Forms :: Color Coding A Box On Access Report

Jul 2, 2013

I can use Conditional Formatting on the text to color code the record data in a report.But, I want the text to be the same color.What I'm trying to do is add a Box control from the Design Tools and color code the box depending on the value of a field in the table. The box will appear next to the record.

The field is called ReminderTypeID and there can be only two values for this field - 1 or 2.If the value is 1 I want the box's BackColor to be red. Otherwise what ever color I assign it to in design view.I've tried the following in the On Current.


If Me!ReminderTypeID = 1 Then
Me.bxCode.BackColor = RGB(186, 20, 25)
End If

I get no error messages but in all records bxCode has the same color which isn't the one I'm trying to set.

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Forms :: Coding User Login Form In ACCESS 2010

Apr 14, 2013

I have used Combo box. security_level field is the one that describes their levels and there are only two levels 1 and 2.. I have a table called User (user_ ID, User_Name, Password, Security_Level) On form there is a combo box for user name and text box for password. Two command button where one is for EXIT (Closing the application) and the second button is to run the code.

if the password in table User matches value chosen in combo box or user name and password are correct Then it should check if Security_Level of the user is equal to 1 to displays a form called Admin and when the Security_Level of the user is equal to 2 to display a form called user1.All that I want is to have a login that has two user and each user when login opens his/her own form which is different from the other user.

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Reports :: Access 2007 - Report Printing Black And White On Color Printer

Jan 21, 2014

I have a lovely report that includes a small color photograph. I'm sending the report to print on my HP Color LaserJet, but it is printing in black and white.

I can't find anything in the Properties that specifies whether this prints in color or black & white.

How to print this in color?

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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Forms :: Change Textbox Color On Form In Access 2013 For Dyslexic User

Apr 29, 2014

I have a new staff member in my office that has informed me that she has a degree of dyslexia. To assist her I've trialled changing the textboxes on one form in my Access 2013 application to a light pink color & this has instantly worked for her to read/input text.

Is there a way to automatically change each textbox to light pink on every form in my application on startup based on user login (say using an IIF statement in the OnLoad event of the startup form).

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New To Visual Basic Coding In Access

Mar 31, 2006

I am not new to Access, however I am just starting to get to the point where I need visual basic to complete some things I want to try. My question is, how do I code a button (or modify an existing one) in my form that will email the same output I get when I use a Print Report button. Here is what I have from my standard buttons:

Private Sub Save_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Save_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Save_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Prt_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Prt_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Prt_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Add_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Add_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub

Thanks in advance for any help I can get.

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Access 2000 - Colour Coding Fields?

Jan 23, 2006

Hi, I need to colour code fields in my database based on whether the data entered is a guess, derived data or factual data...

I have no idea how to do this! Apart from create a field corresponding to each field in my database with the values 1-3 in (1 for guess, 2 for derived etc) but I'm pretty sure this will dash any hopes I have of getting normal form in my database.

Anyone know an easy way to do this? As far as I know conditional formatting won't work as it's the user that tells the database what colour code to use for each field.

Thanks very much for any help you can provide.



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Creating And Populating A Table In Access With VB Coding

May 6, 2008

I have currently been given a task to re-work some current coding within Access. This is well above my understanding of Access and was hoping to get a little assistance with some simple coding language.

The database I am manipulating has data collected from tourists about their destinations and origins.

I wish to create 2 tables based on a current table. One table will be short trips (trip length <= 150km) and the other long trips (trip length < 150kms)

I wish for these tables to be created from a table of raw data upon the click of a button (GUI interface).

If you are puzzled by my question. I'll try to make it simplier by asking:

1. what line of code will create a new table overriding old
2. what type of code is required to create this table with specific column headings?
3. How do I import information from current available tables with the condition: 'Row Y' is > X

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Forms :: Form Coding For Controls?

Aug 11, 2014

I have a form (see attached) and every time someone goes to a different field I would like to change the border to red and when they leave that field to change the border back to the default color. I know I can put the code in for each fields got focus and lost focus section but would rather be able to put the code in once and for it to work for all the fields.

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VBA Coding For Forms And Command Buttons?

May 31, 2012

I have an initial start up page where someone in any division can go and select their division from a combo box. What I want them then to be able to do is click one of the forms (New Entry,Edit Entry,.....).

For the form New entry I am looking to open the form with the division name to filled into a text box. I also would like to have that box that box also correspond to a field in a the table for a new entry.

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Change Color Of Box On Report Based Off Value

Jan 29, 2014

What I'm trying to do is make it so that a certain area of my Detail area in my report changes colors based on whether or not a field name for each record is set to "Yes". The effect I wanted was produced easily enough by creating a Rectangle, coloring it Red, and setting it to not visible.

Putting RedBox.Visible = True in the Report On Load procedure works just fine. The problem I am having is attaching a condition to it.


If Me.FormatBox.Value = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

This compiles ok, but doesnt do anything to the actual report. Will it not work because the report has x amount of FormatBox's because it gets replicated for each record that is displayed? I should also note that I tried using a DL Lookup within my If statement and that didnt work either. That just colors all the boxes red and ignores the check.

Dim TestVar As String
TestVar = DLookup("Priority", "Table_Lancaster_Dispatch", "Priority = 'Yes'")
If TestVar = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

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Reports :: Export Report Without Highlight Color

May 5, 2015

I am exporting a report from access 2010 as PDF to email and the email attachment is coming highlighted. I need it to be white like the report when seen on screen with alternate rows to NO. if I export it to PDF and view it from within access it comes perfect, but when exported to an email, its coming shaded.

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Color Change Of Row Based On A Column Value In Report?

Dec 24, 2011

In MsAccess 2007,I want each row color to change based on a column value in the report.

For example: Select Name,Age,Salary from table 1 -creates 3 rows.

Name Age Salary
A 15 1000
B 25 2000
c 35 3000

if Salary column is less than 1001,row should be in red- Row 1

if Salary column is less than 2001,row should be in green -Row2

if salary is less than 3001, row should be orange-Row3 .

How to do conditional color formatting of the entire row in Msaccess2007 based on a column value of each row.

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Modules & VBA :: Report Background And Foreground Color Change

Jun 21, 2015

how to change background color of MSAccess Reports using VBA? How can I do border coloring. What are the vba codes for all color options like light green, light blue etc. How to change the font type to bold etc using vbaI did some changes to text box coloring in Detail Section on format click event.

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Forms :: Auto Numbering Access Report Forms

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to auto number a report form.

I have attached my database for a better understanding of what I am trying to do.

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About MS Access And Color Codes

May 11, 2006

Sometimes the simplest of questions can be the hardest to find the answer to. I have spent the last 2 hours searching for the answer to this one. I'm sure it's on this site somewhere but the search is running way to slow for me to be of any use.

What exactly does the numeric color codes in VBA represent? I have downloaded a score of color pickers. utilities and none use these numbers in the way Access does. Ideally, I'd like to find a utility that will allow me to specify a particular color and then give me the corresponding code for that color.


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MS Access Barchart Color Change Using VBA

Nov 14, 2011

I have created a MS Access barchart by running a query. X axix has user name and y axis has counts. I would like to change every bar's color based on the x axis user name value .Is there a way to do that using vba code in MS Access barcharts.

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Change Color On Excel Sheet From Access

Nov 15, 2007


I have access query opening in excel. After it opens i would like everywher where where is says "no", to make next 2 cells BLUE.

The code below is doing it, but it's taking few minutes.
is there any way to speed it up ?

'shading non-matching items
With objActiveWkb.Worksheets("Reconciliation Sheet").Range("b5:ak500")
Set c = .Find("No", , , xlWhole, , , True)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
sAddress = c.Address
c.Offset(, -2).Resize(, 3).Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
c.Offset(, -2).Resize(, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 33
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> sAddress
End If
End With

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General :: Change Access Background Color

Aug 18, 2014

I'm using the sample that I found here at Lebans site. URL....I'm trying to find a way to keep the color that I picked after the database closes. I tried to follow the example here URL....but couldn't get it to to get the color to stay on the color that was picked from the dialog box?

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Forms :: Can Make A Color A String Value

Oct 28, 2013

I'm new to VBA - Access but just dangerous enough to get in trouble. Is there a way to make a variable with the code below? I've been scouring the net all day and can't find answer. What I would like to do is make all the "cirsize1" be a string. Particularly the "Me.cirsize1.ForeColor". if I use the "cs" string it works fine with the Me.cirsize1 = 0 (ie "If cs = 0") This is just a snippet of the code.

Private Sub cirqty1_AfterUpdate()
Dim cs As String
cs = Me.cirsize1
If Me.cirqty1 > 0 Then 'if there is a quantity greater than 0 in circle qty and
If Me.cirsize1 = 0 Then 'if there is 0 in circle size
Me.cirsize1.ForeColor = vbRed 'then make the circle size 0 red
Me.txtCirIPM1 = 0
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Toggle Box That Changes Color Font?

Aug 2, 2013

I created a form that has about 200 fields and all the fields are utilized at a point depending on the work order assigned to us. I wanted to know if it's possible to put like a toggle box or a check box etc. next to the field so if it is checked it would be in a Dark color and the ones not utilized are in a shade of gray. All the fields are coming from the same table. Another thing it's an estimate worksheet so a row would have something like, Labor, QTY, HRs, Overtime, total as columns, so I would want a check box to have control over those but one for each row, EX contractor, locksmith.

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Forms :: Set Default Alternate Row Color

Jul 29, 2015

Is there a way to permanently set the alternate row color in access, so that whenever you create a form it will always be what I want.I know that I can make a template and always use the template, but I would prefer to just change the access settings if that is an option.I checked the access settings but couldn't see an option to do this.Also if you can set sub-form's to always have a transparent border, so that you don't have to change it every time you add a sub-form to a form.

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Forms :: Memo Field Has Color

Jan 14, 2015

I have just noticed that one of my forms (memo field) with copied text from internet has lots of different color letters when the text is highlighted.

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Queries :: MS Access - Selected Query To Appear In Color And Bold

Mar 24, 2013

I have this Access file with Tables & Queries.

I want selected queries to appear in RED colour and if possible BOLD too.

Possible ?

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Forms :: Changing Picture Color In Accordance With Value

Oct 10, 2013

Not sure if this is can be done: I have a picture and I want to change its color in accordance with values in another textBox. Is that possible? if Yes, then what would be the procedure and the codes?

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Forms :: Change Color With Conditional Formatting

Oct 18, 2013

I have a subform that is purely to display information (no edits will be made on it). The subform has a special color on it (company color) that I can not deviate from. My problem is the first record in the subform (displayed as a continuous form) gets the focus. The font is white and standard access has a white background. My end goal would be to elimnate the focus for any record in the subform (if it is possible). I know that I could change the color with conditional formatting but the colors in conditional formatting do not match the company color.

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