Forms :: Can Create A Table From A Form
Dec 17, 2014
I am having an interesting time on a project. I am trying to create a small inventory management database with BOM (bill of materials) control.Today I am working on how to create the BOM's. In case your not familiar with inventory management, a BOM is basically a list of items and quantities used when creating a product.
Since it is possible for a single BOM to have over 200 Items associated with it, I can not have a single table with all my BOM's (fields max at 255)
So I was thinking I would be able to have a Master table with the BOM list and then create individual tables for each specific BOM.I am not 100% sure how to make this all work together but I am struggling forward on my quest..
I was hoping I could create a form for BOM management, (create/edit/delete) but since I can not keep the BOMS in a single table I would need this form to create the new table.
Is it possible for a form to create a table? or do I have to create the table first than have a specific form per table to do the editing? or perhaps a drop down selector to choose which BOM/Table I am working on.
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Feb 2, 2014
May not be using the correct terminology here. I have a form that currently does not have a RecordSource. From this form, I want to create a table called "ICEA" with the following fields (which would be entered from the form): OperatingDay, Hour_Ending, Import, Export, and Net.Can this be done with a SELECT statement or does it have to be done through VBA?
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Feb 3, 2014
trying to understand how to create a form with a Junction table. This design will allow a book to have more than 1 author.
Author table
Author ID
AuthorID table (Junction table)
Book Table
Book Name
Author table has a 1 to many relationship with AuthorID table and Book table has a 1 to many relationship with AuthorID table. Now how do you create the forms? Do I need a main form FrmAuthor , subform FrmBook and a frmAuthorID
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Jan 31, 2014
What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub
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May 13, 2014
I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?
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Jun 4, 2015
I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.
If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.
Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?
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May 1, 2012
Here is what I am trying to do: I have form, and a table which is created from this form. The data is entered a second time using the form to make sure there are no discrepancies.
Any easiest way to implement this? (create a new table (which is duplicate), and then compare them?
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Jan 6, 2015
Here is the set up. I have a primary school database.
There is a main form that shows the students name and class.
The main form contains tabs for each subject (maths, english etc.). Each tab has a subform that is supposed to allow me to enter a comment about the student's progress.
My tables are set up properly (as far as I can tell).
The tables (simplified)
tbl_Students (has StudentID, StudentName)
tbl_SubjectList (has SubjectID, SubjectName)
tbl_Comments (has CommentID, SubjectID (foreign key), StudentID (foreign key), Comment)
The forms
The Master and Child (main form and subform) are linked using StudentID.
I use a query for fields in the Master form. Each subform has its own query that shows results for a particular subject.
The problem
My subform allows me to edit an existing comment fine (if I enter dummy data directly in a table).
BUT, if there isn't an existing comment, and I attempt to enter one, I get an error - "YOU CANNOT CHANGE A RECORD BECAUSE A RELATED RECORD IS REQUIRED IN TABLE tbl_Subjects."
What I have tried
I understand this error means I am violating referential integrity rules. But I can't see why. The tbl_Subjects is populated with 10 subjects and I am only trying to put a comment against an existing SubjectID.
I've checked that my Form Master / Subform Child is ok. I experimented with having StudentID _and_ Subject_ID to link the master and subform to see if that worked. It only made things worse because my subforms wouldn't display correctly.
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Oct 8, 2014
I have two tables which are in a one-to-many relationship (the example I am dealing with is a mother and her children).
I want one form for the mother, with fields such as date of birth, and when you click Add Record I want the mother table to be updated with the new record.
However on this form I also want a field for "number of children" and when the Add Record button is clicked, not only does the table containing all the mothers get a record added, I would like XX records added to the children table where XX is the number of children entered into the form. These should have separate IDs but retain a common field that identifies the mother.
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May 23, 2013
I am using a query as part of a mail merge, there are two forms that use the query, create and view, both forms use the same table. When I click the print button the query runs, and mail merges in a word document.
What I need is a filter on the query which only shows the record currently open on which ever of the forms is open, so the mail merge only happens for the 1 record you want.
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Jun 29, 2015
I have a form and it has a field as question. I also have a field as I'd in this form from the same table that is autonumber. I want that for each field the question will be created automatically in the table as below:
Is epm ( my Id field) is created
Is epm and is created are string
They should also include Id number of each row. So It would be like:
Is epm -1 implemented
Is epm-2 implemented
For each row
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Mar 27, 2014
Is it possible to create a relationship between subform and a table?
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May 1, 2015
I have a userform that has 4 textboxes and a command button.
The user types in box1 a Rack, in box2 a shelf, in box3 a place and in box4 a shelf.
The user types in Rack textbox 18
The user types in Bay textbox 4
The user types in Shelf textbox 2
The user types in Place textbox 3
I then would like to create that amount of records in a new Temp table.
The attached file shows what the results of the output should be.
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Jul 18, 2014
All, using access 2010. I have some code to rename a table in my database. Partial Code:
TableDefs("tblMstr").Name = "tblMstr" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")
This works but how do I use "datecreated" to get the creation date of the table and format it. I tried to use DateCreated in place of Date but get errors such as variable not defined or .datecreated without a with block.The result I'm going for is something like "tblMstr20140603".
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Mar 20, 2014
What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.
So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.
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Feb 3, 2014
The user will be creating a new project that contains a bunch of releases. The releases have standard names which are stored in a table tbl_ReleaseNames It should be noted that the list of names is not static.
The user selects which of the releases pertains to their project and then based on their selections, new records would be created in tbl_RFP_Release and then a subsequent form would open where it would display each of these newly created releases where they could enter additional information. I thought of creating an unbound checkbox associated with each of the standard names, and then checking to see if the checkbox was checked and then creating the new records followed by opening up the new form.
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Sep 25, 2013
I've built a PostgreSQL database for some ecology data and am trying to use MS Access 2010 to make a front-end for it.
I've created a form to display site data; it includes such fields as site ID, site name, county, state, landscape, etc. (There are more, but if I can get the idea down with a couple of these, I should be good to handle the rest). One can click through the form and see 14 pages of site details, which is fine because there are 14 sites.
What I want to do now is make a search form in which one can enter values for site ID, site name, county, etc, and somehow get the pages of the display form that match those values. It's not terribly important to me how that output looks - whether it's a list of matches that allows for clicking on a match and showing just one page of the display form, or whether it's a filtered subset of the display form pages that one still clicks through to view them all.
if there is code to write, where do I type it? Do I start my search form by making a form with the search fields as values, or is there some other way? How do I make those search fields into search boxes rather than display boxes?
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Jan 17, 2014
Am I correct in thinking the only way to have a combo box with different values in each column is to create a table and then bind the combo box to the column you are referring to if you want it to represent a value from another.
For example if I have a combo box with the words January, February etc can that combo box have a corresponding month number value in a separate column (this combo would be derived from a list) or would I need to create a table holding both the month names and numbers and then bind to the name value for selection but use the month number value?
The reason I ask is I wasn't sure if for every type of list I wanted with multiple column values, I would need to create a table.
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May 21, 2013
I need to create some new records based on main form data and a selection of records from a sub form. The main form and sub form have different sources. I wanted to show the source fields in the sub form along with a check box to allow the users to select individual records. The record source for the sub form contains >1000 records, so the user will first enter data in the main form, use filters to find the records he wants to 'assign' to the main form data, click those he selects, then click a command button in the main form to create the record(s) based on the main form data and the selected records from the sub form. The new records will be appended to a new table.
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Dec 1, 2013
I am new to MS Access! I have design a database and a form to record the information of customer feedback.
The first thing I want is to search the record from the whole database. Secondly I want to print that searched record. And finally I want to make a Form Reset Button.
I have made a "Clear" button but it is not working correctly and removes the record from the database after saving.
I have attached the database!
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Nov 7, 2014
Basically I am inputting stock into my database so I can have a record of what I have left and who it's gone too. Where I'm stuck though is when I want to add an item that I have more than one off but only enter it once and have it assigned a unique stock ID number (this is in the form of an autonumber) for however much quantity I choose to enter. So for example I have 5 keyboards, I type in 'Keyboard' into my item field (named txtItem) and then type '5' into my quantity field (named txtQuantity). When I then press Add Stock (named btnAddStock) I should then see in the table, 5 separate Keyboards listed each with a different Stock ID number.
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Dec 11, 2013
I need to make a search form in MS Access:
I have a table with columns:
Login, First Name, Last Name
I need to create a form with one text box and a Search button.When i enter the Login in text and click the button it should give me the details.I am able to do it with single Login being entered.But the catch here is i want to enter multiple Login in the single text box and search and it should give me the result.
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Dec 18, 2013
The current database has the following tables (fields):-
1. Salesman List (Salesman, Supervisor)
2. Customer List (Customer No, Customer Name, Salesman)
3. Product List (Product Name, Product No, Price)
4. Quotation list (Quotation No, Salesman, Customer No, Customer Name, Product Name, Product No, Price) - The data of this table is input by a quotation form.
I'm trying to create a quotation form (by using the quotation list) for others to input. My questions are:-
1. In the quotation form, there's a Supervisor field (which is not in the quotation list table). I want the value in the Supervisor field to show up according to the Salesman selected in the form. So, I'm using the sub-form method (Main form:Quotation form; Subform: Salesman List form). Am I doing correct?
2. While inputing data into the form, one should select Salesman first and then Customer Name (by doing so, only the customers of which the Salesman is responsible are shown in the list for selection - this will need to link up the customer list table). How can I do this?
3. For Product No and Product Name in the form, we assume one customer may ask for quotations of many items. When I just copy and paste the Product No and Product Name several times in order to create several fields, I find that when I input one field (let's say Product No), all other Product No fields will show up the same product no as well. They are not treated separately. How should I fix this problem?
4. For the product price, I want the price in the Product List will show up according to the product I choose in the form. But then, it will allow me to amend as needed.
5. Finally, I want to place the save and submission buttons at the end of the form. Once it's done, the form will be sent to the Supervisor. The supervior will review and approve if correct. The Salesman can look up the database and be able to see the status of the quotation as:new/ waiting for approval/ approved by.... by opening the submitted quotation form (the status will be shown on the top of the form).
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May 27, 2013
is it possible to create a form that runs only once when db first run for name etc. And then once saved cannot be changed by end user.
The last bit I can do its just the making it run once as a popup.
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Dec 7, 2011
We use a lot of different pipes for our work for different projects, I have inputed some basic data into a table called item description, this conotains the pipe detail (diameter/type) supplier and length its supplied in.
What I want to do is create a form which we can populate with all the defferent types of pipe in one of our jobs. I want to create a form for adding new parts to the table so its more user friendly to other users as opposed to using the table itself.Also when we are listing down the different pipes and fitting within one of our jobs there may be a few duplicated for example there may be 3 90deg bends.
Can I create a report once the form has been populated with all the different items which groups the duplicates together and totals them up? Ideally the final report will list each different part, and the quantity/length required.
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Feb 2, 2014
I have 2 tables and I can create 2 forms from them but when I try to use both tables to create one form the form is blank.
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