Forms :: Automatic Counter Resets Each New Day

Nov 13, 2014

is there anyway to make a counter field that is automatically filled (1,2,3,...) rather than filling it manually and also it resets each new day?? I'm not talking about autonumber field because of its nature also because I use it as a uniqe field "VisitID",

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OnLoad? And Automatic Counter

Apr 27, 2005

a couple of questions...

1) what can i do in order to get a form to open when a database is loaded?

2) what is the automatic counter?

thanks in advance

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Error In Automatic Counter After Compacting

Jan 9, 2006

After compacting my Access2000 database it usually is impossible to add new records. The automatic counter does not continue with a new value but seems to have "forgotten" some of the recently added records and tries to use a value that is already allocated. After pressing <ESC> the next value is applied and so - after adding and escaping the appropriate times - it finally reaches a valid new value and the record is accepted. Ugly workaround. Any known solution?

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Forms :: Access 2010 Navigation Pane Resets Previous Form

May 13, 2015

I have a 2010 Access Database with a Navigation Pane. When I click a Navigation Button to view another form I lose the position and record I was on in the first form. It's almost like the first form refreshed when I click the navigation button to view the second form. Is there a way to setup the Navigation form so when I click on various navigation buttons it won't reset the previous form I was on?

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Forms :: Create A Counter To Log How Many Times A User Login To Database

May 22, 2013

I have made a very simple log on form that requires the user to type in a user name and password. The user name and passwords are stored in a table. New users are added to this table to allow access to the database.

Is there a way I can add a counter to see how many times a particular user has logged onto the database?

Is there a way to make the password expire every 365 days requiring the user to reactivate their account and log in details.

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Serial Number Which Automatically Resets Every Day

Feb 8, 2014

I am working on a database,

Structure of database tblaccounts: glcode,description.

tbltransaction: transaction ID, glcod, tranxtype, amount, trandate

Everything is going well, when i make a transc ,transcid generated

i,e 1,2,3,to 47,48,49,50 and so on. In this case there are minimum 50 transaction on daily bases,

Here i have an idea that daily after 11.59pm, I mean after changing date, when I make a transaction, transaction id or sequence no start from 1, and my last day data will also remain safe .

This is what I am trying to accomplish I need to be able to create a serial number which automatically resets every day so I may use it to easily know how many records were created per day, without running a report.

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Compact And Repair No Longer Resets Autonumber ID Field

Sep 2, 2014

This method use to work. I have a split database.

My usual method is to delete everything in my table, which does not need to be maintained, then I Compact and Repair and re-open the form and my ID is reset to 1. Now it just continues from the last number I used.

This ID field can and will blow up pretty fast, so resetting it would be useful.

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Modules & VBA :: Class Variable Resets When Adding New Record In Subform

Mar 30, 2015

I have a parent form which has a class variable (class module instance) to store the form' status and more.... and when i add a new record to the subform it resets the class variable field' data. but this only happens on first transaction, but if i re-run the steps (re-set the variable field value) it's not happening again.

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Forms :: Automatic Insertion Of The Value Of Field?

Aug 10, 2014

I have a form that when I insert a registration number I would like the value of the field "nom" the name automatically appears in the "nom" field of the form. The form uses a query.

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Forms :: Automatic Folder Creation

May 23, 2013

I currently have a database where users input new parts into a database using a part form. When they put in the part type, a tracking number is automatically generated. I would like a folder to be created for each part where we can store pictures and a report. How would i have it create a report to a certain area using the tracking number as the folder name? I also want to be able to upload pictures and eventually save the report in there but creating the folder is the first step.

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Forms :: Automatic Updation Of PPT In Access

Jun 26, 2015

I have an excel sheets with tables (Numbers). I have inserted this excel files into PPT. I have a button on my page. I have linked the PPT path to that buttom (using hyperlink). So, when I click the button the PPT which contains the excel charts is opening (this is good so far)The data in excel sheet is used by many people and they can change it.

When in Access the ppt is opened then it's showing the old data but not the new modified data. (We are right clicking on the ppt table and then updating the links)We just don't want to do that as we have lot of tables in PPT.when we open a ppt via access then it should automatically update itself in the backend and should open with the new values.

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Forms :: Way To Stop Automatic Duplication

Dec 17, 2014

Everytime I change the picture of an image, a duplicate is made. I can see this in the "Insert Image" menu. It this moment, I have over 6000 duplicates which slow my form down alot. I know that you can delete these duplicates by accessing the system tables, but is there a way to stop this automatic duplication? An example is a button that makes an arrow change direction. Every time you click the button, a duplicate of the picture gets saved.

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Automatic Posting In TextBox/ComboBox In Forms

Jan 9, 2006

Hello Everyone!

I hope someone can guide me in the right direction. I have developed a database to keep track of Service Calls we receive. We manufacture and/or service a wide range of products from Automatic Laundry/Kitchen chemical dispensers to office furniture. We are currently using this data base and it works well, I'm trying to make it easier for the user.

I have a form to enter information into a table, tblService Calls. In the form I have a ComboBox labeled Issue Code which looks up information in a table tblService Issue. I also have a ComboBox labeled Service Issue which also looks up information in the tblService Issue.

tblServiee Issue looks like this:
Issue Code Service Issue
101 Laundry Install
201 Kitchen Install
and so on

What I'm trying to do is when I enter issue code 101 in ComboBox Issue Code, I would like the Service Issue (Laundry Install) to automatically post in the ComboBox or TextBox labeled Service Issue. Is this possible?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!
Larry D.

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Forms :: Automatic Alphanumeric Increment Field

Mar 5, 2015

I've got most of what he wants sorted but this last task I am completely flummoxed. All of his projects are allocated an ID (named Project Reference), starting from P010010 and increasing by 1 each time. I've made a form that allows a new project to be recorded by entering all the details and hitting the 'record' button, but he wants the Project Reference field to be automatically filled in each time (understandably), increasing by 1 from the last record.

So if the last record was P010311, then when the form opens the Project Reference should automatically be P010312.

I've looked into this and found many guides talking about DMax and DIM and strCriteria and whatnot, but no matter how many of them I follow and try to adapt to my own database I can't get it to work at all.

The table the ID comes from is called General, and the field is Project Reference. The ID should automatically be filled into a text box called txtRef whenever the form opens and a button to add a new record is pressed, being 1 higher than the previous ID.

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Forms :: Create Automatic Unique Number?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to create an automatic unique 'number' (actually text) in a form. Here is an example of the format...

1456 is the project number
R stands for revision
1 is the first revision

So, in this database there could be 1456.R2 etc. but there could also be other project numbers, say 2323.R1, 2323. Looking for expression I need to enter to have Access look up the last revision for a specific project and then add 1 to it?

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field When Name Is Selected

Mar 20, 2014

I am putting together a simple database to do with monitoring maintenace of buildings. I was the building number to automatcially populate when the building name is select.

I have got the the point where I have building name and number in the building name combo box but i'm stuck with the after update code builer part.

I currently have:

Me.Building_NameControl = Me.Building_Number.Column(2)

But doesn't seem to work.I don't really understand syntax!

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field In Adding A New Record

Aug 1, 2013

how to automatically populate a certain field. To add some context, I have a form which registers the details of a contact with standard information of contact details. There is a subform which shows the different products that the client from the main form is interested in. This is a actually a data sheet which returns the results of a query (selecting from the relevant table the client in question and the products he/she wants).

I have added a button which opens up another form and allows a product (and hence a new record) to be added for that particular client. I would like that the form automatically populates one of the fields in the form that is the client id. Given that the subform is opened from a form which already identifies the client, how do I do this?

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Forms :: Autonumber On Form - Automatic Generating New Record?

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on school project. I created priority table that has primary key (ID number) and other data, and three tables(also with data) that are linked to this table, with ID number of priority table and primary keys of other tables (relations many-to-many, I formed tables between them).

Problem: - my solution is created so that I can fill all neccessary data of ALL tables in ONE FORM. But ofcourse Access wants you to enter at least one field in primary table for opening new record, so that It links you to all other tables (in my case with ID number) - then It is possible to enter data of all other tables in whatever tab order you like.

What I want to do is that my autonumber field from primary table would automatically open a new record number when opening the form, without entering any data to primary table. Is that even possible ?

So far I tried to add another field in my primary table (Date/time format) and set the date to =Now(), and used macro of Refresh on form, but nothing happens. Date is shown in field, but Autonumber doesn't generate new number of record. maybe I did it wrong...

Any option to lock Tab order and force user to fullfill data only in desiring order ? I want to make solution more user friendly

I'm using Access 2003...

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Editing Field Values That Get Summed Up - Resets Total Field

Apr 7, 2015

I have several fields that I fill in on a form and they all need to add up in the last field. The first way that I tried this worked good for the initial data entry on the form. However if I need to edit one of the fields in the form then it resets the TotalCost field and I have to enter all of the numbers again. Is there some way that I can make this work? Or is this an Access quirk I will have to live with?

I tried to do this two different ways.

Here is the code for the first method:

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] .....

This way works great the first time that I tried it, I had to re-enter info in all the fields if I wanted to change one.

Here is my second method:

Which didn't work, i received an error message:

"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Invalid outside procedure."

And then nothing changes.

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] ....

So I know this second method is incorrect.

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Counter (97)

Oct 31, 2005

I have an existing database, in whichi I've been asked to implement a counter, of sorts, which could count a store the number of times the database has been opened (including reports being viewed) , in a month. (I'm using access 97). Can this be done? How would I accomplish this?

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Forms :: Automatic Fill In A Field From Info Keyed Into Previous Fields

May 4, 2013

I am wondering if Access 2010 has the capability of automatically filling in a field from info keyed into previous fields. For example, I want a confirmation number issued which is made up of all the characters keyed in the previous three fields. For example, assume the previous three fields are:

Block = 01
Building = 125
Room = A
Confirmation Number =

Therefore, the confirmation number would automatically be filled in as 01125A.

If so, how do I go about setting it up?

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Forms :: Conditional Formula For Monitoring - Automatic Computation Of Number Of Days

Jul 8, 2013

I would like to know how to have conditional formula (code) for my monitoring. I have the following fields for form [1]:

Date today
Date Encountered
Date Closed
No. of Days

I need an automatic computation of the No. of days until it is closed. Below is the computation I want to have:

If it is not yet closed: [Date today] minus [Date Encountered]
If already closed: [Date Closed] minus [Date Encountered]

I tried using a code builder:

If Forms![1]![Date Closed].Value<>""Then
Forms![1]![No. of Days]="[Date today]-[Date Encountered]"
Forms![1]![No. of Days]="[Date Closed]-[Date Encountered]"
End if

but there is error.

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Add Counter To Query

Aug 18, 2006

Hello. I'm trying to add a counter to the fields of a query. Purpose is to have a second query choose from this a selected record and next x records, which, of course have been already sorted by first query itself.
I thought the simplest way was with a simple automatic-generated counter, but perhaps I'm making it complicated and there's a simpler way. Any idea?

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Record Counter

Feb 26, 2005

Hey guys,

I have a questions for all you experts out there. I need to create a record counter. I have found documentation on how to create a simple record counter, but of course it needs to be a little more complicated than that.

I need to beable to count the records that contain a certain value in a certain field. For example, I need a count on all records which contain the value "Orland" and so on.

I assume this is do able. Just dont know how.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Counter Creation

Jun 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

Here is my problem:

I Have a form that shows bills in a continuous form. My problem is that I want to put a textbox or a label that will display a kind of counter for each bills. For example, If I have 3 bills to display, I want my label or textbox to display 1 for the first bill, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on.

But I don't know how to do that with a continuous form.

Could someone help me, please...

Thanks in advance!

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Counter Text Box

May 26, 2005

I have a counter text box that was set up exactly like the help instructions say to set it up and it is not counting correctly. I have it set up to where it is counting subgroups in the report. It counts for if one record has one or two errors, but I have one record in there that has 3 errors and it says that it only has two errors. Can anyone explain this to me?


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