Quick question with respect to Ms-access Forms.I have a few forms on my database. I have created a button and set it's click event to open another form in addmode, but when the form opens all my field borders ar missing. I have attached a screen shot of the issue I am facing. All the text fields are border-less I dont know why.
As you know it's not possible to set the "BorderStyle"-property of a form during runtime. But thats a kind of functionality, i need to use in my Access 2003 application.
I need to 'simulate' the value "none" during runtime, that means that there is absolutely no frame/border around the form. Design-mode is not possible, because i need to use a MDE file.
So i dealed with the APIs and nearly got it. But i always have had a kind of very thin 'sunken'-frame around my form. I also played with the extended window-styles, but the result was that i got a 'raised'-frame around the form.
Over all i really got wired in my head.
Maybe someone already did that too and can post the right api-calls / styles here?
I would be really thankful, because i quit that now after hours...
how can i disable a textfield or two in a form when the textbox is unchecked also how do i add a default value for it while the textbox itself is disabled, can i get away with it by adding a default value on the textbox?
on "After update" event for Confirm password a code needs to find if both Passoword and confirmpassword are having the exact character (Case sensitive).
Below code doesn't recognize the Case. It allows as long as both words are same:
Dim StrString1, strString2 As String StrString1 = Password srtString2 = ConfirmPassword
I have a problem with the connection between the labels and fields in designing my form.Is there a command do eliminate the association between the two? If not I was thinking if there is a problem to delete the labels and make new ones but by doing this Access (2010) says the label is unassociated.
I wanted to combine 2 fields and a text in one text field on the access form.I have a field called "SentDateTime" and a field "Comment" I wanted to create it like this: MSD Message sent on 24/12/2014..I tried this formula in a unbound text field and it did not work:
I need making a search function for a form. I have a form with details about telephone counselors and want to be able to place a text box at the top that allows me to search through all the fields in the tables that the form relates to or displays.
I am working on a database project using Access 2010 and encounter some ComboBox text color problem,
The form has a ComboBox that displays the Supplier Name. The Combo's source control is Supplier ID in the Products table which joints the Supplier Table containing the Supplier Name. To display the Supplier Name only, I use a column count of 2 (for VendorID and VendorName) and column width of 0";2" so as to hide the SupplierID.
VBA is used to dynamically change the ForeColor and BackColor (via the Control Property ".ForeColor" etc) of the text in the ComboBox and TextBox. This works well for all TextBoxes and the ComboBoxes with direct data from the Products Table. However, for the ComboBox of VendorName, the BackColor can change but the ForeColor always remains as black. I have tried using the Format query such as "[White];@;[White];@" which works on the TextBox and other ComboBox (with direct field data from table), but the situation remains the same on this ComboBox which uses join-table reference via the VendorID.
Most my short text fields on my form are normal, but some have scroll buttons like a memo box and it's annoying, especially because the user can't jump to the next field by pressing return.
In a nutshell, I have a form where the 'Record Source' is a table titled 't_02_0_Assets'. I have several fields in the table that have foreign key references that utilize the Lookup Combo Box display control to allow users to select from a drop down list in the form.
The issue I am having is that I can't filter the text in the foreign key fields (only the ID's ).
My attempted solution was to create a control on the form (text box) and bind it to each of the foreign key ID's using the DLookUp function and then reference this control in the filter code.
My question is... how do I reference this DLookUp textbox in my filter VbCode?
I have attached a '.jpg' image of various aspects of the form including the filter code on the 'On Change' event.
I have several combo box fields in a bound form where they are selecting values from a list (values stored in a separate table) and then loading a number into the bound table field when selected.
How can I put a text prompt in these fields when loading the form which gets removed when focused and of course is not permitted to attempt a save into the bound numeric fields? I've done quite a bit of searching but can only find materials about doing this on bound text fields. I've also seen solutions using Nz which don't seem to work.
DLookup function. (this is for a stamp collection database).
On my form ("InventoryInput") I have a text box called "Catalog" for a numeric entry and a text combo box for selecting a "Country" in drop down list.
I want to query a table called "CatNameList" to get the "StampName" of the item (based on the entries of Catalog and Country) and populate that name in the text box. The fields in this table are called "StampName", "CatNumb" & "CName" respectively.
I have successfully placed the following expression in the control source of that textbox and able to populate the StampName I need based solely on the catalog number alone.
That express is : =DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "CatNumb = Form![Catalog]")
So it will populate the "StampName" data to match the "Catalog" number entry just fine.
However, I need to add a second layer to incorporate the Country.
Example : There is a catalog "1" for "USA", and a catalog "1" for "Canada" but both have different "StampName".
I have been attempting to get that second piece added with no success. Here is the expression I have been trying to get to work :
Right now, the text box is just blank with the above expression. I thought it may be because there was no match found, but I have triple checked to ensure I have the spelling correct on the country name in both places.
Basically, I just need the dlookup to take the "catalog" and "country" off the form and match it to the "CatNameList" table fields of "CatNumb" and "CName" to give me "StampName" field back on the form.
I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName
[Event Procedure] Private Sub imagename_Click() Me.imagename = Me.FileName End Sub
My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".
I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..
I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.
Code: SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay FROM [Tble-wcDelays] GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));
I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.
When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.
If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.
I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I want to be able to type a value into the first Text box click the button and the second text box to be filled with the value which is stored in the Table.
The first Textbox is called barTxt, The second Textbox is called CustTxt The button is called SearchBtn and the Table is called BookInTable. I have been trying to use the code.
Private Sub SearchBtn_Click() DoCmd.FindRecord Me.BarTxt.Value, , True, , True CustTxt.Value = "SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROM BookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer" End Sub
This however instead of displaying the Value for customer which is stored in the BookInTable. Displays The code SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROMBookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer"
I have many rows of information i am entering in access. I want to setup this spreadsheet to look at previous rows of information so when I fill one field it will automatically fill some of the other fields in the same row with the information from the rows above.
if this is not possible then I want to create a dictionary of information so if information is typed in one of the fields it will automatically populate some of the other fields on the same row.