Forms :: Cascading Combobox - Adding Column To Table?
Aug 4, 2014
I have a form with two cascading comboboxes where the first selection is the alphabet and the second selection is a person's name. (the alphabet is a coding system but not assigned based on a person's name) I used one table based on example 2 of this website: fontstuff. com/access/acctut10.htm
What I want to do is add columns to the table such as organization, purpose, etc. then have them in the form as textboxes that update as soon as the second combo box is selected. Is this possible with just one table or do I need to go a different route?
I'm very new to access so I'm not sure about the correct way to go about this. I have a table with a 'category' column, a form which hides the category column, and a combobox to filter the category, let's say R, C, and F.
What I want accomplish is to have the value of the comobox applied to the hidden 'category' column when a user enters a new record into the form.
Is there I way I can get an instance to the record as it's being entered and modify the data using VB? Or would I have to write a sort of pop() function and have it run afterInsert and then modify it that way? Can I even alter the table using VB like this?
I'm trying to use a cascading combo box to filter the options that can be entered into a second combo box.
In frmBabies, a Mode of Delivery is selected from 8 options. 4 of these are "normal" deliveries and 4 are caesarean sections.
A second combo box selects the Indication for Operative Delivery. The table tblIndOpDel contains options for normal as well as caesareans. I would like to filter the indications so that the user cannot enter an indication for normal delivery for a caesarean section.
Both tblIndOpDel and tblDelMode have a foreign key to tblDelModeCat, which categories deliveries as normal or caesarean.
I'm stuck on how to proceed from here. Sample database attached.
I have a combobox (cbo_Breed) that Holds the Breed_ID, Breed and BreedType_ID.
On the form opening I want to look at the thrird column and if its a "1" then to do something. How do I get the form to look at the third column? This is what I have written (I know its wrong, but needed a starting point)
I have a form that contains 2 combo boxes, one that lists the Wards in the Area and the other contains the types of groups. I can generate a report listing a specific group in the Ward but need to be able to list a specific group in every Ward. I have added "All" to the Ward combo box along with the code in the row query
SELECT [tblWards].[WardID], [tblWards].[Ward] FROM [tblWards] UNION Select 0 ,"All Wards" From [tblWards] ORDER BY [Ward];
When select all Wards from the Combo box and run the report I get no results.
Assignment : Add two new columns to a copy of the departments table, sec0611_departments. One new column, a text column, will be the name of the manager department. The other new column, a numeric column, is for the annual budget of the department.
As of right now I know how to start the code, which (if not mistaken) should look like;
My question is, what value do I insert in place of "name of the manager" (ex. manager_id, first_name?) and same goes for the numeric column. Price? credit_limit? budget?
I have a form which has a combobox called Task_Ref which looks up values in a table column.
I would like to be able to set the tickbox value of tickbox called P1 to True if the combobox contains the word "test", each entry on the combobox selection may vary such as:-
Test number 1 Yesterdays Test
As long as the word "Test" appears I would like the above to happen?
I was thinking of something along the lines of:-
If InStr(Task_Ref.Value, "Test") > 0 Then P1.Value = True Else P1.Value = False End If End Sub
I have a data base with names, email IDs, phone numbers of 5 types(example quality, security, IT,finance etc) of person from ten different project teams. I created a basic form for the end user to enter values and created fields for each of the person's name, email ID etc based on the personal type( liek quality, IT, finance etc) on each team. The background table contains records of almost 200 people now.
All of these people will be trained for one task and some will be trained for multiple tasks. I know how to make the combo box allow multiple values/selections but, i cannot list out all 200 personal names in the combobox's rowsource/value list. Is it possible to combine all different name fields and list out all personal(of one team), so that the end user can just select multiple names for that team who have been trained and so on. i need to set the rowsource of the combobox to the values of all personal from one team so the team leader can just go select who has been trained and who has not.
I have a table having fields start date and end date. I need to calculate difference in the dates and store the values in a new column in the same table. I am able to write the query for this but am clueless as to how to put in these values in a new column in the table.
updating my table when I use cascading combo boxes in my form.What is happening is that my table is being populated by the xxxxID column vice from the xxxxName column that is being used from that specific table.
here is my visual basic code that I am using to determine what the subsequent combo box will display.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Sub cboPlanktonID_AfterUpdate() ' Set the Family combo box to be limited by the selected Plankton Type Me.cboFamilyID.RowSource = "SELECT tblFamily.FamilyID, tblFamily.FamilyName FROM tblFamily " & _ " WHERE OrderID = " & Nz(Me.cboPlanktonID) & _ " ORDER BY FamilyName"
Example of the Combo box Row Source is: SELECT [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyID], [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyName] FROM tblWaterbody;
My Control Source is PlanktonAnalysis.WaterbodyName
When I fill in the form with the data, The Waterbody name is visable for selection (example: I see "Lake Lillinonah" in the cascading combo box, But when I save the record in the PlanktonAnalysis Table I get a number in the WaterbodyName column vice the name of the waterbody
I am trying to use a combo box to control which table a data entry form will write data to. I want to create a form that has a combo box to select from a top level table that I will call "Stores". Once a "Store" is selected from the drop down, the next field on the form will be a data entry field. The data entered in that field will be written to the table selected by the preceding combo box.
So, basically I would have say Wal-Mart, Macy's, Sears, K-Mart and etc, listed in my "Stores" table. Once I select one of the stores from the drop down, I would then enter a "department" name in the data entry field and based on which store I selected from the previous combo box, the data would be written to that stores department table (which each store will have its own department table), e.g., WalMartDepts, MacyDepts, SearsDepts, etc...
Currently, I have a form with a combobox that lists all of the names of the tables inside my database. Depending on the table selected in the first combobox, I would like to have another combobox which allows the user to choose from the field names inside that table.
What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate() Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;" Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0) Command4.SetFocus End Sub
I have a combobox on my form called TypeOfBusiness, with fields including Corporation, Education, Industry, Non-Profit. In order to make a second combobox called IndustryClassification appear when Industry is selected from the TypeOfBusiness combobox, I have used the following code:
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.TypeOfBusiness = "Industry" Then Me.IndustryClassification.Visible = True Else Me.IndustryClassification.Visible = False
[Code] .....
It works just fine. However, when a user selects both, say, Industry and Education, the IndustryClassification combobox will not appear. What code I can use to ensure the IndustryClassification box will appear regardless if another box is checked in addition to Industry? I am wondering if it has to do with the Column attribute.
I have a form with a combobox and a treeview. When I select an item in the combobox, the treeview is updated with info related to the combobox value. When I browse through the nodes in the treeview, I want to see which other values will give that very same node. I could use the concatenation function* I found at Allen Browne's site, which will return a number of values in a single string.
What I'm looking for, is basically some sort of tag cloud. If the user selects node X, the tag cloud needs to show which values in the combobox will all lead to node X. The combobox values that lead to node Y shouldn't be visible at all in the tag cloud, or maybe just shown in a different color. The user should be able to click on the value, which will trigger the combobox_click event.
how many values there will be in the table behind the combobox. That's what's making this problem difficult to solve. Putting the form in design view, adding a textbox and returning to form view is not an option. How do I create a dynamic tag cloud? Is it possible to transpose a table column on a form?
I've got an access front-end database running on Access Runtime on a Terminal Server with a back-end on a data server both of which are hosted by a remote company and accessed via Terminal Services. All is well and the database is working fine but because this is a cloud system I need a way that I can easily delve into the tables on the back-end without copying it down locally from the cloud each time (I've set up an "administrator" option so that this would be available to limited users). I've got the front-end forms working as I'd like but I have quite a few tables and I'd like to avoid creating a separate form for every table. I've been able to populate a combobox on my form with the list of linked tables and I'd like that when I choose a particular table from this list that the whole table is then visible within a subform below in case I need to manually intervene with the data for any reason.
I suspect I have made a beginners mistake in my very first Access database, but before I start this again from scratch, I would like to know if it is really a mistake, or if I might easily fix it somehow.
I have a form with several combo boxes.
All the source fields for those comboboxes are in one table. But of course every field has a different number of cells containing content. Now when I open a combobox in a form, the sequence of the cells are a mess, and there are lots of empty lines for many of them. (probably also because I reordered some fields in the source table)
I now have no clue if I can crop the combobox dropdown output somehow so that each combox only shows cells with content. (and preferably in a defined order)
Should I have started with creating one different table for every combobox, and not trying to put all the source fields in one table?
I have a combobox on a form which retreives its data using an SQL statement (I used the query builder). In one of the columns shown in this combobox I filter the data by refering to a another combox on the same form.
the syntax is: >=forms!frmCursusGegevens!DatumCursusID.column(1)
Running the form and accessing the combobox issues error 3085, stating that a function is used that is unknown. Removing the '.column(1)' part solves the problem, but ofcourse this is not what I want. It confirms though that the problem is with this .colomn(1) reference.
I'm sure the syntax is correct, because in a modules' direct window I'm capable to retreive the data by typing:
I've used the same procedure in many MS access projects using older versions of Access. In the current version 2003 it gives this problem...
I am currently having trouble filtering my subform by a different column than the bound column set in properties.
the comobobox shows the ID for the last email sent, with the combobox drop down showing the name and date of email when dropped down. I have tried 2 things and neither work...
1) Calling the filter on the combo-box column itself:
Dim myDate as string myDate = [Forms]![BenSearchForm]![BenSearchSub]![LastEmail].[Column(5)] DateFilt = " AND" & myDate & " BETWEEN " & "Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date3],#1/1/1900#) AND Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date4],#31/12/2100#)"
I have used similar code on another form, but I can't get the myDate variable to get to value of the 6th column in the dropdown (Date Of Email). an Easier way to look at this would be:
Code: DateFilt = " AND [Forms]![BenSearchForm]![BenSearchSub]![LastEmail].[Column(5)]" & " BETWEEN " & "Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date3],#1/1/1900#) AND Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date4],#31/12/2100#)"
2) Inside the subform, I have set up a seperate field that reads the result of the dropdown box column(5) and shows it. For example the Email with ID 22 has a date of 4/8/15, so any record with last sent email being 22 has a record that says 4/8/15. I am trying to use this value to filter between, but am unable of passing the value to my filter.
The textbox is called "Email Date" and the Control source is "=[Forms]![BenSearchForm]![BenSearchSub]![LastEmail].[Column](5)"
It shows the correct data, but does not allow me to filter by this field, when the apply filter button is pressed it asks me for the parameter value of the LastEmail Field.
Code: DateFilt = " AND" & " [EmailDate] BETWEEN " & "Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date3],#1/1/1900#) AND Nz([forms]![BenSearchForm].[Date4],#31/12/2100#)"
I use a number of set variables for my filters, so my filter ends up looking like
Code: .Filter = IDFilt + EmailFilt+ DateFilt
where all but IDFilt begin with AND. I use this on a number of other forms so I am sure this is not the issue!
Here's my dilemma: I have a table that keeps track of job postings and how many people applied for each posting. So, for instance, I can have 20 people apply for a job posting say....on July 18. On another column I have the shift name for that posting such as DAY Shift. So, I have 20 people that have applied for the Day Shift on July 18.
What I'd like my combobox to show me in just one instance of July 18 in column 1 and one instance of Day Shift in column two. I have tried using the wizard and then going to the properties of the combobox and attempted to edit the SQL statement to use the DISTINCT value to no avail.
I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.
Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate() If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable" Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable" Else If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable" Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable" End If End If End Sub
But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?