Forms :: Change Event - Cannot Access New Contents Of Textbox

Oct 2, 2013

I am developing a form whereby the user types a single character or a sequence of characters into textbox and a query WHERE clause is compiled upon each character being entered.

The query is the Row Source of a listbox which I requery upon each change in the text box contents.

In the Change event I cannot access the new contents of the textbox until focus moves to another control and then back to the textbox. This is not how I expect this event to work.

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Forms :: Mirror Contents Of Listbox In A Textbox

Aug 14, 2014

I have a drop down box where I select a Retailer. When this choice is made I want the last invoice entry to appear in a text box. I have attempted this by creating a query which contains the top 1 invoice in descending order. My dropdown box Event updates a hidden List box using List677. Requery and List677 has a SELECT statement in Row Source

So far so good this bit works

I want to use this value as a default in a Textbox. I thought I could use the same trick to populate the Textbox as I did the Listbox so i tried Text232. Requery after the List677. Requery in the Event above. But no it does not update. The only time the textbox updates is if the Listbox is in Focus and as I said this List box is Hidden. How can I get the textbox to change in real time... I would use the Listbox but i need to be able to change the value of the contents to run reports, I just want a default value.

textBox Default Value: =[List677]
textBox Control Source: =[List677]

List677 Row Source: SELECT LastInvoice.Invoice FROM LastInvoice;

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Forms :: Change Textbox Color On Form In Access 2013 For Dyslexic User

Apr 29, 2014

I have a new staff member in my office that has informed me that she has a degree of dyslexia. To assist her I've trialled changing the textboxes on one form in my Access 2013 application to a light pink color & this has instantly worked for her to read/input text.

Is there a way to automatically change each textbox to light pink on every form in my application on startup based on user login (say using an IIF statement in the OnLoad event of the startup form).

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Forms :: Update Textboxes With A Formula Without Using AfterUpdate Event For Each Textbox

Aug 24, 2013

I have a form with 7 types of weights (7 textbox rows) showing 7 weights in kgs and the others in lbs.When the user update any weight-kgs textbox, the opposite weight-lbs textbox will be updated automatically, and viceversa.Now, I'd like a fast way to code this action without writing the After Update_event for every textbox (they're 14).I have already setup textbox tags differently with "WeightKGS" and "WeightLBS", thinking about using "for each ... next" statement, but I have some problems to resolve what I want.

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Forms :: Property Selection Change - Event Procedure?

Aug 16, 2013

when the Form Property "selectionchange" kicks in?I am trying to use this to run an event procedure. I have a sub form datasheet which contains a date, and when the selection is changed from one record to another in the sub form, I would like to run an event procedure that updates certain fields on the main form, according to the date.I have put msgbox in the event procedure, but it doesn't trigger when the selection is changed? or am I misunderstanding the property?I have also tried got focus, lostfocus, beforeupdate, but they only trigger when the record is changed, not just when the selection is changed.

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Forms :: Keep Mouse Cursor At The End Of Text Box After On Change Event Procedure?

Oct 30, 2013

I made an On Change Procedure on a textbox, so everytime I input a character, it will trigger the Me.Requery.

However, after that the event, the mouse cursor moved to the beginning of other field. I want it to stay at the end of the textbox so I can enter a full word, how do I do that?


Private Sub Text73_Change()
ProjectSearch = Me.Text73
Me.Filter = "[Project Name] Like " & Chr(34) & ProjectSearch & "*" & Chr(34)
End Sub

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Forms :: Change Background Color Double Click Event?

Jul 13, 2015

I am using a continuous form and would like my users to be able to change a field background color to a light red by double-clicking. The user would also be able to change it back to white by double-clicking again.

The code I am using (below) changes the field background color for all records. I need my code to only change the field color of the current record and cannot seem to find how to do that. The field name is [System_CurrentStatus].

Private Sub System_CurrentStatus_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbWhite Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160)
ElseIf Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160) Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbwhite
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Textbox And Contents Will Not Display

May 3, 2014

Me.TxtNotAllowed.Visible = True
dtTimer1 = Now
dtTimer2 = Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")
Me.TxtNotAllowed.Value = "You do not have permission to use this database !"
Do Until dtTimer1 >= dtTimer2
dtTimer1 = Now()
Me.TxtNotAllowed.Value = ""

The above code will run definitely for the 10 seconds however the textbox and contents do not display HOWEVER if stepped through with breakpoints line by line and the form checked each time the textbox DOES display and its contents.

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Forms :: Using Textbox To Change Position And Length In Mid Function

Aug 6, 2015

I have a .csv file where I need to parse out the information.

I have imported the .csv file into access and all the data is in [Field1]

Instead of using query design, I want to create a user interface [Form] where anyone can input in the textbox the position and length of a mid function.


Last name: Position = 1 Length =15
First Name: Position = 15 Length = 30

Is it possible for users to input the numbers in texboxes to extract the data to another table?

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Forms :: Change Value In Textbox - Capture User Login

Apr 12, 2014

I would like to put a text box (user) and checkbox (check100) on a form, that when the checkbox is not checked the value in Gender switches. In an AfterUpdate I would use a code to capture the user login.

Private Sub Check100_AfterUpdate()
Me.User = Environ("UserName")
If Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Male" THEN
Me.Gender.Value = "Female"
ElseIf Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Female" Then
Me.Gender.Value = "male"
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Textbox Background Color Change Dependent On Value

Oct 3, 2013

I have a question related to a textbox on a form.

In my table (tbl_data) I have a field named Rating. This can be anything from 1 - 10.

On my form (frm_input) I have a textbox (created using the wizard so at the moment I'll call it txt_Rating).

What I would like to know how to do is:

If the value in the textbox is 0-5 leave the background colour of the textbox white with black font.
If the value in the textbox is 6-7 turn the background colour pale yellow with black font.
If the value in the textbox is greater than 7.1 turn the background colour Red with white font.

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Forms :: Textbox Refresh - Getting Default Value To Reappear When Change Criteria

Jun 4, 2014

I am using a DLookup to default a value in my TextBox. This text box has an event attached to it that updates a table when a different value is entered.

I am having difficulty in getting the default value to reappear when I change my criteria.

For instance Manufacturer is Ford

Colour is default Black

I Change the colour to red

now I change Manufacturer to Audi

I need Default colour to go back to Black

The Lookup Table says Black its just that the default value only seems to run once, first time in and never again unless i exit the database and reopen it.

I have tried adding

to my afterupdate query

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Forms :: Change Records Source And Run Query - Onclick Event Of Command Button

Apr 8, 2013

I have a tabbed form in a navigation form with a chart on it. The records source of the chart is a query. The query runs when you click the tab and takes a long time. I changed the Row Source of chart to "" and that eliminates the query running on form load. I've read many posts on changing that row source when a command button is clicked. I tried

Me!Suspend_Trending_Dashboard![chart].RecordSource = suspend_trend_CHART

in the onclick event of the command button. This doesn't work. I've tried many variations of the syntax. I don't know if I have to tell the query to run after the row source is changed.

On a side note, the query criteria is based on beginning and end dates entered into text boxes on the form. This all works if the query loads when the form is opened.

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Forms :: Change Textbox Background Colour Pending Value Of Two Textboxes On Form?

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes that get their values from two different queries that counts records from table. If textbox1.value equals texbox2.value the textbox2.value back ground colour is green. If they are not equal textbox2.value goes red. Itried with using conditional formatting, but it doesn't work all the time as the form is not updating when it is opened.

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How To Change The Contents Of A Querry Using A Form?

Aug 18, 2006


I'm a new Access user and i couldn't figured out how to implement the following:

- I've got a form with buttons on it. These buttons refer to different querries which either displays or changes specific data on the predefined table.

- With a text box (or another thing) I want the user to enter a table name, so that the querries gain portability to work table-independent.

Briefly this is what i want;

-- User should enter a text
-- This text should be used to change the TABLENAME in each of the querry

But I don't know how :(

Is there anyone who has time to explain this implementation in detail??

Thanks anyway..

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On_Change Event - Textbox

Aug 26, 2005

Sure this one is simple but seem to be stuck (Friday!?!)

Is there a way to keep a running total of the length of text being entered into a text box?

I have a text box which I only want 100 chars to be entered and would like a count for the users of the number they have left to use. Using the len() function in the on_change event does not seem to pick up the length of the text in the box until it has updated.

Thanks in advance.

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Problem With Using KeyUp Event For TextBox

Jun 1, 2005

Hi there,

Recently I'm designing a Data Entry interface, which contains more than 10 textbox (fields). Instead of asking users to move cursor manually after each data entry, I want the system can automatically move the cursor to the next textbox.

I tried to use keyUp Event set for each textbox. It did work but not in the way as I expected. I only typed in one character in that textbox without finishing the whole word. The system has already moved cursor to next textbox.

How can I solve this problem?

or is there any other solution for automatically moving the cursor to the next textbox after filling the data for each textbox?

Many thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Textbox Not Populated In NotInList Event

Mar 22, 2014

SQL related with Spec combo box:

SELECT S.Key, S.Spec FROM tblSpecs AS S ORDER BY S.Spec;

NotInList code:

Private Sub cboSpecs_NotInList(NewData As String, _
Response As Integer) ' MODIFY SPEC ENTRY.
10 Dim db As Database


1) For some reason, txtMessage is not displayed on the form when NotInList is processed. I see it get populated properly in debug mode, but it never gets on the form. But txtMessage gets displayed normally in Add and Delete events.

It seems to do with the way NotInList works because txtMessage is displayed if I use acDataErrContinue. But that's not what I want; it leaves the combobox list open and can't save record if I close the form.

2) DLookup is used to extract the old Spec value to display in the message. I can see the old Spec in debug mode in cboSpec.column, but Listindex is -1 and unusable.

I don't know how to point to the proper record in the list. The only other way I can think of is to loop through the list comparing the Key, and then extract the Spec.

I don't know if it's more efficient to use lookup or loop.

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General :: Populate Unbound Textbox With Combo Box After Update Event

Nov 13, 2012

I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.

In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:

Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)

However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.

Is there a possible solution to this?

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Change Properties On Event

Apr 19, 2006

ciao people
i've been looking around for days, hope u can solve my problem!

my form is made up of several combo boxes
i wanna write a code which after a selection in any combo box sets the properties of the latter as follow: enabled NO and locked YES (just the opposite of the default value)

can u please help me?

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Change Properties On Event

Apr 19, 2006

ciao people
i've been looking around for days, hope u can solve my problem!

my form is made up of several combo boxes
i wanna write a code which after a selection in any combo box sets the properties of the latter as follow: enabled NO and locked YES (just the opposite of the default value)

can u please help me?

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On Change Event In Form

Sep 29, 2005

I have a field (AR#) that has an "on change" event. This is supposed to check through the database and see if that number has been here before (it's like a job # / serial #). It had always worked fine - now suddenly this field, and this field only, reacts VERY, VERY slowly when you type a number in. You can type the number and wait about 5 seconds for it to show up. When I removed the event - it acted normally so I think it has to do with that. Here's the vb for the event:

Private Sub AR__Change()
Dim db As Database
Dim Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strAR As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
strAR = Me.AR_.Text
Set Rst = db.OpenRecordset("repairs", dbOpenDynaset)
Rst.FindFirst "[AR#] = '" & strAR & "'"
If Rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("This value it is already in the system !")
End If
End Sub

Any ideas why it's reacting so slow or what I should look for?

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Forms :: Access 2010 - No RTF For Textbox

Jun 12, 2014

I am using Access 2010 and have a form based upon a query (qry_student). In tihs query I have a field called Details that contains the student's address; a composite of the relevant fields from the table tbl_student. I have used chr(13) & chr(10) to create linebreaks wihtin the query field.

I have a textbox where the Control Source is set to this field of the query.

The textbox does not display the data correct and I believe this is because it is in Plain Text mode.

When I try to change it to Rich Text I get an error message.

If I remove the control source then I can change it to Rich Text but then this negates the very purpose of the textbox.

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Change The Built-in Right-click Event Of An ActiveX Control

Mar 13, 2008

I am using an active x control that when you right click on it, it automatically pops up an "About" box showing information about the control. I wouldn't object to this, but I need to use the right mouse down event for another purpose in my program. So far I have discovered that the code I put in the the event works, but only after the "About" box pops up. Is there anyway to cancel or prevent the popup? The reason that I need the right mouse down event is because is that I am already using the left mouse double click event, and I can't use the left mouse down event because then it always fires before the left mouse double click event. This control doesn't have any single click events. Ideas?

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