Forms :: Attendance Data - Add Multiple Dated Records

Dec 29, 2014

I am using a form to input attendance data. I would like to know how to log an individual as being out on vacation for a week, month or so without having to input the staffs name and date for each day they are out. Would like to Enter their name once with the date range they will be away from the office.

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Tables :: Set Up Attendance Database That Has Multiple Status Available For Single Day

Dec 9, 2012

I need to set up an attendance database, that has multiple statuses available for a single day.Example: employee can be present, he can have a sick leave, he can be away on training, or business trip, etc... And for some of those statuses, like business trip, i need to be able to freely enter a comment, stating where he is etc..

Anyway, the key is that this database should be able to offer a "headcount" option, and traceability for past statuses for at least a year, for every and all employees. Now i just need to set up the database tables and relationships.

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Problem Creating Attendance Records

Feb 3, 2007

I've got myself a little stuck!

I'm trying to create a database for our new theatre group. I've created a table for membership details (ID, Name, DOB, Address, etc.)

I want to create an attendance register - kind of the way a school register looks, so it will show on screen like a spreadsheet (names down the left-hand side, dates of the sessions across the top, and a grid for the attendance codes).

I know I could paste the membership details from Access to Excel and use a spreadsheet, but I'd like to keep it all together.

The attendance codes don't just contain present or absent, I would like to keep a record of payment 'P' or on holiday 'H' etc.

I'll keep searching and scratching my head, but any help would be appreciated.

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Multiple Visit Dates For Separate Patients In Patient Attendance Database

May 22, 2012

I am trying to create a database for a clinic, and am severely stuck on how to input appointment dates for individual patients.

I have been using the 'student' database from as a template for how to save the dates (given that appointments and attendance are exactly the same!), however, even after following what has been set up in the 'student' template database, I can't seem to replicate it.

Every time I add multiple visit dates for a specific patient, these exact dates show up for every other patient in the database. I need to be able to add different dates for all the different patients.

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General :: Select Specific Dated Recordset

Feb 25, 2014

Set TRANS1 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM MASTER WHERE DatePart("yyyy", TRANS1![CDATE]) = " & 2014, dbOpenDynaset)

In the above recordset selection, the ACCESS seems do not allow to have the DATEPART("YYYY") function in the syntax. As CDATE is a table field with date/time data type. Just want to know, how to do this kind of date selection. My purpose is to select all records according to a specific date to the TRANS1 recordset.

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Attendance Data Type

Apr 19, 2007

Hello everyone, I am buiding up a database for activity school. Here first step of buiding the base, I got an attendance data type problem. i am now using "yes/no", but if i want to query about the number of student each class, is that possible?

Thank you for your help.

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Reports :: Attendance Report Design From Excel Data

Feb 9, 2015

I receive attendance data in Excel with two columns, StaffCode and DateTime, from a biometric machine.

Each staff member clocks in in the morning and clocks out in the evening.

Optionally, they also clock out for lunch and back in after lunch.

Each StaffCode may therefore have 2 or 4 entries per day of attendance.

Staff details (name and department) are specified in a related table.

I wish to design two reports in Access as follows:

1. Daily Attendance Report (Filtered by current date or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

2. Weekly/Monthly Attendance Report (filtered by current week/month or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
Date (2nd Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

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Forms :: Enter Attendance At Event?

Jan 22, 2015

I have a database with three tables:

Participants (with name...), Events (with Event Name, date..., Event Attendance (Participant ID, Event ID, Date).

Relationships all work and reporting works. I now want to create a form for entering attendance into a single event as a batch. I only want to enter the event ID one time and then be able to enter participant ID's for all attendees. The event coordinator will have a tablet running the db at the door and each participant will use their ID card to be scanned into the event.

I don't want the coordinator to have to reselect the correct event between each participants scan but instead to enter the event once and have multiple participants ID's entered for the one event. The date field is defaulting to current date/time [Now()].

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Forms :: Attendance Form - Checking The Box For Only One Record

Apr 6, 2015

I've got an attendance form set up with check boxes for each day I want to check attendance. I have two problems with this form.

1) All the boxes start out with little squares (I want them to be blank)
2) If I try checking a box for one person, it checks all the boxes in the column (same with unchecking).

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Forms :: Registering Attendance At Event With Three Fields?

Jun 8, 2013

I have a form, which registers attendance at an event, with three fields - ID (a combo box), Name, and Present.

When an attendee comes in, they give their number which is entered into the first field. Pressing carriage return, their record is loaded, and I can then check the 'present' field. Then I click the next button and await the next person!

I'd like the simplify the whole process - so that as soon as the 3 digit attendee number is typed, the present box for that record is checked, and the form is reset (curser back to the combo box to search for next record).

In short - all the registrar ever has to do is enter a three digit number!

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Forms :: Attendance Table - Find Student ID Before Update

Apr 2, 2013

I have a table called Attendance were information about the Student and the class they are attending is collected.

Another table called Student, this hold information about the student. I am using a Form called Attendance to input my information. What I am trying to achieve is:

BeforeUpdate on a text box:

When you input Student_ID it looks at the Student Table to see if the Student ID is valid before the information is updated to the Attendance Table.

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Forms :: Attendance Tracking And Fees Calculating For Gym Database

Apr 11, 2013

I'm creating a Gym Database and need to be able to track attendance for specific classes. I need to have a system in place allowing me to do a register for attendance for each activity.

I also need to be able to calculate fees based on attendance. So if a person attended Gym 5 times in the month (£5 per session) and then Swimming 3 times in the month (£2 per session). My system should automatically calculate this based on the attendance tracking.

Also: In the booking stage, I need to have a field telling me how many spaces are left on each activity. Say for example I'm booking Person 99 in for Swimming and there is only 11 places left I need the field to display 11 places left. After that booking it should update saying 10 places left because Person 99 is booked in.

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Forms :: Calendar Form To Count Attendance Of Employee

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to make a database for my employees to count their attendance according to the days of the month and then get their salary. How to create a form that show the days of the month and then i can add the names of the attending employees.

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Populate Multiple Records With Same Data In Same Field?

Dec 15, 2006

Howdy.....I'd like to know if there is a way to populate the same field
in several hundred records with the same text value instead of typing into each field in datasheet or form view. Macro?

Thanks for your support!


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Collecting Data Externally Multiple Records

Dec 12, 2011

I have a database which will contain sensitive data, but as part of that database there is a table which contains a case number (related the case table) and three different costs (Cost 1, Cost 2 & Cost 3), I would like to be able to use the email collection service in Access, to send our Finance guy the table, have him fill the costs for each case and send it back, without him having access to the rest of the db.

I have been trying to set this up but the html form the wizard outputs, is well... a form, only allowing one of each cost to be entered.Is there a way to bend the email function to my will or am I going to have to do it another way?

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Forms :: Merging Attendance In School Report Card And Also Picking Highest Score

Feb 7, 2014

I want to have a report card where I can have attendance embedded in for each students and also the highest score for each class each session.

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Queries :: Merging Data In One Field From Multiple Records

Jul 30, 2015

I am linking to an SQL database that is designed in such a way that the problem description is recorded in multiple records. See a simplified example below. I want to run a query that will merge the information in the PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION and return only one record for PROB_ID 55678.

55678 Jim 01/01/2015 While cleaning my computer, I noticed
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the screen was cracked. I called
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the IT department and they said I had
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 to write a work order. However it
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 was rejected without reason.

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Queries :: Get Rid Of Duplicate Records That Show Different Data In Multiple Columns

Sep 8, 2013

I have 10 tables linked in one query. 9 tables are linked to one main table (one to many relationship).I want to get rid of duplicate records that show different data in multiple columns. I want only one record of this but retain with different data under different columns to be separated by commas. For example: I want this...

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training 1/1/2010 5/1/2010
1 John Smith Python Training 1/30/2011 4/1/2011
1 John Smith Leadership Development 6/27/2013 9/1/2013
1 John Smith Sensitivity Training 9/5/2010 -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel Sensitivity Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel WHMIS Training 11/15/2010 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

To turn like this:

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training, Python Training, Leadership Development, Sensitivity Training 1/1/2010, 1/30/2011, 6/27/2013, 9/5/2010 5/1/2010, 4/1/2011, 9/1/2013, -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training, Sensitivity Training, WHMIS Training 8/1/2010, 8/1/2010, 11/15/2010 10/1/2010, 10/1/2010, 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

I am using two tables to find the data (main - "employee tbl" and "courses tbl")I have been trying to follow Allen Browne`s method, but I`m unsuccessful. This is the code I've put in SQL of this query:


SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Courses]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Start Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Completion Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl];

However, I am prompt with "Syntax error in query expression".It also prompts another expression to be in error when I include the above but it runs okay when I don't do the above:


WHERE (([Employee Tbl].[Employee #]) Like [Enter Employee ID or leave blank for ALL employees] & "*")

I placed the following in VBA module:

Public Function ConcatRelated(strField As String, _
strTable As String, _
Optional strWhere As String, _
Optional strOrderBy As String, _


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Queries :: Not Criteria To Bring Up Records - Multiple Fields With Data

May 30, 2015

I'm creating a query from one table using two fields that require certain records to NOT bring up records that have the following text:

One table, two fields

First field ECO LifeCycle Status Criteria is Not "ERP UPDATE" or "CANCELLED"
Second field ECR LifeCycle Status Criteria is Not "COMPLETE"

When I put the Not Criteria in the first field only I get a result.
When I put the Not Criteria in both fields I get no results.

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Forms :: Multiple Records In One Form?

Nov 11, 2014

I want to create a form in MS access for General Journal input for an accounting software. Problem is that my client required a form in which he can input as many Debits and/or credits as he likes, for one transaction on one form. For example it may be 2 debits and 4 Credits in one transaction. Its a simple one table entry with fields; TrNo (Transaction Number), Date, Type (Debit or Credit), Amount, and Narration (for details of transaction). Out of these field TrNo, Date & Narration will be same for all debits & credits in one transaction.

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Forms :: Multiple Records On One Form

Feb 9, 2015

Basically I have a table where freelancers have multiple records for each module they teach. What I am trying to do is show all records for each person onto the same form, but anything I have followed still only brings up the first record.

This information is all on the same table, so would this be easier to be on separate tables to then create relationships?

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Forms :: Enter A Value Once For Multiple Records

Apr 17, 2013

I work for a foundry and we bring in lots of raw material for conversion to alloy. Each incoming lot is assigned a number on arrival and is then broken down and processed in batches, typically 9. Each of these batches is then assigned a number as well, again a consecutive number which also includes a letter (the letter designates the product). Process data for each batch is kept and final QC analysis data is also recorded.

My question is: how do I set up a form on which I input the lot number, customer, and source once but that fills in that info for each row in the table with which the form is associated? After conversion, I would like to be able to analyze the process data by one of those 3 values so I need them filled in in the table (I plan to pull the data from the Access table into Minitab for statistical analysis).

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Forms :: Changing Multiple Records At Once

May 13, 2014

i have a splitview form that has a sub form which is a continuous form. On the continuous form there is a start and end date for each record. i would like to be able to change all the start dates on the continuous form by selecting a date once and hitting update or something like that.

so what i have going on is i have designers building scaffolds and adding articles to the scaffold (thus the continuous list) then a few months down the road the site planner will schedule the scaffold to be built and torn down. this will be done on this split form noted above. once that is done i need to have a date and an action applied to each article in the scaffold because i need to track usage of all the material per peice on a job site.

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Forms :: Reserve Multiple Records

May 29, 2013

I have a DB that we track our wires in the building where they are going from and to. When we are adding new equipment we need to reserve a group of numbers so we can label our wires then input the data at a later time. Obviously we can't have 2 different wired with the same number or that would create havoc. In the past we would just pull a group of numbers out of thin air and see if that range was in use but that has created huge gaps in our numbering. The DB that I have we can look up gaps in numbers so we can utilize those numbers. what I am having issues with is being able to reserve the numbers in 1 shot instead of having to go in and create a new record individually for each wire number.

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Forms :: Input Multiple Records At Once

May 22, 2014

A little bit of context first: I am producing a database to store information on overhead line structure renewals.

I have a table called tblStrucTasks with four fields; Task ID, Structure Type, Create (specifies whether the structure is to be created or removed) and Task. I need to enter multiple records which will have the same Structure Type and Create fields but different Task fields. There are many tasks for each structure so I'd like a form where you only have to select the Structure Type and Create fields once. Some sort of list where the tasks could be typed in would then be perfect.

I'm not sure whether this should be done with VBA or queries. I'm new to databases so I don't know a lot about queries but I have a little bit of experience with VBA from Excel.

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Forms :: Assigning A Value To Multiple Records

Oct 9, 2014

Three tables:



There's an inventory of products that I might take to a show (convention). What's a good way to associate the show with the product, and store that relationship in the ShowLink table?

I could make a datasheet with one of the fields a combo box, but this would get tedious if I had 100 products. I figure a better way would be to have a multiselect list box that I select all the products, then have one combo box to associate a show to it.

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