Forms :: Combo Box Keeps Returning First Record In Query?

Jan 27, 2014

I am using A2007 and this one combo box is returning the first record of a query no matter what record I pick. My other combo boxes are working fine.

When I pick a record the "after event" works fine by placing the data in the proper text boxes and then returns the first record in the query.

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Forms :: Combo Box Returning Wrong Results In Access 2010

Jun 11, 2014

I have an unbound combo box that I set up in a form using the combo box wizard in Access 2010. I selected the option that says, "Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box." The problem is that the combo box will not always display the correct record. It seems to only display the first record of a group of similarly named records in a table.


Last Name First Name SSN
Smith Alex 123-45-6789
Smith Jane 234-56-7891
Smith Mary 345-67-8910

If I select Smith Jane, the record for Smith Alex will display. I know that this has something to do with the bound column property, but I am unsure what to do to fix the issue.

What I have tried: I tried setting the primary key as the first field, but then I could only search by the primary key, which is unrealistic for this database. Users will be searching based on last name. How do I make the combo box select whichever record I select from the drop down list?

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Forms :: DLookup Returning Value Of First Record Rather Than Specified Criteria

Oct 28, 2013

I'm using a Dlookup in expression builder and it's only returning the value of the first record rather than the criteria I specify.

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Queries :: Correlated Query Returning Only 1 Record And Repeating

Aug 10, 2014

I have SQL query/dual sub-query in MS Access that is returning data from the left side of the query FROM correctly, but is only returning one record from the right side of the query FROM. Furthermore, it repeats the display of the one record and it repeats the entire results set with a different one record each time until all the records have been displayed. I expect that problems described as "Furthermore" will not exist by fixing the one record issue. I have tried using all the join types available in MS Access, but none change the result.

The desired output is:
Yellow Blue
11/23/2013 11/19/2013
11/19/2103 10/01/2012
10/01/2102 10/08/2010
10/08/2010 12/14/2007

The actual output is:
Yellow Blue
11/23/2013 11/19/2013
11/19/2103 11/19/2013
10/01/2102 11/19/2013
10/08/2010 11/19/2013
11/23/2013 10/01/2102
11/19/2103 10/01/2102
10/01/2102 10/01/2102
10/08/2010 10/01/2102

The same pattern is repeated 2 more times with Blue values of 10/08/2010 and then 12/14/2007.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT Long_List.Yellow,Short_List.Blue

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Returning Value From A Query To A Form Text Field

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Access 2007. Second, I am using two tables, Inventory and Service Request. Inventory is a list all the Inventory, with has things like location (building & room number), type (desktop, laptop, etc.) and access tag number. Service Request also has Access Tag Number (should link back to Inventory) & date of reported/resolved problem and description of problem/solution.

On my form for Service Request, I have the access tag number as a fill text box, when you double click on that text box, it runs a Query that asks for the 1) Building, 2) Room Number & 3) Type . . . Query currently opens in a the spread sheet view that shows those three things but also the Access Tag Number associated to them.

I would like that Access Tag Number to just return into the field that was double click to start the query.

Is this possible? If so what am I missing?

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Combo Box Returning To First Value Problem

Feb 23, 2005

HI all hope you can help. I have a combo box on a form displaying a list of postcodes. These postcodes are split into 5 different areas and so have a corresponding 1 - 5 ID code in the underlying table (table has postcode and postcode ID only). Problem is when I select postcode and 'submit' to save it to the record the combo box returns to the first postcode in the list with that postcode ID. e.g postcode AB = area 1, BG = area 2, EF= area 1. If I select EF when I press submit it changes the value to AB in the combo box. I need the 1 - 5 ID code to perform calculations based on area. And this all works at the moment but for this annoying problem!
D Diver

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Forms :: Combo Box Search - If Record Not Exist It Will Display Msgbox To No Record Found

Oct 28, 2014

I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.

Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.

the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.

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Combo Boxes Stop Working After Returning To Form

Dec 1, 2005

Hello all,

I have combo boxes populated with all values in a particular field, then shunt the form onto that record (standard combo box for selecting records from a list in other words).

Problem is, these boxes seem to stop working if I leave the form for another and then return to it.

Here's the code Access puts behind:

Set SerialRS = Me.Recordset.Clone
SerialRS.FindFirst "[Serial Number] = '" & Me![Combo60] & "'"
If Not SerialRS.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = SerialRS.Bookmark

The form may be opened and closed via other processes (although never unloaded), but when I come back to it these combo boxes always stop working! Why?

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Group By Is Not Returning One Record Per ID

Jun 10, 2005

FYI: I'm new to Access, but have some knowledge of SQL and VBA. I'm using Access 2000.
I've looked through past posts to no avail.

I have a form which allows users to supply one or more criteria to subset a
recordset. The "Execute" button on the form kicks off VBA which builds and
runs a SQL statement using the selections made in the form.

The recordset that the SQL runs against can have multiple rows for each
ProjectID -- based on a combination of a couple of fields. For instance, the
following is possible:

ProjectID---StartDate---Employee---ProjectCategory---... <other fields>
1-----------01/01/05---Herman-----App Dvlpmt
1-----------01/01/05---Hortence----App Dvlpmt

If the user wants to select ProjectIDs where Employee="Herman" -- without
making a selection on ProjectCategory -- I want only one of the two
"Herman" rows above to be returned. And I don't really care which one.
(Similarly if the selection is only on ProjectCategory)

The problem is that, using the code below on the example above, both
"Herman" rows are returned. I've tried numerous approaches -- this being
the most recent. The SQL statement is being built as I expect, and it's executing.
It's just not giving the results I want/expect. Also, I've hardcoded selections
into a stored query similar to the one below, and it works. Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?

Private Sub cmdExecuteQuery_Click()
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT ProjectID, first(ProjectName), " & _
"first(StartDate), first(EndDate), first(ProjectActive), " & _
"first(Sector1), first(Sector2), first(Sector3), first(ClientShortName), " & _
"first(Employee), first(ProjectCategory) " & _
"FROM qryProjectsForReport WHERE (ProjectActive = "
Select Case optStatus
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL & "True) "
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL & "False) "
Case 3
strSQL = strSQL & "True or ProjectActive = false) "
End Select
If Len(cmbCategory) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND ProjectCategory =
" & cmbCategory
If Len(cmbMember) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND Employee = " & cmbEmp
If Len(dtStartDate) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND StartDate >= #"
& dtStartDate & "#"
If Len(dtEndDate) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND EndDate <= #" &
dtEndDate & "#"
If Len(cmbClient) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND ClientID= " & cmbClient
If Len(cmbSector) Then
Select Case cmbSector
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector1 = True"
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector2 = True"
Case 3
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector3 = True"
End Select
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " GROUP BY ProjectID ORDER BY ProjectID;"
MsgBox strSQL
OpenReport strSQL, chkDatasheet

End Sub

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Selecting Record From Combo Box

Jun 24, 2013

I have a form to modify existing property records. Each record has a PIN number and a unique ID which is a combination of year, state county and PIN. The same property can have a record for more than one year. On this form I have a combo box for selecting the record to be modified. The combo box includes PIN and Prop ID. The combo displays each record by PIN then ID as separate records. For example:

06104409012 2007-IL-Lake-06104409012
06104409012 2010-IL-Lake-06104409012

But when I select a record it will always select the first record with identical PINs. In the case above if I click the 2010 ID the record fills in with the 2007 ID.

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Forms :: Select Record From Combo Box

Nov 5, 2013

I have a form for entering property tax. The form is based on a table called investments. The form contains a combo box to select the appropriate property for data entry to the table. The two fields in the combo box are Property PIN and Property ID. The property ID is a combination of tax year+state+county+PIN. The same property can come up in more than one tax year so there are duplicate PINs but the Property ID is unique and is the key field. My problem is the combo box shows the duplicate PINs with their respective unique Property IDs as separate records but will only select the record for the earliest tax year regardless of which records I select on the combo box.

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Modules & VBA :: Audit Trail Returning Primary Index Of A Record Changed

Apr 24, 2015

After a lot of reading and consolidating VBA codes for audit trail.How My Audit Trail Works..A module was made for a function named as "Changes" .Then inserted into before update event of a form where I will do the editing of the records.Then I made a table named as Audit.Inside this table I made all the fields I needed such as:

*FormName[The name of the form for editing]
*Index[The record ID of the record being edited]
*ControlName[The Field being edited]
*DateChanged[Date change was done]
*TimeChanged[Time change was done]
*PriorInfo[for the old value of data being changed]
*NewInfo[For the new value of data changed]
*CurrentUser[The user base on log in form that was set to Global into another module]
*Reason[The reason for changing for future references]

And Here is the Function Code:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function Changes()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCtl As String
Dim strReason As String


This audit trail function is valid only for one(1) form, due to the limitation of

Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("SUP ID").Value

where "SUP ID" is the primary key of the record being updated/Change, so if there are Five(5) tables that needs audit trail, there will be also Five(5) forms, as well as Five(5) Function Changes namely; Changes(), Changes1(),Changes2(),etc... because all the table do have their own sets of primary Key.

Is there a shortcut, in such a way that the "rs!Index" will automatically return a value, equivalent to the Primary Key/Record Id of the record being updated/change, given that there are different updating forms for each table to be updated?

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Forms :: Combo Record Selector Using Either ID Or Username

Jul 19, 2013

My problem is related to an Access database, where an auto complete Combo box is used to select a client record by entering the ID number or the clients name. EG: 14034 or Bloggs,Fred. This problem has me puzzled (not difficult to do).I have seen this in a functioning DB. I can see that maybe the ID (a long integer) would have to be stored or converted to a string on the fly.

I am currently using Access 2007 but 2010 and 2013 are available (prefer 2007 as MS keep moving things around ).I am currently selecting a client record using either an ID select Combo or a ClientName Combo and works very well. But, after seeing it done in one Combo box, it just seems so elegant.

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Forms :: Combo Box - Reference Another Column In A Record

Mar 19, 2013

I have a form that has a combo box (box1), Its row source is from a table (table1) than the forms record source (query1). The data box1 sources is from column1 in table1.

I then have a text box (box2). I need it so when i select a record in box1 (from column1) that it displays the corresponding data in that same record (and table) but from column2


A table has a column with equations and another column with the answer.

I select "1+1" in the combo box
Then in the text box it displays "2"

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Forms :: Combo Box Not Updating Upon Moving To New Record

Jun 26, 2014

I have a tab control with a Counsellor Training tab on it inmy form frmCounsellors. The issue I am having is that when I select a training type from the drop down in the sub form on the tab control on the counsellor training tab and then go to a new record of the main form, not on the sub form, the training type I selected on the form stays the same. If I change it on the second record, it stays at whatever I changed it to, even if I return to the first record it stays at what I changed it to as well.

How do I get it to stay with the counsellor and have it zero out for a new counsellor and it to allow me to enter something different for the new counsellor then save it for that counsellor?I just realised, I am having the same issue with the location combo box but I am sure I could apply a fix to both boxes if I knew one.

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Forms :: New Combo Box Entry To Add Record In Table

Nov 19, 2013

On a form to enter some new client info, I want users to be able to select their UserID from a combo box for future reference to other users (ie; Who made these notes?). For various reasons I want them to be able to add their UserID to the combo list for future selection if its not already on there.

There is a table set up for users, simply called tblUsers, with a single field, UserID. A query from this sorts the list alphabetically, and the combo uses this query to populate its list - qryUserID.

Users can currently select from a list or write their own UserID in the box, however when they write their own ID it doesn't get saved.

I don't need any message boxes or checking, just add it and move on kind of thing. It doesn't need to refresh the list immediately, as the user moves on swiftly once completing 2 more fields.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Select Record For Editing?

Jun 13, 2013

I have a form that uses a combo box to select the record to edit which then opens the edit form... I keep getting a type mismatch error. The bound column is a text column and I'm wondering if that is the problem because this works perfectly everywhere else in the database. The primary key is the SKU of the product which is alphanumeric which is why I have it set to text...

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box To Select Record To Edit

Sep 19, 2013

I am attempting to create an attendance database that needs to be able to be updated if someone calls in sick.

I have created a cascading combo box where you can select a date up to 15 days into the past with the following code in the rowsource for cboDate

SELECT DISTINCT tblAttendance.dataDate FROM tblAttendance WHERE (((tblAttendance.dataDate)>Date()-15)) ORDER BY tblAttendance.dataDate DESC;

an after update event has been coded to show only employees who have been scheduled for the day

Private Sub cboDate_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
Me.cboAgentName.RowSource = "Select tblAttendance.agentName, tblAttendance.attendance,


So basically what i need to do is be able to use the cascading combo boxes to select the date and employee to go to that specific record so i can update the other fields. Currently when i attempt to do this with my current form, it automatically goes to a new record when i select a date and name and doesn't update the existing record.

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Forms :: Form That Allows User To Select A Record In A Combo Box

Jul 3, 2014

I have a form that allows the user to select a record in a combo box. When this selection is made I want a 2nd form to open and give the user a place to enter additional info about that item selected. I have the forms working correctly but now I would really like to add the 2nd form to the first form as a subform but when I try this I get the message"The expressing is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated..." There are no fields on the first form that link directly to the 2nd form - because the combo box in an unbound combo (the selection in the combo box is what the 2nd form opens base on) I tried to add this as a subform with no parent/child info and I get the message stated.

I was hoping to make the 2nd form not visible until the selection was made in the combo box then make it visible for the info to be entered. Would really like it to be on the same form not as a separate form opening.I believe I just found that the reason for the message. It seems not to be a subform problem but is because the selection in the combo box needs to be made BEFORE the form can open. So now the question is - how can I make this a subform and avoid this error when the main form first opens. I will test the visibility and see if not visible until the selection clears this up.

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Forms :: Saving / Editing A Record Using A Form With Combo Box

Jun 24, 2014

I have a form that I need to use to add new clients to a table in my database, lets call it tblClients. On this form I have a combo box which, when selected, will drop down with the first and last names of all clients in tblClients, as well as their Client ID. Once you select a client from the drop down menu, it populates all of the fields in the form with that clients info (Client ID, fname, lname, address, phone number, etc. etc.).

I need two other things on this form: one button that will save or modify whatever current record is currently pulled up, and one button that will start the process for entering a new client, so basically it would blank out all of the fields and fill the Client ID field with the current number +1.

As of right now I have the form made and the combo box works, in that I have 3 dummy clients in the tblClients and when I select each client from the combo box it will populate the fields on the form with the info. I'm using some simple VBA on the combo box such as

Me.FirstName = Me.cboBox.Column(1)

and that seems to all work, but the problem is trying to save/modify data to tblClients. The only record in the actual table that gets modified seems to be the first record. For example, if I pull up client with ID #3 and change his address or phone number, what happens when I click to save the changes it takes client ID #3 record, overrides it with client ID #1, and then client ID #3 is the same as client ID #1 except with the old information. I'm not quite sure why this is happening.

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Forms :: Change The Value Of Yes Or No Record Using Combo Box And Command Button

Aug 1, 2013

What to do, I have a form that will reset online user of my system the field is yes or no type boolean and i using combo box that will show only online people but my problem is how to reset the yes to no when i choose from the combo box a username I want to logout. I use command button also.

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Forms :: Copy Record On Form Based On Combo Box?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that i input information into. I have a combo box labeled Addendum, you can select "yes" or "no". What i would like to do is if user selects "yes" then a new record needs to be copied with exact information form original, with the excpetion of a field labeled "tape review #" 1403310000 for example. "-AD" needs to be added to this new record after the review number. Also the field "tape review #" is indexed not to allow duplicate numbers.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Msgbox If Selected Item Is Not In Record

Oct 30, 2014

I want a Messagebox to be appear if the selected item or if the input item in the combobox was not in the record.

I used this condition in combobox

="[asstnumbr] = " & "'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'"

but when I try this run code function in macro via IFF will become error

IIf([asstnumbr]<>"'" & [Screen].[ActiveControl] & "'",MsgBox("NO RECORD FOUND IN YOUR SEARCH"))

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Forms :: Combo Box Values Dependent On Record Set In Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

Access 2010
windows 7

The database I'm working on stores product records. To support the user narrow down which product they want to use, the navigation form has a listbox that looks to several combox values to filter the records it displays. As the user selects values for additional comboxes, the list of products from the listbox is refined. What I would like to do is set the comboxes up so that they also have to check the listbox to determine which records they should display.

For example:

Comboxes: Customer, Species

Starting out the listbox shows all products. The user wants to find a particular product that is sold to "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium". They select "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium" from the customer combobox. The listbox updates to show only products sold to Harly Quinn. The database currently has this functionality. What I want to add comes next:

The user determines that there are still too many records being displayed in the listbox, so he/she attempts to refine the search further by selecting a species from the species combobox. Currently all species from the species table are selectable from the species combobx, meaning that if the user selects a species that isn't sold to Harly Quinn, that the listbox will show no records. What I would like the combobox to do is refer first to the listbox and determine which species are still viable options based on the records available from the listbox.

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Forms :: Combo Box Record Selector AfterUpdate Macro

Jun 18, 2015

I have a form that has a Combo box record selector which works fine. I need to add more to the Where condition of this macro.

Combo1 - Options 1-Facility, 2-Physician (referral_type)

Combo2 - Record selector that works, either shows a list of facilities or list of physicians.
Macro SearchForRecord - Where Condition ="[fac_id] = " & Str(Nz([Screen].[ActiveControl].[Column](0),0))

Would like it to be

="[fac_id] = " & Str(Nz([Screen].[ActiveControl].[Column](0),0)) AND [referral_type] = Me!Combo2

Have tried a few different things with no luck.

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