Forms :: Combo Box - Can Auto Dropdown To A Specific Row From Hidden ID

Apr 23, 2013

I have a combo box that I normally type the start of a Surname and it auto drops down from underlying database ID is now show in col count, only 1st two.

Surname Name ID
jones/k kelly 33333
smith/m max 12345
smith/m monty 98765
white/t tom 55555

smith/m will short list to the two above, I can mouse click or arrow down to the 2nd one Press enter & its knowa the corresponding ID (= surname.Column(2)) and goes to the correct record.

What I am trying to do, is from another part of my program, eg an incoming email with the corresponding Surname, Name & ID Automatically go to this main booking form, auto enter surname "smith/m" - which is fine, the list shortens but It goes to the first matching on the list, ie max.

Is there a way to get it to go to monty using the ID 98765 which is unique.

Perhaps an odd request but actually nice to book each time through this same main form, I actually also want it to do the same from incoming phone calls, It can get the unique ID ok but can see a way for the combo box to jump to the correct & only row from underlying register.

Bit worried about trying to change the underlying select statement that the combo seems to be based on, perhaps this is the way forward but not sure how to do this & don;t want to risk messing the most important & already functioning well normal entry style.

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Forms :: Limit Dropdown List To Specific Record

Mar 24, 2015

I have a list of customers. [ID] on (Form1)

I click_on their name [ID] that opens a dialogue (Form2 )specific to them.

I have a table of several dates with the relevant [ID]

I want a dropdown box on Form2 that only shows the dates for that specific customer[ID]

Ive tried [Form2].[ID] in the criteria of the ID field in the query for the dropdown data source.

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Forms :: How To Reorder Displayed Columns In Combo Box Dropdown List

Jan 10, 2015

I'm a newbie with Access, how to reorder the displaying of the columns in a Combo Box dropdown list of have in my Access 2007 application.

The columns that are being displayed are (in the current order):

Part Name
Unit Price

I want the order to be the following:

Part Name
Unit Price

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Forms :: Data From Multiple Fields In Same Record In Combo Box Dropdown

Mar 12, 2013

Access 2010

I have a form bound to a table which has 20 (name)fields and 1 date per record. A user fills in this form first to indicate which people are present this day. I know it would be better to use 1 name per record but that would in this case not work since the form must show all names for that day before saving and closing.

I have a different form where I use 4 combo boxes and a date field. The values that can be selected in the combo boxes should come from the 20 names on the first form and with the same date as the other form. So only 4 people of the 20 indicated as present on that day can be selected to have performed some task.

I know how to select with a combo box from different records, but how would I do it from different fields in the same record? And then also for a particular date?

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Forms :: Auto Sum If Specific Values Come Up Within A Form

Jun 24, 2015

I am trying to have a field auto sum if specific values come up within a form. The form is a survey. Total all number zeros, total all 1's, 2's etc. so that I get a discrete value total for each option.


Q1) 1 Q9) 0
Q2) 1 Q10) 1
Q3) 0 Q11) 2
Q4) 2
Q5) 1
Q6) 1
Q7) 3
Q8) 1

Total Number occurrences

Total 0's= 2
Total 1's= 6
Total 2's= 2
Total 3's= 1

Each question in the above example is a field within the same Form. Each total is its own field.

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Comdo Box - Auto DropDown

Mar 27, 2008

Is there a way that I can get an "automatic dropdown" when I start to type in my selection?

I have a combo box that works fine but I don't want the user to have to click on the dropdown arrow to expand the list.


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Display Specific Records In A Subform Using A Dropdown List

Apr 12, 2005

Hi to all,
I developed a database where I keep all the problems that I face and their solutions along with its category.

Now I want to have a form that when I choose each category, I should have all its records.

I heard that I should implement this by using a subform but I couldn't manage. With a search at the topics I've seen that I should use a macro but I don't know how to implement it.

Possibly after the lookup field I should have an After Update function but how can I connect it with the subform?

ex. at category "hardware: floppy" i have 2 records and i want to see only these, and when i choose category "hardware: hard disk" to have other 5 records of that category

Help plz?

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Forms :: Click Button To Open Dropdown To Open Record The Filters By Dropdown

Jul 28, 2014

I currently have a button that opens a report. the report pulls from a query that has parameters set to "fromdate" and "todate". instead of using dates and parameters that pop up as blank text boxes, I would like to click the button, have a form pop up with a combo box to select all of the options available (currently 23 options) and then click a button to make a report that only displays the record (1-23) selected. I do not need any time constraints because as the databases get updated with more records, there would be more than 23 options to choose from.

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Forms :: Using One Dropdown List Box To Display A Selecting In Another Dropdown List Box?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a form where I have two drop down list box.The first list box is called Transaction_Type. It contains three values: Created, Allocated and Sold

The second list box is called Product_Status. It contains 6 items: Allocated, Produced, Reworked, Shipped, To Be Produced, Unallocated.

I have a products form. When a user created more inventory they will selected in the drop down list create, then a quantity. Then I would like the status of the product to update to "Unallocated".

When the user placed an order but doesn't finish it they will choose the status of the inventory to be allocated so I would like the product status to be updated to allocated automatically.

They other status the user will choose them self and do not need to be linked to each other.

In my vba code I have tried with the OnClick and AfterUpdate sub procedures with the following code.

If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Created" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Unallocated"
End If
If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Allocated" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Allocated"
End If

Yes when i select "created" from the drop down list it does not change product_status to say "unallocated"

(in using access 2007)

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Stopping A Dropdown On A Combo Box

Jan 4, 2005

Quick question, (and hopefully a quick and easy answer).

I have a check box and a combo box. If the check box is not checked and a user clicks on the combo box, I have a message box that pop ups and informs the user that he/she must click the check box first. However, after they ok the message box, my combo box shows it's dropdown list.

Is there a way to stop the dropdown from occurring when they click on the combo box?

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Combo Box Auto Select

Sep 3, 2014

I using access 2010 and I am trying to code (VBA) one of my combo box to auto select if another combo box consist of multiple selections. So for example I have a multi select combo box that has a list of departments and based on what the user selects I want the other combo box to automatically select itself if one or more of the department in the first combo box is selected:


Combo Box 2
Clinical (Auto Select)

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General :: Combo Box Dropdown List

Nov 15, 2012

With Access 2000, for the On Focus event, typing Me!MyCombobox.Dropdown displays the entries in the drop down list. With 2007 the list appears momentarily and then disappears. Is there a way to keep the list from disappearing

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Forms :: Run Specific Queries And Open A Report Using Combo Boxes

Jul 30, 2013

I have a form which runs specific queries and opens a report using combo boxes, these work perfectly fine if I just try to run them in the form. I have put the form into a navigation form and if I try to run the same query I get parameter queries popping up instead of just running the query and opening the report.

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Forms :: Auto Populated Text Box From Combo Box Value

May 8, 2013

I have a form for 2800 different records. I want to auto populate 4 text boxes based on the value of 1 combo box but when I change the data on 1 form, all the forms show the same data. I want to be able to able to change the data on each form and save separately.I have Table with Tech Initials(PK), Full Name(689), CellNum(691), TestGaugeSN(630) and Cal Exp Date(632). Want to use Tech Initials to populate the rest.

Here's what I'm using:

Private Sub Combo687_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text689 = Me.Combo687.Column(1)
Me.Text691 = Me.Combo687.Column(2)
Me.Text630 = Me.Combo687.Column(3)
Me.Text635 = Me.Combo687.Column(4)
End Sub

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Forms :: Combo Box / Text Box Auto-Populate

Oct 14, 2013

I have 5 combo boxes that all cascade into the next, and then when the last combo box is updated from the drop down list, it auto-populates a text box. My issue is that I have a second text box that needs to be auto-populated from the same data table based on what has been entered into the 5 combo boxes and the first text box. I've tried creating parameters and setting a lookuprecord macro in my main table and then using a returnvars RunDataMacro on the actual form, but it says, "Invalid list or query reference 'BillingDataQuery'." I'm not sure if it's because I'm not setting that RunDataMacro on the wrong combo box, or if I've written it incorrectly...

I did this same technique (based on directions in a post from this forum) on another combo box that populates five text boxes and it works just fine, but I don't know how to get this to work based on what's populated in 5 combo boxes to auto-populate the last text box.

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Forms :: Combo Box And Auto Filling Fields

Jul 6, 2015

MS Access 2010

I have a form "Admin" used to create new records in a table "RCJ"

I have a table called "Projects" that contains detailed information for projects.

I have a table called "Waterfall" that contains basic information and schedule information for each particular project.

I have a combo box "Contract" that selects information based on a query "Core" that gathers certain information I want to use of form "Admin"

I understand it's generally not a good idea to duplicate data in tables, but for specific reasons I am here. My combo button "Contract" has an event "On Click" that gathers information I want copied from table "Waterfall" via query "Core" is:

Private Sub Lookup1_Click()

Me![Project Description] = Lookup1.Column(1) =>goes to a text box
Me![TContract] = Lookup1.Column(3) => goes to a text box
Me![Requestor] = Lookup1.Column(5) => goes to a combo box
Me![AEM] = Lookup1.Column(4) => goes to a combo box
Me![AE] = Lookup1.Column(6) => goes to a combo box
Me![Priority] = Lookup1.Column(12) => goes to a combo box
End Sub

Now, the items listed above are sometimes just a text box and sometimes a combo box (because there are times, when items get entered that don't fit the original combo box.

Now, here's the rub. When I select the pull down on the combo box it lists all available projects. You find the one you want and select it. At that point, only Columns 1 (text box) and 6 (combo box) auto fill. The other information does not fill in .. BUT, if I more to the prior record and back, all information shows up OR if I click on any of the particular fields, the information shows up in that field. In theory, everything should show up right away.

I thought it might be because it doesn't like to autofill a combo box, but one of the combo boxes fills fine. And all of the information is acutally going to the various boxes, it just doesn't show up right away.

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Combo Not Accepting Selected Dropdown Item

Jun 5, 2005


I have a frmServiceOrder form that has a "datasheet type" sfrmSOItem subform with a combo box that allows a user to select service order items...

When I select a service order item in the dropdown, it doesnt place the item in the record...I have to select it a 2nd time in order to make it appear in the record. However, if I select the item by typing (i.e., via autofill) and hit the enter key, the item will populate in the record the 1st time.

I suspect it has something to do with my query joins. I hav played with various combinations and cant find a solution...

Any clues?

Thank you.

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Forms :: Auto Pop / Fill Based On Combo Box In A Form

Oct 22, 2014

I have created a form based off of one table. I have added an unbound combo box so a user can select a department's number and would like department name and accountable officer to auto pop/fill based on the dept number selection. I'm not sure what I need to put in the "After Update" in the properties in order for this to work.

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Forms :: Auto-fill Data Based On Combo Box?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a combo box that autofills a text box, this has duplicate values and I want to fill the text box based on the selection of the combo box.

Let me explain:The combobox is Suburb, the text box is for Postcode, the data has multiple matches for example FRANKLIN has a postcode match of 2913 in ACT and also 7113 in TAS.

From the combo box I select the record that matches 7113 but 2913 enters into the text box.

This is my code: In Row source of the combo box I have - SELECT [Australian Postcodes].Locality, [Australian Postcodes].Pcode, [Australian Postcodes].State FROM [Australian Postcodes];

In Event on change I have -

Private Sub Suburb_Change()
Me.Postcode = Me.Suburb.Column(1)
End Sub

how to change this to be based on the selected record from the combo box?

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Having Forms With Auto-complete / Combo Box Option For Cells?

Dec 18, 2012

I am building a database to store student assessment information. I have a table with student information, a table with teacher information, and tables which will store the student's scores on a certain assessments.

Q1: I have a field in the assessment table for Teacher ID and Student ID which are linked to their respective tables. What I want to do is create a form for inputting the assessment data but the fields for teacher ID and Student ID to auto-complete or be combo boxes, I don't care which. That is, when a person is entering a student's scores, and go to enter their ID, they won't have to type the whole number out and hope they dont make any mistakes, they will essentially have a list of choices to choose from. Or as they type, the corresponding number will filter down. I already have refferential integrity on so that they can't enter an invalid ID in either field but I want them to have the choice.

Q2: In an assessments table, there is a 1-1 correspondence btw student ID's because only one student can have one score on a particular assessment. However, clearly one teacher can be tagged to several student's assessment scores. Any better way to tag the teacher to multiple student's scores without having fields in the assessment table for teacher ID which is repeated multiple times.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Text Boxes Based On Value From Combo Box

May 16, 2013

I have a form called frmPO based on a table called tblPO One of the fields in tblPO is linked to the field idAddress in the table tblAddresses

The following fields exist in both tblAddresses and tblPO

The form contains controls for these fields on tblPO. I would like to give the user the choice to either enter a shipping address manually, or selecting a preregistered address from tblAdresses. For this I would like a combo box showing the values of idAddress. I f a user selects a preregistered shipping address, I would like the form to fill the rest of the fields based on the value of this control.

My understanding is that I should set a BeforeUpdate event to set the values of the different controls, unfortunately my command of VBA amounts to 0.

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Forms :: Auto Populate A Text Box Based On Selection Of A Combo Box

May 24, 2013

I have two tables: tblWeightTickets and tblWasteType.

I want to create a form: frmWeightTickets, where a user can enter information and the data is stored in tblWeightTickets.

There are two fields in particular that I am working on ... "WasteType" and "Rate".

On the form, I want "WasteType" to be a combobox "cboWasteType" and when I select a type of waste I want the "Rate" textbox on the same form to auto populate with the rate amount for that particular type of waste (i.e. recycling, garbage, etc).

The Rate amount is located in the table: tblWasteType under the field name "Rate". How can I do this and at the same time store the information in the tblWeightTickets? I already have the combo box loaded with the types of waste - I just need it to populate the rate text box and store it in the Weight Tickets table.

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Reports :: Combo Box Won't Show Dropdown List In Header Area

Mar 28, 2013

I have a combo box in the header area. The record source, Bound Column are set correctly ( I know because I tested it on a form ). In this instance, the user would select from the dropdown list, the name of a member of staff, based on the click-event, and passing the Staff_ID to a variable, this would be used to filter a recordset/recordsource for the report. However, there is no dropdown ( or arrow on combo - so no name can be selected ) ?

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date In Field Based On Selection In Combo Box

Mar 11, 2015

I'm creating a form that when the user selects the following categories in the same combo box (Date Received, Date Reviewed, Date kitted, In Work, Complete) it auto populates dates in the respective fields. As I mentioned, it's only one combo box. The dates will be spread out, so the user will change the combo box selection based on when these events occur. I already have a field for each category both on the table and form. Also, I do have multiple tables for other parts of data, but these categories all fall into the same table.

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Forms With Hidden Access

Aug 16, 2006

hello all ! here is a new challenge.

I have an application in access 2k, where i am hidden access environment using code. Because i am hidding access environment the popup and mode properties are in YES.

i have a form with a combo list, where i can select a report, 1 button to view the report , another button to print the report and another button to close the form.
Once the user has selected the report and pressed the view button the following code runs:
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportname", acViewPreview, acWindowNormal

if the user pressed print the following code runs:
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportname", acNormal

When a user wants to view a report nothing happens. the report is not open.

do any of you have an idea?

i am attaching 2 db. One where you can see the problem with hidding environment (wine_NOcode). The second db without hidding it (wine_code).
the pwd is 1.

thx very much, Max.

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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