Forms :: Autofill Unit Price In TblOrderDetails From TblProducts?

May 24, 2013

This is a Customer Orders database created in Access 2010.

tblProducts has field UnitPrice.

I want the unit price to auto-fill based on product in tblOrderDetails.

Seems simple enough, but I can't figure it out. I don't know VB other than inserting code someone else has created. Need to be able to do within Access.

I've researched this and found many databases of this sort that has the Unit Price in the Products table but you still have to input the Unit Price when adding an order. If you have to manually enter the Unit Price on an order, what is the point in having it in the Products table?

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Reports :: How To Manipulate Zeroes In A Unit Price Field In A Report

Jul 2, 2013

I have created a report and, in the unit price field, I have set the decimal place to 5 in the report properties. Sometimes we have pricing for items up to 5 decimals long, such as $10.02985. It is rare though, so I'm to see if there is a way to have it drop the zeros down to 2 decimals when more is not needed. I'm thinking maybe a VBA event might work, but not sure.

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Queries :: Item Without Price Or Duplicate Price

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table called Books, in that table there is 4 columns ChapterName, Auther, ITEM, Price.

Each book has a item number, and each book has a few records with the same data, just the first column is different where its the ChapterName, each book has a price, but only once, meaning in the first record of each book it will be a price in the column price

Now I want a Query where i can get which book dont have a price at all, and which book has more than once a price, how can i do that?

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Forms :: Using Combo Information To Look Up Price Via Date?

Dec 27, 2013

I have a database I'm creating for DVD/blu-ray sales. I currently have a order system in place in a subform, which uses a combo box to find the customer and fills in all the information in the rest of the subform. One piece of information is the date of sale.

I need to be able to have the ability to change the price of the DVDs and have a history of sales with the right price. The easiest way to do this seemed to be by Date of sale. So the price is linked to the date of sale, when the price changes, all orders before that change use the old price, after use the current price.

I was wondering if there is anyway to have a second subform on the same page and us the date of sale from subform1 and have it display the price in the second subform?

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Forms :: Selection On Price / Stock And Delivery Time In One Query

Dec 13, 2013

I have a table with following structure :

Fabcode Price Stock Date Supplier

Fabcode : the unique code of the article
Price : the price by this supplier
Stock : quantities for the moment in stock by this supplier
Date : When there is no stock at this supplier, the estimated time of arrival
Supplier : name of the supplier

A selection for looking the lowest price for a supplier who has stock is no problem. But I want also the fastest delivery date when no one has stock.


Fabcode Price Stock Date Supplier
Product1 5 3 A
Product1 6 4 B
Product1 7 5 C
Product1 8 6 D
Product2 14 73 A
Product2 12 56 B
Product2 15 14 C
Product3 30 0 30/12/13 A
Product3 24 0 B
Product3 25 0 26/12/13 C
Product3 32 0 26/12/13 D

Result :
Product1 5 3 A (because supplier A has stock and the lowest price)
Product2 12 56 B (because supplier B has stock and the lowest price)
Product3 25 0 26/12/13 C (because no one has stock, but supplier C has the shortest delivery time AND the lowest price)

Remark 1 : when there is no delivery date (and no stock), this supplier should be ignored for that product
Remark 2 : when no one has stock, the delivery date is priority, when 2 supplies has the same delivery date than the price is priority.

Can this in one query or SQL-statement ?

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Unit Of Strings

Nov 8, 2005


I have 2 strings:

str1 = SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4 WHERE (Criteria1)
str2 = SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Field5 WHERE (Criteria2)

I want to show in listbox only "Field1" from str1 and str2.
How unit 2 strings?

Thank You in advance.

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How Unit 2 Strings?

Mar 31, 2006

Hi all.

I have 2 strings:

strSQL1 = SELECT FieldA FROM table WHERE FieldA = xxx
strSQL2 = SELECT FieldB FROM table WHERE FieldB = xxx

I need unit this two strings to third string strSQL3.
I must have result StrSQL3 = SELECT FieldA, FieldB FROM table WHERE FieldA = xxx and FieldB = xxx

Is it possibly unit strings (not Select Query)?

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Forms :: Purchase Order Form - Calculate Auto Total Price

May 20, 2014

I need to make an order purchase form like i have customer table and product table, i want to make a form which creates order for a specific customer and I can add as much items as i want and than calculate auto the total price, and an option to make a report for it.

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Convert Unit On Data Entry?

Nov 23, 2013

question about data entry and performing some mathematical operations before storing the entered data.

I have a data entry form where I want the users to put in some values but I want to perform a unit conversion before storing the data.

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Forms :: How To Autofill A Bound Text Box

May 29, 2015

Is there anyway or code to autofill a bound text/combo box for instance with the person who is working the database i have this code but doesnt work with bound boxes

Me![Agent] = Forms("loginform")![cbousername]

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Forms :: Autofill Form And Allow To Edit

Nov 9, 2013

I have 2 tables StudySchedule and ExamSchedule.StudySchedule contains the detail information of opening classes of many different periods. I need to create a form that can:

1. let the user choose a period

2. form will generates automatically exam schedules of the opening classes of the chosen using the relevant information in StudySchedule. Those entries will be saved in ExamSchedule.

3. Note that there are 8 fields of the exam schedules generated/counted from some fields of StudySchedule. The 3 other fields of the exam schedules need to be entered by the users. User must also have the ability to edit the generated fields.

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Forms :: Autofill One Of The Field In Form

Jan 14, 2014

I want to Autofill one of the field in my form, by checking specific conditions in my database. Example of which is as below:

1. Date of Maintenance :
2. Loom No. :
3. Component Replaced :
4. Component Type :
5. Latest date for same component replacement :

I want to autofill the Sr. No. 5 in the form itself by checking database, and if Sr. No.2=Sr No.3=Sr. 4, then latest date should be autofill in Sr. No. 5

Say, A component was replaced in a Loom on 01/01/2013 & again after six month same component is replaced on 01/06/2013 so while filling up the form, In sr. no. 5 latest date 01/01/2013 of replacement of same component in same loom should be pulled from data base.

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Forms :: Autofill Batchdate For Each New Donation

Oct 6, 2013

I have following Tables/Fields

1. tabDonations

2. tabDonors

3. tabBatchDate

Donations are entered in Batches by Date

I am creating a Donation Entry Form to perform following STEPS

1. Select a Batch date already in the BatchDate table
2. Enter several donations with the date selected above.

How do I Autofill the Batchdate for each new donation?

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Forms :: Autofill Combobox With Change Option

Jan 7, 2014

I currently have a form with two comboboxes. One contains a list of products that the user can select from the other contains a list of percentages (sales commission rates).

What I want achieve is that when the user selects a specific product then a specific commission rate is select.

However, after selecting the product the user should still have the possibility to select a different rate if that is what has been agreed with the client. Ie. deviate from the standard rate defined by choosing the product.

How can I link the two comboboxes so that the correct rate is selected? while still retaining the the possibility to select something different?

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Forms :: Button To Autofill A Field In All Records

Oct 21, 2014

I know all of the main features and can even do a bit with macros and VBA. I need creating a button to auto-fill a field in all the records in a table.

I have a database centered around a table called tblCand; each record contains a date field called intDate. On the main form, initDash, when the user hits a certain button, a window pops up (either a message box or perhaps a separate form) that asks the user to type in a date, which would be stored as intDateDB. When the user hits OK, I want the value of intDateDB to replace the value of intDate in all the records in tblCand.

I'm not sure whether this is called auto-filling or auto-populating...

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Forms :: Autofill Form Saving To Tables?

Oct 17, 2013

What I'm trying to do is create a database system for my company, it's not overally complex in the sense it's just managing the estimates and invoices we do.



Now I've tried to break the data down as sensibly as possible.

What i'm having trouble with is I have created a autofill combo box to fill out text boxes with information from the Clients table, the idea is that the client can be added via the Estimate form or pulled up from the record depending on the situation. Now the problem I have is one;

I cannot enter data via the form

and two

When you flick through the forms only the combobox information is staying put, either the text field is empty or incorrect.

I'm pretty it's to do with [Data Source] but I can't seem to get it to work. How to make it possible to pull up clients when typing an estimate OR be able to add a new client via the same fields. Secondly, when the Form is review the autofill text field display the clients details.

The link : [URL] ....

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Forms :: Autofill A Textbox With Current Date

Apr 7, 2015

Short version: I would like to know when that formula was filled out.

Long version: What I need to do is Auto-fill a textbox with the current date and time when I fill-in a combo-box and press enter/tab. Each date needs to be individual, once the date is filled in via event it should not be changed, then the next page of the formula needs to have an individual date...and so forth. In addition it would be nice if the date could not be changed at all, so no one can temper with it, for instance pressing enter again on the combo-box.

Something like this:
Formula page 1:
Name:________ Date:________
Name: Jon_____ Date:________
*press enter*
Name: Jon_____ Date: 08.04.2015; 11:31
*press enter*
Formula page 2:
Name:________ Date:________
Name: Jess_____ Date:________
*press enter*
Name: Jess_____ Date: 12.04.2015; 16:12
*press enter*

Solved all but 1 problem, I just need to find a way to stop the Date field from updating every time I update the Name field after the initial date is filled in.

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Forms :: Autofill - Possible For Fields To Have Auto-complete Option?

May 20, 2014

I have combo boxes set up with the different choices for major, minor, year, etc. Is it possible for these fields to have an autocomplete option? For example, there are about 30 different subjects that students can choose for a major, so rather than having to look for it in the drop down menu, could the person entering the data just start typing "ant" and have it automatically fill with "anthropology" for example?

I should also mention that the reason I made these fields into combo boxes is because I built SQL in the row source so that it is bound to the primary key but displays the description instead (with the column widths set to 0; 1).

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Forms :: Autofill Multiple Rows From One Subform To Second Subgroup

Jul 1, 2014

So I have a master form, with multiple subforms on different tabs within the master form. This form is not used to look up data, just to only enter data in. In one of the tabs, I have a subform in the form of a data table where the person filling it in can put multiple locations of one dealership. In the next tab, I want these loctions to autofill into the next subform on the second tab in the data sheet. If I were to go with the solution of using an unbound textbox on the parent/master form to refernece the first subform and then have the second subform reference the textbox, how would I go about doing this? Just with the expression builder and conrol source? Am I able to autofill multiple rows of data from one subform to the other for one recond?

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Tables :: Set Validation Rule For Unit Field In Design View

May 1, 2013

I have two tables in Access 2010:

Tbl1 - Abbreviations: with fields (1) "Abbreviation" and (2) "Definition"
Tbl2 - Piping: with multiple fields one of which is "Unit"

In Design View of Tbl2, I'd like to set the "Validation Rule" for the "Unit" field so that it is restricted to values in field 1 of the Abbreviations Table (i.e. one of the listed abbreviations").

I tried variations of "[Tables]![Abbreviations]![Abbreviation]" in the "Validation Rule" portion of the Design View for Tbl2 (Piping) but, couldn't get this to work.

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Reports :: Create Report With Parameters - Unit From Combobox And Date Range

Jan 29, 2015

What I have is a single table that I need to create a report from. It has vehicle unit numbers, dates of service, repair details and costs. I am trying to generate a report where I can select a unit from a combobox and enter a date range.

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Queries :: SELECT CASE Statement - Populate Each Unit With Assigned Category?

Apr 9, 2013

I have a simple SELECT CASE query. I'm not sure how the syntax goes and I want to learn about it.

In the attached file, if you click on "cohort table", you will see the categorization for each unit under "field1".

how will I be able to use a SELECT CASE statement in a query to populate each unit with assigned category?

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Tables :: Set Up Validation Of Fields Unit And Size Based On Another Fields Data?

Nov 18, 2013

Basically in my order details table i have the following fields


At the moment i have the Product field with a dropdown that gives me all the products from my ProductT. But once i choose the correct product in the unit field it gives me all the possibilities of every product not just the units associated with that product. ie

Grasshopper Box1000 Adult
Grasshopper Box1000 Subadult
Worm 10pz Big

When I select the grasshopper product and move on to the unit field i also get "10pz" option but this is not a product available.

How do i set up validation of the fields Unit and size based on another fields data?

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Forms :: Autofill Field Based On Related Field In Previous Form

Jun 30, 2015

I have my Assets form and the primary key is the ChargerID, in this form I have an "Add New Job For This Asset" button, which opens up the Jobs form at a new record.

How do I make it so that the ChargerID field is automatically filled with whatever the previous record was instead of being blank.

For example if I have Charger12345 open in the Asset form, I'd like to click the Add New Job button and it automatically have Charger12345 in the ChargerID field of the Jobs form.

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Whats Your Price?

Jan 2, 2006

After being a member on this site for a while now I would like to get some opinions on "cost of application development" I know the forum covers a wide geographic area and the members cover a wide spectrum of degrees of expertise on Access and application development. So the question is this..What would your rates be and how would you determine your charges for developing Access applications for a business?PS... Please include your location if not in your profile.

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2 Price Fields

Jul 9, 2007


I have a problem which hope will have a simple solution, which has been
driving me mad all day

I have a client who has two prices for the same service depending on speed
of turnaround
These prices are entered into the Client table seperately using the CDetails form.
I then wish to use this information using a combo box for selection within
another form called SDetails.However I can only get the combo box within
SDetails to put one of the two prices rather than either of the two choices,
because of the bound column within the combo.
The combo when pulled down looks something like this

Price 1 Price 2 Client Name

I would prefer for

Price 1
Price 2

so that I have the choice of the price I want to choose.

Having spent time and many brain cells, I have ground myself to a stop.
HELP!!!!!! if only for the sake of my sanity

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