Forms :: Chart In Form Skipping First Row Of Data

Sep 11, 2014

I have a chart in a form which gets its data from a cross-tab query. The chart was working fine and still is besides the fact the it is skipping the first row of data, or reading/treating it as a header. I had this problem before and the only way i could get around it was to re-create the charts. As there are many charts i want to avoid doing this again and find out why this is happening to prevent it happening again.

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Prevent User From Skipping Records In Continuous Form During Data Entry

Nov 21, 2006

I have a main form with several continuous subforms. Each subform consists of several listbox controls. I would like to require the user to select an item from the listbox before being allowed to move to the next record in the subform, and upon reaching the last record in that continuous subform, to require an entry there in order to move to the first record in the next cont. subform.

As an added bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, to automatically jump the focus from one record to the next after data is entered. But my basic goal is to avoid skipping records.

Caveat: I cannot use the "required" option in the field to which the control is bound because that field has a default value previously entered using an append query. (The default value basically means "not yet entered" and is not one of the options in the listbox. I am using this because this field is a foreign key in the table, thus it must have a value in order to have a record with which to populate the subform.)

My apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but I've searched and, while I found a few related threads, they don't quite answer my question. Here they are for reference:

Thanks for any help! Also, if you are going to recommend VB code, could you be specific about how and where I should use it? I'm not afraid of code, but I'm definitely new to it...

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Modules & VBA :: Append Data From One Table To Another - Skipping Duplicates

Mar 12, 2015

I have two tables, tblCandidate and tblNewHire. I am trying to transfer candidates to tblNewHire based on the date they are hired. However, I would like the database to skip any records that are already in tblNewHire, just in case someone inadvertently puts in the wrong date when running the query.

I created an append query (SQL below) but this enters the data regardless of duplication. I need to be able to check both SSN and LastName against the new table and can't set either one to be unique values as it's possible there could be two candidates with the same last name.

Any way to do this by creating a recordset and looping through to check for dupes.

INSERT INTO tblNewHire ( SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Phone, Email, EOD, HiringMechanism )
SELECT tblCandidate.SSN, tblCandidate.FirstName, tblCandidate.MiddleName, tblCandidate.LastName, tblCandidate.Phone, tblCandidate.Email, tblCandidateTracking.ActionDate, tblCandidateTracking.HireMechanism
FROM tblCandidate INNER JOIN tblCandidateTracking ON tblCandidate.SSN = tblCandidateTracking.SSN
WHERE (((tblCandidateTracking.ActionDate)=[forms]![frmNewHireMain]![txtEODDate]) AND ((tblCandidateTracking.LastAction)="EOD"));

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Forms :: Refresh Chart Data Automatically

Oct 27, 2013

I have a number of charts that correspond to form fields. Once the fields are filled out and the form is saved I want the data automatically to update in the chart. I tried inserting a button to allow the user to manually do it, but it says that it is unavailable. The charts update when i click refresh, however I dont want the user to have to do this.

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Forms :: Embedded Chart OLE Not Plotting Data Correctly

Aug 8, 2013

I am using Access 2007 with Windows XP. I have a scatter chart embedded in a form that is plotting data from a subform with a trendline that is extracted and used on the form for calculations. After having the table set up correctly and running fine, I closed the database and then reopened it to have the table plotting the data in a made up 1 to 1 relationship rather than what is in the datasheet. The only way I have been able to fix this error is to change the chart type to something else then back to a scatter plot and remake the trendline. Why this is happening and how to prevent it?

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Forms :: Access 2013 - Multiple Data Sets On Chart?

May 5, 2015

I have a simple line chart plotting price against date.

I would like to plot a secondary line on this chart from an array of data that I calculate. I've searched hi and low but can't seem to find a way of doing this.

The closest I've found is from this:-


I can create my array of data but I can't seem to get it to work and think it may be for pivot charts....which access 2013 can't do anymore.

how to plot multiple data sets on the same graph in Access 2013.

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Can Form UseMicrosoft Excel Chart Instead Of Microsoft Chart Wizard

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a chart in a form, this is not a problem, however, the chart types available are a bit limited compared to if i inserted a Microsoft Excel Chart object.

I'd do that except I'm trying to create a chart based on a query.

Is there a way to make the chart wizard use the Microsoft Excel Chart object as its chart creator so I have access to the chart types available in that object?

any assistance much appreciated.

thanks all.



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Skipping Fields Upon Opening A Form

Oct 27, 2005

I'm pretty new at this so please don't yell at my simple questions. After all they will help everyone.

The first three fields in my form are Recnum which is an autonumber field, Date, which had a default of =Date() and third Name which is contolled by a combo box. Upon opening Id like the cursor to skip down to the third field, the combo box so that entering may begin here. Is there code that must be entered in the OnOpen command to accomplish this. If so, does anyone know what that code is. Thanks, Jeff

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Forms :: Pie Chart In A Form

Aug 6, 2013

I have a small application for booking cars into a Garage.

Date in: 6.8.2013
Brief: Full Service
Approx. time: 4 hrs

Next car : 6.8.2013
Brief : Brake pads
Approx. time: 2 hrs.

Workshop capacity on any day -16 hrs.

Now my customer would like to look at a pie Chart, per date, showing 16 hrs green and 6 hrs red, so that if he can see at a glance if he still has capacity for more cars on any certain day. I can insert a Chart, but not sure how to make it do what I want.

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Skipping Locked/Open Records In A Form

Aug 25, 2005

Hi there,

I've created a database of our customers and the plan is to have a few of our members of staff working through it doing support calls - there's very little information to get written to the database - just a flag to show whether the customer has already been contacted or not.

The problem I'm having is that as there's a set call order, and as we're going to have multiple users working through it, there's nothing there to stop 2 or more users having the same record open at the same time and customer getting called more than once. I've looked into the built in access record locking, but that is not going to help much as it doesnt seem to prevent the same record being opened more than once - it just prevents them being updated.

Ideally I want the database to set a flag when a record is opened and unset it when the user moves to next record, and have the form I'm using to browse the records just skip flagged ones. However I have no idea how I would go about doing this as I've pretty much just started writing access.

Anyone able to help me here please?

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Forms :: Chart A Row In A Form Instead Of Columns

Dec 11, 2014

I'm a bit stuck on creating a chart in Access 2010. Not sure if I've set my table up right or not

Here's my table design

And the input form

My data is laid out like so

When I insert a chart though, I'm lost. It's like it's totally ignoring my data. The data isn't mine, it says east, north and west like a 'default preview chart'. The row source is

SELECT [student_id],Count(*) AS [Count] FROM [tblProgressLevels] GROUP BY [student_id];

Which means nothing to me I've managed to get most of the other stuff figured out, but these charts are confusing me.


What I want it to do is show how the student is progressing but I've got it all back to front I think. How could I lay my data out so I have a single English column, a single maths and a single science and they still go up in terms like my form shows; they're all in the same table at the moment laid out the same way as I set up the English tracking.

I also just realised I'm trying to chart alphanumeric values stupid boy... Can Access do a conversion where I make a lookup table so that 1c = 1, 1b = 2, 1a = 3, 2c = 4, 2b = 5 etc. or would a query work?

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Forms :: Opening A Form Pivot Chart From A Button?

Mar 22, 2013

I made a form pivot chart. When I open it by going to forms and opening, it opens in the pivot chart view. However, I created a button on a switchboard form for easy access to this pivot chart form and when it opens from the button it is in form view and not pivot chart view. How can I get it to open in pivot chart view from this button so that the users don't have to keep switching it to pivot chart view manually?

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Forms :: Error 1907 When Placing Chart Control Within A Form

Nov 3, 2014

I have just tried experimenting with placing a Chart control within a form (Access 2010). Although the chart ultimately seems to work (based on my one simple example), I'm getting an Error 1907 (Could not register font.......) each time I launch the database or reload or edit the form.

This error message is itself contained within a "Configuration Progress" screen for MS Office Prof + 2010 which seems to complete if I select Ignore the error message but runs again each time the database is launched (with the same error message showing up part way through). I am logged on as Administrator.

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Data Labels On A Chart

Dec 16, 2005

I'm in the middle of doing a huge survey at work. The end resut will be a report which reflects the survey answers as graphs.

The graph part I have down. There will be one graph for each question. Within each graph are three groupings: Classified, Management, Certificated. Within the groupings you will see at least three bars where each bar represents a grouping of answers.

Example: the classified grouping may have 2 bars. One bar represents 16 classified people who said "Agree" to question 11 and the other bar represents 5 classified people who said "Disagree" to question 11.

...ok, so now I have all that, but I have to have data labels on the graph. I can do that, I know where to click, but unfortunately it comes up as the actual number of people who responded this particular way (agree, disagree, etc.) and I need the data label to show up as a percentage.

Where do I make the change so that it shows the percentage of 16 classified out of 21 who said "Agree"?

Hopefully it's not too confusing. Thanks!

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Limit Chart To Date Range / Chart Isn't Updating

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with a chart , 2 textboxes for start date and end date and a button to filter the data( filter the data by date range) How do i continue from that? The chart isnt updating.

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Reports :: Sub-report Chart With No Data

Aug 27, 2014

I am working on a project that is requiring me to hide a subreport that happens to be chart graph, when the chart has no data and my problem is that I cannot seem to get the report to properly hide and show the label behind it when the data is not there. I am in need of a SQL code that will read my blank record source as a zero instead of blank. I have tried Nz, IsEmpty, and IsNull and none of them seem to work.Here is the current SQL code:

FROM Case_review
WHERE (((Case_review.[Type of Issue].Value)="Clinical"));

Here is the current VBA code (which is in event on load) for the main report:

If Me.Rpt_Clinical.Report.HasData = -1 Then
Me.Label29.Visible = False
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = True
Me.Label29.Visible = True
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = False

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Pivot Chart Using Data From More Than One Table

Dec 15, 2012

I need to create a Pivot Chart using the data from more than one table.

The main table has fields including 'Job name', 'task name' and 'hours worked'.

The second table (linked to the first by 'task name') has a field 'allocated hours'.

I would like to plot the 'total time worked' against 'allocated hours' (in a stacked bar style chart), in order to monitor time usage.

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Showing A Week Of Data In A Report Chart

Sep 27, 2004

Colm and Baxter, you've been great helps to me so far, and I will include you in the special thanks in my programming credits. I ask your help once more-

My program tracks how many calls are received per day at the office. I have a report showing a chart (thank goodness for wizards ) that lists the calls per day. This all works fine, and I was extremely proud of myself for doing so. However, after thinking about it, I realized that after a while, my client might not care to see ALL of the calls per day ALL of the time, and might wish to see maybe a week's worth or a month's worth at a time. I was thinking I could solve this by using a form to enter "from" and "to" information, but I'm not quite sure how to apply this so it would work with my report.

Also, if I can get this to work, on this same form I would like to have an option field that the user can select so that the usual options (today, this week, this month, this year, all) require only a click, rather than having to figure out what days are in this week (a tedious task, I know, but we're going for efficiency here ) but they also have the option of seeing specific dates they want.

The fields that I'm using for this are very simple- tblCustomer.CallDate and tblCustomer.LeadType, where CallDate is just a date and LeadType is a string from a lookup table that is either "Call-in" (the one I'm tracking) or "In-field".

I know this sounds like a lot of coding, but I'm sure if you could get me started, I could figure out the rest myself. It's just that the way Access does dates is so confusing to me, and I have midterms coming up and not a lot of time to figure this out by myself from scratch. Anyways, thanks for your help in advance!


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General :: Displaying Query Data In Pie Chart

Apr 8, 2014

I have some data that I want to display in a chart:

Theme Type Count(Type)
Blah1 1 5
Blah1 2 5
Blah1 3 8
Blah2 1 1
Blah3 2 5
Blah3 3 10
Blah4 1 111
Blah4 2 222
Blah4 3 333

I want to display that query data in a Pie Chart, one chart for each theme with a section of pie for each Type (with the value of the count determining the size). Unfortunately my mind has gone blank. Everything I try does not appear correctly, some queries also require an repeated entry of the parameters but even if I do that it doesn't display correctly. I think I need to write another query to the format:

Theme Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4
Blah1 5 5 8 1
Blah2 1
Blah3 5 10
Blah4 111 222 333

Is that correct and does that make sense? If it isn't correct how else do I do it?

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Skipping A Record

Nov 30, 2004

I have a report that I am pulling information by mail date. What I want to do is skip the records that are not being lasered. To see if a job is being lasered I want to check the date field Las1Due to see if it is empty, if it is then I wqant to skip that record and not print it.

I know that this sounds simple, but I can't figure it out. Can someone help me out here?


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General :: Data Label On Chart Not Showing Percentage Value

Mar 11, 2014

I created a table called weld_performance. it consist weld_id, weld_prod, total_rt, accepted, rejected, and rejection rate. from weld_prod until rejection rate, the type data is number. the rejection rate field size is Single, and Format is Percent.

Based on this table, i create a query called query1. and based on this query1, i create a chart. please see attachment pic001. as you can see the data label on the chart is showing 0.66667. but in my query1, the value is 67%. if i click the value (67%) it's change to 0.66667.

So I guess, the chart is read the 0.66667 value from the query. now what i want to ask is, how can my chart data label is shown 67% instead of 0.66667 ??

Environment: Windows 7, Ms. Access 2010

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Reports :: Chart For Annual Comparison Of Data By Months

May 18, 2014

I have a small clinic database. I've got tblAppointments to show AppointmentID and AppointmentDate among various other data, but only the dates matter for what I'm trying to achieve.

I'm trying to show a chart on a report that shows the number of appointments by months for this year and previous year. How can I do this...without using SQL, hopefully?

Here's what I tried: I made a cross-tab query to successfully show the years 2013 and 2014 in the rows, months in the columns, and number of appointments as values. But then, I didn't know how to graph it to compare the number of appointments for the two years by months.

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Reports :: MS Access Chart Only Shows Sample Data

Jul 22, 2013

I have created a chart report, but for some reasons, it only shows Sample data (East, West, North, 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3th Qtr, 4th Qtr etc). It is in Design View. If I do Print Preview, it looks fine.

How to have the Chart properly displayed in Design View?

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Due Dates Skipping Weekends

Jun 16, 2005

I have a combo box that when selected autofills a due date box. I forgot
that I needed to skip weekends and only count business day. For example if
you choose standard it adds 2 days to the date but I need it to skip
weekends. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Private Sub YourComboName_AfterUpdate()
Dim intDays As Integer
Select Case Me.YourComboName
Case "Standard"
intDays = 2
Case "Sensitive"
intDays = 5
Case Else
intDays = 10
End Select
Me.YourDateTxtbox = DateAdd("d", intDays, Date)
End Sub

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Skipping Straight To A Subform

Aug 27, 2005


I've searched the forum but haven't come across this kind of problem.

I'm creating a sale and inventory system for my mates shop. My sales form is a main for frmSalesOrders this has Order no. Date and Totals, and then I have one subform frmSalesOrdersSubform with the sales data on.

My problem is that the people using the system are used to an old system where they would skip straight to the sales data but if they do this on my form then it comes up with the error message "Index or Primary key cannot contain null value"
The three fields in my main report are automated:
SalesNumber - Autonumber
SalesDate - Will be linked by an update event
TotalValue - Sum of subform

Is there a way I can auto generate the record on the main form on entry so they can skip straight to the subform. I had two thoughts
1) some kind of code on the OnOpen event, but I couldn't come up with something that would work
2) Maybe hide the subform and have it made visible by a button on the main form and also have the update code for the date on here?

However, I'm not sure how to make either work, any ideas greatly apreciated

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Skipping Field In Tab Control

Jun 6, 2006

I have a form that has a number of checkboxes that would indicate that the data in the preceeding text field is "missing" or unavailable.

Obviously, my hope is that the use of these is limited. Is there any way to "skip" them but keep them active. In other words, forcing the user to manually point to the check box and click it - rather than tabbing over to it. The tab button should just skip to the next text field.

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