Forms :: Automatically Updating Dependent Combo Box

Oct 21, 2014

I am designing a form based on specific criteria from a table. I have one table "country/region" showing: Country, Region, and then primary numeric ID. I have another table called "contacts" with more info. What I am looking to do is create two combo boxes on the form, one for country and the other for region which will pull from the "country/region" table and feed into the "contacts" table". When the user writes in the specific country, the corresponding region in the combo box next to it should update automatically.

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Forms :: Dependent Combo Box Not Working

Aug 18, 2013

I have 2 combo boxes, one Categories and Products. However I have follows a tutorial and when I select the Categories, the products do not show even though the tutorial says it does. I have attached a copy of the DB.

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Forms :: Combo Box Values Dependent On Record Set In Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

Access 2010
windows 7

The database I'm working on stores product records. To support the user narrow down which product they want to use, the navigation form has a listbox that looks to several combox values to filter the records it displays. As the user selects values for additional comboxes, the list of products from the listbox is refined. What I would like to do is set the comboxes up so that they also have to check the listbox to determine which records they should display.

For example:

Comboxes: Customer, Species

Starting out the listbox shows all products. The user wants to find a particular product that is sold to "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium". They select "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium" from the customer combobox. The listbox updates to show only products sold to Harly Quinn. The database currently has this functionality. What I want to add comes next:

The user determines that there are still too many records being displayed in the listbox, so he/she attempts to refine the search further by selecting a species from the species combobox. Currently all species from the species table are selectable from the species combobx, meaning that if the user selects a species that isn't sold to Harly Quinn, that the listbox will show no records. What I would like the combobox to do is refer first to the listbox and determine which species are still viable options based on the records available from the listbox.

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Updating Forms Automatically

Apr 29, 2008

I'm fairly new to access and using access 2003.
I have a main table and 3 other lookup tables. i have created the form using the main table. there are about ten fields.
what i need is, when i select one field, another four fields should automatically update.
is this possible? if it is possible how do i go about doing it?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Calculated Fields Not Updating Automatically

Apr 17, 2015

I'm still very new to Access.I have a form with subforms.Some of the fields are calculated fields.I cannot figure out what some of the fields will not update automatcally. Once I click out of the form and then back in, it will update.Tried many things like, Refresh, Requery both on the form and on the text box(es).I wish I could figure out how to attach my test database to show you.

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Year Dependent On Combo Box

Aug 12, 2011

I have a form in which you can select a year from a combo box in a subform. I want to create a query to be a subform which uses that combo box to select the year between 1/1/Year and 1/31/Year OR between 12/1/Year and 12/31/Year. The year combo box is in the sub form called YearSubForm and is called Yearcmb. I used Between #01-01-2010# And #01-31-2010# Or Between #12-01-2010# And #12-31-2010# in the query view as a criteria when I wanted 2010, but I want the year from the combo box.

Also, in the form I have a subform that is located on top of a text box. I was wondering how I can have the text box show over the subform. I tried 'send to front' but that did not work.

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Dependent Combo Box In Web Database

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer, only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) ..

I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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Forms :: Automatically Updating Fields In A Subform From Another Subform

Feb 11, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out the method to automatically update some fields in SubForm from 2 other SubForms.I have attached 2 pics, the first GradeEntry1 shows what the tblTopic_Class_Grade form looks like after I manually enter everything into it. GradeEntry2 is what the form looks like when I fill out the Form starting at the top.

I'd like the tblTopics_Class_Grade form auto-populate the TrainingClassID (it currently does this), TopicClassID, StudentID, TrainingTopicID based off the entry from the above forms.My end goal is that I need to have a grade for each student on each training topic for each class. Like:


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2 Dependent Combo Boxes On A Datasheet

Dec 5, 2005

I have 2 combo boxes on a datasheet.
combo 2 is depedent on comboxbox 1.
But when i work on futhter and click other occurenses, the values change (because of the query looking at the first combobox)

this is very annoying.
can someone pleeeeease help,
ive been trying for 2 days now



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How To Make One Form Combo-box Dependent On Another?

May 19, 2006

Access 2003
Database for tracking job search/applications
I have three tables: Job (includes employer, contact) and Contact (First name, Last name, employer), and Employer (Employer name)

Form.Job is the main data entry mechanism. On this form, I enter the job details. I select the employer from a combo-box that draws from the Employer table. I would like to select the contact from a combo-box that filters contacts and shows only those that match the Job.Employer selection.

:confused: 1. How can I make a bi-directional link so that a new entry in the employer combo-box creates a new entry in the employer table? At the moment, I get around this with a "New employer" button on Form.Job that just opens up the employer table, but there seems to be an updating issue - new names don't show up in the combo-box for a while

:confused: 2. How can I get the contact combo-box to show only contacts with an employer that matches the employer selected in the employer combo-box?

Note that I got this to work once by using a sub-form, but I don't really understand how (presumably Access defaults that did what I wanted), and I don't want to have to use a sub-form.


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General :: Dependent Combo Box In Web Database?

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer (for example: Klant1), only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) .. I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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How To Make Options Of One Combo Box Dependent On Another

May 20, 2014

I have two combo boxes in my form. The first one has the option of selecting a or b. If the user selects a, the second combo box will have the options of c and d, if b is selected the options in the second one will be e and f. How can i do this?

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Dependent Combo Boxes With Fields From Different Tables

May 16, 2012

I thought that my previous request on how to create a dependent combobox based on selections from two previous comboboxes, but the example provided only worked if the fields were all in the same table. Here is an explanation of my problem...I have 3 tables:



green beans
star fruit

I have 3 comboboxes on a form: cboFoodType, cboColor, cboFoodName.I would like to filter the value lists in cboFoodName based on the selections from cboFoodType and cboColor.For example, if I select "fruit" from cboFoodType and "red" from cboColor, I want the value list available in cboFood Name to consist of "apple;raspberries;strawberries".Likewise, if I select "vegetable" from cboFoodType and "green" from cboColor, I want the value list available in cboFoodName to consist of "cabbage;green beans;lettuce;spinach".

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Auto Fill Text Box From Dependent Combo Box

Jun 16, 2012

I have dependent combo boxes which is working fine what i want is to select the value from the list and the text box should be filled in my case it is attachment field i want to fill up the value based on combo boxes selection.I have attached the database also.

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Forms :: Select From Combo Box During Data Entry And Automatically Update Field

Mar 13, 2013

I have one field AccountName in customer table and another field AccountID.

In my form I would like to select from the combo box AccountName during data entry and then have the AccountID automatically update in the Account ID field.

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Forms :: Updating Table From Cascading Combo Box(s) Fox?

Mar 25, 2013

updating my table when I use cascading combo boxes in my form.What is happening is that my table is being populated by the xxxxID column vice from the xxxxName column that is being used from that specific table.

here is my visual basic code that I am using to determine what the subsequent combo box will display.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cboPlanktonID_AfterUpdate()
' Set the Family combo box to be limited by the selected Plankton Type
Me.cboFamilyID.RowSource = "SELECT tblFamily.FamilyID, tblFamily.FamilyName FROM tblFamily " & _
" WHERE OrderID = " & Nz(Me.cboPlanktonID) & _
" ORDER BY FamilyName"


Example of the Combo box Row Source is: SELECT [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyID], [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyName] FROM tblWaterbody;

My Control Source is PlanktonAnalysis.WaterbodyName

When I fill in the form with the data, The Waterbody name is visable for selection (example: I see "Lake Lillinonah" in the cascading combo box, But when I save the record in the PlanktonAnalysis Table I get a number in the WaterbodyName column vice the name of the waterbody

tblWaterbodyWaterbodyIDWaterbodyName2Ashland Pond3Bantam Lake4Crystal Lake5Gardner Lake6Hungerford Park Pond7Lake Lillinonah8Lower Bolton Lake9Middle Bolton Lake10Pocotopaug Lake11West Thompson Reservoir

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Forms :: Combo Box Not Updating Upon Moving To New Record

Jun 26, 2014

I have a tab control with a Counsellor Training tab on it inmy form frmCounsellors. The issue I am having is that when I select a training type from the drop down in the sub form on the tab control on the counsellor training tab and then go to a new record of the main form, not on the sub form, the training type I selected on the form stays the same. If I change it on the second record, it stays at whatever I changed it to, even if I return to the first record it stays at what I changed it to as well.

How do I get it to stay with the counsellor and have it zero out for a new counsellor and it to allow me to enter something different for the new counsellor then save it for that counsellor?I just realised, I am having the same issue with the location combo box but I am sure I could apply a fix to both boxes if I knew one.

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Forms :: Filter Subform By Updating Combo Box

Dec 14, 2014

I have a table contains 5/6 column. now i need to filter the table on a form randomly.

Suppose I have 6 different combo box for 6 column. Now on the sub form the control shows the whole table. i this case i have clicked the 3rd combo box, then it will show the whole column in its list. if i select any one of it the table will show the common values below. then i will click the second combobox which will populate the present data shown into the subform table after the first filter.

After that i wish to filter the fifth column where the fifth combobox will populate the data after the second filtering.

By all means the active data into the column will ony populate into the combobox.

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Forms :: Prevent Combo Box From Updating Table

May 21, 2015

I have a combo box on my form which loads fields from a table and displays them using


I then use


in the default value for the combobox to show the team which is saved in the current record.This is the qry_showteamforedit:

FROM table_team RIGHT JOIN table_staff_details ON table_team.ID =
WHERE table_team.ID =;

My problem is when I move through the records, if I change the selected value using the combo box it changes the actual value in the table from the one that was selected to the new one. If I was on record 1 and the teamid saved in there was 1 . It would display "team one" but if I changed that to "team two" it would change record one to say "team two" instead of "team one".I have been searching and found that this is because it is bound to the table so need to remove the text from Control Source, which when I do, breaks it, and it doesn't display the saved team.

what I would like it to do is display all the teams, but default to the one saved by using the id saved in the main table, but allow me to change this value. I would also like a second cascading combo box which will display a list of subteams dependent on what main team was selected and again, default to the values saved in the main table. I have managed to get cascading combo boxes working but combining them with my tables and queries is proving difficult. This is how my tables would be ( just showing the relevant fields)

ID Name teamID
1 Dave 1
2 Tom 1
3 Matt 2

ID team subteam
1 team1 subteam1
2 team1 subteam2
3 team1 subteam3
4 team2 subteam4

Is it is the subteams that will be unique I would like to save the subteam ID to the teamID field of the staff_table. that way i can retrieve the team and the subteam using the same ID.

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Forms :: Automatically Filter Combo To Show Only Projects That Match Training Type

Sep 13, 2014

I've attached a rudimentary example db to give an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

There is a form on the db called Resourcing with several combos.

When I choose a Training_Type from the first combo it automatically filters the Project_Title combo to show only the projects that match that training type. When I choose a Trainer_Name the text box for team automatically completes.

The bit I'm struggling with is Trainer_Name. As you will see from the table Course_Details not every trainer can deliver every Project_Title. So what I want is to display only the trainers associated with the project title chosen rather than displaying the whole team in the Trainer_Name combo.

Someone suggested a junction table but I'm not sure how this would answer my question. I'm thinking some sort of Dlookup but don't know how I would write it when it has to include data from four fields.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Box After Updating Text Field?

Mar 19, 2013

I am trying to create a login form with the following three basic fields:


I would like to be able to populate cboUsertype with User types associated to the user I type into txtUsername. I have found many useful tutorial on the web on login procedures. How ever I hardly found anything on how to populate a combobox after updating a texfield. It bis more than a week that I am trying to find a solution but until now I have just been . I would be grateful if you could provide me with either a link on the web or a vb code to make it work.

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Auto Populating List Box Based On Two Dependent Combo Boxes?

Mar 31, 2014

how to auto populate list box based on two dependent combo boxes.

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Forms :: Combo Box On Continuous Form Updating Current Record Only

Jul 29, 2013

Combo box on continuous form should have the control source listed as the field on the form that will be updated. The Row Source, however, is a query that includes 2 things: the field on the form that will be updated (this part will be nonvisible in your form) and the table/query of selections you want to show up in the combo box (visible). Then ensure the Bound column is set to 1 and the Column count is set to 2 with Column Widths as 0";1"

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Forms :: Combo Box Works In A Form But Not Updating Field Using Combobox Value

Jul 24, 2014

This DLookUP works correctly...

=DLookUp("[First Name]","Contacts","[Combo378]='" & [Forms]![PROFILE]![Combo378] & "'")

but when a I want to close the form, display the error:

You must enter a value in the Profile.First Name

I junt need the way to update the field in the new table...

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Forms :: Requerying Values In A Subform After Updating Combo Box In Main Form

Apr 21, 2015

Within my main form I have a combo box called "workgroup." Also in the main form is a subform called "sfrmSubmissionRecords," and within this subform is a combo box called "covermemo."

Each cover memo is assigned to a specific workgroup, so my intention is for each time a new workgroup is selected from the dropdown, the covermemo combo box in the subform becomes populated only with the covermemos associated with that workgroup. I'm almost finished except for the final step when I try to make the values regenerate...Access says that can't find the referenced form "sfrmSubmissionRecords"

This is the code that I'm using:

Private Sub cmbWorkgroup_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

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Help - Automatically Updating More Than One Table

Sep 29, 2004

I am still creating my first ever Access Database for our small business.

I would like to be able to use a table or form to update more than one table.

For example, by entering the name of a company in a form/table, it is automatically added into a table of companies (ie another table).

How do I do this?

Anyone, anyone??


Deano T.

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