Forms :: Combo Box Populating Underlying Table Incorrectly?

Mar 9, 2015

I am using a form with a combo box (FieldExpenses) that lists from a query row source (SELECT statement). Whether entering a new record or editing an existing record on the form, the selection in the combo box populates the field in the underlying table (TableTransactions) with the row ID (ex: 105), not the desired field (ie: Telephone).

I tried using a split form and the table in the form shows the field correctly. If I open the underlying table separately, the field displays the row ID. It's not working as I wish.

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Populating An Underlying Table When Using Cascading Combo Boxes In A Form

Jun 1, 2005

Hello everyone

I have read the FAQ on cascading combo boxes and have managed to apply the theory to my DB's data input form (frmDataEntry) which is very cool and prevents a lot of errors however in doing so it no longer populates the underlying table (tblProductionDetails).

I am at a loss as to how to correct this as you can see from the example I need the customer and description field to be populated with the correct data rather than the fields I am using to make the cascading combo boxes work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Forms :: Populating Invoice From Underlying Table?

Jun 14, 2015

As simple as it sounds. I have set up a table with a list of items and the costs. I then created a form with a list comprising 10 combo boxes. I want to be able to select one record from the underlying table per combobox on the form.

I am able to do this but the records in the underlying table keeps switching to the primary key field as I go along using the combobox.

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Update Combo Box When Change Made To Underlying Table

Feb 24, 2005

I have a form with a Combo box, populated from table A. From this list, the user can select a item for data entry into table B. If the desired item is not found in the combo box, the user can launch another form that will allow the item to be added to table A. However, when the user returns to the data entry form for table B, the new item doesn't appear in the combo box.

I saw this problem addressed in another posting, but the solution (which required code behind an Exit button) will only work if the data entry form for table B is open :eek: . So, if the user wants to only do data entry into table A, an error will be raised when they try to exit.

Other than creating a seperate data entry form strictly for table A, is there an easier way to update the combo box on the entry form for table B?

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Forms :: Populating Textbox From Combo Box

Apr 28, 2013

I am trying to populate a textbox based on selection from combo box. Both fields are in two different subforms within the same form.

I do see the selection from the combo box fills via debug. I don't see a value in the textbox.

This is the code I am using:

Private Sub cboRequestedItems_Change()
Me.PricePerUnit.Value = Me.cboRequestedItems.Column(1)
End Sub

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Combo Boxes On Form Not Populating Table

Mar 9, 2012

I'm building my first Access DB for a while, so am a little rusty, but I can't seem to work out this problem.

I've bound my form, and all of the other fields are saving and populating the correct table, but I have two combo boxes, both of which populate a series of other text boxes based on the selection (eg. I select Joe Bloggs in one box, and it automatically puts Joe Bloggs' phone number and email address in two following boxes).

This all works, however when I save the record, or move to the next one, the data entered in the combo boxes and the related populated fields doesn't save - they just show up as blank in the record created in my table.

As an aside, how do I get the combo boxes & related text fields to show a default blank value until a value is selected.

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Forms :: Populating Combo Box Based On Text Box

Nov 19, 2013

I have a text box that displays a name of a law from one table, based on that law name I want to populate a combo box with different options on how to comply with that law that come from a different table. The compliance options I need to pull in are different for each law. Finally I would like to have the selected option saved in the table the laws are coming from.

I have tried using a rowsource query [Form]![form1]![Law] for the combo box of law options but keep getting errors.

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Form Combo Box Not Populating Related Field In Table

Apr 26, 2012

I have a combobox on my form with fields related to it (ie. when an option is chosen in the drop-down, the next two fields are also populated with data based on the selection made - I know this is duplication of data, it's just the way the 'powers that be' wanted it. I'm changing it in my next version of the database!)

The two fields that are populated as a result of the selection in the combobox are migrating into the related table fine, but the actual selection in the combobox isn't - it's showing up as blank in each new record in the table.

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Forms :: Populating Only Key Field Value Form Combo Box Selection?

Aug 10, 2015

In the Contacts Table there are two fields, the unique Contact ID key field numeric and the Contact Name. Like this:

Contact_ID; Name
1; Tom
2; Dick
3; Harry

In a form named "Selection" there is a Combo box that references the Contact table, and lists just the three names in the drop down (showing the Contact_ID is optional - I'm fine either way):


When the selection is made it will populate the field Contact_Ref the table called SelectedName.

Question: When the user selects the name I'd like the data populated in the SelectedName table to be the Contact_ID Value, and not the Name, so if Harry is selected the Value "3" would be saved.

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Upon Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box?

Nov 28, 2014

Now I have a combo box "cbo_items" and a text box "txt_selectedItems", I want to populate text field with items selected from the combo box, every time i select an item it appears in text box and to be separated with comma, so text box appears like this ( item1, item2, item3), and after finishing the whole thing the result appears in lable "lbl_result" as "total items selected: 3 items".

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Forms :: Subform - Combo Box List Not Populating According To Main Control

Apr 17, 2014

I am using MS Access 2010, I have three tables,

Policies (Id, Client Id, Address, Policy Amount, Paid)
Payments (Id, Client Id, Total Amount)
Payment Details (Payment Id, Policy Id, Paid Amount)

I have created a form "PAYMENTS" that include a sub form "PAYMENT DETAILS".

In the sub form control Policy Id is defined as combo box, and retrieving the list from Policies and Payments where Policies.Client=Payments.Client the query of Combo Box is as follows:



Only first time Combo Box display the Policy Ids according to the Client, but when I change the client and always displays the previous clients Policy Ids.

how to retrieve correct list of Policy Ids according to the Input Client in Payments.Client control

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Based On Combo Box - Separate Form

Aug 14, 2015

The main issue I'm having is trying to populate a text box based on a combo box selection. I've found threads on that - the twist that is throwing me for a loop is that I'm dealing with two different forms.

I have a main/welcome form with two combo boxes on it. Based on the user's selections in these two combo boxes, two different forms are opened for data entry. For instance, box 1 has A, B, C and box 2 has x, y, z. If a user chooses B and z, then form B and form z are opened. What I want is for a text box to be populated on one of the opened forms, not the same (main/welcome) form. In other words, when B and z are chosen, I would like there to be a textbox autofilled with "z" on form z.

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Forms :: Records Are Sequenced Incorrectly On A Form

Oct 17, 2014

I have created several tables, and also created forms associated with each of them. In every case, the primary key is the first column of the table, and it is autonumbered starting from 1. Every table is sorted by that first column.

In most cases, when I bring up the form that is associated with the table in Form View, as I sequence through the records using the buttons at the bottom of the screen, the records sequence in the order of the autonumbered primary key in the order you would expect (1,2,3,etc)

However, on one form, when I do the same thing, the records sequence through in a different order. When it shows "1 of 21" at the bottom, it is displaying record number 8. "2 of 21" displays record number 13, and so on.

I have doublechecked to see that the associated table is actually sorted properly and it is. I've gone to the Property Sheet in Design view, but I don't see anything that would control the sequence order.

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Auto Lookup In Query Not Updating Underlying Table

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a 'junction' table between 2 many to many tables:

Jobs table (details all jobs)Jobparts table ('junction' table details Job ID, Part ID, quantity and unit price)Stock table (details all stock).The fields Job ID, Part ID and Unit price are each lookup fields from the corresponding fields in the jobs and Stock tables with quantity being a manual entry. This works fine.

I discovered you can automatically populate the unit price field using autolookup based on the entry of the Part ID field on the form. However having amended some pre-existing jobpart details randomly on the form when I checked back to the table they had not updated. Similarly when creating new entries while the form 'unit price automatically updated on entry of the 'Part ID' these details did not feed through into the table.

I assume it has to do with how the table was originally set up the field properties will need to be changed.

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Form With List Boxes Won't Populate Underlying Table

Oct 10, 2013

I have a form called Adaptation Form in which Last Name and Course Number are entered.

The user looks up Last Name using a listbox on the form, and looks up Course Number using a second listbox on the form.

To use the form, the user looks up Last Name in the listbox, finds the ID number associated with the Last Name, and enters the ID number on the form. The form then autopopulates with the last name. The process for entering a Course Number is the same.

This populates the query underlying the form, but not the table. All that gets populated in the table is the ID Number for Last Name and the ID number for Course Number.

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Forms :: Populating A List Box From A Linked Table

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to build a build calender to display customer orders on given days. I have the calender in place with intentions of having a list box on each day to display the orders.We have a daily report that is an excel file that lists these orders. I have linked this file to an access table in my db.

I am able to use this linked table to run a query and generate a report without any problems.When I try to use the information in this table to populate a list or combo box the only fields that will display are all numbers. If I use a field like "Customer Name" I get no information displayed. The data in excel and access are both set as text.

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Forms :: Get Main Form To Accept Changes Made To Underlying Subform?

Sep 24, 2014

I'm trying to resolve a problem with a form displayed as follows

-->SubForm1 embedded in main form
--->SubForm2 embedded in SubForm1

When I edit subform2, then return to the mainform and edit a field on the mainform, I get an error.

'The data has been changed. Another user edited this record.... Re-edit the record.'

My understanding to resolve this is to do a requery. So I added:


as part of the LostFocus event for subform2. However, I now get a Write Conflict error when returning to a field in the main form. I get a dialog box with the option to Copy to Clipboard or Drop Changes. I can select Drop Changes and it will let me edit the main form afterwards.

This is Access 2010 over SQL. how to get the main form to accept the changes made to the underlying subform?

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Forms :: Embedding Image In Form Not Linked To Underlying Data

Jun 28, 2013

I have a form that I call the AdminForm. It allows the user to store administrative information about the business; business name, address, telephone number, etc. I also have as a part of the table that stores this information an Attachment Field where an image of their logo is stored in a field called, [Logo]. No problem here. The issue is that I want to use the [Logo] field elsewhere like in reports.

I've added an Attachment type control to the report and I've used DLookUp to use the image stored in the admin table, but it doesn't display on the report. There isn't any relationship between the admin table and any report so I can't join them unless I do something "unnatural" by adding a fictitious field to every record to tie it back to the key field in the admin table, (there is never more than one record in the admin table; I ensure that). That doesn't seem like the right way to accomplish this.

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Forms :: Populating Data From A Table With Multiple Fields?

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to create the form so when the first field (Start Date) has a date selected, it limits the following field (Report Date) to the matching available data, and same with the third field (Production Division) on the previous two.

I also need the form to allow new dates / production division combinations, but not duplicate.

I starting working with a cascade function but got confused and not sure if that is where I should be headed.

I have attached 2 different formats of the same sample data.

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Forms :: Underlying Query In Subform Creating Duplicate Records On Form

Jun 18, 2014

I have an "Returns" master form that contains two subforms. The subforms contain items that we are returning back into our inventory. The underlying queries in each subform show only those records where the "Return Date" is null. The query(s) works fine, except that if there are 3 items that need to be returned there are 3 records that show in the master Returns form. I tried the Totals option in the query but the I need that Return Date on the subform. I only want one Returns master form to show the 3 records (not 3 records of the same master form).

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Forms :: Populating Null Field In Form From A Different Column In Same Table

Sep 15, 2013

I've been trying to populate a field in a form with information, but only if the field is blank.

What I am trying to do is this.

I have a continuous form displaying all of our principals, however when our principals are on leave I want to populate the field with the "acting principal". I have set it up so the field grabs the acting principal first but it is blank for several schools. For these schools where there there is no "acting principal" I want it to grab the substantive principal automatically and populate the field.

I have tried Is Null, Is Not Null, NZ, IF, Where and Then statements but to no avail.

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Populating Combo Box Based On Data In Another Combo Box

Jan 23, 2006

Hi all!

It's been a while since I've used Access, and I seem to have forgotten this.

I have a form which allows entry of Borrower's details. I have 2 combo boxes on the form.

They are:


Once the user selects the name from the cboBorrName, I want the cboLoanSN to display all loans associated with the Borrower so that they can select the correct loan and add repayment details accordingly.

I have added the following SQL statement as the record source of cboLoanSN

Code:SELECT * from tblBorrower WHERE tblBorrower.fldLoanSN=[Forms]![frmBorrower]![cboBorrName]

I have also added the following code in the After Update event of cboBorrName


However, it doesn't work.

Can someone please help me out?

Thanks a bunch!

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Populating A Combo Box

Nov 23, 2005

On my form i have a list which takes information from a table. I have set column headers to "on". What i want to do is populate my combo box with the column heads in my list box. Anyone have any ideas?


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Forms :: Update Form / Query Without Updating Underlying Tables To Query

Jul 23, 2015

I have a form which will be used as the basis to print a label.

It is bound to a query and when I open the form I pass over a 'where' condition to return 1 record. I then use the query to produce a report/label.

What I want to do is to update the form/query without updating the underlying tables to the query.

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Populating A Combo Box In A Sub-form

May 8, 2007

Good day,

I have a main form with project data and a sub form that has related financial information. Once the user selects a particular project from the ProjectType drop down box, a field called Project Codes in the subform should be populated with only project codes for that particular Project Type.

Can someone assist?


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Populating Combo Box With Last 5 Entries

Apr 8, 2005

Nubie question ( first real database)

I'm trying to populate a combo box with the last few entries of a record. I've been looking on SQL Queries and can see a way of using SELECT TOP on the recordset but querying/sorting the whole record every time seems a very clumsey way of doing it (especialy if the recordset gets large).
So is there a more elegant way of getting lastrecord,lastrecord-1,lastrecord-2, etc into my combobox ?.

Note as a suplemental question is there a way of a subform showing records from last to first instead of what seems to be normaly first to last?

Thanks for any help.

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