Forms :: Auto Height Of Subform On Base Of Records

Apr 28, 2015

i have a subform (A) which shows records after an query..i want to set height of subform on base of records as some time query shows 2 records and some time it shows 10 can i set auto height of sub form

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Forms :: Auto Height Of Subform Based On Record Display

Nov 16, 2013

i have a subform name(SUBSAL)in this subform i get reocrds for some employee as select combobox Name(CMBEMP).some employee having 2 record or some having 6 record as their transaction

i have sum of transaction at subform footer field but when only 2 records shows in subform it shows a major gap or blank space in subform detail section.

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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Subform Height Problem

Oct 10, 2006

Hi everyone, have a problem which is probably very easy to fix but i cannot for the life of me figure out why it is happening. I'm hoping someone with more experience than me knows what this is and how to sort it. I have a form with controls at the top then a subform and then a series of buttons below the subform. I have recently added another control above the subform and moved the subform down, but this has caused the subform to appear partially covering the buttons appearing below it. Seems simple....shrink the subform. It doesn't work. In the design view the subform only has a height of 5cm but in the front end it seems to grow with the form as that increases in size. can grow has been set to no on the subform and the details section. Nothing i do seems to stop the subform from making it's own mind up about it's height!!!

Thanks in advance for any help


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Normalising A Data Base......subform Problems

Mar 29, 2008

I have been helping a friend make a data base that is essentially the same as my own but since it is being made from scratch I have tried to remove the problem areas that exist in my own.

The main problem area with this data base is the size of the main table which is about 240 fields. This limits number of records, speed being one issue with some queries that are run. I have managed to lop this table down in size by a large amount. Much of that being done by moving to different tables the records for prospects, insurance clients and personal or non insurance records. That removes many fields because each category has different description fields.

But I have a problem with the table that now holds prospects for telemarketing. There are about 30 fields that hold data that results from each telemarketing call and instead of that being 30 of 240 fields it is now 30 of about 50 fields so looks like a big deal now:D. Five of those are for the date/time of each call, and the others are the various call results and date/times, days which determine whether the record will be displayed (call backs, appointment made etc). After the call is completed clicking "next record" opens a new record in another table and SetValues the field with the required data from the "main form". So some double handling.

However, if I remove all of this from the "prospect table" I have a display problem and changing the display is not an option as it evolved over a long period to give the best calling results. The various fields are displayed in groups on the main form. It could not be duplicated with the normal subform. Perhaps a subform that was columnar would work. Although I would need to keep a few of the fields in the prospect table as they determine "if and when" are record is in the cold calling list for the day.

I could have two tables and join with query but I don't think there is much point. One reason alone being that for the vast majority of prospects there would be no records in a second table because they have not been called.

My feeling is that leaving the prospect table the way it is would be the best and easiest. But I am open to any suggestions because at this stage there is nothing hanging off the table so am I free to do whatever.

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Continuos Forms Height

Dec 5, 2006

I have a form which is set to display continuous forms - just like a table but a bit nicer to look at! is it possible to make the forms height vary depending on how many records there are?

thanks in advance!

Dave C

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Forms :: Set Pop Up Form To Be Height X Always

Apr 18, 2014

I have a pop up form that likes to change it's height after I enter design view among other things. I've searched the webs, but can't find out strictly how to set my pop up form to be height X and ALWAYS be height X no matter what.

The best answer I've found so far: [URL] ....

But as soon as I went back into the form in Design View the changes were lost.

Is there some VBA code I can use to resize the form every time it's opened?

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Forms :: Fixing Height Of Pop-up Form

Mar 10, 2015

Since many years I "fight" with pop-up forms, as in endless view I cannot figure out HOW to fix the height.

Some forms keep a height which was set by the System and it is suitable others have the full height of the Screen and I cannot find any Setting which can influence them.

How to define or to fix the height.

It only works when I set the border to "changeable", but not when I want to fix a height by Setting the border to "Dialog" ....

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Queries :: Insert Into - Copy Records From Another Base Into Existing Table

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to copy records from another base into existing table in current base by:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO pivot (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) SELECT (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) FROM svod IN 'Z:NPSNPS - Operator - 1.accdb' ")

But it doesn't run. Says insert into syntax error.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Subform Based On Selection In Parent Form

Apr 30, 2015

I've got a Parent form (frmProspectDetails) with a subform linked (fsubProspectSkill).

This form is for users to enter general information on a prospect (names, position, height, weight, etc) on the parent form and skill levels on the subform.

Currently the subform is set so the user has to manually select the specific skill set for the prospects position, and then enter a value for each skill level(1-99).

I'm trying to get the subform to auto populate with a specific skill set based on the position selected in the parent form, so the user only needs to input the skill level without selecting each specific skill.

This data is then stored in a table (tblProspectSkill)

To add, I've created a form (frmPosition) that lists the specific skills set for each position.

I'm not sure how to get this subform (fsubProspectSkill) to auto populate with the specified skill set from frmPosition.

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Forms :: Custom Bar Chart Using Rectangles - Control Height Change Direction

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to make something like custom bar chart on a form using rectangles. I made 4 rectangles (BarBZ, BarBA, BarKI and BarMA) and have the following code:


Dim PctBZ As Double
Dim PctBA As Double
Dim PctKI As Double
Dim PctMA As Double
PctBZ = Me.BZ / (Me.BZ + Me.BA + Me.KI + Me.MA)

[Code] ....

It works perfectly except... the rectangles grow/shrink downwards and not upwards. As a result the bars are aligned to top, while I would like to have them aligned to bottom.

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Forms :: Make Frame Automatically Adjust To Image Width And Height

Aug 7, 2013

Is it possible to make it so that whatever the dimensions of the image i paste the OLE object's frame will also be the same? I'm having a problem, not necessarily a problem more like a preference, I'm inserting pictures of each individual inside a database and whomever last took these pictures didn't make sure there was a standard size So all the images are different sizes and when they're put inside the OLE frame you can see the image inside it but the frame itself also shows its white background because the image isn't the full dimensions of the frame. I was thinking if it's possible to make the frame automatically adjust to the image's width & height.

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Forms :: Auto Fill Textbox From Past Records

Aug 26, 2013

I have a form for creating new entries in a table. In it there is a textbox for a City field that I would like to have some kind of auto-complete based on past records in the database--similar to how Excel provides auto-complete options within a spreadsheet based on entries in previous cells.

In other words if "Binghamton" has been entered in a past record and the user starts typing "Bing" in the textbox, then "Binghamton" will become an autofill option. Is there a way to set this up?

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Forms :: Text Field Auto Update When Adding New Records

Jul 22, 2014

I have 2 tables Master table (Jobs) containing the primary key ("Job Reference") and 2nd table (Candidates) with the foreign key ("Job Reference")

2 Forms

frmJobs Form to view job details
frmCandidates form to view Candates information

I have placed add new candidate button on the frmJobs form which opens the candidate form in the add mode as a blank form. This is fine but I'm looking to add a record where it picks up the "Job Reference" text field value from the main frmJobs and update it in the "Job Refernce" text field on the frmCandidate when I click add new candidate.

How can I achieve this? I'm fairly new to access/vba

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Forms :: Generate A Subreport Base On Two Fields?

Jun 10, 2015

Ok so I want to generate a subreport for my deacons that show what families have been assigned to them.

Using the wizard I created a subreport that pulls the name & phone number(s) for each member with the same family ID, and Deacon ID (which pulls the name, number and FID from the member table, then checks the family table and gets the deacon ID). My question is, how do I tell the report to check if the current member I'm looking at is a deacon and if so use their deacon number as the reference number for "Deacon ID"?

I have a table for my deacons that links the member through their EnvNum (if they're a Deacon). Not sure if I'll need that table for this, but thought I'd mention I do have one.

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Forms :: Link A Subform To Other Records?

Dec 4, 2013

I am creating a database for work. I have a form that has a record of information for a single contact. On that form I have a sub form that will have a series of notes that should be attached to the record that loads.

At the bottom of that form are three buttons. They move from one record to another. I want the notes subform to change when I move to another record.

How do I link the subform to the record loaded on the form.

Attached is the access database.

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Forms :: Limit To 7 Records On Subform

Feb 14, 2015

I can't get this to work! I have a module for it and I think (?) the correct code.

'Limit Records On Subform.
OnCurrentEvent of Main Form ' Main form is frmTimeCards
LimitRecords Me.frmPayrollEntry.Form, 7 ' Allow at most 7 records
Scenario: Main Form/Subform
Subform is a Continuous form.
Enter Payroll via Subform
Via Combo, select a Employee on Subform
Enter Hours
Finish,Select a New Employee
Using CarryOver for Employee

Problem: Can't add new Record for a new Employee.Because of the Limit Records Code.?

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Forms :: Subform Won't Display All Records

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form that shows data from tables tbl_AgencyInfo, and a subform showing data from tables tbl_CourseInfo & tbl_StudentInfo. Each agency can have mutliple students and multiple courses, so that is why it is set up this way.

My subform will only display one record at a time, however, even though there are multiple students/coursess that relate to the agency. I am thinking something is off with my relationships but I'm not totally sure. In previous databases I have linked my tables together in a central table, but that table in this case does not seem to be populating.

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Forms :: Subform To Show Max 6 Records

Nov 8, 2013

Form invoice has a subform that can show max 6 records. Once more records are involved I want to show the last 6 including the new empty record. How to do that?

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Forms :: Subform Not Display All Records

Oct 22, 2013

I have one table containing all neccessary detail of members of varius soceity

I create a query to find name of all society(ies) for one person

When i create a form to the that query it show all record in form view,datasheet view but when i insert this form as sub form in other form it shows only first record.

main form and subform not connected each other as main form linked with table and subform with query

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Forms :: How To Duplicate Subform Records

Jun 25, 2015

How to duplicate records in SubForm, i have created a form (transmittal) with a subform that contains all items listed:

Master Field : Transmittal No
Child Fields: IDTransmittalNumber

There is a button that allows me to duplicate form , however when i change the Transmittal no in the main form it automatically deletes all data in subform since they are both linked by that field..

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Forms :: Average Of Records In Subform

Jun 26, 2015

I am using the following function:

=Avg(IIf([Final]="TST-TST OK RTN" Or [Final]="NFF-TST & NFF" Or [Final]="RTN-RETURN" Or [Final]="SCL-SCR LOCALLY" Or [Final]="SCR-SCR RETURN" Or [Final]="BER-BER RTN CST",Nz([Cost Of New],0),0))

I have a subform with a total of 18 records. 2 records meet the criteria above. This function is dividing by 18 (total number of records) instead of 2 to get the average. How can I get it to divide by the right number of records?

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Forms :: Subform Not Showing Records Sometimes?

May 19, 2014

I have a subform that displays records from a query. Usually, there is no issue. Sometimes, though, the subform stays blank for no apparent reason.


-Open form and select relevant information (subform stays blank)

-Open query and 1 record is present

-Go form layout view and turn "Data Entry" on, then back off

(The form appears to refresh when this setting is changed and the subform is displaying the 1 record properly now)

-Close form, re-open, and select the same information as before (subform, again, stays blank)

Again, the subform usually displays the records just fine. It's only sometimes that it has this blank issue even though records are present in its source query. I've tried refresh and requery macros on the form and subform, but that doesn't get the information to show up (though, switching "Data Entry" on and off does).

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Forms :: Subform For Editing And New Records?

Nov 1, 2013

I've got a master form, which is used to search for records, and display links to them in a list box. When the user selects a record, they get the full details of the record on a subform. At the top of the subform, I have two buttons, an edit button, which allows them to make changes to the record, and a "new" button, which allows them to create a new record.

My problem is, after a new record is created, the subform adds a new page. So instead of having record one of 1, it shows record 2 of 2. So if a new record is saved, and the user tries to access another record, nothing appears because the subform stays on record 2 of 2(which is a blank undirtied record). If you press navigation button back it will show the record they selected.

Maybe I could make the new form a pop up form, and pass it parameters rather than making a new form within the subform.

I've tried putting the command DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious in the subforms Current() method, but I get an error saying I cannot go to the previous record.

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Form (subform)

Jan 7, 2015

How to sort entered records in a subform by combo box. Notice combo box has integer value not text. I want to bo sroted by text visibled ASC. The code must be in Command control SORT (See pict enclosed)

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Forms :: Subform Not Accepting Changes Only For New Records Added

Apr 11, 2013

I have a subform that has 3 check boxes. If the record was an existing record in the SQL table and I want to change the value I can change it no problem. If I try to check the box for a new record added to the database then it doesn't allow me to save the change. I know that this is a problem with bit values in SQL when deleting so I made sure all 3 fields have a default value, but it still doesn't let me make changes to new records.

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