Forms :: Cannot Get Calculation To Display On A Form

Nov 12, 2014

I have a field called PriceSoldFor and I need to calculate and display this field multiplied by 3.4%. This is what I have tried and reading elsewhere it should work.In the Control Source of an unbound TextBox I have entered the following:


But when I view the form the field displays the following:


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Forms :: Not Get A Calculation To Display

Dec 5, 2014

I have a field called PriceSoldFor and I need to calculate and display this field multiplied by 3.4%. This is what I have tried and reading elsewhere it should work:In the Control Source of an unbound TextBox I have entered the following:


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But when I view the form the field displays the following:


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Any Way To Display Value Of A Calculation

Aug 13, 2012

I am trying to find away to allow the user to put a calculation in a textbox, like you can in an Excel cell, and have it return the value in another textbox. For example, the user types in the one box "2*20/4" and put the value(10) in another box.

Here is my code and I have tried many things, but here is my latest try:

txtDollarImpact.Text = CStr(Val(txtCalcs.Text))

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Forms :: Form Combo Box Calculation

May 30, 2013

I have a combo box on a form that is liked to a table (current). That table has a list of available items and a count at the end of it. For example, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, 4. Is it possible to have the combo box on the form subtract 1 from the count when an item is selected from the list? So when apple is selected the count of 4 is changed to 3.

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Forms :: Displaying Result Of A Calculation In A Form

Jun 17, 2015

I am creating a driving school database and have four different tables. Student, Instructor, Lesson and Lesson Type.

In the footer of my subform which works out what lesson type the student has taken and from which instructor, I have created a calculation to multiply the number of hours a student does to what type of lesson they take.

=([LengthOfLesson]*[cost]) (This works ok)

I then want to add all of these options together. I have tried:

=sum([OverallTotal]) in the footer (This doesn't seem to work)

and then

=[Booking].[Form]![OverallTotal] to show it in the form

The name of the subform is correct (booking) and name OverallTotal is also correct but I keep getting #error message.

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Forms :: Form Load Calculation Not Working

May 12, 2015

I have a bound form to an invoices table. The form details all invoices raised, all payments made and an outstanding balance. The outstanding balance control is just a basic text box.

On form load, I go to the payment table and select all payments into a recordset, I then add up all payments and use the following calculation:-

Balance = InvTotal - paytotal

The Invtotal is the control on the form that has it's control source set as sum(invoicetotal)

The calculation used to work and the correct balance was displayed, indeed, for one particular client, the calculation works, but for all others, the summed value is blank and so the balance is effectively set to the paytotal value.

I know this is to do with the timing as the form loads and it's records/data are made available, as I have an update button that does exactly the same things as the form load and when pressed, all numbers work.....primarily because the summed invoicetotal value is now available in the form control.

I can see what is happening, but not sure why...I thought that form load gave you all records and would have populated the summed control before triggering the load event....obviously not.....

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Forms :: Make Calculation For A Specific Row In Access Form

Jun 16, 2013

I'm pretty new to Access. I was wondering if it's possible to make a calculation for a specific row in an Access form.

I placed an example in the attachment (I made it quick in paint, because the actual Access form is in my language "Dutch" ):

Value1 and Value2 come from a database, so the amount of rows can change. When I click on "Calculate" on the first row, it should calculate 12 * 13 and show the solution only on row 1. If I click on "Calculate" on the second row, it should show the solution of 10 * 20 only on row 2.

I tried to solve this by using the following VBA code:

Private Sub Calculate_Click()
Solution.Value = Value1.Value * Value2.Value
End Sub

But if I click on the first "Calculate" button, it will fill all solutions with the first calculation (12 * 13).. The same happens when I click on "Calculate" on the second, third row etc.

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Forms :: Create List Box To Only Display Information From Another Form Related To Current Form

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.

So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Display Value From Query On Sub Form

Jul 28, 2013

How can I display the count value from a query on a subform for the related/selected record?

I've tried a DLookUp without success (the text box remains empty):

=DLookUp("[CountOfMethodID]","Methods count","[MethodsRungVisitID] = Form![Form4b]")

Here's my table/query/form info:
Query is called "Methods Count"
Field of that query which I want displayed on the sub form is "CountOfMethodID"
Sub form is "Quarters and peals sub"
Main form is "Form4b"
Both form and sub are parent/child linked

There is a Relationship between the VisitID field in the "Visit Dates" table and the MethodsRungVisitID field of the "Methods Rung" table.

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Forms :: How To Display Date On A Form

Nov 11, 2014

I want to display today's date on a form. No connection to a table or anything like that just a label or such. I have a placed a text box on the form and set the Control Source to '=Date()' and it displays the date in a short form, eg. 11/11/2014.

What I want to do is display it in what I think is called Medium Date so that it displays as 11-Nov-2014. I suspect I need to place something inside those parentheses, but what?

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Forms :: Display Records In Form

Sep 7, 2014

I am putting together a database in access 2013.

I need to put in a form which basically lists all the clients names, with a button next door to each name, allowing them to edit their details. Is this possible.

Basically when loading the form, all client names are displayed in alphabetical order. Clicking on the edit button next door to the client, displays the client details in another form for easy editing. How can I do this .

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Forms :: How To Control Display Of Fields In Form

Nov 20, 2013

How can I control the display of fields in a form? I see in a given database, that in the design view that some fields exist in a form but in the form-view some of them are not displayed.

I can't find how it was done, i see no difference in the fields' properties. Another question is how can i make a comboBox to display just the text without the ID number...

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Forms :: Display Data From Query Into Form

Mar 19, 2013

Display data from Query into Form..I am attaching the database which contains a table, couple of queries and form.I have done what ever settings I could after going thru some tutorials / discussion forums online, but to no avail.

All that I want is, when I open the form "frmtest" in "form view", and select CS in Combo 8, the corresponding fields in the form viz Item name, Sl No and System Name should get updated on the form. I want to view it in "Single Form" format.

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Forms :: Display Records Of Table On The Form

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to display a table records on the form with this code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String

On Error GoTo Err_cmd_vimport_Click
'defining the form recordset

[Code] ...

MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_vimport_Click
End Sub

however i could not be able get any results in the form as if the debugging is not showing an error.

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Forms :: Fields Won't Display In Form View

Dec 3, 2013

I have created a database to track our contacts for the office. I spent some time working on the relationships and making sure everything was normalized, as I've only just recently understood that concept. However, I'm afraid something got messed up in the process and I may have missed a step or done something wrong when creating the relationships.

Basically, I just created the form with all of my fields in it and when I try to view the form I see that no fields display (it's just a blank white screen). I wondered if I should actually be creating the form based off tblcontact, and then add subforms for each of the other tables.

See my attached database for further reference ...

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Forms :: Display Query Data In A Form

May 12, 2015

I have a form that displays employee details. I've also created a query that calculates the current age of all employees and updates automatically. I've also created a subform that displays the query data.

My question is, how do I get the query data to display on my main form? Can I do it directly from the query or do I have to use the subform? There are multiple columns on the form and I want to add it as a new column that displays the same as the rest but continues to update automatically.

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Forms :: Display A Public Variable On A Form

Apr 3, 2013

I am working on a database where I want some specific information displayed on a form, preferably on the form header. I want to display this on all of my forms. In a standard module, I have a code segment that runs a query returning values, and I assign those values to my public variables. I run this code segment triggered by "on activate" of each form.

The variables contain an Event Date, and an Event Name. I want this information to appear on each form. How do I get this data onto my form as part of the form header, or if cannot put on header section, then in the detail section?

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Forms :: Memo Field Display In Form

Apr 1, 2014

I have a form with a memo field which is used by users to input transctiptions of Customer Contacts but the form is getting busy and the box now only 2.77 wide X 0.683 High.

this makes it impossible to read on the form even as a text box with to add a mouse over on it so that it fires up a large text/meg style box to display the contents?

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Forms :: Using Form To Display Previous Entries And Add New Ones?

Apr 8, 2013

I'm trying to design a simple wildlife tracking DB, so that when myself or my colleagues spot an animal we can enter its ear tag number via a form. That will either bring us up a list of previous dates/locations that animal was observed, or if it's not in the DB, allow us to enter the new animal and location.

I have two main data tables:
dt_Animal- which stores the ear tag info, species, and other information about that unique animal
dt_Sightings - stores info on when/where animals been seen (linked to dt_Animal in a one-to-many relationship, of course)

What I want is that when you open up the form, you get a box (text or combo) to enter the animal's ear tag number.

- If it already exists in the DB, it brings up all the info on that animal and its previous sightings - with the option to fill out any missing info and (of course) to add a new sighting - and it WILL NOT add a new record to dt_Animal - just to dt_Sightings
- If it DOESN'T exist in the DB, it creates a new record in dt_Animal and allows you to enter any/all of the other information

Where I'm running into problems is that I don't want duplicate records in dt_Animal - each animal is unique. I haven't found a way to set up a form so that you don't get pop-up errors if you're typing in an ear tag number that's already in the system.

I've tried various tactics involving simple coding (NotInList, etc.) that I pulled out of this forum and other places, but haven't had any luck.

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Forms :: Error On Startup Due To Display Form

Aug 9, 2013

I have been building a new db in my personal drive at work which has been working perfectly, until I transfer it to the main network drive so that others can use it.When I try to open it, I now get an error saying that windows cannot access the file (code 0x80070002) - although it does in fact open it anway, eventually.

I have removed and re-instated various bits of code, and discovered that it's linked to the 'Display Form' function within Access Options > Current Database, that I have used to open the form 'Homepage' when the db is opened. When the dropdown is set to 'None', the db opens fine, but when a form is selected, the error occurs. I have tried using an AutoExec macro to open the Homepage form, but this generates the same error too.

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Forms :: Need A Form Which Will Display More Than One Field Per Line

Sep 2, 2013

I am teaching myself Access 2007. I have a successfully imported my database to a table, and now I want to design Forms and Reports. It seems Access wants to basically display the data in either one of two formats, either Columnar, or Tabular. One Form displays the data in columns, with one field per line, and the other displays the data in rows, with one whole record per line. I need a Form (and Report) which will display more than one field per line, and use more than one line. For example, some lines will have 2 or 3 fields, then the next line may have only 1 or 2 fields. Following is a print-out of a record from my existing database (stored in a comma delineated .txt file and read and printed by a program written in DOS, QBasic):
461-1036 :c: Assignment of O&GL
Feb 28, 2008 Filed: Mar 20, 2008
Grantor(s): Plains Exploration & Production Company;
Plains Resources Inc.; Pogo Producing Company LLC;
Pogo Panhandle 2004 LP; Latigo Investments LLC;
Latigo Gas Services LP; Latigo Petroleum Inc.;
Latigo Petroleum Texas LP
Grantee(s): Oxy USA Inc.
Comment: Assigns 50% of Assignors' interest;
CORRECTION ASSIGNMENT at 466-493 deleting certain
properties from the description

[The attached .pdf file shows a better view of the print-out]This data is abstracted version of a document recorded in the public record in a courthouse. On the first line there are 3 fields:

1) the Volume-page,
2) A notation that we have a copy of the document, and
3) the title of the document.

On the 2nd line there are 2 fields:

1) the date of the document and
2) the date the document was filed in the courthouse.

The next 3 fields are displayed one at a time in columns. How I can get Access 2007 to display like this?

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Forms :: Recordset To Display Data On The Form

Jan 7, 2015

I am new to the Access programing. One of our clients wants to export the record set that is being displayed on the form to excel. We are using ADODB Recordset to display the data on the form. We also have some computed columns. Is there any way that I could export the data to excel?

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Forms :: Display Value Of Control Within Popup Form

Jul 25, 2013

I have a main form bound to a query. Within that form, I have a button which calls up another form (pop up form). I simply want value of the "claim#" field-control to display in the "claim#" field-control of the pop-up form.

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Forms :: Text Box On Form To Display Day After Date

Feb 21, 2014

Say I have a form and the user inputs a date, say "21/02/2014" into a text box, how can I get another text box on the form to display the day afters date ("22/02/2014").

I'm sure its really easy but I cant seem to get it to work.

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Forms :: Display Domain User Into Form

Oct 15, 2013

I am currently working on small access 2010 database where the database consists of a table and one input form. This input form will be mainly used by two persons. In the form there is a dropdown where one selects his name to keep record who entered the data, however I would like this to be according the logged in domain account. This will make sure none of them selects the wrong user by mistake.

Is there a way how get the current logged on domain account into the form ?

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Forms :: Display Query Results In A Form

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to allow end-users to only use buttons to navigate and display records in my database (so they don't know access is in the background) I have query that runs when they press a button but after they run it there is no way to get back to the main interface screen i.e. there is not a place to put another button and close the query. I was looking into creating a form to display the query results in datasheet view but it is not appearing the way I want. I inserted a subform and the results got better but I also do not like the way it displays because the user can see the subform, simple solution to get my data to display in the form so a user can view the results similar to datasheet view?

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