Forms :: Barcode Scanner Stopped Updating Form

Nov 17, 2014

I am using Access 2003 and there is a from with barcode scanner to update the shipping data. This form has a sub-form which is working perfectly fine and updating data but the barcode scanner assigned with main form stopped working today. I tried different scanner too and different system too but its not working.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanner To Launch Another Form

Mar 7, 2014

Still working on an meeting registration app in Access. I have a Main menu which contains buttons that allow search by Name, Phone Number, or Account Number. We are using barcode scanners if they have a registration card.

Currently I have an account button which pops up a query prompt window and when they scan the code it fills the prompt with their account number and a carriage return, pulling up an account registration form with their info.

What I would like to do is from the main form, if a barcode is scanned, to automatically lauch the account form passing the scanned account number.

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Forms :: Text Box With Barcode Scanner

Apr 11, 2013

This question is related to a restaurant POS system design. Is there a way to allow a text field in a form to be filled by a scanner only, unless an event is triggered? Rather than using a magnetic strip ones for gift cards, we're thinking of using the bar code version. However, to prevent employees from fraudulently entering the six digit code, the code must be inputted by a scanner. We do also would like to allow user input with keyboard in case scanner malfunctioning, but would require a "manager" login first.

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Using A Barcode Scanner

Sep 5, 2006

Yep, I'm a newb.

I have a Symbol long range barcode scanner. Works great. I need to drop this in access and have it update as input (without hitting enter every time). I am reading barcodes with serial numbers and part numbers.

Anybody got anything to help?? Pweeease?

Thanks in advance!


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Barcode Scanner Drivers

Nov 25, 2005

Does anyone know where I can obtain a driver for a barcode scanner that has model details:

Metrolgic MS951 KB Wedge

If anyone knows a specific website that has the drive it would be much appriciated if you could post it here.

Many thanks


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Barcode Scanner Input Question

Jun 17, 2006

OK... Did some searching and posted one question on forms... But still have one important question that has not been answered. First let me say I want to use a scanner connected via USB. ( I need to be able to use this app on a laptop, so keyboard wedge is not possible) Found a quote on a site "TalTech"... Something like that...... This one..
"1) Keyboard Wedge output or USB output

If your bar code scanner has Keyboard Wedge output or USB output you will not need special data collection software. Both these outputs will dump the data right into the foreground application on your PC wherever the cursor is flashing, as if it were being typed in. You do not usually get much control except for the addition of a trailing keystroke, such as an ENTER key, to your data. But these methods are very simple and work fine for many people."

Question is...... Is this true??? Will the USB input directly to the field I want it to?? I just need someone with some experience in this to let me know for sure.


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Search For Barcode With Scanner As Input

Oct 26, 2004

I have created a form that I would like to search for a barcode by using a scanner as an input device. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?
The form basically holds a subform of textboxes that have barcodes. I want the user to be able to scan a barcode which will then find that barcode in the subform and assign it with a DateOut = Date() ...

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Need Quick Answer To Barcode Scanner Question...

Jun 15, 2006

Didn't know where to post this one...... But forms seemed logical..... I am doing some experimenting with using a barcodes. I can create them now, no problem. My next step is using a scanner to input to a textbox...... Problem isn't with the forms..... But more with the scanners. I thought if someone has done one of these DB's they might know.
So........ I need a cheap scanner to test with.... Found a few on Ebay. The cheapest being a Symbol- "Hotshot" LS2100-I000.Says it has "DB9" plug. The ebay ad says "comes with NO software". Only thing I am wondering about are drivers. I've read in a couple places claims that this scanner "Needs NO drivers"
So my question is.... Would this scanner work with Access on a Windows XP system? No drivers needed?
Hope this question isn't too "off the subject" But I am dealing with Access and hoping someone has done this.

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General :: Text Box Event Coding - Jump To Next Field After Using Barcode Scanner

May 20, 2015

I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?


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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Forms :: Using A Scanner To Populate A Form

Oct 22, 2013

I have a table which contains 2 fields. UserID and FullName..Each employee is assigned a barcode (UserID) and what I would like is when they scan their barcode into the form their name comes up. There is a second table containing records of documents and I am hoping that this form will allow an employee to scan their ID, their name comes up, scan a document and the title of the document comes up, there would be a current date box and then that whole transaction is saved as a record in another table. Long story short I want to know who is accessing what records and to have it logged.

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Reports :: Barcode Font - Generate Number As Barcode On Report Records

Jun 8, 2013

I am using a barcode font in order to generate a number as a barcode on my report records. In order for my barcode scanner to read the barcode it needs an asterisk at the beginning and at the end.

So, if my record ID is 62 - in order for the barcode to be displayed correctly, it needs to be on the report as *62* .

Without digressing into a discussion on barcode methods in Access, how can I precede and succeed each ID number field with an asterisks?

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Forms :: Record Source Of Query Stopped Allowing Edits

Apr 10, 2013

My form with record source of query has stopped allowing edits.

I have reviewed property setting and do not understand what's going on.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanning Into Combo Box - MS Access 2003

Jul 31, 2013

I designed an inventory control software and we are managing our stock through barcode scanning, it is working well although i have a problem to solve that i have put a combo box for scanning code 39 barcode, upon scan the barcode a code is entered into combo box and then we need to press the "ENTER" key to go for new record, we would like to ms access form to automatically go to new record when a code input from scanner.

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Date / Time Stamp On Barcode Input Form

Apr 29, 2014

I have a barcode input form. When a barcode is scanned, the value of the barcode, along with a date/time stamp using the now() function (hh:mm:ss) is entered into a table in the database as 2 separate columns. I need to make sure that I don't have any 2 barcodes with exactly the same date/time. They must be at least 1 second apart. How can I easily make this happen? I can't control how many times the barcode actually gets scanned.

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Forms :: Scan Barcode To Choose Item From Combo Box - Populate Textbox With Result

Jun 14, 2013

I'm working on a project that uses a barcode scanner. The user will scan a barcode which will choose an item from a combo box. The result of what it enters will populate a text box. I have that part working fine.

The next step is to get it to open a form based on the value in the textbox. The textbox will have about 7 different possible values and each one should open a different form.

The way this is supposed to work:

User approaches a machine and scans the barcode. He is presented with a form giving him options based on the type of equipment the machine is. A compressor for example would present him with a set of options for compressors (gauge readings, maintanence, etc).

I have an unbound form with two controls:


How to code this and which events to code it in. Users will be going from machine to machine and using the form over and over again so I need to somehow manage the clearing of the form to begin again with another barcode scan.

I saw another thread about a barcode scanner and one response was to program the scanner to send the barcode and then send an "Enter" press to move focus to the next control. I've looked through the documentation and haven't been able to find if that is possible. Right now it sends the number and that's it. It's a "Motion" Tablet.

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Forms :: Sub-query Not Updating On Form

May 1, 2014

1) I Created a button that imports data into a table (Hours)
2) I created a query that finds duplicates in that table
3)I created a form put the button on said form
4) I dragged my query from explorer window onto form
5) I click button, code runs to import data into table however query on form doesnt update, I have to close and then re-open the form, obviously this is no good.

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Forms :: (Upload File) Button Stopped Showing All File Types

Oct 7, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show
Dim Yourroute As String
Dim yourrouteName
Yourroute = fileDump.SelectedItems(1)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Yourroute)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Mid(yourrouteName, 1, InStr(yourrouteName, "") - 1))
FileCopy Yourroute, "us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
Me.Drawing_Link = yourrouteName & " # us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
End Sub

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Forms :: Updating Navigation Subform From Another Form

Feb 12, 2014

I'm using Access 2010 and need to update a sub form in a form that is within a navigation form. So it goes:

Navigation Form > Main Form > Subform

How do I do this? I've attached the following to a click event of a cmd button but I just can't get it to work:

Forms!frmMain.NavigationSubform.Form.frmJobHeadSub Form.Requery

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Forms :: Updating Fields On Another Open Form

Jul 2, 2014

I have an open form "MattersFileFrm" that has total fields on it.

I have a transaction form open where the user is entering figures into a few fields. I then want to add those figure to the total fields on the other form.

This is the code I'm using without success

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountPaid] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountPaid] + Me.AmountTotal

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[CommisionPaid] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[CommisionPaid] + (Me.AmountTotal * 1.2)

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountOwed] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountOwed] - Me.AmountTotal

My referencing to the other form fields is wrong .

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Forms :: Updating Existing Record In A Form

Mar 19, 2014

I'm having difficulty updating an existing record in my form. I can enter a docket number on my form and when i hit my button (Find Docket) it brings up all the customers info (name, date, invoice, vat, total, etc.) What i want to do then is be able to amend/update the record. Just wondering do i need to put vba code in my save button and how to code it and is it similar to my find data code below.

Here is my save function code:

Function SaveData() As Boolean
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Skips Delivered")

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Tables With One Form?

Jun 11, 2013

I have data that needs to be entered. It is the same data across 3 tables but only for the first three columns, then it is different. I can create a form for one of these but not for all three.

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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Forms :: Form Auto-Updating Other Text Boxes

Jun 26, 2014

I have a form where I type in the time a person starts a job. The format is Medium Time. I also have a box where I type in the End time for that job. Also formatted in Medium Time. I have another box that is for if a break happens during that job to return the value 10. My formula for that box is: =IIf([Start Time]<"9:00 AM" And [End Time]>"9:10 AM",10,0). The problem that I am having is that it only works when the time is in the 9:00 AM to 9:59 AM time frame. I need it to work where if a person starts at 6:00 AM and gets done at 2:30 PM to return the value of 10.

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Forms :: Updating Cash Account Table Through A Form

Jul 14, 2013

How would I update my cash account account table through a form? I have just started working on access and am fairly new to it.

What I am trying to do is to update my master table with all the daily sales through a form. Would I need to write a query into my form?

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Forms :: Continuous Form Not Updating Tables Correctly

Feb 27, 2015

I have a continuous form that is using a select query to populate all of the bound controls. The drop downs and text boxes are displaying the values from the correct places. But, the form is not updating in the places I expected.

The select query that is being used to populate, combines information from 3 tables.'TimeEntries' table (the one that I want records to be updated in). This holds employee ID, and numeric values for Project Name and Project Task.

'ProjectInfo' table (nothing should be updated here). This table holds other details about the project (ex. Project Name) that is used to populate a combo box.
'ProjectTasks' table (nothing should be updated here either). This table holds details about project task (ex. Task Description) that is used to populate a combo box.

The issue I am having is that when records are updated on the form, they are adding records to all 3 tables that are a part of the query, instead of just updating the time entries table.

Record Source (form) = Select Query "EmployeeTimeEntry"

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