Forms :: After Update / Change Events Not Working?

Dec 16, 2013

I am trying to update values in an unbound text box based on a selection in the combo box on the same form; however whilst I am easily able to display the information for the first selection the values do not update when I change the value in the drop down.

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Forms :: Trapped By Text Box Before Update Events?

Aug 3, 2015

We use the before update events of text boxes for error checking and normally that works exactly the way we want it to. The focus remains on the text box until valid data is entered. However, there are a couple of situations where we would like to be able to release the user from the constraints. One being a button that clears the form and the other being a button that closes the form without saving the date.

In these situations the action of the before update events are just an irritant. Imagine a user who starts to fill out a form and just started entering a date, when he realizes he doesn't need to enter the record. He clicks on the close button and then is forced to complete a date for a record that will never be saved.

If there were just some way of determining what event triggered the before update event, i.e., determine that it was the close button, we could tailor the before update event code to handle these cases. Is there any way to do this?

We realize we could avoid this by postponing the error checking until the record is saved, but we want to provide the user immediate feedback on data errors.

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Table After Events Not Working

May 20, 2014

I am just starting find my way around Microsoft Access However I am currently stuck on something to do with table events (data macros).I added a Before Change and After Update macro to a table and added a RaiseError method to each of them.

I tried to update a record in the table. A dialog appears corresponding to the Before Change method. I deleted the Before Change method and then once again tried to update the table. No dialog box appears The After Update macro does not seem to fire.I tried all the other "After Events" and nothing seems to fire.

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Forms :: Update ListBox On Record Change In Form

Apr 30, 2014

I have a form with a listbox in it. I want the listbox to update as the record changes.Let me get a little more in-depth...The form will be used to identify merchandise that exists in the company to fulfill current POs.

What I want is for the listbox (which displays Store Locations) to update when the PO# updates on the form (so as the record changes).Currently, the listbox only pulls all the store locations no matter if you hit next record to get a new PO.The two main fields I am working with are PO# (text box) and Store Locations (the listbox).How can I get the listbox to update as the record changes on the form?

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Forms :: Using Form To Update Location Change Of Inventory?

Dec 2, 2013

I have an inventory of equipment that is assigned to different locations. When repair is needed, the equipment is brought in and swapped with a loaner. How can I update on a form the location change from "A" to "Shop" that will show up on the related equipment table? I have "Location" in the table, but don't know if I need something to the effect of "NewLocation" to assist in showing the equipment swap.

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"On" Events Not Working??!

Mar 6, 2006

Hi.. I'm terribly frustrated at this point and I hope someone can help shed some light on this.. I'm running into a very peculiar situation with using "OnChange" and other events (i.e. BeforeUpdate/AfterUpdate) for one of my forms. Not sure whether anyone has ran into this problem, but I had set "OnChange" event to occur for a combo box that I have. When tested, "OnChange" NEVER FIRES (when I actually selected a different value from the drop-down box). I thought I was using the wrong event, so I tried others (i.e. BeforeUpdate, AfterUpdate, LostFocus), to no avail.

Would anyone have an idea what may be wrong? Otherwise, I will need to create a command button for my users to click there so my actions can be done..


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Events In Forms

Mar 16, 2007

I have a database in which people add little bits to different fields as they go. For instance, person 1 puts in appointment, person 2 verifies info for the customer, person 3 checks the customer in, person 4 takes their money. What I am trying to do in a form is track the time when each department accessed it, and which user. I can do this on a new record, but for some reason, I can't get the event properties to work correctly on my form. I have a field for each department set aside for when they update their part of the record. What I am trying to do is, when the record is updated, having the time autopopulate the field.


Appointments enters |DATE OF APPT| |TIME OF APPT| Appointment timestamp should = time()

Verification enters |PATIENT INFO| |VERIFIED y/n| Verification timestamp should = time()

Reception enters |PULL TAB#| |CHECKED IN y/n| Reception timestamp should = time()

Cashier enters |AMOUNT COLLECTED| Cashier timestamp should = time()

All of these fields are on the same database (I have 2 linked tables: Customer demographics and appointments linked one to many by account # for the customer), and obviously, there's a lot more to it, but this is just a short example of what each department will enter. Appointments starts the appointment, so their timestamp will work, as they are starting new record. However, all of the following departments will be adding to this appointment record. When the other departments open their form with the fields in which they will be filling out, I want it to timestamp when they update the record as well as inserting their login "currentuser()" into the "updated by?" field for each department. For some reason, when I put time() into the event portion the field, it doesn't work. I tried it on dirty, on exit, after update, and it just doesn't update. Am I missing something?

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Is Null Not Working, But Does Work If Change To <1?

Oct 5, 2007

I have a query, and it has been working just fine, till today. I have it based on a field being null. This field shows null in the table, it is a text field but it is a 19 digit number if there is anything in there. The fields didnt come up in the query when it was based on Is Null. But if I changed it to a <1 they came up just fine. and After further testing, the change works just how I had it working with the Is Null or so I thought. Any ideas on the WHY behind this, I am really curious about it, thought I would get some opinions on why this happened.

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Forms :: Record Availability Of Volunteers For Different Events In Database

Jul 14, 2013

I am trying to create a database that will record the availability of volunteers for different events.

So far, I have used access to create an availability table, that contains fields for event, date, name, shift 1, shift 2, shift 3.

I now want to create a form that will filter this table for a given event, then layout the form so that names appear down the left, date across the top, and then the shift 1 to 3 fields (which are yes/no fields) to appear in the body of the layout.

This is so the organising team can quickly enter this information (received by phone, email, fax) into the database. I have had a go with subforms within subforms but so far drawing blanks.

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Forms :: Invitation Form - Database For Handling Of Events For Clients

Apr 22, 2013

I am trying to build a database for the handling of events for our clients. I therefore do have four tables named "Client", "Invitation", "Invitation status" and "Events". The table invitation includes an own primary key and the primary keys from the tables "Invitation", "Invitations status" and "Events" as so called secondary keys. I have now built an ongoing form, based on the "Client" table.

This form has a list field which includes the upcoming events. All our clients are listed below this form (as it is an ongoing form). After the name of the client I do have a drop down field calles "status" (source is the table "Invitation status" where we can remark if the client is invited, has confirmed his attend and so on.

The problem is now as follows: I am able to put in the status of a specific client for an event. The result is saved in the table as wanted. I am also able to change the status and this will be saved in the table as well. What doesn't work is that if I want to change the event, the status doesn't change. This means that if a client hast the status invited for event X he has the status for all events, which shouldn't be. The aim would be that if I am changing the event, the status also has to change.

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Forms :: Display Number Of Events Taking Place Today

Dec 17, 2013

I'm creating a database for a music store which also does music lessons. In the header I wish to display the number of lessons that are taking place each day, the number will be dynamic as the number of lessons vary from day to day. I obviously have a table with all the lessons that have already taken place, as well as lessons that are taking place in the future.

I've attached the header (isn't the final version) as an example.

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Before Update Not Working

Oct 11, 2006


I used a before Update procedure to check if the date of a textbox is later than another text box. However, nothing seem to happen when I enter the wrong date.

Here is my code:
Private Sub txtDateOfCompletionForHandover_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim anticipatedCompletionDate As Date
Dim dateCompletionHandover As Date

'assign vars values
anticipatedCompletionDate = txtAnticipatedCompletionDate.Value
dateCompletionHandover = txtDateOfCompletionForHandover.Value

'If date1 refers to a later point in time than date2, the DateDiff function returns a negative number
If DateDiff("d", anticipatedCompletionDate, dateCompletionHandover) < 0 Then
MsgBox "You are trying to Handover house before the house is finished!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & _
"Please enter a later date than Anicipated Completion Date above.", , "House Handover"

'empty textbox and keep focus
txtDateOfCompletionForHandover.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Update Query Not Working

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all,

I'm sure this is easy to do but for some reason i just cannot get it working. Hopefully someone here can tell me where i'm going wrong.

I have two tables in a database and the have a linking unique field. I want to update a column in one table from a column in another where the linking ID field matches.

Here's what i have at present.

Update Table_1 inner join Table_2 On Table_1.ID = Table_2.ID
Set Table_1.[CHI Number] = [Table_2]![CHI_No]

This is just returning the CHI Number column as blanks instead of what i expected would be the same as Chi_No.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Thanks in advance

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Update Not Working Persistently

Dec 10, 2005

Hi all,

I'm trying to use an update query, but somehow, it doesn't store anything in my database. This is my code:

sql = "UPDATE CONSTRUCTIEF SET ConstructiefScore = " & strGebouwConsScore & " AND ConstructiefCommentaar = '" & strGebouwConsOmschrijving & "' WHERE ConstructiefID = " & strGebouwCons
DoCmd.RunSQL sql

When the execution reaches this peace of code, I actually get the right warning message because he's going to update a table, but when i'm looking in the table afterwards, nothing has been updated.

Anybody got any clue?

Thnx in advance,


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Update Query Not Working

Jan 12, 2006

Hello all,

I have the below update query running

UPDATE tbl_master SET tbl_master.COLLRAW =
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "WV","WV",
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "MA","MA",

but when I add this line:

UPDATE tbl_master SET tbl_master.COLLRAW =
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "WV","WV",
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "MA","MA",
Iif(tbl_master,MSPBANK in ("751","752","753","854","855"),"GS",

It give me an error message that says "Wrong number of arguments in Query Expression." Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the query above?

Thanks in advance,


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Apr 24, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Here's the situation:-

I have a patient record with a specific consultant assigned to the patient. In some instances, the patient may request a different consultant. What I want to do is to allow the user to change the consultant and to save details about the change e.g. file no, old value, new value, date etc.

This is what I have done so far:-

I created a Query to retrieve details from 3 tables and assigned the value to be changed to a variable (oldvalue)

I then allow the user to select from a combo box the new consultant.

Details of these changes are then written to a table called tblchanges.

All the above is working.

The problem occurs when I try to update the consultant table, by replacing the old consultant with the newly selected consultant.

Can someone look at the code and let me know first if I am approaching this problem correctly and then why the code is not working.

Private Sub Combo36_Change()
Dim flno As String
Dim fldnme As String
Dim oldval As String
Dim newval As String
Dim tdate As Date
Dim ttime As Date
Dim sqn As String
Dim yrn As String

flno = PFILENO
fldnme = "Radiation Oncologst"
oldval = Text29
newval = Combo36
tdate = Date
ttime = Time

'Insert change values into tblchanges

strSql = "INSERT INTO tblchanges " _
& "( fileno,fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue, datechg,timechg ) " _
& "VALUES ('" & flno & "','" & fldnme & "','" & oldval & "','" & newval & "',#" & tdate & "#,'" & ttime & "')"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

strFILENO = (Left(Me!PFILENO, 4) & "/" & Right(Me!PFILENO, 4))

'update consultant table with new value

stsql2 = "UPDATE tblatdocts SET roncologist = '" & newval & "' "
stsql2 = stsql2 & "WHERE tblatdocts.FILENO = '" & strFILENO & "' "

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL stsql2
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub

Thanks so much for your help.


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SQL Update Query Not Working

May 19, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a text field in a database.
I run an update query and the database updates when the form field is text e.g 'location' or numerical '1234'. However if it is mixed, e,g VV1234 it fails to update and i get an update error.

Is this an Access thing? Is there a work around?

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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date A Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Update Query (with Nested Sql) Not Working

Sep 23, 2007

hi guys,
i have this sql that filters 2 tables to give me the highest number against a record and then i want to update the 1st table. but it dosnt seam to work it brings back the correct data but the sql has generated a non-updatable query.

any ideas?

UPDATE [SELECT ARCtblErrorInfo.Uber, Max(ARCtblHistory.Status) AS MaxOfStatus
FROM ARCtblErrorInfo LEFT JOIN ARCtblHistory ON ARCtblErrorInfo.Uber = ARCtblHistory.Uber
WHERE (((ARCtblErrorInfo.Status)=121))
GROUP BY ARCtblErrorInfo.Uber]. AS test INNER JOIN ARCtblErrorInfo ON test.Uber = ARCtblErrorInfo.Uber SET ARCtblErrorInfo.Status = [test].[MaxOfStatus];

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Help With UPDATE Utilizing A Working SELECT

Jan 29, 2008

I'm very new to Access 2000. I'm working with 3 tables.

I finally got this sql statment to work:
SELECT [tlkp.Language].[LangID],
FROM (tlkpLanguage INNER JOIN tblRawData
ON [tlkpLanguage].[LangName]=[tblRawData].[LangName])
INNER JOIN tblApplication ON [tblRawData].[AppID]=[tblApplication].[AppId]

How can I change it to UPDATE?
I want to update the tblApplication.LangID = tlkpLanguage.LangID using the joins described in the select statement?

There is no LangName field in the tblApplication.
I have tried everything and I keep getting syntax errors.

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Update Query For New Records Not Working 2007

Mar 23, 2007

I am using an update query comparing 2 tables to add new records from table 2 to table 1. This worked fine until we upgraded to Office 2007. Is this a function of 2007?

I am not getting any prompts to OK, "You are about to update 1500 records"

Thanks for any help.


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Queries :: Update Query Not Working On Last Record

Jun 26, 2014

I have this update query that is triggered by an after update event on a main form. The record being updated are in a continuous subform. It works well except from the last added/modified record. If I save and close the form and then open it again it works for all records but if modify or add a record, the update query will not work for that last modified/added record.

I have tried several things such as save record, use dirty = false for the on exit event of the subform control but nothing works. Here is the procedure:

Private Sub cboPoCurrency_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim lngID As Long
Dim dblRate As Double
Set db = CurrentDb

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Simple Cascade Update Not Working

Oct 29, 2013

I've done this tons of times, so I don't understand what's happening... The title says it all: when I update the ID of one record of the main table, the referenced records on related tables won't update even though they have a relationship between them with the option "Cascade update" clicked.

In the attached database, the main table "Expedientes" is related to table "Actuaciones".

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Referential Integrity: Cascade Update Not Working As Expected???

Nov 2, 2006

I have a database with a couple of tables. The primary table has a primary key called "StaffNo". I checked the relationships between the primary table and each related table, if I have ticked on the boxes for referential integrity, cascade updates. All done. If I now create a query, which selects the primary table and one related table and enter a new StaffNo, I would expect to see the new StaffNo not only in the primary table but also in the related one. But there is nothing. Do I expect wrong? Have I missed sth.? I read a few posts in this and other forums reg. referential integrity, but I have no clue, what's wrong. :confused:
Any quick help is much appreciated.
Thanks :)

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