Forms :: Allowing User To Add New Fields

Apr 17, 2013

I'm currently working on a database that includes several tables with information about current and former employees. One of these tables has the training history for each employee, where the columns are the type of training (currently 37 types), and the data entered for each is either null or the date they completed the training.

I have a form bound to this table that allows the user to edit and add records, but additional types of training will surely be added in the future. I would like for the user to be able to click a button on the form that allows them to add a new training field to the form and underlying table. I understand that users should typically not be allowed to add new fields, but I can't think of a better way to account for the fact that new training will surely will be added in the future.

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Forms :: Combo Box Allowing User To Edit List Values

Nov 2, 2013

I have a subform in a form that has a Combo Box that is linked (not sure is that is the correct term) to a field called PartID in a table containing a list of Parts. The list show the Name of the Part (PartName) and other fields.

This all works great except that it allows the user to change the text in the Name of the Part (PartName) field directly from the Combo Box!!!! I really don't want this to be able to happen.I have the "Limit to List = Yes" but it still allows the user to change the value...The "Allow Value List Edits = No"...

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Forms :: Forcing User To Enter Data Before Allowing Save

Dec 23, 2013

I have a form that a user fill out to populate fields in my can I make it so that user MUST fill in certain fields before they are allowed to save data?

I need to stop users from taking shortcuts when entering data, and skipping a lot of fields. So i would like to be able to specify the minimum fields, and an error message must show when they try save incorrectly to alert them to this.

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Forms :: Allowing Data Entry For Unbound Fields (not In Table)

May 1, 2013

I'm trying to build a form based on a table where the user can also enter data to update the table but with data fields not originally in the table. Below is a summary of what I have and what I need:

1.) A file that will be uploaded daily into a Table (ie name Denials extract table).
2.) A form bound to table Denials extract
3.) Additional fields that will be updated by users that is not included in this table b/c they are not available in the system we are getting the data extract from.
4.) The user will look up a key field that will allow them to review it in our system. Once they "work" the record, there will be multiple fields that they will update with this information that are not in the bound recordsource (table Denials extract).

Do I create another table with these fields even though they will be blank at first and make them a subform that will have a "primary key field" that will link the main form with the subform? Will they need to "update" a whole new table? Not really sure how that would work since they will be updating fields not in the bound table.

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Check Box Allowing User To Choose Records To Update

Mar 8, 2005

I need to have a query-based form open and allow users to check off (or otherwise indicate) which records they want to update.

I tried having a check box on a continuous form, but when you check one, you check them all. I did a search on this, and saw that if you make the check-box bound, then that will work. But I don't know what to bind it to. I don't want to add another field to an already large and complex table, and I don't know where to put it if not in main table.

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Storing Data In Two Fields Without Allowing Duplicate Entries

Mar 19, 2005

I need to know if I can store data in more than one field, without allowing Duplicate entries.

Example: We have to send out letters with a claim number on it, sometimes we need multiple claim numbers on a letter, up to about 10 claim #'s is the most I've seen thus far.

We mail merge into Word to create the letters.

However, these claim numbers cannot be duplicated within the database and in order for this to work with the mail merge, I need several fields to store the claim numbers.

Fields are:

To be more specific. I probably have a bad data structure as I was kind of rushed and a little inexperience with putting the database together. It's for work and sometimes management just doesn't want to wait, they are so negative.

In brief, most everything is in 1 table and I know from reading this forum that I shouldn't do that, but that's another story.

Further, a claim# is tied together by the same claimant, the relationship code is what separates the claimant with the family, the insured id# is used for all claimants within the family.

You can also tie the claim# to a provider id#, some providers such as clinics and large hospitals have multiple providers that use the same provider id#, so a suffix code is used to separate the providers within that same #.

Please feel free to ask additional questions and I will give you the additional information you need to help me. Thanks again.

P.S. - Last year I created the database and this year I am improving it, so expect more posts from me in the future. I really appreciate all the help I get from everyone here!!!!

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Storing Data In Two Fields Without Allowing Duplicate Entries

Mar 19, 2005

I need to know if I can store data in more than one field, without allowing Duplicate entries.

Example: We have to send out letters with a claim number on it, sometimes we need multiple claim numbers on a letter, up to about 10 claim #'s is the most I've seen thus far.

We mail merge into Word to create the letters.

However, these claim numbers cannot be duplicated within the database and in order for this to work with the mail merge, I need several fields to store the claim numbers.

Fields are:

Any help would be appreciated.


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Tables :: Allowing Duplicates Based On Multiple Fields

Dec 23, 2014

I've been playing around with a new database design and ran into a possible 'error' that I would like to avoid.

It's going to be a payroll database to store time codes for hours spent working on specific projects. I have been struggling on how to put this together to fit with what we've been doing for years and I think I hit a few breakthroughs this morning.

However I want to avoid this error of possible duplication of entry.

Simple table set up - primary key is just a running integer; Employee ID; and Week Ending Date.

I can have multiple week ending dates for a specific employee; but I want to avoid having the same employee with the same week ending date. I cannot set up either field as being unique.

Quick run of data that would be in this table:

1 ABC 11/21/2014
2 ABC 11/27/2014
3 ABC 12/07/2014
4 DEF 11/21/2014
5 DEF 11/27/2014
6 DEF 12/07/2014
7 ABC 11/27/2014

in this example, when the last row is entered I need to get a popup or some warning that this time has already been entered.

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Queries :: Allowing Users To Select Multiple Table Fields As Query Criteria

Apr 22, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and I would like to create a form to allow users to create their own query. I would like to allow users to select multiple fields (perhaps with checkboxes?) from all possible fields in a table to return either all data from that field or narrow their search by inputting certain criteria or choosing from a drop down into a text box. Is this possible in Access and any detailed specifics on how to achieve this?

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Forms :: Forcing User To Use Certain Fields In VB

Aug 8, 2013

I have form that I've set up and I need to make sure the user does only uses certain fields. For instance, when the user presses the 'New Record' button, it should ask him/her "Which country? 1) UK 2) US"..Once the country field is populated, I need it to go to the City field and ask "Which city".

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Forms :: Forcing User To Enter Data Into Certain Fields?

Nov 23, 2013

i have a form with various tabs and a number of fields. If I could I would just select all fields to "required=Yes" in the table design mode. But some fields should only have data entered if another field has a certain value. So, I think I just want all visible fields for this data requirement (I set some fields to visible=false if I don't want them to have a value).

So far I tried to do this on click of the Submit Record button which I created using the "docmd.gotorecord, , acnewrec" statement, but I can't seem to make it work when combining it with if then msgbox statements. Plus I typed an if then statement for every required field.

Here's my code below:

Private Sub AddNewRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err1
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Me.Label216.Visible = False
Me.CM_2A.Visible = False


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Forms :: Updating All Of User Controlled Fields In Customer Table

Sep 23, 2013

I need to create a form that automatically populates Dealer_ID in my Customers table when a user selects Dealership from a dropdown box.

The form is updating all of the user controlled fields in the Customer table as the user inputs the information. I have a separate Dealership table who's Primary Key is Dealer_ID where dealership information (including the dealer name) is stored. A one to many relationship is in place that connects Dealer_ID from the Dealership table to the same field in the Customer table. The user inputting the information will know what the dealership name is but will not know their ID. I need a solution that will allow the user to select a dealership name in the form and auto-populate the Dealer_ID field in the Customer table with the appropriate ID from the Dealership table.

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Forms :: Allowing Editable Data

May 29, 2014

The first relates to the fact that in the crosstab is a field that is set to Yes/No. It appears as a textbox with a value (0 or 1) in it. I want to replace this with a tickbox but when run neither the textbox nor the tickbox will allow any changes. Is it possible to set this to be editable? I cannot see how this would relate back to the actual data table but if it is possible then this should become clearer.

The second issue relates to the fact that the crosstab obviously creates the number of columns in relationship to the maximum number of values of the relevant field. So, I have a field that can have values from 1 to 15 but in most cases the actual value runs no further than 9 and 10. So for those records where the maximum number is not being used I want the unused tickboxes NOT to appear. Again, is this possible.

In connection with the second, if I have (as I do) this group of 15, which is in fact made up of 3 groups ranging from 1-8, 1-4 and 1-3. So number 8 may not be required in the first group and numbers 3 and 4 in the second. I would prefer there not to be a strange gap between the datasets when run. Is it possible to set up a continuous form so that all the potential boxes are in place, that I run code on load that puts the values in from the query, hiding the end tickboxes and so collecting the groups together - then allowing the changes to be detected through code and re-assigned to the table?

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Forms :: Form Not Allowing New Record

May 8, 2014

I just created a form using the form wizard. I have added records from both tables and queries and now the form will not allow me to add any new records. Is this because I've used both tables & queries?

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Forms :: Allowing / Locking Edit In A Form

Jul 21, 2013

I'm using Access 2003.I'm trying to create a command for a form that will allow editing or lock all fields, so that records are protected from accidental edits.AllowEdits in the form is set to False by default.I've used the below code to allow a user to unlock the form:

Private Sub cmdEditRecord_Click()
If Me.AllowEdits = False Then
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
End If
End Sub

And this works without issue.However, I want to create a second button to lock the form again.

Private Sub cmdLockRecord_Click()
If Me.AllowEdits = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

Seems logical that I should just be able to reverse the true/false but this does nothing!I've also tried the below code:

Private Sub cmdEditRecord_Click()
Me.AllowEdits = Not (Me.AllowEdits)
End Sub

To toggle between editing/locked, with the same results - ie, can switch to editing, but can't then turn it off.

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Forms :: Combo Box Allowing Not In List Items?

Sep 29, 2014

I am using the following code in a textbox (CountryID) to show a country name (CoName) from a table (tblCountry). If the comboBox (cmbCoName) in current form (frmCountry) has no entry then CountryID remains blank, great. If I use the form to add a new entry then CountryID flashes because it does not recognize the entry. Can I use "or" to add another condition in the IIF statement so that it allows the "not in the combobox list" entry?

=IIf(IsNull([txtCoName]),"",DLookUp("CoName","tblCountry","Country_ID = " & [Forms]![frmCountry]![txtCoName]))

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Forms :: Record Source Not Allowing Edits?

May 17, 2013

i have a form that has a record source


SELECT tblClientDetails.FirstName, tblClientDetails.Surname,
tblClientDetails.MobileTelephoneNumber, tblClientDetails.SentTextMarketing
FROM (tblCategories INNER JOIN tblItems ON tblCategories.CategoriesID = tblItems.CategoriesID)
INNER JOIN ((tblClientDetails INNER JOIN tblOrders

[Code] .....

this does not allow edits on a continuous form. the edit i am trying to do is the check box. it will allow edits if the grouping is not on but if it is not on then i will get many duplicates of client details.

so how do i set it up to allow edits but still only get one instance of each client detail.

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Forms :: Record Source Of Query Stopped Allowing Edits

Apr 10, 2013

My form with record source of query has stopped allowing edits.

I have reviewed property setting and do not understand what's going on.

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Forms :: Allowing Empty String In A Textbox - Variant Data Type

Jan 19, 2014

I have an Access 2010 database where we have a SQL Linked Table with a column that is nVARCHAR(20) Not Null data type. We have created a form for data entry. Currently when the user tries to erase a value or choose not to define a value we get the following error.

"You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type."

This field should accept a blank value "" as the user may not want to set the value. We do not have control over the DB schema, so how can I work around this issue in access?

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Forms :: Include Check Boxes In Interactive Access Form Allowing To Choose Output Field

Jun 27, 2013

Including check boxes (representing the query fields) in an interactive access form, in order to decide which fields should be visible.

I think the solution is building an invent in VBA for each check box, however I'm not an expert in Access VBA and don't know how to write the code.

In the example that I've uploaded, in the Form1, when I run the query, all fields are displayed, i.e. VENDOR, REGION, CUSTOMER and MATERIAL are displayed. How can I manage it in the form with a listbox to display only the REGION or MATERIAL for instance.

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Forms :: Allowing Different Values In One Field Depending On Selected Values Of Another

Nov 22, 2013

I have several result fields which are all drop down lists. I want each result field's drop down list values to be different depending on the selected value of the Test1 drop down list.I came up with using the .rowsource keyword. My syntax seems to be fine but I'm not getting any values under the result fields when I run the form.Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Test1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Test1 = "Stress Echo" Or Me.Test1 = "Stress SPECT" Or Me.Test1 = "Stress PET" Or Me.Test1 = "Stress MRI" Then
Me.Test1Result2.RowSourceType = "Value List"
Me.Test1Result3.RowSourceType = "Value List"


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New User - Automatically Fill Fields

Dec 16, 2005

I am new to Access, but have an urgent need. I want to have certain fields (Yes/No type) to be selected based on a certain field (also a Yes/No) being selected.

It's very straight forward. Select West Coast, and the states CA, OR, and WA are selected. De-Select West Coast and the states CA, OR and WA are deselected.

Any thoughts? thanks in advance.


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Access 2000 - Restrict User To Key In Certain Fields

Sep 26, 2005

Hi, I would like to know how to do the following scenario in Access 2000.

Imagine I have a table, which has two fields X and Y.
User can only enter either field X or Y, but not both.
How to check the above case while user is real-time keying in the fields of the table?

Thanks, Sally

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User Table That I Can't Normalize. Trying To Query 20 Fields!

Jun 15, 2006

I am using a table a user created which is like:
Member ID (key field)
Visit Date
Dept 1
Expense Code1 (combo box E through I)
Dept 2
Expense Code2
This goes on through Department 20.

Now they want to know how many E's for one month. I am stumped on how to normalize this or if it is even possible! I thought maybe there is a way to search the table as if it were a spreadsheet doing a "countif" function??

Any replies much appreciated!

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General :: Making A Report With User Selected Fields

Aug 23, 2013

To start, I am going to generalize to a database of Cows. the fields are:

Name (enforced unique/"Primary Key" in access language?),


The goal is to have a form with check boxes for the fields that the user selects. Scenario is one cow buyer cares about size, while another may care about color and be curious on age. So rather than guessing at what reports the users will want, have a form that allows them to select the fields they want then print a report. An intermediate step would be a query to filter the data.

See the picture below ....

Also, from my perspective, this is the basis of the best code i would write; if someone wanted to add a column for cow gender you wouldnt have to change all your forms/queries/reports:

Global import table.Cows

Form 2 in picture (form with check boxes):
for ( i=0, i<width(Cows), i++)
form.create.checkbox cb.append(i)

Then create the report based on cb0, cb1, cb2, etc. queries

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