Forms :: Chart A Row In A Form Instead Of Columns

Dec 11, 2014

I'm a bit stuck on creating a chart in Access 2010. Not sure if I've set my table up right or not

Here's my table design

And the input form

My data is laid out like so

When I insert a chart though, I'm lost. It's like it's totally ignoring my data. The data isn't mine, it says east, north and west like a 'default preview chart'. The row source is

SELECT [student_id],Count(*) AS [Count] FROM [tblProgressLevels] GROUP BY [student_id];

Which means nothing to me I've managed to get most of the other stuff figured out, but these charts are confusing me.


What I want it to do is show how the student is progressing but I've got it all back to front I think. How could I lay my data out so I have a single English column, a single maths and a single science and they still go up in terms like my form shows; they're all in the same table at the moment laid out the same way as I set up the English tracking.

I also just realised I'm trying to chart alphanumeric values stupid boy... Can Access do a conversion where I make a lookup table so that 1c = 1, 1b = 2, 1a = 3, 2c = 4, 2b = 5 etc. or would a query work?

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Reports :: Stacked Bar Chart - How To Customize Order Of The Columns

Mar 12, 2014

I am using Access 2007-2010 and I was able to create a report but now I want to include a stacked bar in it.

My report shows one record at a time, so the values for my chart change accordingly. The chart should have four columns: Student, Homemaker, Retired, Employed I have assigned a colour for each category in "Edit" mode (by clicking separately on each column). However, sometimes the results don't show all four values and then my stacked chart only has 3 categories, but I would like it to show the missing category and just have value as 0. But most importantly the colours get all messed up. Can I permanently assign a color for each column?

Also the order is not how I want it to show. Right now it's in alpha can i customize the order of the columns?

I tried doing this in datasheet - saved; but when I switch to a report view - everything changes back...

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Can Form UseMicrosoft Excel Chart Instead Of Microsoft Chart Wizard

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a chart in a form, this is not a problem, however, the chart types available are a bit limited compared to if i inserted a Microsoft Excel Chart object.

I'd do that except I'm trying to create a chart based on a query.

Is there a way to make the chart wizard use the Microsoft Excel Chart object as its chart creator so I have access to the chart types available in that object?

any assistance much appreciated.

thanks all.



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Forms :: Pie Chart In A Form

Aug 6, 2013

I have a small application for booking cars into a Garage.

Date in: 6.8.2013
Brief: Full Service
Approx. time: 4 hrs

Next car : 6.8.2013
Brief : Brake pads
Approx. time: 2 hrs.

Workshop capacity on any day -16 hrs.

Now my customer would like to look at a pie Chart, per date, showing 16 hrs green and 6 hrs red, so that if he can see at a glance if he still has capacity for more cars on any certain day. I can insert a Chart, but not sure how to make it do what I want.

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Forms :: Chart In Form Skipping First Row Of Data

Sep 11, 2014

I have a chart in a form which gets its data from a cross-tab query. The chart was working fine and still is besides the fact the it is skipping the first row of data, or reading/treating it as a header. I had this problem before and the only way i could get around it was to re-create the charts. As there are many charts i want to avoid doing this again and find out why this is happening to prevent it happening again.

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Forms :: Opening A Form Pivot Chart From A Button?

Mar 22, 2013

I made a form pivot chart. When I open it by going to forms and opening, it opens in the pivot chart view. However, I created a button on a switchboard form for easy access to this pivot chart form and when it opens from the button it is in form view and not pivot chart view. How can I get it to open in pivot chart view from this button so that the users don't have to keep switching it to pivot chart view manually?

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Forms :: Error 1907 When Placing Chart Control Within A Form

Nov 3, 2014

I have just tried experimenting with placing a Chart control within a form (Access 2010). Although the chart ultimately seems to work (based on my one simple example), I'm getting an Error 1907 (Could not register font.......) each time I launch the database or reload or edit the form.

This error message is itself contained within a "Configuration Progress" screen for MS Office Prof + 2010 which seems to complete if I select Ignore the error message but runs again each time the database is launched (with the same error message showing up part way through). I am logged on as Administrator.

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Forms :: Can't Get Columns On A Form To Resize

Apr 4, 2015

I can't get my columns on a form to resize and have the rest of the columns move along with it. So e.g. if I have a form with headers and under that a couple of records, I want to resize the middle of three columns. If I select the column and then select, with shift, also the column header, I can resize the column. But the column on the right side doesn't move along with it. So I have to reposition every column after the resized one.How can I get Access to pick up that I want to move the other columns too?

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Forms :: Hide Columns On Datasheet Of Split Form

Jun 3, 2015

I am pretty new to VBA and I am having the same problem of hiding and un-hiding columns on a datasheet of a split form. I am building a system that will be used in front of customer and therefore wish to hide columns that contain cost sensitive data. The same forms need to be able to show the Sales Rep the hidden columns simply by ticking a box. Basically a toggle on and off of hidden columns.

I have been playing around with the code below (which i found in another forum) to hide the Field called COO when I click the tick box called chkHIdeFields check box. This works on a Single form but not on a datasheet of a split form.

Private Sub chkHideFields_Click()
' Note: vbTrue = -1
If Me.chkHideFields = vbTrue Then
Me.COO.Visible = True
Else: Me.COO.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

I have been able to hide the column of my split form by using the ColumnHidden property of the On Load event just as a proof of concept that the ColumnHidden property actually works to hide a column, which it does. This is the code that im using to hide the column called COO.

Me.COO.ColumnHidden = True

However if I then set it to = False and then close and open the form, it doesn't unhide the column. the only way I can unhide the column is to do it from the Form view via the un-hide dialogue pop up box.

I have two issues here, the first one is getting the form to recognize when to hide and when to show the column of the datasheet on the split form and the second is to get the code to for the check box method.

Lastly once I get it working for 1 field I need to be able to define a list of 7 or 8 other fields all at the same time.

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Forms :: Position Of Columns In Table Below A Split Form

Dec 3, 2013

I've created several Split forms that have the data input fields in the form with the relevant query datasheet shown below. As you tab through the form fields, the various cells in the datasheet are highlighted and move across the data row (as one would expect!). I want to put a particular field / Column at the start of the datasheet so that it's always available for view, but it seeme that what ever I do the column ends up back at the very far end of the data row!

I've sussed out the "Freeze Fields" facility which will keep the first column visable whichever cell is highlighted across the data row.

The column I want as the first column currently sits at the far end of the data row. So far I have dragged the row to the first column position; I've arranged the Query driving the form so that the column is at the front of the row, both in design view and in datasheet view, but to no avail. Everything I do to put the column at the start of the row in the datasheet shown below the form ends up with it back at the far end of the row the next time I open the form.

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Forms :: Access 2007 / Summing Columns To Populate A Form?

Aug 13, 2013

Im working in Access 2007.

So i have query based on 1 table that populates a Form. The primary key for that table is Entity ID. Therefore once the query has been run I have multiple records that i can scroll through in my form distiguished by their Entity ID.

I have a second table that has a Entity ID column, AFE Available column, and many others. The primary key for this table is called Match ID. This table contains records that have the same Entity ID.

My goal is to display on the form the Sum of the "AFE Availible" for each Entity ID. so as you scroll through the records the Entity ID is changing and you are able to see a the Specific "AFE Availible" Sum related to the current Record showing on the form.

I couldn't figure out a way to have a query based off both tables where the records are only uniquely defined by the Entity ID in Budget Info. What was happening is the query was displaying all the records that had the same Entity ID because of the AFE Spent table. That way when you scroll through the records the form shoes records with the same entity id.

Maybe im doing it all wrong and you dont need the tables attached to the same query. That would make it easier i think. So you would have two queries populating different text boxes on a form. Is that even possible?

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Limit Chart To Date Range / Chart Isn't Updating

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with a chart , 2 textboxes for start date and end date and a button to filter the data( filter the data by date range) How do i continue from that? The chart isnt updating.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Going Over 100%?

May 9, 2014

I am writing in access 2007 and want to make a trend analysis chart based upon performance date.

I have created a query using 3 criteria from a table - date, client and performance percentage.

I've then put this into a pivotchart no problem BUT as some clients have more than one entry per day its giving me figures over 100%.

Is there a way to exclude multiple entries for any given date while retaining the other criteria ?

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Forms :: Pivot Chart For Report?

Oct 16, 2013

We have a chart that is showing jobs by customer. I'd prefer it be in a pie chart but it's way too many to read. We changed it to a bar which is much easier to read but it displays the percentages as 100% for everything.

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Forms :: Chart With Two Y Axis In MS Access

Jan 29, 2015

i have two charts in ms access and i want to combine these two charts in one chart. do you know how i can have two y-axis in ms access charts with two fields for data area.

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Forms :: Scrolling Line Chart

May 19, 2013

I've developed an Access 2003 database (split) and so far so good. The main thing I'm not happy about is that I can't (or maybe don't know how) to implement a horizontal scroll bar with a line chart. I thought it would be a matter of selecting the option in a Graph but seems not. So I'm left with just selecting Top 50 records and plotting them.How could the MS Access team not know that people would want this or am I missing something? to get a scrollable line chart.

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Chart On Form

Aug 26, 2004


I am trying to get a chart to work on a form,

I want the 'Results' to be the data shown (lines),
over the date range (bottom),
with value range (left)

I can't get it to do this though...

can someone please help....


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Forms :: How To Paste Export Chart To Word

Jul 17, 2015

i have a form which displays 2 charts, i am able to export them to word document but i donot know how to paste them one after the other. currently they get printed one over the other.

here is the code :


Private Sub cmd_Print_Click()
Dim MyChartObj As Object
Dim MyLineObj As Object
Set MyChartObj = [Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm]![Graph_Chart]
Set MyLineObj = [Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm]![Graph_Line]
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy


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Forms :: Pivot Chart Decimal Displayed

Jul 17, 2013

I have a pivot chart that has site locations, and hours on the bottom, and then count of records with each site. Which is how many people used this site during this time for each bar. My problem is when I generate my pivot chart, every single time I have to fix the scale on the right hand side because it has decimal points in it. They only appear when I add dates/times to it.I want to give this to my boss that has access runtime, so all he has to do is click the button to get the chart and then print or send it off. How do I get rid of those decimal points when the report is generated?

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Forms :: Chart Not Working From Combo List?

Dec 5, 2013

I have a chart I am trying to create that pulls data from a table. It pulls from a list of about 7 items. The issue I have is when I do this it is showing the ID numbers in the legend and not the actual names>

How do I fix this.

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Forms :: Refresh Chart Data Automatically

Oct 27, 2013

I have a number of charts that correspond to form fields. Once the fields are filled out and the form is saved I want the data automatically to update in the chart. I tried inserting a button to allow the user to manually do it, but it says that it is unavailable. The charts update when i click refresh, however I dont want the user to have to do this.

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Thermometer Chart On Form

Jun 30, 2005

I am using a one column chart on a form (unbound object) which references a query that sums a field in my table that tracks monetary amounts. As I enter records and go to the next record the chart does not update. It only updates when I close and then open the form. Has anyone had experience using this type of chart on a form and had it update after each record was entered?


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Create A Chart On A Form

Dec 6, 2006

i have about 1500 records in my database and i want to display a bar chart for each record, i can tryed creating one but when i try adding the months it says i only can add 6 fields but i want to include each month not just 6 months in the chart, this is an on going database so in the future there will be more months added. here is the picture of the form i want to be able to show 2005 and 2006 figues in the same chart

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Forms :: Display Pie Chart Which Is Not Linked To Table / Query?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a status form which I use to show users the progress of various routines as they are performed. It's pretty basic; just a textbox and a couple of coloured labels; one for the outline ('things to be done') and one for the progress so far ('things done').

I have a function which I call periodically during the runtime of the routine which passes as arguments the text to display in the textbox (i.e. a description of which 'thing' is being worked on at that time) and two long integers representing what is 'done' and what is 'to be done' (i.e. 3 'things' done out of a total of 7)

So if I can divide a function into 7 distinguishable 'parts', I would call that function 7 times during the life of the overall process to show the updated status each time.

The function redraws the labels (i.e. sets the width of the 'done' label as a proportion of the width of the 'to be done' label, based on the ratio of the two arguments) and repaints the form. So you get a nice animated progress bar which can be easily controlled by calling the same function and just incrementing the 'done' argument each time.

Now - and admittedly this is purely aesthetic and for my own curiosity rather than anything fundamental - I was wondering if it were possible to represent this progress as a 3D pie chart rather than a horizontal bar (label)?

For no other reason than I think it would look really tidy.

I know it's possible to add a chart object to a form but the chart wizard insists I link the chart to a table or query. In this instance, I don't want to do that; I merely want to draw a very basic pie chart based on the two values passed as arguments to the status function.

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Forms :: Non Alphabetical Order Of X-Axis Label On A Chart

Jan 4, 2015

I have inserted a bar chart onto a form using a totals query. The query is grouped by days on stock, eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc. which is therefore the labels on the x-axis.

The chart displays the correct data, however, the chart automatically displays the categories on the x-axis in alphabetical order... '0-30', '120-180', '30-60' etc.. Is there anyway to adjust this order to be eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc?

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Legend Labels Show SUM

Aug 27, 2014

How do I change the legend labels of a pivot chart form so that it doesn't show the words "sum of" in front of my description. I am using access 2007.

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