Forms :: Alert Message If A Field In A Record Is Empty

Mar 22, 2013

I have a form in my db and i would like it to show me a warning message if a specific field in a record is empty or even better not to allow me to close the form. I would like to have this in order to avoid incomplete data.

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Forms :: Msg Box Alert If Any Field Is Empty

Aug 8, 2015

I have a continuous form that is belong to values of three unbound fields.

and a commandbutton that makes requery for this continuous form.

when i click on this command button , if any field is empty ; what's the appropriate code that i can use to alerts me the name of the forgotten field ?

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Creating A Message Alert On A Record

Feb 13, 2008


I am trying to create an alert function so that when a user open up a form and displays a record, it will also display any alerts that have been created for that record. e.g. missed payments etc.
I have created a table to store the alert data along with the job number to which the alert relates so in essence I can have more that one alert per job record. I amtrying get one of the alerts to display ok using the following code

alerts = DLookup("[Job _Number]", "Alerts", "[Job _Number]='" & Me.Job_Number & "'" And "[Start_Date]" >= Date)

You will see that I am trying to only display alerts that are within the valid date range (I have not yet included [End_Date] as I cannot get the code above to work.

Can anyone help me correct this code please?

The other thing is that because I am using a dlookup, I am assuming it will only display the first alert it finds in the table and that's it? If so, how do it get it to display all 'active' alerts with a matching job number. By active I mean where the Start date is >= Date() and End date is <= Date()

I would really appreciate any help on this..

Thank you all for reading.

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Display Message If Field Left Empty

Dec 8, 2005

I am trying to notify users to fill a specific field in if they forget it and can not work out which event to use.
Can you please help



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Alert Message

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me.

I have an access database, with a form called "Stock Maintenance", the controls on the form are QTY & Min QTY.

What i would like if possible, is once the Min QTY is below (10) an alert message/flag appears, saying QTY LOW Re-order Stock!!

I hope I have expressed what im trying to do.

any help on this matter would be greatly appricated.

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Alert Message Help?

Dec 5, 2004

I have a screen that has 8 different buttons and clicking on any of these buttons generates an appropriate letter and once the button was clicked in also inserts a date, today's date.

Private Sub btnSecondReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnSecondReport_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'* Call the standard letter printing routine for this form.

Call StandardLetterVariables("Bd$50paid.doc")

[DTSecondLetterSent] = Date

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnSecondReport_Click

So I would like to create an alert that looks at this date and 14 days from that date will alert, remind whatever I want to do.
I am thinking it wouldn't be too hard to create a reminder that pops up when the record is opened but I am sure users will want to be reminded without having to go into the record.

My question: can I and is it hard to create a reminder that will take care of paying attention when and who needs to be reminded or should I just create a report and let them run this.

I hope this makes sense and sombody has done this.

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Read Input Value From Message Alert

Nov 9, 2006

ok.. i need to add an input textbox to my message alert..

i have this right now..

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox ("Enter the date:")
End Sub

i also need the value they enter to be saved as 'formdate'

then i will assign my date field to that value using something like

datefield = formdate

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General :: How To Make Alert Or Pop Up Message Using Access 2007

Sep 18, 2012

i want to make alert message that will be pop up when the return date for borrowing book is one day before the date. and the alert message will also can show the information about the borrower.the alert message will be something like this. Tomorrow one borrower need to return the book. click ok to view the data.can access 2007 do this kind of alert message..?

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General :: Send Message Alert On Next Day If Current Day Is Vacation

Jan 21, 2015

My requirements is to send the alert messages with the approaching due date on every Monday of the week. I am able to send alert messages on Monday. My Problem is: How to send alert messages on Tuesday if Monday is Vacation. Is there a way to do it in access? I don't have much experience in access.

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How To Make Alert Or Popup Message Using Access 2007

Sep 18, 2012

I want to make alert message that will be pop up when the return date for borrowing book is one day before the date. and the alert message will also can show the information about the borrower.

the alert message will be something like this. Tomorrow one borrower need to return the book. click ok to view the data.

Can access 2007 do this kind of alert message..?

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Forms :: Record Source Query Is Empty?

Oct 18, 2014

I have a main form with two unbound text boxes that filter a subform with a select query in the record source. The problem is that it only works sometimes.when I copy and paste the SQL into a query instead of the form it works all the time. for example when I open the query and the form side by side with the same SQL the form does not show results but the Query does, and yes I have "requeried" both of them after entering criteria into the unbound text boxes.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT [Quote_ID] & "-" & [Version] AS QuoteIDv, tblQuoteID.Quote_Type,
tblQuoteID.Quoted_By, tblQuoteID.Agency, DLookUp("[Contact]",
"tblContacts","[QuoteID] = '" & [Quote_ID] & "' And [Version] = '" & [Version] & "'") AS contact,
tblQuoteID.Quote_Date, tblQuoteID.FileName, tblQuoteID.FileLocation, tblQuoteID.Amount,
tblQuoteID.Active, tblQuoteID.Quote_ID, tblQuoteID.Version, tblQuoteID.Selected

[Code] .....

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Message Box If Combo Empty

Jul 25, 2005

Hi All.
Hope someone can help.

I have a form with 2 combos (cboStart and cboEnd) and button to preview a report.

The report is made from a Query, with the following in the completion date:-

Between [Forms]![frmReporting]![cboStart] And [Forms]![frmReporting]![cboEnd]

The user then chooses the start date and end dates in the combo's.
What I would like to do is have a message box appear if the use forgets to enter either date.

Many Thanks for reading this.

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Error Message For Empty Query

Feb 11, 2008

i have a form which has as button that opens a query
how can i make it so that if there arent any results from the query then a error message will pop up saying "no results found" and the table dosent show?

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Forms :: Counting A Field In Form If Other Is Empty

Oct 2, 2013

I would like to count a field if another is empty. I have 2 fields "registered" and "Started" and "closed"I would like to count all the fields "registered" if the field "started" is empty. I also want to do it with "started" if "closed" is empty.

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Forms :: Make Visible When Field Is Not Empty

Oct 6, 2013

I've got a memo field on a form where the name is TextEXTRA

The Control Source for TextEXTRA is EXTRA.

I've got a box called BoxSHOW (Visible = No)

As I browse through records or find records, I want the box to become visible when there is something in the EXTRA field and become invisible when the EXTRA field is empty. This is what I've tried .....

Private Sub Form_Current()
If EXTRA Is Not Null Then
BoxSHOW.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

I tried many variations on the first line such as ...


but I always get errors.

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Alert When New Record Is Saved!!!!

Jul 28, 2004

I need to know how to send an email to myself when someone adds a new record
to my database. If someone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Formula Not Working - Empty Field Returning

Jan 31, 2014

I have a date in "date to engineering" of 13/ 01/2010 but I am not getting a value in my field which should be 1479 my field is just always returning an empty field

=IIf(IsDate([date to engineering]),"",IIf(IsDate([date from engineering]),Now()-[date to engineering],[date from engineering]-[date to engineering]))

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Forms :: Empty Search Field In Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I'm using a form for book drinks to a customer room.

To find the customer, I'm using an search function (Unbound field), works fine.

The same function I'm using in the subform, for booking the articles to the customer.

Now, I'm wondering, is there an easy way to clear the search field either when starting the form or after the search is done and the article booked.

The search function is based on the macro (Search for record, condition: ="[ID] = " & Str(Nz(Screen.ActiveControl,0))).

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Forms :: Filter Values Available In Combo Box By Empty Field In The Table?

Jan 25, 2015

I'm working on a table for work which will serve as a database of bins and the products currently in those bins, as follows:

ID Bin Amt Product
1 34 25 110001
2 33 15 200005
3 32 23 110003

Basically: employee A will use a form to update "Bin 34" (ID=1), with information (Amt, Product) until it is emptied by employee B and cleared using a separate form. No new records will be made or deleted, just the adjacent fields (Amt, Product) cleared and filled in and cleared again over and over.

What I'm trying to figure out is, when employee A clicks on the combo box on his/her form to select a Bin and enter information, how can I filter what is listed in the combo box to display only those bins which have no values under Amt & Product. The real-world risk of overwriting a bins fields before it has been cleared by employee B (who physically empties the bin) can be extremely high monetarily so I am trying to reduce that risk by eliminating it from the combo box until employee B has cleared those fields.

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Form Event To Alert Before User Moves Onto Another Record

Sep 20, 2005


I have a form with some bound fields and some unbound fields. If I make any change to the bound fields I can use the "Before update" event to perform some actions when a user tries to move onto a new record.

What I now need is if a user doesn't make any change to the bound fields but makes a change to an unbound field - how can I check this before the next record is displayed. Is there any event I can use? Each time a user tries to move to a new record I want to check first if they have added anything to an unbound field.

Users can move onto the next record using buttons or the record navigator at the end of the form.

Many Thanks,

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Need Ideas: Alert User When Record Hasnt Been Updated In Over An Hour

Jul 22, 2007

I have a form in continuous forms mode...
Each entry is something the user is supposed to check on once and hour and update.
I have a "Last updated" field.
Now() goes into that field every time the record is updated.
I have a querry that will show the users records that are over an hour old.

How can I get Access to pop-up a window or something to alert the user they need to look at something? It would be really nice if Aspect would start blinking in the task bar or something.


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Forms :: Message Prompt When Editing Already Entered Record

Apr 22, 2013

But how do I have a message box pop up that warns the user he is about to edit an already entered record?

Is there a setting for this in the form design. Or do I need VBA, in which case what form event would I tie the msg box too?

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Forms :: Message Box Pops Up When Entering Field

Aug 2, 2015

I have message box come up in the On Enter of field (ContactTypeID):

Select Case MsgBox("Take care when editing this field!", vbOKCancel Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "Access DB")
Case vbOK
Case vbCance
End Select

to warn the user that this will change the contact type of the record.When I click the field everything works fine except I'm not able to enter the next field. All other fields I'm able to enter. Also, when I try top enter the next field (Phone) I get the message box for the other field even though I have nop message box function for that field.

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Forms :: Mandatory Entry Message If Field Blank

May 11, 2014

How to have a message appear if the "Symbol_Stock" field is blank.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Last Record Next To Empty Space On Current Record

May 6, 2015

I'm trying to make a form that shows what the last record was next to the empty space where you enter a new record.

This is so the user knows that what they are entering is roughly in line with what has come before.

So for example if I was recording temperature every May, I would like a form that has a field called temperature and next to that field I would like to see last year's temperature.


Date | Temp
2014 | 20.5
2013 | 18.5
2012 | 19.0
2011 | 22.7
2010 | 15.2

So when I enter the record for 2015 I have a box that says: Temp and next to that box is "Last year was 20.5" or something like that.

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Add New Record To An Empty Table - First Record Must Be Set?

Jun 26, 2006

I am trying to create a form in Access 2003, to view / create entries into a table - but the "new record" button appears to be greyed out when the table is completely empty. When I create an identical form that queries an identical table (except that it has several records already setup) I can add new records as much as I like. Is this normal? Any way of getting round this?

The problem is that I'm trying to add records to a table that is regularly polled by a DTS. Every 15 mins, this reads then deletes any entries - hence the table is generally empty. Apologies if this is a basic question, I'm very new to Access :)

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