Forms :: Attach Multiple Scanned PDFs To One Record?

Apr 20, 2013

I would like to be able to add more than one scanned document and link them to one record.

If it is possible, I would like to have a command something like "Attach file" on the form displaying the record. The user could browse to find the scanned document and it becomes a link. The user could then scan and browse for another document, which becomes a second link, in some kind of list box.

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Reports :: Output A Report To Multiple PDFs

Feb 6, 2015

I have several reports that creates price sheets for all of my customers. It is a report with multiple subreports within, and I am trying to create a process to seperate them and export them all into [Customer Name].pdf. I have tried to scrap some code together from various forums, and it has been unsuccessful.

For example, one of the reports "rptPriceSheetQuarterly", has a field "txtCustomerName", that feeds the queries for the other subreports. I would like to create a new PDF when that field changes.

I understand I need some sort of looping code that will cut the report up dump them all into one folder, but I am totally out of my element here.

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Forms :: Combo Box With 6 Scanned Signatures

May 16, 2013

I have 2773 equipment records, a form for each and each equipment needs to tested annaully. I use the form to update Test Date and Tester. Tester may change for each equipment. I need either a Combo box with 6 different scanned signatures or an image box that changes based on a combo box I already have that contains the Tester's initials.I can get a sample DB or step by step instructions.

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Modules & VBA :: Attach Multiple Items To Outlook Email

Aug 6, 2015

I am currently in the process of creating a form that will allow you to enter details for an email sent, select a number of documents from a list box and then open the mail message pre-written with attachments. The attachments reside in a list box currently, and I am attempting to use a "For Each" with item selected.column(3) as the file path, as column(3) contains the filepath from the table.

Currently my code is:

Private Sub OutlookBut_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim objMail As Object
Dim varItm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

When this code runs, outlook will open as a process when it is closed, but then freeze and not allow me to see it or access it in anyway. If Outlook is opened Microsoft office usually gets angry at me and decides to throw error messages at me.

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Forms :: Provide File Explorer Functionality To Open PDFs

Nov 1, 2013

I'm a newbie and using Access 2007.

I have added functionality that creates a report, saves it as a PDF, and then sends it to a customer via email as an attachment. The PDF file is saved to a folder and is named to include the Customer's unique customer number and the date and time the PDF was created.

For example, if the customer number is 09 and the date was 10th October 2013 and the time 09.00am, the file name is 0009101020130900.pdf.

What I want to be able to do from within the database is to have a button, that when clicked, will display all of the Pdf's for only customer number 09. The customer number will be based upon a field in the customer record.

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Forms :: Attach Pdf File To Report

Jul 30, 2013

I have a report (a contract) which I can send as a pdf file. However, on the printed version of the report, I have the "terms and conditions" on the reverse side. The "terms" are already printed; the report is merely printed on the reverse side.I've saved the "terms and conditions" file as c:AccessFiles erms.pdf. What I would like to do is when I execute the code to send the contract as a pdf attachment via email, the "terms.pdf" file is combined with the report as one pdf file. Is this possible?

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Forms :: Auto Populate Mail And Attach Report

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form where I need a button that will export the current record being viewed to a TXT file and attach to email, I want to specify the To, CC, Subject and Body of the email, if possible putting a flag on it also.

I'm not doing very well, so far I have

Private Sub MailExec_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_MailExec_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Executive Incidents"

[Code] ....

This now doesn't seem to be working, if I remote email.To= then it does however this only creates a blank email with attachment.

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Remove 3S From Scanned Entry

Aug 9, 2007

I am working on an access 2003 database for our Shipping Dept that is using tables created from odbc linked tables from a SQL Svr Database. The shipper will scan the BatchNo barcode to a field on a form. If the BatchNo Scanned follows the Format: 07317751 the number is found and the rest of the fields are populated and written to another table(Dock_. This will work fine as long as the 8 character BatchNo Matches. My problem is the Barcode has 2 leading characters (3S) that are inserted when the label is printed by "Bartender" for the AS/400 to identify. I need to remove these 2 characters in order for the "Select DistinctRow" lookup command string will populate the remaining fields. I am only a novice when it comes to programming and this is probably an easy job but I am stumped. I can zip a copy of the DB (With the Data lookup tables populated) to anyone needing to see the complete structure if it will help. My thanks in advance to all responders.


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To Store Scanned Object In MSAccess

Apr 9, 2008

Dear Expertise..

How I can store scanned object in Access. Becuase I have a employee database. I have to store all employees signature in the database Also I have to verify thier signature with the previously stored in database when they are trying to log .

With Thanks

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Queries :: How To Filter Between Times Trays Are Scanned

Jun 25, 2014

How to filter between times that trays are scanned. I want it to tell me basically how many trays are scanned between 9:00 to 17:00 17:01 to 1:00 and 1:00 to 8:59 but not having any luck. I've been able to get it to show me everything from 1:00 to 8:59 but I've not been able to get anything else to work.

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General :: 2D Matrix That Can Be Populated With Data And Scanned Once Printed

Jul 30, 2014

I found the IDatomation Datamatrix barcode in the ActiveX controls.

Is buying their software the only way to actually get this barcode to work?

Any other way to create a 2D matrix that can be populated with data and scanned once printed?

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Forms :: Multiple Entries For One Record

Jun 3, 2014

I have created a DB to hold training records for a company and have been using it for some years. When I record training I have to enter the data for one person at a time which is fine when you only need to do 10 or 12 but recently I had twenty people complete the same training and I don't really want to enter them one at a time.

What I would liket to be able to do is to bring up the Training Form, select the one Training Description (TrainingDescriptionQuery) and then select multiple Employees from the EmployeeDetailsQuery.

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Creating A Database To Store Training Records That Saves A Scanned Copy

Jun 8, 2015

I'm a access novice who is looking to create a database to store training records for permanent and agency staff, and contractors staff. I need the database to be able to produce reports on how many courses were trained over each month, and the total duration of the course completed (in hours).

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Multiple Forms Data Linked To 1 Record:

Feb 6, 2006

What I have is a form with a combo box that lets a user select the Letter Type. For 1 letter in particular I want it to open up a subform(s) that holds "options" that users can click on. My question is how would I get these options / multiple options to link to 1 record that correlates with the Letter Type?

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Forms Record Source For Multiple Queries

Sep 21, 2004

Currently I have over 600 columns I need to use in a query and since the limit is 255 columns per query, I need to create multiple queries. Currently the form shows the record source of the single query I have created. Now that I need to create the other queries, how do I have the forms record source to recognize the other queries as sources as well?



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Forms :: Create One Record In One Table And Multiple In Another

Oct 8, 2014

I have two tables which are in a one-to-many relationship (the example I am dealing with is a mother and her children).

I want one form for the mother, with fields such as date of birth, and when you click Add Record I want the mother table to be updated with the new record.

However on this form I also want a field for "number of children" and when the Add Record button is clicked, not only does the table containing all the mothers get a record added, I would like XX records added to the children table where XX is the number of children entered into the form. These should have separate IDs but retain a common field that identifies the mother.

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Forms :: Enter Multiple Classes To A Record

Jan 21, 2014

I have a new scenario today! I have searched database design to try to figure this out and have an effective database as well as adding multiple records to one table that is linked to 1 record in the other table.I have a master student list with their information that has the fields

Student ID

I have another table that has the fields


What I would like to do is be able to create a form that can add multiple classes for each student. For example, I have Student 1. Student 1 has attended class A, B, C, and D. I would like the form to have the student's name and ID with a way to add multiple classes linked to that student.

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Forms :: Save User Name That Update Record For Multiple Yes / No Box

Sep 6, 2014

I am creating a form that has a bunch of yes/no box for daily task. Is there a way for access to record which user selects yes/no.

For example

yes/no box1 - user 1 completed this task
yes/no box2 - user 2 completed this task
and so on

So when i look back i can see which user complete which task. I did a bit of research and saw that i can save a user that update a record. But since this is a daily task, each new record will be a new day.

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Forms :: Find And Update A Record Using Multiple Criteria

May 30, 2015

I Have a forms which brings up a record in textboxes when you hit a search Button using a value that you type into a Textbox called BarTxt. My problem is that this value may not be unique. Therefore I'm trying to find and update the table using 2 values from the table (Barcode and PurchaseOrder).I have entered the code


Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
PNTxt = DLookup("PartNumber", "BookInTable", "BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" And "PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] & "'")
End Sub

This however is just bringing up a Type mismatch error. Even though both are text fields.Also even if I just use Barcode to search which works. My update Code


DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" AND PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] &

I get an Compile error saying "expected expression".

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Forms :: Multiple Record Input At Same Time In Form

Sep 15, 2013

We store data for clients which can be found online. Our current method of getting the data so we can analyze it is to copy a table found online and pasting it into excel.

What we want to do is to copy that data into an access table. This equates to inputting multiple records at the same time. There are 5 columns and around 20 rows (records) pasted at the same time. I want to do this in Access, through a form which would them store that data in the appropriate table.

I assume there is an ActiveX control out there which can put a spreadsheet in an access form. Then i could maybe write a VBA procedure to input the data into a table.

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Forms :: Integrating Multiple Record Sources Into Form

Oct 28, 2014

I have a reservations form, which will be used to store the checkin and checkout dates for customers; these are related to the reservations table. On the same form I also want room details showing such as room number, this is on a separate rooms table. I believe that the room number will be a query to show which rooms are available and therefore display the room number on the form. So I need integrating this into the form. Also I have not set it as a subform, the reservations form carries on from the customers form, as a new form.

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Forms :: How To Select A Record Based On Multiple Criteria

May 15, 2013

I have a list of client stored in a table "Clients". I would like a form to present a user with the next client in the list at the click of a button, but there will be some exceptions:

Some clients will be given priority, and should be moved to the top of the list although they may not be the next logical entry in the table. Priority clients are indicated by a field "Priority" with a Yes/No option set before work begins.

Some clients will have requested a call at a certain time of the day - This time will be stored in a field named timeToCall. The next user to click the button after the time has passed should be given that clients details.

When the end of the list is reached any clients who could not be contacted will be tried again. My table currently has a field "Attempts" to track this, but that may not be needed. Clients who have been dealt with will be removed from the "Clients" table to a "Completed" table.

Whichever record is selected will be flagged as being dealt with so that 2 people don't get the same entry. I may add a new field for this, but right now I plan to use the "attempts" field to control this

I am unsure of the best approach to the above, I'm not very well-versed in Access, but if I were doing this in Excel (as originally requested by my boss) I would do it like this:

Use a form where the "Next" button will use VBA code to first check if there are any priority clients, then check if there are any timed client's ready to call and then move to the next entry that has had 0 contact attempts. Whichever record is the next one will be displayed in the form to the user.

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PDFs, Access, And Outlook. Oh My

Feb 13, 2006

I am trying to get an access report to save a pdf file, then with a control button create and e-mail and attach the email and send it. Has anyone coded anything like this?

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Forms :: Create A New Record In Multiple Tables Simultaneously Using One Form

Nov 17, 2014

I currently have a pharmaceutical lot database set up in the following format:

MFGData (table w/Manufacturing Info)
QAData (table w/ Quality Assurance Info)
QCData (table w/ Quality Control Info)
PASData (table w/ Process & Analytical Science Info)
SCData (table w/ Supply Chain Info)

[Code] ....

Each table has a corresponding form for data entry in each area. The tables were subdivided in this way in order to limit each department's ability to edit the data of other departments. The only field common to each table is the drug lot number, or "Lot #" (which is the primary key of each table).

I wanted to make it so that when Manufacturing enters a new lot number on frmMFGData, it automatically creates that lot number in the other 4 tables. This process mirrors our actual real world business process, where drugs are manufactured and assigned new lot numbers by our manufacturing team, and then other departments simply reference those numbers when doing their part.

To accomplish this, I went ahead and set up 1 to 1 relationships between the various tables using their "Lot #" fields, establishing referential integrity and enabling cascading updates. However, when I attempted to enter a new lot number into frmMFGData (the manufacturing form), it didn't seem to appear in any of the other tables. If I edit an existing lot number and change it to something else, the change does carry over to the other tables, so I know that the cascading updates are working in some capacity.

If cascading updates cannot "cascade" new records, then is there any other way to accomplish this?

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Forms :: Data From Multiple Fields In Same Record In Combo Box Dropdown

Mar 12, 2013

Access 2010

I have a form bound to a table which has 20 (name)fields and 1 date per record. A user fills in this form first to indicate which people are present this day. I know it would be better to use 1 name per record but that would in this case not work since the form must show all names for that day before saving and closing.

I have a different form where I use 4 combo boxes and a date field. The values that can be selected in the combo boxes should come from the 20 names on the first form and with the same date as the other form. So only 4 people of the 20 indicated as present on that day can be selected to have performed some task.

I know how to select with a combo box from different records, but how would I do it from different fields in the same record? And then also for a particular date?

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Acrobat PDFs Appear To Be 'stuck' In An OLE Field

Jul 26, 2006

Hi there

I've got an Access database, that somebody has given to us on CD. In it, there are several scanned documents that have been made into PDFs and stuck in an OLE field.

Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get at them. I can see the PDF icon in the OLE object's frame, but double-clicking on them chucks out a "Microsoft Access can't open the file containing the OLE object" error.

I know the files were added correctly, 'cause I've got an older version, and some of the same files appear to open fine. Any new files I add in this version are also openable. It's only the ones that were in there when I copied it off the CD that don't open.

Needless to say, I'm a little worried that I've lost a load of work. Does anyone have any idea as to how I might be able to get at them?



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