Forms :: Boolean Checkbox Updates

Aug 4, 2013

I use a form for changing data. So when the user selects a record from a listbox I fill all fields of the form with the content relating to the selected line in the box. Nearly everything runs as wished.

All updates take place immediately but the Boolean field does not update or better it updates only after I move the cursor over it. Then it is correct. To make it clear, I do not need to press a button or click, I only move the cursor over the boolean checkbox.

I access VBA after clicking the line in the listbox and use the dlookup command to get the right values. Do I need something like a requery for a boolean field ?

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Forms :: ComboBox Value Updates Another Combo Box

May 4, 2015

I'm trying to update a combobox(called TypeCombo) list values after I select a value in another Combobox(called manCombo). The values for both Combobox comes from the table called EquipmentTable. Which has 3 fields Manufacturer, Type and Model.


Private Sub ManCombo_AfterUpdate()
Me.TypeCombo.Value = DLookup("[Type]", "EquipmentTable", "Manufacturer = " & Me.ManCombo.Value)
End Sub

I know that the value I select in ManCombo is being passed into the DLookup but TypeCombo.Value always equals Null. Is this because the Dlookup returns multiple values and if so should the code be something like


Private Sub ManCombo_AfterUpdate()
Me.TypeCombo.List = DLookup("[Type]", "EquipmentTable", "Manufacturer = " & Me.ManCombo.Value)
End Sub

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Forms :: Trying To Create A Subform That Updates A Table

Jan 6, 2015

Here is the set up. I have a primary school database.

There is a main form that shows the students name and class.

The main form contains tabs for each subject (maths, english etc.). Each tab has a subform that is supposed to allow me to enter a comment about the student's progress.

My tables are set up properly (as far as I can tell).

The tables (simplified)

tbl_Students (has StudentID, StudentName)
tbl_SubjectList (has SubjectID, SubjectName)
tbl_Comments (has CommentID, SubjectID (foreign key), StudentID (foreign key), Comment)

The forms

The Master and Child (main form and subform) are linked using StudentID.

I use a query for fields in the Master form. Each subform has its own query that shows results for a particular subject.

The problem

My subform allows me to edit an existing comment fine (if I enter dummy data directly in a table).

BUT, if there isn't an existing comment, and I attempt to enter one, I get an error - "YOU CANNOT CHANGE A RECORD BECAUSE A RELATED RECORD IS REQUIRED IN TABLE tbl_Subjects."

What I have tried

I understand this error means I am violating referential integrity rules. But I can't see why. The tbl_Subjects is populated with 10 subjects and I am only trying to put a comment against an existing SubjectID.

I've checked that my Form Master / Subform Child is ok. I experimented with having StudentID _and_ Subject_ID to link the master and subform to see if that worked. It only made things worse because my subforms wouldn't display correctly.

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Forms :: Main Form Updates The Table When User Has Not Validated

Nov 30, 2013

I have a table in my DB named TblStock and another named TblStock2..I also have a form in the DB named "frmStock" with the control source being "TblStock" . This form has a sub form "FrmStock2Subform" with control source being "tblStock2". The two forms are lined by "PurchaseID". This form is made to be used in entering products that have been bought for replenishment of stock.The problem I have is that when I enter data in the main form, by the time i click on the subform to start entering data, the table "TblStock" gets already updated.

Now lets assume somebody was about to enter data in the subform and later on changes his mind when the "TblStock" had already been updated, this will cause a waste of useful space because there is no corresponding record in the table "TblStock2". Secondly, if many users are entering data into the DB using that same form, I guest there will be some problems too.What i want is that the form should update both tables when the users validates the records.

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Forms :: Blank Textbox When Subform Updates Main Form

May 15, 2014

I have a subform with a textbox in the footer to count[id]. then on my main form i have another textbox that has a control source of =[subform].[form]![subformfootercontrol].

However when the subform updates the main form text is blank. typically i see a ?#Name or#Error if the control is pointing to the wrong place, but i have never see it stay blank.

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Forms :: Date Control In Header Updates Appointments In Details Section

Jul 3, 2013

Working in Access 2007 - I would like to have an updatable calendar in the header section of a form, and when this is changed by the user I would like the subforms (there are several) in the details section to be updated with various appointments with dates corresponding to the date selected in the header.

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Boolean Declaration

Nov 9, 2005


In ADP project I want declare ckeckbox data:

dim strDec as String

strDec = 1 ' if True
strDec = 0 ' if False

How can I show all records:
strDec = ? ' Show all recrords (true and false)


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Please Look At This Boolean Vs String

Dec 2, 2005

I'm working on a software that was developed by someone who left the company. The problem is that the software works for all locations execpt one that is in austria, after debuging I found out that there is a statement in the code that uses boolean true or false, the only way it worked is when I put an if statement with false or true as string, ex: if doc = "true" then
buttom line has anyone faced this problem, I searched microsoft website and they said that some vb engines don't convert boolean to string. Please Please if someone has a clue try to help. Thanks.

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Boolean Searches? Possible?

Jun 21, 2005

I have a search tool, but right now it is 100% case sensitive in the sense that if i search for "test" and my entry is "Test" it will not return any results.

is there any way to setup so I could say search for "Test" and it would find "test" properly? Or even to the extreme where I searched for "Tes*" and it came back with the "test" entry.


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Boolean Value In Query

Nov 2, 2004

I am creating table in ms access using query. How to specify data type for a boolean fields ie YES/No or TRUE/FALSE?

with regards

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Boolean Type Search

Oct 31, 2007

I need to create a user interface that will allow a boolean type search of a field. This would mean item1 AND item2 AND NOT item 3, item1 or item2, item 1 NOT item2, etc.

I've set up a combo box setup with the following script, but I can't figure out how to adjust it to allow the multiples.

Please advise if I should adjust this or try a differenmt interface format for my users.

__________________________________________________ ________

Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons
Option Explicit

Private Function AfterCombo(WhichLine As Integer)
Dim CBox As Control, TBox As Control, AndBox As Control, TBoxA As Control
Set CBox = Me("Combo" & WhichLine)
Set TBox = Me("Value" & WhichLine)
Set AndBox = Me("And" & WhichLine)
Set TBoxA = Me("Value" & WhichLine & "A")
TBox = Null
TBoxA = Null
Select Case CBox
Case "All", "Blank", "Not Blank"
TBox.Visible = False
AndBox.Visible = False
TBoxA.Visible = False
Case "Like", "Equal", "Less Than", "Greater Than", "Not Like", "Not Equal", "Not Less Than", "Not Greater Than", "In List", "Not In List"
TBox.Visible = True
AndBox.Visible = False
TBoxA.Visible = False
Case "Between", "Not Between"
TBox.Visible = True
AndBox.Visible = True
TBoxA.Visible = True
End Select
End Function

Private Sub Cancel_Click()
End Sub

Private Function FormatList(ByVal List As String, FieldType As Integer)
Dim NewList As String, CommaPos As Integer, Word As String
NewList = ""
Do While Len(List) > 0
CommaPos = InStr(List, ",")
If CommaPos = 0 Then
Word = Trim(List)
List = ""
Word = Trim(Left(List, CommaPos - 1))
List = Trim(Mid(List, CommaPos + 1))
End If
If Word > "" Then
Select Case FieldType
If InStr(Word, """") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Don't type double-quotes in the list"
End If
Word = """" & Word & """"
If InStr(Word, "#") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Don't type '#' in your dates"
End If
If Not IsDate(Word) Then
MsgBox "Your list contains non-date characters"
End If
Word = "#" & Word & "#"
Case Else
If Not IsNumeric(Word) Then
MsgBox "Your list contains non-numeric characters"
End If
End Select
NewList = NewList & "," & Word
End If
NewList = Mid(NewList, 2)
If NewList = "" Then
MsgBox "Your list needs a valid value"
End If
FormatList = NewList
End Function

Private Function MakeNull(C As Control)
If Len(Trim(C)) < 1 Then C = Null
End Function

Private Function MakeSQL(WhichLine As Integer, FieldName As String, FieldType As Integer) As Variant
Dim CBox As Variant, TBox As Variant, TBoxA As Variant
Dim Condition As Variant, Delim1 As String, Delim2 As String
CBox = Me("Combo" & WhichLine)
TBox = Me("Value" & WhichLine)
TBoxA = Me("Value" & WhichLine & "A")
Select Case CBox
Case "Like", "Equal", "Less Than", "Greater Than", "In", "Not Like", "Not Equal", "Not Less Than", "Not Greater Than", "Not In"
If IsNull(TBox) Then
MsgBox "You have left a parameter blank for field [" & FieldName & "]"
End If
Case "Between", "Not Between"
If IsNull(TBox) Or IsNull(TBoxA) Then
MsgBox "You have left a parameter blank for field [" & FieldName & "]"
End If
End Select
Select Case FieldType
Delim1 = """"
Delim2 = """"
If Not IsNull(TBox) Then TBox = QFix(TBox)
If Not IsNull(TBoxA) Then TBoxA = QFix(TBoxA)
Delim1 = "#"
Delim2 = "#"
Case Else
Delim1 = ""
Delim2 = ""
End Select
Select Case CBox
Case "All"
Condition = Null
Case "Blank"
Condition = " Is Null"
Case "Not Blank"
Condition = " Is Not Null"
Case "Like"
Condition = " Like """ & TBox & """"
Case "Equal"
Condition = "=" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "Less Than"
Condition = "<" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "Greater Than"
Condition = ">" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "Not Like"
Condition = " Not Like """ & TBox & """"
Case "Not Equal"
Condition = "<>" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "Not Less Than"
Condition = ">=" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "Not Greater Than"
Condition = "<=" & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2
Case "In List"
Condition = " In(" & FormatList(TBox, FieldType) & ")"
Case "Not In List"
Condition = " Not In(" & FormatList(TBox, FieldType) & ")"
Case "Between"
Condition = " Between " & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2 & " And " & Delim1 & TBoxA & Delim2
Case "Not Between"
Condition = " Not Between " & Delim1 & TBox & Delim2 & " And " & Delim1 & TBoxA & Delim2
End Select
MakeSQL = " And [" + FieldName + "]" + Condition
End Function

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim Where As String
Const ObType = "Form"
Where = Where & MakeSQL(1, "Lyrics", 10)
Where = Where & MakeSQL(2, "TrackTitle", 10)

On Error GoTo OKCApplyError
If Where <> "" Then
Where = Mid(Where, 6)
DoCmd.OpenForm "MasterFormQuery", , , Where
DoCmd.OpenForm "MasterFormQuery"
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err & " opening " & ObType & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Error
Resume OKCExit

End Sub

Private Function QFix(ByVal X)
Dim P As Integer
If IsNull(X) Then
QFix = Null
Exit Function
End If
P = InStr(X, """")
Do While P > 0
X = Left$(X, P) & """" & Mid$(X, P + 1)
P = InStr(P + 2, X, """")
QFix = X
End Function

Private Sub exitselectform_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_exitselectform_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_exitselectform_Click

End Sub

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Queries :: Count Boolean By Row?

Feb 11, 2015

I have a table with seven Boolean fields: I need to count all the "trues" and return the row if the sum of the trues is greater than to do this.

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Combining Two Boolean Values?

Feb 11, 2012

I basically have two yes/no fields in an access table. I want field one to have the value yes if field two has value no, and the other way around.

I had a look at the Boolean operators, but im not sure where to go from there.

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Forms :: New Form Using Checkbox

Oct 10, 2013

I downloaded Checkbox open from this site. It uses option group for the checkboxes

It runs perfectly when I double click in access but i would like to use this in vba when called from another form. When i put the code in and try to run it I get the error:

Compile Error
Method or data member not found

It is referring to .Frame8

Here is the code I used:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Mainform", acNormal

Select Case Me.Frame8
Case 1
Open Form 1
Case 2
Open Form 2
Case 3
Open Form 3
Case Else
MsgBox "You did not make a selection"
End Select

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How To Change To Boolean Data Type??

Apr 17, 2007

my teacher asked me to do Access homework to change data type from Text to Boolean. Data in "Owned car" field show as Y or N
so I click on Design View and change datatype of this field from "Text" to "Yes/No" , than when I saved it show a message
When I back to Datasheet view, all data in "Owned car" field change to be "No".

How can I change data type to be Boolean type without deleting my original data??? I want them to show the same as Y or N.

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Excluding Boolean Values From A Query

Mar 26, 2006

I have designed an invoice for a project that shows the amount of money needed to be paid, some of this has already been paid and some hasnt, how am i able to make it so that the values that have been paid and therefore have been checked are not include in the query. please help.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check If Boolean Variable Has Been Set

Nov 25, 2014

I have an Access 2010 db which has a load of global variables of type Boolean. The values are different for each machine the database is stored on, so I have a linked table to a separate Access mdb. On startup the database opens the linked table and assigns values to each variable.

However I need to differentiate between a valuable value of False and the variable having not been set. As boolean variables default to False, this is a problem. One option is to use data type Variant, but I know this is not efficient. I am considering using data type Byte instead of Boolean, with 1 as False and 2 as True.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting For Checkbox?

Nov 24, 2013

I have a continuous form that has several checkboxes in it. Only one is initially enabled and I want the first to impact if the others are enabled, but only in the currently selected record.

I tried VBA but quickly found that this enables/disables the checkboxes in ALL of the records. Next I found out about conditional formatting--which does exactly what I want, but only works on text boxes and combo lists.

Is there any way that conditional formatting can be used to impact (vs. be impacted by) a checkbox?

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Forms :: Can't Enable Checkbox In A Subform

Aug 12, 2013

I have a subform in datasheet view. In the main form I have various combo boxes to filter the data in the subform. I want to be able to check off the checkbox in the subform then filter all records that are checked, however, I am not able to check any of the checkboxes when I'm in my main form.

Sales Region, Order Date, are two fields

I can go in and select "north", "5/20/2013" then filter and let's say I get 55 records

So within the north region on 5/20/2013 I only want to select 5 of the 55 records by checking them off in the subform then in the main form I would drop down the unbound combo box to 'yes' and it would give me all records in the 'north' region with an order date of '5/20/2013' that I checked which should be 5 in this case. But, it won't let me check the box in the subform.

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Forms :: How To Hide A Tab If A Checkbox Is Checked

Jan 10, 2014

My tab name is SPA and it is the third tab in my form. I want to hide it if the AddToSPA checkbox is checked. This is what I have but I'm getting error 'Compile error: Method or data member not found"


Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.AddToSPA = True Then
Me.SPA.Pages(2).Visible = True
Me.SPA.Pages(2).Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Checkbox Interaction With Queries

May 22, 2013

1. In a form that I have created, I have a checkbox that I want to have checked when the form (ticket) that was filled out has been completed by our company. I want the checkbox to only be accessed by us. How do I achieve this to only certain users have access to check that box?

2. I have a main screen that the form is able to be accessed by. In that home screen I have a query that shows what tickets have not been completed (checked). How do I get those tickets that have been checked, to not show up on that screen?

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Forms :: Filter Text And Checkbox?

May 24, 2013

I'm having a hard time with this (what I thought) was a simple filter. I have an unbound checkbox (chkFlag) and an unbound text box (txtfilter). The filter was working fine till I decided to also try to filter on the checkbox.

I'm trying to filter records that either have either a check in the [Flag] field or have some part of the text in various other fields. The problem is I can get the records to filter if the checkbox is checked or on text in the various fields, but not both. I've tried using AND and OR, but it's not working.

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * from tblContacts; "
strWhere = ""


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Forms :: DLookup For Unbound CheckBox

Jun 29, 2014

On my Login form I am trying to get the status of a user. Form and checkbox are unbound.

userID is the UserName.
Field (Active) Data Type is Number, Field Size is Integer

CheckBox is (chkactive)

If DLookup("[Active]", "tblUserSecurity_Sec") = -1 And [userID] = (Me.txtUserID) Then
Me.chkactive = -1
End If

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Forms :: Using Multi-checkbox Value In A Query

Oct 16, 2014

I am new to access forms. I am trying to use the 2 checkboxs for my make table query.

Future cost checkbox and marginal cost checkbox.

If future cost is checked, then I want 00 as criteria for the field cost type in the query, if marginal is checked then 01. If both checked, then I want both.

Seems like a iif statement is not working in my query. I am trying to create an event now but I do not understand the VB codes.

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Forms :: User To Select Only One Of Checkbox Out Of Three

Jan 15, 2014

I have three check boxes in my form and i want the user to select any one of the check box, if not, i want to display an error msg? How to do it?

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Forms :: Controlling Row / Field Updates By Field Value

Jul 10, 2015

I have a table, it is an on going update for a meter reading. When the last record for a particular meter is closed, a new record is created with updated information and carry forward numbers. Something like this:

Meter# - Opening - Closing - Active - Date
123 - 1776 - 1876 - No - 2014-Jul-04
123 - 1876 - 1976 - No - 2015-Jul-04
123 - 1976 - 0 - Yes - 2016-Jul-04

This is in a table form for the user to see the old data, and be able to edit the last line only. My problem is how to I tell access that that can edit only the last row? Since there are 1,000's of meters involved this is not going to be the last line of the datatable nor is it a new record. The trick is the use can edit only rows where the Active field is True. Once set to false the record should not be changed any more.

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