maybe a button to appear) once the user makes a selection from that dropdown menu.

So far what I have is a hyperlink field and a couple test links and a created button on the form with a sketchy macro I came up with (an if statement saying if the selection made = the selection field, look at the hyperlink and open it).

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Computer Hangs Accessing Network Database Files

Oct 6, 2004

And yes I now that's the title of a Knowledge base article, I stole it because it put into words what I can only say in expletives right now.

Basically, well it's all a bit odd.
I got users on the network who, until yesterday, could access some networked databases. Other files from the same source are ok, just Access files.
Today the moment they click (and I mean a single-click) on the icon to open the database...explorer hangs.
You can't open the database from within MS Access either, that hangs too. But you CAN open them up and use them if you can get them copied locally.
Oh yeah, some people (in the same room, on the same VLAN) can access the database, but can't perform any tasks within it.
Databases are a mix of 97 and 2000.
And to make matters worse, it's happening on another server.

I know you're gonna shout virus, but that looks to be a non-starter since I know of no such virus which would affect ONLY Access files and do it on a single click, and secondly The systems check out fine with both Sophos (and our good luck charm AVG) run against them.

Holy Moley! Has anyone ever come accross such a palarva?

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Adding Links To Posts

Feb 28, 2008

Sorry, cant find this in help, and cant do it by trial and error

How do I add a link to a post/thread in a reply

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Modules & VBA :: Merging All PDF Files In Particular Folder

Oct 25, 2014

I'm trying to write a simple little database. At one point on a form, I'm trying to merge all the pdf files in a particular folder. (I'm using the pdftke.exe program and there will be multiple pdf files)

It all works perfectly if I call it as below, with the actual paths already hard coded. It combines all the pdf files and renames it to the "merged filename.pdf" correctly

Dim stAppName1 As String
stAppName1 = "C:a folder namepdftk.exe C:another folder nameprints*.pdf cat output C:folder where merged file will bemerged filename.pdf"
Call Shell(stAppName1, 1)

However, I'm trying to have it work with the middle portion (the folder where all the pdf files are) being created on the fly so to speak.

The middle portion/path I have stored from a previous form and it's stored in a table.

So I'm trying the below, but doesn't seem to work.

Dim stAppName1 As String
Dim combine_files As String
combine_files = (this pulls a path from a stored field on the open form) + "" + CStr("*.pdf")

stAppName1 = "C:a folder namepdftk.exe (combine_files) cat output C:folder where merged file will bemerged filename.pdf"
Call Shell(stAppName1, 1)

With the code above, it doesn't seem to do anything.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through All Files In Folder?

Aug 26, 2014

I believe this is most recurring scenario for all. Any simple way like:

For each file in folder.files
Msgbox File.Name
Next File

For your information the above code doesn't work

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Modules & VBA :: Combine PDF Files In A Folder

Oct 21, 2013

I added to my database a button to ouput the data to PDF. It works as it should. We do print out the letters in paper and put a copy in the folder from the client (connected with the ID nr). From time to time we need to attach a PDF document to the letter and combine it. My question is now if it is possible to have some code to the button that when it finish the output to PDF it will combine all the PDF files that are in the folder and put it in a second folder. After that, I need to put the combined PDF in another folder.

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Copy Files Into Specific Folder

Apr 16, 2012

I have created a database that saves a link of technical data. Now i have forms where you can add the hyperlink of the data in the database. You can also type information about the data into the form (like location, what kind of part etcc.)But I was asked to save the data in a specific folder that you can select.

So what I have to do is:

Browse for a file in a form.Save the hyperlink of the file in the database.Don't save the file in the database, but copy the file that's selected when browsing to specified folder

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General :: DocmdTransferText And Adding Links To Document

Mar 25, 2015

I'm currently working on a way to import data from many word documents into a table - I've got this working fine using the following code:


Private Sub bImportFiles_Click()
On Error GoTo bImportFiles_Click_Err
Dim objFS As Object, objFolder As Object
Dim objFiles As Object, objF1 As Object
Dim strFolderPath As String


However, I'm wanting to add a link to those files to the table so that the user can click on the record (or select one and then use a button) to open each document in it's native environment (MS Word). I've tried adding a self-referencing hyperlink to a form in the word document and then reading that in - but that doesn't seem to work. As these files may move around (and there are a lot of them) I need to make sure it's done automatically so can't really get the user to write it in manually.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting With Files That Update In A Folder

Aug 20, 2013

I have a folder that .csv files which are connected to my database are updating in. Once the .csv that i specify updates I want a color box to turn green. Is there a way to do this? Maybe just use when the linked text file updates?

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Modules & VBA :: Moving PDF Files To User Specific Folder

Feb 11, 2015

I'm Trying to move PDF Files associated with a customer to there specific folder

The query gathers the data, Gives me a list of files by account number

Now I want to use the results of the query to move those files

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Modules & VBA :: Delete A Folder To Include Subfolders And Files?

May 25, 2015

I need a way to delete a folder along with subfolders and files associated with a record via command on a form:

The path is stored in a text field "txtDocuments".

For example: "C:UsersWatsonDesktopFY1515051505-010"

So, I would want the code to pull the folder location from the txtDocuments text field and delete folder "1505-010" and all sub folders & files contained within it.

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General :: Retrieve Links To Find Some Documents - Adding Message Box?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a report named Link_report which retrieve links to find some documents. I would like to add a Msgbox to say: " No link has been found for this document" when the case link is empty.

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Modules & VBA :: Search For All Picture Files In Documents And Copy To A Folder On Desktop

Mar 28, 2014

I've been trying to search for all picture files in my documents and copy them to a folder on the desktop. I found this and it work great for searching however I'm having trouble getting the copy to work. [URL] ....

Dim colFiles As New Collection
RecursiveDir colFiles, "C:Photos", "*.jpg", True
Dim vFile As Variant
For Each vFile In colFiles
Debug.Print vFile
Next vFile


I replaced the debug.print vfile with my copy function. I've tried copyfile but it needs to specify the destination with the file name. I tried using the FSO filecopy method and can't get it to work (keep getting a compile error "Expected =") I feel the hard part is done and this part should be simple.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Path Of Folder In Email

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that takes data from my database and creates an email with it. It also creates a folder and a word document. In the email, I would also like to include the file path as a link instead of just the path that it puts there now. Is this possible to do?


Option Compare Database
Private Sub SendEmail_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_open_word_Click

Dim oApp As Object
Dim path As String

[Code] .....

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Adding Word Files

Feb 24, 2006

Hi there,

I am just contimplating the best way to add word files into my database. I know you can add them as objects, however when they appear on the form they seem a bit 'messy'.

Does anyone have anytips how to make this look more professional, perhaps the use of links, or buttons?

Many thanks in advance, Ross

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Adding Help Files To Option

Apr 5, 2008

Hi there, really simple question

I just wanted to know if I could edit the access interface so that the access help options would not be displayed, but I can add a link to my own created HTML help files for the system I have created. Is it possible?

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Subform Correct Answer Adds To Number Correct In Main Form

Mar 2, 2012

The code I have is.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub

Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.

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