Forms :: Allow Horizontal And Vertical Scrollbars But Remove White Space (AC2007)

May 22, 2014

I have a form which I would like to enable scrollbars both horizontally and vertically (the main reason being, the application is designed for users with large / wide screens but may at some point be required on smaller screens)

Currently I have the scrollbars switched off and the form maximises but everything goes to pot if I resize the window. I'd like to add the scrollbars so if a user wants to resize the window to, say, half the screen, they can still scroll across to the 'hidden' parts of the form.

The problem with this is, if the form is maximised - or at least large enough to show the entire form - the area of the screen where the horizontal scrollbar resides is white (whereas the background colour of the form is a pale green) Which is quite unsightly.

I know I can remove the problem by removing the horizontal scrollbar and the navigation bar (which is already gone!) but then I can't scroll?

Is it possible to have a horizontal scrollbar but not have that white space at the bottom when the scrollbar is not required?

(Doesn't appear to be a problem with the vertical scrollbar?...)

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How To Make Vertical Data Horizontal And Remove Duplicate

Mar 10, 2015, 2010-01-10, 2010-02-10, 2010-03-10, 2010-04-10, 1984-01-02, 1990-04-02, 1996-08-02

want above data to appear as, 2010-01-10, 2010-02-10, 2010-03-10, 2010-03-10, 1989-01-02, 2010-04-10, 1984-01-02, 1990-04-02, 1996-08-02

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Forms :: White Space In Datasheet View?

Feb 3, 2014

How can I remove the white space that follows the last record in my datasheet forms? Please refer to attached image. This happens in two different forms, scrolling in two different directions.

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Forms :: Three-Level Navigation Form - First Two In Horizontal And Third In Vertical Orientation

Sep 20, 2014

How to Creating a Three-Level Navigation Form, First and second level must be in horizontal orientation, third level desirable be to vertical orientation and dependent of level 2.

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Forms :: Removing White Space Between Fields On A Datasheet?

Sep 11, 2014

how to remove the white space between fields. See attached image for an example

So far I have tried hiding gridlines, setting them transparent, removed margins, removed padding, and setting just about everything that is to do with borders to transparent in the properties list.

None of the above seems to affect how the fields display, in fact turning gridlines on and setting them really thick and a different colour doesn't change how it displays. Is this a bug with conditional formatting in Access, or am I missing something obvious that's overwriting my formatting selections?

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Forms :: Hide Form Controls And Resulting White Space

Sep 20, 2013

I have a checkbox that determines whether or not to display certain form controls. How can I also hide the resulting white space that comes from hiding the form controls?

Can I put all of the controls in some sort of container and hide the container? The form objects are all displayed in order, so it shouldn't cause issue.

Can I create a subform for the objects and hide it? This would make the main and subforms based off of the same table.

Occam's Razor would be the preferred philosophy in this case. Nothing too fancy is needed.

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Forms :: Datasheet White Space - Records Not Showing In Size Allowed

Dec 11, 2014

I have a datasheet on a form that is unable to show all records in the size allowed. Consequently it has a vertical scroll bar. However, the scroll bar allows scrolling to the bottom whereby there is white space almost the same size as the data records. The horizontal scroll bar does much the same.

Is it possible to just show the records and only the width of the data in them.? No extra records exist in the table to cause this.

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Vertical To Horizontal

Apr 27, 2007

Here is how my table is set up:

System1 Subsystem1
System1 Subsystem2
System1 Subsystem3

I need a query that puts the data into one record, different cells:

System1 Subsystem1 Subsystem2 Subsystem3

Can this be done?

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Vertical/Horizontal Scroll Bar

Jan 6, 2006

Hi, In MS Access,

In the form design,

How can I change the Vertical Scroll bar color?
I want to keep it for using, but the color is always grey color.
How can I change the color of the scroll bar?


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Transform Table From Horizontal To Vertical

Jun 4, 2007

Hi there, I got a little data transformation problem:

I have got a source table:

ID 1 2 3
1 x y z
2 xx yy zz

That I wanna transform to the following format:

ID ID2 Comment
1 1 x
1 2 y
1 3 z
2 1 xx

The problem is, that I need a routine that takes the column names of table 1 and uses them as values in table 2. So basically, every column of table 1 (1,2,3, etc.) should become a new data record in table 2.

Any ideas how to solve this?


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Queries :: Transpose Vertical Text Values To Horizontal

May 25, 2013

I have a Volunteer Database that has teams. There is only one team leader but some of the teams have two or three assistants. Currently I have a query that lists all the assistants for each team vertically.What I want to do is list the Assistants horizontally under headings like Assistant 1; Assistant 2; and Assistant 3 for each team on one line.

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Access 2003 SQL View Loses White Space Changes

May 2, 2007


Is there a way to configure Access so SQL View saves white space changes to a query? By white space changes I mean tabs, spaces and carriage returns added to make the query more readable in SQL view.

For instance:

When I'm editing a complex query in Access, I space it out nicely like:

SELECT ((field1 * field2) + (field2 * field3)) / field4 AS [Weighted Avg]

FROM table1, table2, table3

WHERE table1.field = 'xxx'

or something similar, with spaces between fields, parenthesis, and carriage returns or tabs in between major blocks of logic to increase readability. It's simplified above but I hope you get the point.

When I save it and return to SQL View later, Access compacts the query to:

SELECT((field1*field2)+(field2*field3))/field4 AS [Weighted Avg]
FROM table1,table2,table3
WHERE table1.field='xxx'

The above example isn't so bad, but with multipe selects, joins and mathematical calculations using parenthesis, it becomes really unreadable after Access "compacts" it.

Any way to change this lovely "feature" ?



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Reports :: Printing Lines Vertical And Horizontal In A Report Like Table In Word Document

Sep 12, 2013

I need to replicate an existing report that has a number of 3 columns across the page and has 35-40 rows down the's like a table in Word or a spreadsheet in Excel. I need to print the column and row lines.

Is there a simple way to include these in the report other than me drawing each and every line?

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Modules & VBA :: Trimming White-space After Pulling Data From Excel Cell?

Apr 15, 2014

I've got a piece of VBA scripting which runs as an event linked to a button on my MS Access form.

I maintain a database of members of staff at my organisation. It's pretty outdated...

I'm basically wanting to pull in their updated data (extracted from on our payroll system) from a spreadsheet, into a form, when clicking a button on a particular person's record.

This is what I have so far.

start = Forms!frm_main2!txt_start_row.Value - 1
conv = DDEInitiate("EXCEL", "Staff List.xlsx")
cell_employee_number = "R" & start & "C1"
cell_surname = "R" & start & "C2"

[Code] ....

The function "CStr(DDERequest())" converts the cell number into the readable data, however I seem to have whitespace below the value.

What would I need to do to strip out this whitespace? Would I use strtrim? If so, I am unsure of the syntax... how would I incorporate strtrim into the above?

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How To Make Empty Fields In A Report Take Up No Vertical Space

Aug 19, 2004

I have a database with one main table that contains info on a variety of organizations and the services they offer. Another table lists regions these organizations are located in. The services they offer are listed in 11 different categories, each with its own field in the main database.

The end product of the project will be several reports. In particular, I need one report that lists by zipcode, each organization, its contact info, and any details about its services. The data for each organization will appear on several lines, as shown below:
Org name Region
Address Driving Directions
Contact Name

Food bank: details of hours, etc.
Hot meals: details.... [any services not offered does not appear or take up any vertical space]

The problem:
Since the reports will be printed and put into booklets, we need to eliminate any blank lines caused by empty fields. In many cases an organization will only have one or two categories, so the other 9 or 10 lines would be blank and take up too much space on the page.

What I've tried:
First I tried creating SubReports so I could use VBA scripts on the On Print event on the Detail section to make the SubReport invisble if it didn't have any data (HasData is false). That did make the SubReport not print, but it still took vertical space.

I struggled with various combinations of Can Grow and Can Shrink, but kept having problems with multiple lines appearing where there should hav been one line, and sometimes they were blank lines (especially if I didn't allow duplicates and there were several entries exactly the same). Whenever I got that undercontrol, the fields with no data took up space. Frankly, I'm not convinced I ever got them to NOT take up vertical space. (Maybe I didn't get it right. I'm open to trying again.)

Then I tried concatenating fields onto one TextBox, like this: Code:=("Food Purchase: "+[Food Purchase]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ("Utilities: "+[Utilities]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ("To Prevent Eviction: "+[To Prevent Eviction]) That works, but it seems like an ugly hack. The Chr(10)+Chr(13) create new lines. The + instead of the & makes it so that if any of the elements inside the parentheses are null, none of them print. So I can eliminate both the label and the new line, too.

Isn't there a better way to eliminate the vertical space when there's no data?

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Remove Space

May 20, 2006

I have an enormous Post Code Table 1.7 million records, which I must update every month into usable sectors for our carrier cross refs, the UK postcode is in the format CB6 3HQ, CB6 3HR, CB6 3HS, CB6 3HT, CB6 3HW etc I need to be able to remove the space then only use the first 4 chrs ie CB63, in the above examples I know I could do a search and replace " " with "" but I need this to be run automaticly where would be the best place to do this and if coded how?

Any help or alternative suggetions appriciated

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Reports :: Remove Characters Before 1st Space

Mar 11, 2013

What forumla could I use in a report field to remove all characters before the first space in a text field e.g.

32A Bank Street --> Bank Street
19 Alder Street --> Alder Street

I've tried =Right([JLADD1],Len([JLADD1])-2) but this obviously doesn't work for the first example above.

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Reports :: Hide Subreport If No Data And Remove Blank Space

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report which contains 3 subreports. Now I require to do the following:

1. Hide the subreport if there is no data.
2. Remove the Blank space created when the data in subreport is null.

I tried to Set Can Grow and Can Shrink to Yes but still the blank space was not removed.

When I reduced the height of the subreports in the design view the blank space was reduced but it was still there.

What can be done so that the complete report auto adjusts itself if any sub-report is null? Something like the whole page auto fits itself in the available space?

The option of reducing the size of sub report in design view to minimum is there but it makes the report very un-handy for future reference.

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Apr 17, 2005

I have a form, which has a subform on it. Normally, the subform has only one record in it, however, it may have more. What i want to do is that if the number of records on the subform is 2 or more, then i would like to have the vertical scrollbar visible, else i would like to have it hidden. I have tried the following code, but it did not work. Any ideas about it pls ?

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.sfrmSongsSingers.Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCoun t > 1 Then
Me.sfrmSongsSingers.Form.ScrollBars = True
Me.sfrmSongsSingers.Form.ScrollBars = False
End If
End Sub


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Forms :: How To Get Horizontal Scroll Position On A Form

Jan 9, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view, with the record ID column frozen and users typically scroll to the right to see certain columns. Different users scroll to a different position.

I dont have the option to reduce the number of columns or create separate forms for different users, - they all need to see all the columns but typically a user scrolls horizontally to see a certain set of columns most of the time. I want to save that position for the next time they open the form.

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Vertical Lines On Forms

Feb 10, 2005

Rather than manually draw vertical lines on my forms, I'm looking for a way to generate vertical lines using VBA code. Has anyone done this?


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Scrollbars Propert Problem

Jul 16, 2007

I have made it before but I dont know why it doesnt work this time:

I have a main form called:[LeavesEditorMain]
It contains subform called:[LeavesEditorTmp]

I want to programmatically set the [LeavesEditorTmp] scrollbars property to 0 (Neither) or 2 (Vertical) according to the value of number of records ot a tables called LeavesTmp. I wrote the code as follow in the On Load event of the [LeavesEditorMain] form

if dcount("*","[LeavesTmp]")>6 then

the error I got is: the property or method is not supported by this object!

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Write Vertical In Forms / Report

Dec 5, 2005

I know about the option write vertical.

my problem that I cant to work with it.

for example I want write in the verical filed JUN 2005

and in all the other filed write Horizontal
is it possible?

if some one can printscreen of a report that seems to what I look for
it will help me alot.

other stupid question:
can I see in this forum just my question

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Forms :: Moving Vertical Scroll Bar To Left Side?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a subform that�s in datasheet view, is there a way to align the vertical scroll bar to the left side?

Win 7
Access 2010

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Forms :: Vertical ScrollBar Of Subreport (on Main Form) Not Shown

Jul 16, 2015

I have a main form with a subreport.

Mainform width is 22"(Maximum)
Subreport Wdth is also 22" (Maximum)

When i run the mainform, the subreport shows correctly but the vertical scrollbar is at most right side of main form so i have to scroll main form horizontally first to access the vertical scroll bar of subreport.

To solve, changing subreport orientation to right-to-left shows vertical scroll bar at most left but still if i scroll horizontally on mainform, that scrollbar hides as its not freezed.

Consider ActiveX Control of Microsoft ScrollBars 2.0 .....

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Queries :: Refer To Aggregate Function In WHERE Clause (AC2007)

Dec 10, 2013

I have a SQL query to gather data from a number of tables (balances, accounts, currencies)


SELECT [tblBalances].[BalanceDate], [tblAccounts].[AccountNumber], [tblCurrencies].[Ccy], [tblBalances].[Amount], ([tblBalances].[Amount]*[tblRates].[FXRate]) AS AmountUSD
FROM (([tblBalances] INNER JOIN [tblAccounts] ON [tblBalances].[AccountID]=[tblAccounts].[AccountID]) INNER JOIN [tblCurrencies] ON [tblBalances].[CcyID]=[tblCurrencies].[CcyID]) INNER JOIN [tblRates] ON ([tblBalances].[BalanceDate]=[tblRates].[RateDate]) AND ([tblBalances].[CcyID]=[tblRates].[CcyID])
WHERE BalanceDate = #12/10/2013#

How do I add 'AmountUSD' to the WHERE clause (such that I can only return records above or below a certain value, for example)

Along the lines of :


WHERE BalanceDate = #12/10/2013# AND AmountUSD>1000

I know it's an issue with referring to aggregated functions in the WHERE clause and you're supposed to use HAVING instead

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