Forms :: Combo Box Based Search

Sep 29, 2014

The idea is populate the 2 Comboboxes and year and after that query something like:

SELECT FileEntryNo, GroupCode, SubGrpName, SubGrpNo, FileNo, GroupName, Subject, NameTo, NameFrom, ConnectedFile, DocumentDate, Month,
Spelmonth, Year, Reference
FROM dbo.Files
WHERE (GroupCode LIKE 'XXX') AND (SubGrpName LIKE 'YYY') AND (Year = ZZZ)

So after the query is executed the results will be available on a third Combobox that after selecting a record will show the detail on the fields.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Forms :: Combo Box Value Based On Selection In Other Combo Box?

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to build a database for daily work. My work in daily basis I have to fill all condition for several items.

We have two areas, with two locations under each area, and three systems under each location and each system contain more than 500 items.

I created all tables and fill by all information:

1-Table 1: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6.
2-Table 2: Location 1, Location 2.
3-Table 3: System 1, System 2, System 3.
4-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-1
5-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-2

[Code] ....

Last table will be LogBook which will be as follow:

date l time l area l location l system l item l Conition1 l Conition2 l Conition3

My question regarding to the form of the above table:

How can I make a combo box for area field and when I select for example area1 will appear only the locations which under area1 in location field, and when I select location1 for example will appear only the systems under location1 in system field, and when I select system1 one for example will appear only items under system 1.Combo box list will be based on the selection in previous combo box and so on.

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Forms :: Filtering Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to select a value from one combo box and on the basis of this selection the other combo box show only those values which have link to the value I have selected.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Values Based On Another Combo Box

Jun 25, 2013

I have a main form that filters data in a subform based on selections via combo box users make on the main form.

So I have the 'department' and 'manager's name'. If someone selects 'Human Resources' from 'department' combo box, then I only want to see the managers that are in the Human Resources departement when I drop down the combo box for 'manager's name'. Currently I'm seeing all the managers and a user can select a manager that is not in human resources and get no data returned. I prefer for him to get a list of those that are in that department only. The source of the combo box is a query.

I got it! Found here: [URL] ....

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Forms :: One Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box And Text Box Uses

Jun 4, 2013

I have been creating a form, based on only one table. Here I am displaying data as text boxes and subfrom from the same table. At the beginning, I was interested in controlling the display of the data according to the combo box (in this case is the PO number). Now, I would like to add another combox box which is the year (I have a column with the date, and also I have a column that shows only the years digits in my table) Also, I have a subform that display the data from the same table specifics records that I want. It means that I want to pick the year first, and then in the combox box of po number shows only option of that year, and hence the text boxes and subforms change accordingly to the two combox boxes.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box For A Value

Sep 16, 2013

I'd like to search a combo box on a subform for a string containing a (or multiple) '?' on click of a command button. The point of this is to inhibit the submission of a record with ????? as a field value (in a combo box), however it is temporarily allowed before submission of the form.

I tried this on the command button and it didn't work:

If Me!Subform.Combobox.SelText = "?" Then
End If

I think I am referencing the combo box on the subform incorrectly..

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Forms :: Parametric Search Based On Multiple Fields

Feb 17, 2015

I want to create a parametric search for tools on the shop floor based on multiple fields [using VBA]

I've had a good search and turned up lots of useful things; but each example insofar has been fairly specific as opposed to a guide on how to implement it in a wider setting.

Let us say, for example, that my database has three fields each with a bound combo box: location; house-type; number of bedrooms

As I type in location, I want it to filter my results in the other boxes to that location (should be a simple case of applying a filter?) - which leaves me with all the house-types and bedroom-counts in that location.

As I type in the house-type, I want it to then narrow down the search again to filter the "location"+"house-type" to leave me with the available number of bedrooms.

What is the best way to implement this, given that I have about 20 fields*, some of which will inevitably be blank: as the user types in (or selects using combo boxes) the data required, it narrows down the search - and finally there's a "search all" button which returns all results matching the current criteria.

When I say "implement" I mean what underlying structure should I use. Is it best to create a query and update the query as items are entered, or would it be better to filter the form that's having the data entered?

The fields are organised sensibly into sub-forms for various characteristics (i.e manufacturing data, materials data, cutting data, etc, etc), don't worry - it's note a huge mess - and the code is all there to pull the data together as required!

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Forms :: Combo Box Drop Down Search

Jun 27, 2013

As an example lets say I have a table listing some cars:

Car Make Car Model
Ford Fiesta
Ford Focus
Ford GT
Mercades C Class
Mercades E Class
Mercades A Class

I am making a form with two combo drop downs with the ability to select car make or model.

Car Model is Unique so if the car model is entered, I will force the car Make into the other combo box

however, If i select "Mercades" for example in the car make, I would like the combo box of Car model to only be filled with the possible models that Mercades make.

Is this possible? (to search for the values available in Car Model based on the value entered in Car Make?)

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Forms :: How To Run A Query Based On Users Input And Search A Table

Dec 31, 2013

I have a TABLE with the following data:


I have a form with the folliwing data:

- text box for user to enter EMPID, txtEMPID

I would like to create a button to initiate a query to do the following:

- once the user enters a EMPID in the form, it will search in the TABLE under the EMPID field...
- if the user enters an EMPID that is in the TABLE...display "Y"
- if the user enters an EMPID that is NOT in the table...display "N"
- a error message box needs to pop up if "Y" to alert the user that "the EMPID already exists and that duplicate entries are not allowed"

One of my main questions is how do I run a query based on the users input and search a table? would the following work in the query?

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Forms :: Hide / Show Text Boxes Based On Search

Aug 2, 2014

I have a form (employee info) that requires the user to do a search to find the employee before then editing anything that needs to be edited.

I have a search box that will find the relevant record without any problem, however what I am looking to do is hide text boxes on the form and have them appear only once the search has found the matching record.

If no matching record is found, I would then like a message box that states 'No matching employee, would you like to add an employee' and when the user clicks OK, it then reveals the same hidden text boxes and sets focus to the first one of the bunch.

Now, I have used the 'me.textboxname.visible = True (or False) elsewhere, however, I am not sure how to trigger that after a search.

I assume I am looking at an If statement, but I am not sure how to construct it, hence turning to the experts.

Private Sub txtEmployeeSearch_AfterUpdate()
If txtEmployee = DLookup("EmployeeNumber", "tblEmployeeInfo") Then
Me.txtboxname.Visible = True
Me.txtboxname2.Visible = True
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtboxname"
MsgBox "Employee Not Found", vbYesNo
End If
End Sub

I know that there is a massive gap where I have put <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< - but I am stumped as to what to put in there?

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Forms :: Cannot Get Multi Combo Box Search To Work

Jun 14, 2015

I used the Contacts demo on Access 2010, made all the elements Client from web based and then exported to a new database. It worked for the most part but now I am trying to put in a 4 box search and am getting stuck on which form to link it to and also where to put these boxes.

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Forms :: Get Unique Values In Combo Box Search?

Dec 3, 2013

I have built a database that is fed from tables provided from outside computer systems, so the architecture isn't exactly how I would design it.

I am trying to use a combo box on a form to quickly jump to a specific department. I have about 130 personnel that are assigned to 10 different departments. I have to use a subform to update the position info vs. the personal info.

The combo box works, but I can't get it to display each department once. It shows the department 130 times for each employee instead of 10 unique departments.

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Forms :: Built-in Search Function With Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I have a combobox on a form that lets the user select a business name which then populates the rest of the fields in the form appropriately. But when it does this it makes it so that the seach function at the bottom of the screen no longer works, as it only has the selected record as an option. So before selecting a name from the drop down list at the bottom of the screen is says "Record: 1 of 5" but after selecting the name it become "Record: 1 of 1." Is there anyway to still allow the built-in search function to work alongside using a combobox?

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Forms :: Search Combo Box With Multiple Last Names

Jan 19, 2014

I have a combo box that brings up records for an individual. I have people with the same last names and have their first names showing on the combo box list, but when i choose one of them, it will always go to the name of the person who was entered first, so matter who i pick(that has the same last name).

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Forms :: Print Report Based On Subform With Multiple Search Criteria

Jun 14, 2015

I have a problem printing a Subform that uses multiple criteria(in textboxes) as filters.

The search portion of the form works fine. The problem is I have created a report based on the subform and am using the following code to open/filter the report

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String


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Forms :: Applying Parameter Based Wildcard Search On Subform Filter

Jul 31, 2014

I have a Main form, and a subform which lists client details. On the Main form I have an unbound field. I want to be able to type a word into this unbound field and have it display all company names that have this word in them. ie. I type "Ltd" into the unbound field and it displays all companies with "Ltd" in the title.

I have created a query that does exactly this (Like ("*" & [Enter Word] & "*")), it displays a dialog box and I type in "Ltd" and it displays all relevant companies.

I have tried everything I know to make this work when I use the unbound field on the Main form, but I've had no luck.

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Forms :: How To Create Small Form To Search For Record Based Off Criteria

May 28, 2013

I currently have a database which contains various information for part returns. Among this information is contained a parts tracking number, VIN Number, and Date Code. I want to have a small dialogue box (Form) where a user can enter a tracking number, (or a date code or VIN if tracking number unavailable) to search for a record containing that tracking number. I have already created a replica of my new part entry form to view parts in read only mode to create small form to search for record based off criteria then open the replica form i have made to that record?

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Forms :: Combo Box - Search Function Not Working Within Form

Jul 23, 2015

I recently created a database to be used to store incoming invoices. We have 4 suppliers which supply the same material and wanted each supplier to have its own database.

I began by making a database which included all the key tables, forms, queries and functions I would need to then save 4 copies, one for each supplier. This just meant I would not have to repeat the process for each individual supplier.

The problem is all my data is external and upon importing it into the database it has made the search function (combo box) not return results.

I believe this is because:
1) The form was created before the records existed
2) The records were imported from an external source and not created using the form.

However, the way I have designed the form is so I can see all relevant information linked with a specific invoice. This aids in gathering information quickly about an invoice but also so I can input credit note and invoice query information linked to a specific invoice on the same page.

Is there anyway to remedy this?

Or use a similar search function that returns records in my form "Main View"

The last thing I want to do is have to create the form again, although I don't think this will work either as reason 2) states.

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Forms :: Multiple Field Search In Combo Boxes?

May 1, 2013

I would like to have 5 combo boxes from which users can choose fields to search, e.g.


criteria are stored in txtbox1, txtbox 2 etc. so the search string could be

WHERE cbo1 = txtbox1 AND cbo2 = txtbox2 etc.

If the user doesn't choose anything for a combo, the search should ignore that field.

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Forms :: Search Unbound Column In Form Combo Box

Jun 16, 2014

I have added a combobox to one of the forms in my customer database using the "find a record in my form based on a value in my combobox" section of the combobox wizard.I have a number of columns in the combobox (the primary key is the bound value, and I have unbound columns for first name, surname etc).

I sorted the records in the combobox by column 3 (surname) so I can scroll through the list and choose surname instead of having to memorise customer numbers. Now I have more than 1500 records (with more on the way), scrolling through takes ages, and I was wondering if there is a way to adapt the combobox so I can (for example) type the first letter of a surname into the box and be taken to surnames beginning with that letter, whilst retaining the primary key as my bound column?

My initial thought was to base the combobox values on a query, and make the query prompt for a starting letter (or string of letters) each time it runs, so it only displays the query results in the list, but I was wondering if there is a neater way to do it?

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Forms :: Only Show Data On Form From Combo Box Search?

Jan 28, 2015

I have created a combo box which lists companys, when i click on a certain company it brings all records for that company but underneath the last record it shows all the other records on the form.

How do i get it to only show the records for that company only.

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Forms :: Combo Box Value Based On Another Combo Box

Dec 23, 2014

I have two comboboxes on my form one 'cboMake' and the other 'cboModel'. Both of their values are stored in individual columns ('Make' and 'Model') in the same table 'tblStock'. What I would like to achieve is when I select a value from 'cboMake' that 'cboModel' will filter it's data values to only display Models that are linked to Make i.e. if I select Make Logitech I would like it to only display the following results for Model: 'K120', 'K200', 'G500', 'G502' etc. and not display any of the other values associated with another Make.

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Forms :: Combo Box Search To Include Records That Equal And Larger Than

Dec 3, 2013

I have a DB of books and a form to search for multiple fields including ranking (combo box). The way I have it now is to pick "3 stars", "4 stars", "5 stars". What I want to do is have it so that if I pick "4+", it will show all records that have 4 stars and 5 stars and "3+", it will show records with 3, 4, 5 stars.

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