Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes - Maintain Filter?

Jun 3, 2013

How to properly use 3 cascading combo boxes.

I have them set up and they work, to some degree.

I have three boxes Type/Sub-Type/Item. They all filter down to the next one, the problem is, when I get to the 3rd box, it filters ONLY from the 2nd box and loses the filter from the 1st. What do I need to do to get it to maintain the filter from the first box and then ADD the filter from the second box when populating the 3rd box?

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Forms :: Triple Cascading Combo Boxes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a form with various input boxes, three of which are combo boxes. These combo boxes need to affect one another. So let's call these cmb1, cmb2 & cmb3.

Hypothetically let's say:

Within cmb1 the list is A, B, C & D

If the user was to choose A, cmb2 would show the options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc..
If the user was to choose B, cmb2 would show the options 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc..
if the user was to choose C, cmb2 would show the options 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc..

(So, it is possible that if the user chooses A from cmb1, cmb2 would show 1 and if the user chooses C from cmb1, cmb2 would also show 1)

Using the example in the brackets above:

If the user chose cmb1 - A then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Option1, Option2, Option3 etc..


If the user chose cmb1 - C then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Random1, Random2, Random3 etc..

At the moment I have a table with 3 columns. Within the table is every possible combination of the drop down, i.e:

-A l 1 l Option1 l
-A l 1 l Option2 l
-C l 1 l Random1 l
-C l 1 l Random2 l

I have tried to use the example shown on this website but i've had no luck: (If you look at "Example 2", thats what I tried to do)

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes In A Subform

Jan 28, 2014

i have a main form which allows me to fill in Order Information within which is a subform which allows me to fill in Order Lines.My Order Lines contain the following fields:

etc. etc.

Elswhere in my database (tblLengths) I have set up a list of possible lengths for each Extrusion and therefore when an order is filled out I want the user to be restricted only to those lengths that are possible with the particular extrusion they have chosen. This list contains the ExtrusionID and LengthID so that I can query the available lengths for a particular Extrusion.Within my subform I have set the record source to point at the tblLengths and criteria on the ExtrusionID to point to [Extrusion]. I've also put a requery against the Extrusion field so that I can force the combobox to refresh its list of results.

My problem is that I am getting unexpected results each time I add an Order line into my form and reading up I see that what I am trying to do is a big no-no.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Setup

Jun 24, 2014

I am totally new to Visual Basic.I have dependent cascading combo boxes setup. The hierarchy goes:


Now, I need the value in the Brick field to create a varying number of other cascading combo boxes. They are the Brick Attributes. The brick attributes are the labels for the combo boxes and the brick attribute values would be the values you can chose from within the combo boxes. Depending on which Brick you chose, there are a varying number of Brick Attributes, and thus a varying number of needed combo boxes to pop up.

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Forms :: Stuck With Cascading Combo Boxes

Feb 6, 2015

OK, I so I am trying to filter one combbox tbltCatch from tblLocation (which is a sub filter from tblLocationCategory). Thing is, I am trying to select "Catches" filtered from the tblLocationCategory table. Reason being is because the "Catches" are the same the location types (example below). I know the code I am trying to utilize is incorrect and needs to be modified.

Dim sCatchLocation As String

sCatchLocation = "SELECT [tblCatches].[Catches_ID], [tblCatches].[LocationCategory_ID], [tblCatches].[Catches] " & _
"FROM tblCatches " & _
"WHERE [tblCatches].[LocationCategory_ID] = " & Me.cboLocal.Value
Me.cboCatches.RowSource = sCatchLocation

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Forms :: How To Create Cascading Combo Boxes

Jun 10, 2015

how to create the cascading combo boxes that I need. For this, I have three tables:

Locations -- All store locations
Products -- Part Number and DESCRIPTION of any type of item that is available for rent
Serial Numbers -- (Unique) Serial number for each individual product, with its Product ID (foreign key) and Location ID (foreign key)

Each location has its own set of products available for rent, each with their own serial number. There may be more than one of the same TYPE of product at a location, but there will never be a repeated serial number.

I would like to have three (cascading) combo boxes. The first would allow the user to select a LOCATION. The second will have a list of all the types of products available at that location (DESCRIPTION). The third should have the list of SERIAL NUMBERS available at that LOCATION for that type of product (DESCRIPTION).

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Bound Cascading Combo Boxes In Continous Forms

Jul 19, 2006

My goal is to have two combo boxes the first filters the second. it controls the semester that I am viewing. This works if i don't use continous forms but when i do it requeries every record in the form instead of the current record. I am not an access or vb guy but i have picked a lot up. please help!!!

I have attached a copy of my database.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes (multiple Filters)

Feb 23, 2015

I'm having some issues using the cascading combo box technique on my form.

I have a form, which contains a subform in continuous view, which contains a few combo boxes.

One of those combo boxes (available resources) should be filtered depending on the value of 3 other combo boxes (task types, source languages, target languages).

What I would like to be able to do is run the filtering routine on this resources cbo (currently VBA code that changes the row source value) when the user clicks on it.

It's kind of working right now: when I click on the arrow to open up the drop down list, the values are indeed filtered. The problem I'm having though is that, if I then click on that same cbo for another record (or any other cbo in another record for that matter), the resource cbo of the record I previously set gets deleted.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes With Default Values

May 4, 2013

I've got a form (frmMain) with two combo boxes (cmbCategory and cmbProducts). I have set the combo boxes up to be cascading, so that when you select a value in the cmbCategory box, it influences what is visible and selectable in the cmbProducts box. What I wanted to happen is this:

1. User selects a category
2. cmbProducts defaults to the most recently entered Product within that category, and the form pulls up that product's details.

I have the cascading combo boxes set up so cmbCategory has an AfterUpdate event that runs a macro. In the macro is the command to refresh the cmbProducts box, and the cmbProducts box's RecordSource is set to a query that filters the Products based on the value of the cmbCategory box. I then set the cmbProducts Default Value to a DMax command that pulls the largest ID number from the query. Everything works great, except when I choose one category (the correct product comes up, the latest one entered for that product), then go back and choose a different category without reloading the form. The cmbProducts box stays showing the previous Product, and doesn't automatically update with the latest product for the new category. So it works the first time out of the gate, then just stops working, and won't work until I close and reopen the form again.

I've tried the refresh command, and I've tried adding an AfterChange event to the cmbCategories box. Nothing seems to work! I also tried running a close form/open form command in cmbProducts' After Update to enable the DMax command again, but this blanks out my Categories and Products boxes (which it's supposed to... I don't want anything to come up when you first open the form, both should be blank until you start selecting values).

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Forms :: Parameter Value Error When Doing Cascading Combo Boxes?

Jun 12, 2013

tried following Microsoft example and several others but my problem comes up when I click on Group in Ticket list, I get a parameter value popup. I know I'm getting it from my Where statement that is supposed to setup the row source for Category. I tried using numbers and text but I messed up somewhere when it comes to the vba.

Me.cboCategory.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT Category.Categories FROM" & _
" Category WHERE GroupName = " & Me.cboGroup & _
" ORDER BY Category.Categories"
Me.cboCategory = Me.cboCategory.ItemData(0)

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Not Working In Subform

Nov 28, 2014

I have a cascading combo box working fabulously in a form. However when I embed that form into another form, the cascading combo boxes quit working. After doing some searching around on the web I think my issue is either in the query that the dependent combo box references and/or in the "after update event procedure" but I just can't seem to figure out the exact changes to make to my database. Details:

Tables with data for combo boxes:LOOKUP TABLE - Veg Species - Species Type,
LOOKUP TABLE - Veg Species - Species Name.
Related together based on common field: SpeciesType


When the form with the combo boxes is embedded as above, I can select the species type from the dropdown but when I try to select the species common name value I am asked to

"enter parameter value - Forms!SUBFORM2a - Enter Specific Veg Info!cmbSpecies_Type".

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Forms :: Creating Cascading Combo Boxes In Access 2010

May 10, 2013

I am trying to create a Cascading Combo Box for my Form in Access 2010. I ahve written the code:

Private Sub Combo11_AfterUpdate()
cboCombo13.RowSource = "Select TblAcc.SubFamily " & _
"FROM me.TblAcc " & _
"WHERE me.TblAcc.Family = '" & cboCombo13.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY me.TblAcc.SubFamily;"
End Sub

But keep getting the same "Run time error message 424: Object required"

And when I define the error it says "Identifier under cursor is not recognized" (the yellow arrow comes up and is pointing at the "ORDER BY" line.

I would like Combo Box 13 to give me the SubFamilies of the certain Families choosen from Combo Box 11. (Each Family has different SubFamilies). But if I ignore the error, Combo Box 11 lets me choose a Family and Combo Box 13 gives me options to choose any SubFamily in my DB.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes For Table And Field Names

May 15, 2013

Currently, I have a form with a combobox that lists all of the names of the tables inside my database. Depending on the table selected in the first combobox, I would like to have another combobox which allows the user to choose from the field names inside that table.

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Forms :: Cascading Combobox To Filter Options That Can Be Entered Into Second Combo Box

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to use a cascading combo box to filter the options that can be entered into a second combo box.

In frmBabies, a Mode of Delivery is selected from 8 options. 4 of these are "normal" deliveries and 4 are caesarean sections.

A second combo box selects the Indication for Operative Delivery. The table tblIndOpDel contains options for normal as well as caesareans. I would like to filter the indications so that the user cannot enter an indication for normal delivery for a caesarean section.

Both tblIndOpDel and tblDelMode have a foreign key to tblDelModeCat, which categories deliveries as normal or caesarean.

I'm stuck on how to proceed from here. Sample database attached.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Don't Show Control Source Value Until Requery

Dec 31, 2013

I have a set of cascading combo boxes. When a value is selected in Cat 1 ID, it narrows down the selections in Cat 2 ID which narrows down the selections in Cat 3 ID.

However, the values don't show up for columns Cat 2 ID or Cat 3 ID until I enter the row. Then I have it set to requery the fields because the underlying data isn't populated. But then when I leave the row, the values go away.

Why doesn't it show the underlying value from the table? Each column is bound to a field in a table - I would assume that the recorded value would show up. Did I miss something easy?

I've attached a picture of exactly what I mean.

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Forms :: Normalized Relational Database With Cascading Combo Boxes - Field Validation

Aug 7, 2013

I've been able to make a normalized relational database with cascading combo boxes, etc.

How to validate a field? The format needs to be according to the following:

<0 AND <=9999 [Optional: followed by a capital letter]

Examples of Valid Data:

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Forms :: Using Filter For Two Combo Boxes

May 15, 2013

I am trying to use .Filter for two combo box but it does not work...My code is:

Private Sub btn_buscar_Click()

With Me.FormularioEmpresas.Form
.Filter = "" 'limpiar el filtro
.FilterOn = False
If Nz(Me.cbo_actividad, "") <> "" Then
.Filter = "Actividad='" & Me.cbo_actividad & "'"

[Code] ....

In the the black line appears an error...I do not know why..

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Forms :: Filter Text Boxes By Two Combo Box Values?

Aug 6, 2013

I have a form with two combo boxes. The first box lists switch names from a query, and the second lists switchports from another query. The switchport query lists all the switchports for whatever switch is selected in the Switch Name combo box, and all the settings for that port (one column per setting). I want each text box to display the corresponding data from the switchport query for the switch selected in the first combo box and the switchport selected in the second combo box.

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Forms :: Two Combo Boxes To Filter Form Won't Work Together

May 8, 2013

I have a database and a form that is based off of a simple table. The table has NO look ups and all of the formatting is text. The form is continuous and simply displays these fields. (Kind of like a company roster with name and department). I have two combo boxes at the top of this form in the header with the intent of filtering the form records by department and employee type (lets say A or B).

I have tried every way I know how to get these records to filter and they will not filter correctly. Utilizing methods I have used in multiple other databases, I set the two comboboxes to cascade based on a query in the recordsource. The vba I'm using in the after event of each combo is ....

Me.Filter = "[Brand] = '" & Me.cbobrand & "'"
Me.FilterOn - True
'Brand is the "department" and the other identical code is for Personel_Type

This filters the records but independently. So, cbobox1 filters the records to show all Brand 1. When cbobox2 selection is made it shows all the Personel_Type of the selection however the first filter is already disregarded. (i.e. When cbobox2 selection is made, it contains both brands instead of the one I've just selected and filtered in cbobox1. )

Outside of making two queries to account for each possible filter, I have tried setting a filter on the filterON, I have tried a SQL based VBA code, I have tried making two forms and attempting to set the filter on open but either way, nothing keeps the first filter selected (or the FilterON, or both SQL filters, etc). The ONLY way I have found to get it to filter both is with the filter function in Access, which is not useful as my users will not have access to the menu bars.

I have this EXACT same setup in another database and it works fine with 3 cbo boxes with an after even to set a filter for the recordsource for all three.

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Dec 12, 2006

I have a few cascading combo boxes that restricts the value of one combo box depending on what the the value of other one is.

The problem I have is that some of the data is not displayed in the combo boxes when scrolling through the records after data entry.

I have tried to re query them on the form on open event but it does not seem to help much.

Any Ideas?

thanks :)

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Help With Cascading Combo Boxes

Jul 28, 2005

I need some help setting up my tables to allow cascading combo boxes. I need to document when a Pharmacy IV room and chemotherapy room are cleaned. Each Room requires different cleaning procedures.

Here is my table structure:
DutyID-Auto# (PK)
Duty - text (Example- mop floor, clean hood, wash ceiling, wash sink)

LocationID- Auto# (PK)
Location - Text (Clean Room, Chemo Room, Anteroom)

CleanID-Auto# (PK)
DutyID- (FK)

If the user selects Clean Room I don't want them to see wash sink and anything else not pertinent to the Clean Room. How do I set up the tables?

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Jun 2, 2005

Just wondering if anyone can help Im creating two combo boxes where the first one determines the values in the second one.

The tables are made up of the following;


Line number (PK)

Main Setting

Part Number (PK)
Press Line (FK)

Now ive took the advice of previous threads but im having the following error message when im creating this;

The record source 'SELECT [Main Settings].[Part Number] FROM Main AS Settings WHERE [Main Settings].[Press Line]=[Forms]![Example]![Line]' specified on this form does not exist.

I know that this doesnt exist but im typing it correctly. Access seems to be changing my statement i.e. inserting the AS command. Any help will be much appreciated

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2005

Right I have followed one of the sample databases and modified it to create cascading combo boxes like i needed.

Now all i need to do is use them in the context i need.

Basically I have country, region and sub region. These cascade to each other in the form which has been created. If you select a country, then in region you in only see the regions in that country, etc.

What i need is to be able to use the cascading combos boxes in conjunction with the "Location table". So someone can put in a project number and then use the cascading combo boxes to to chose the country, region and sub region boxes saving all of the data into the location table .

Please can someone help, as it took me allmost three hours to create the cascading combo boxes but now i cant even use them for what i wanted them for,.

Many Thanks

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Mar 15, 2005


I have trawled this forum searching for help with cascading combo boxes, it was very helpful but alas I need that bit more.

I have 2 combo boxes and the result is displayed in a subform. The problem is that it will only display one selection made from the Combo boxes and I need multiple selections on display in the record.

It is a parts job worksheet in a garage where multiple work is required on a vehicle. It is based on Work Type and Work Codes which then bring up the detailed description.

The first Combo Box is Work Type and this allows you to select letters. The second Combo Box is Work Code and this allows you to select numbers.

I used the example I found on here but haven't changed the field names as I daren't alter the coding until I know it will display multiple selections in the subform of the record.

I attach the database to see of anyone can help me, ppllleeeaaassssee. I woul dbe most grateful if you could make the changes and zip it back up as I ain't no VB programmer.

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4 Cascading Combo Boxes And An &lt;All&gt;???

Oct 9, 2005

i currently have 4 combo boxes that each has its own table, and setup as cascading. Now what i want to add is an <All> in each combo to box to give any results in that table.

i have

combo 1
SELECT [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturerID], [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturer]
FROM tblProductManufacturer UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductManufacturer
ORDER BY [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturer];

combo 2
SELECT tblProductModel.ProductModel, tblProductModel.ProductModelID
FROM tblProductModel
WHERE (((tblProductModel.ProductManufacturerID)=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].[Form].[CboProductManufacturer])) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductModel
ORDER BY tblProductModel.ProductModelID;

combo 3
SELECT [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersion], [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersionID]
FROM tblProductVersion
WHERE ((([tblProductVersion].[ProductModelID])=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].Form.CboProductModel)) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductVersion
ORDER BY [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersionID];

combo 4
SELECT [tblProductSize].[ProductSize], [tblProductSize].[ProductSizeID]
FROM tblProductSize
WHERE ((([tblProductSize].[ProductVersionID])=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].Form.CboProductVersion)) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductSize
ORDER BY [tblProductSize].[ProductSizeID];

in place of UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" i have also tried

UNION Select Null as AllChoice, "(All)" as Bogus

And in place of UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus i have also tried

UNION select distinct null, null (And added distinct after the first Select of the query)

but to no avail????

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