Forms :: ComboBox Value Updates Another Combo Box

May 4, 2015

I'm trying to update a combobox(called TypeCombo) list values after I select a value in another Combobox(called manCombo). The values for both Combobox comes from the table called EquipmentTable. Which has 3 fields Manufacturer, Type and Model.


Private Sub ManCombo_AfterUpdate()
Me.TypeCombo.Value = DLookup("[Type]", "EquipmentTable", "Manufacturer = " & Me.ManCombo.Value)
End Sub

I know that the value I select in ManCombo is being passed into the DLookup but TypeCombo.Value always equals Null. Is this because the Dlookup returns multiple values and if so should the code be something like


Private Sub ManCombo_AfterUpdate()
Me.TypeCombo.List = DLookup("[Type]", "EquipmentTable", "Manufacturer = " & Me.ManCombo.Value)
End Sub

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Combo Box Updates

Jun 29, 2005

I have a time database which has a form to enter time. When entering time, The user must also select an item in a combo box that gives what category the user worked in. There are about 40 or so different categories. I want to know if it is possible to update the cobo box to the user's most recent selections. For example: if the user selects Management, which is at the bottom of the list, I would like to see Management at the top of the next list for the next time entry so that the user does not have to scroll down to the bottom again. Anyone have any ideas???


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Combo Box Updates

Jul 15, 2005

Hi, please help!

I have a work order entry form with a "Client" combo box. The Limit to List property is set to YES. If a client is not on the list, I get a prompt to create new client account in a different form. This all works fine.

But after I create a new client and get back to teh work order form, the client does not appear in the combo box unless I close the form and re-open it first. This is very annoying.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

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Prevent Inadvertant Updates To A Combo Box

Jun 17, 2006

I have a combo box in a form that I want to prevent "unwanted" changes to this comb box.

I'm trying to find a way that if someone changes a combobox, it prompts them "are you sure you want to change this?"

If the answer is yes then it lets them change it, but if the answer is no it returns it to the previous value.

I know how to use a Msgbox and return a "yes" or "no" value but how do I programaticatically do the rest???

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Forms :: Combo Box Values Based On Selection On Another Combobox

Jun 6, 2014

I am having issues with my combo box populating values based on the selection from another combo box.

Database : contains 2 tables: Staff_List, Level_Type and a form called frm_Test
The first combobox cboLevel gets its value from the Level_Type table with the select statement SELECT [Level_Type].[ID], [Level_Type].[Level_Type] FROM level_Type;

The values to be displayed on the second combobox cbo_Name is expected to be dependent on the Level selection made from the first combobox i.e if Level 1 is selected in cboLevel then only Names of people in Level 1 will be displayed in second combobox.

The select statement I put there is SELECT Staff_List.ID, Staff_List.Staff_Name
FROM Staff_List
WHERE ((([Staff_List]![Level])=[Forms]![frm_test]![cboLevel]));
This is not displaying anything in the second combobox after I tried it in the Form view, just empty.

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Forms :: Cascading Combobox To Filter Options That Can Be Entered Into Second Combo Box

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to use a cascading combo box to filter the options that can be entered into a second combo box.

In frmBabies, a Mode of Delivery is selected from 8 options. 4 of these are "normal" deliveries and 4 are caesarean sections.

A second combo box selects the Indication for Operative Delivery. The table tblIndOpDel contains options for normal as well as caesareans. I would like to filter the indications so that the user cannot enter an indication for normal delivery for a caesarean section.

Both tblIndOpDel and tblDelMode have a foreign key to tblDelModeCat, which categories deliveries as normal or caesarean.

I'm stuck on how to proceed from here. Sample database attached.

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Forms :: Combo Box Works In A Form But Not Updating Field Using Combobox Value

Jul 24, 2014

This DLookUP works correctly...

=DLookUp("[First Name]","Contacts","[Combo378]='" & [Forms]![PROFILE]![Combo378] & "'")

but when a I want to close the form, display the error:

You must enter a value in the Profile.First Name

I junt need the way to update the field in the new table...

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Forms :: Boolean Checkbox Updates

Aug 4, 2013

I use a form for changing data. So when the user selects a record from a listbox I fill all fields of the form with the content relating to the selected line in the box. Nearly everything runs as wished.

All updates take place immediately but the Boolean field does not update or better it updates only after I move the cursor over it. Then it is correct. To make it clear, I do not need to press a button or click, I only move the cursor over the boolean checkbox.

I access VBA after clicking the line in the listbox and use the dlookup command to get the right values. Do I need something like a requery for a boolean field ?

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Forms :: Trying To Create A Subform That Updates A Table

Jan 6, 2015

Here is the set up. I have a primary school database.

There is a main form that shows the students name and class.

The main form contains tabs for each subject (maths, english etc.). Each tab has a subform that is supposed to allow me to enter a comment about the student's progress.

My tables are set up properly (as far as I can tell).

The tables (simplified)

tbl_Students (has StudentID, StudentName)
tbl_SubjectList (has SubjectID, SubjectName)
tbl_Comments (has CommentID, SubjectID (foreign key), StudentID (foreign key), Comment)

The forms

The Master and Child (main form and subform) are linked using StudentID.

I use a query for fields in the Master form. Each subform has its own query that shows results for a particular subject.

The problem

My subform allows me to edit an existing comment fine (if I enter dummy data directly in a table).

BUT, if there isn't an existing comment, and I attempt to enter one, I get an error - "YOU CANNOT CHANGE A RECORD BECAUSE A RELATED RECORD IS REQUIRED IN TABLE tbl_Subjects."

What I have tried

I understand this error means I am violating referential integrity rules. But I can't see why. The tbl_Subjects is populated with 10 subjects and I am only trying to put a comment against an existing SubjectID.

I've checked that my Form Master / Subform Child is ok. I experimented with having StudentID _and_ Subject_ID to link the master and subform to see if that worked. It only made things worse because my subforms wouldn't display correctly.

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Forms :: Main Form Updates The Table When User Has Not Validated

Nov 30, 2013

I have a table in my DB named TblStock and another named TblStock2..I also have a form in the DB named "frmStock" with the control source being "TblStock" . This form has a sub form "FrmStock2Subform" with control source being "tblStock2". The two forms are lined by "PurchaseID". This form is made to be used in entering products that have been bought for replenishment of stock.The problem I have is that when I enter data in the main form, by the time i click on the subform to start entering data, the table "TblStock" gets already updated.

Now lets assume somebody was about to enter data in the subform and later on changes his mind when the "TblStock" had already been updated, this will cause a waste of useful space because there is no corresponding record in the table "TblStock2". Secondly, if many users are entering data into the DB using that same form, I guest there will be some problems too.What i want is that the form should update both tables when the users validates the records.

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Forms :: Blank Textbox When Subform Updates Main Form

May 15, 2014

I have a subform with a textbox in the footer to count[id]. then on my main form i have another textbox that has a control source of =[subform].[form]![subformfootercontrol].

However when the subform updates the main form text is blank. typically i see a ?#Name or#Error if the control is pointing to the wrong place, but i have never see it stay blank.

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Forms :: Date Control In Header Updates Appointments In Details Section

Jul 3, 2013

Working in Access 2007 - I would like to have an updatable calendar in the header section of a form, and when this is changed by the user I would like the subforms (there are several) in the details section to be updated with various appointments with dates corresponding to the date selected in the header.

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Combo Box Contents Depending On Prior Combobox

Aug 31, 2006


I have a form that is basically an autoform for inputting into my main table. I have one combobox that has customers in it.. let's call them a b and c. Further down is another field, called Reference. Each customer can have certain references. I want the reference field to be a combobox, in which the selection list is dependent on the choice in the customer combobox.

So if customer is a, the ref. cbo gives you the choice of 1, 2, or 3. If Customer is b, ref is 4, 5, or 6, and if customer is c, ref is 7, 8, or 9. See what I'm saying?

Sorry if it's not explained very well, I am happy to answer any questions to clarify it.


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Forms :: Controlling Row / Field Updates By Field Value

Jul 10, 2015

I have a table, it is an on going update for a meter reading. When the last record for a particular meter is closed, a new record is created with updated information and carry forward numbers. Something like this:

Meter# - Opening - Closing - Active - Date
123 - 1776 - 1876 - No - 2014-Jul-04
123 - 1876 - 1976 - No - 2015-Jul-04
123 - 1976 - 0 - Yes - 2016-Jul-04

This is in a table form for the user to see the old data, and be able to edit the last line only. My problem is how to I tell access that that can edit only the last row? Since there are 1,000's of meters involved this is not going to be the last line of the datatable nor is it a new record. The trick is the use can edit only rows where the Active field is True. Once set to false the record should not be changed any more.

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Forms :: Adding All To A Combobox?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a form that contains 2 combo boxes, one that lists the Wards in the Area and the other contains the types of groups. I can generate a report listing a specific group in the Ward but need to be able to list a specific group in every Ward. I have added "All" to the Ward combo box along with the code in the row query

SELECT [tblWards].[WardID], [tblWards].[Ward] FROM [tblWards] UNION Select 0 ,"All Wards" From [tblWards] ORDER BY [Ward];

When select all Wards from the Combo box and run the report I get no results.

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Forms :: Setting Value Of Combobox Through VBA

Mar 21, 2015

I have form containing 8 comboboxes. On click on command button i want to set the item/caption/selection of combobox. How should I do that? Button has OnClick event built in VBA. What would be the code?

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Forms :: Add Combobox To Subform?

Dec 5, 2013

On my main form I have a subform which holds two table values. [Roles] & [TrainLevel] example of this looks like this:

Plant Manager - T1
Assistant - T2

and so on for about 12 rows with different roles, each with different training levels.

This subform is then based on a query: [qryRoleEventWithRoles] which also looks at all the other selections, selected on the main form.

eg. User selects a training course on the main form, this then changes the subform and shows what level of training each role requires training in, T1, T2 etc..

All this has been working fine for months, almost a year. Each selection on the subform is based on using two combo boxes [Role] & [TrainingLevel] these are both setup on the subform and using the autonumber field, RolesID and TraininglevelID from two separate tables.

Like I say, this has been working fine. Now, all of a sudden, they've stopped working and telling me I can't change the valve because there bound to an autonumber value. or something like that.

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Help Me With Updates!!!

Jan 17, 2005

Sorry for my English, but i try to description my problem.

I have one form and i want all fields to have the privelage for update
without only the field of s/n ( Key of table ) ???

Any ideas!!! ( I am noob in access and VB )
Help me plz.


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Jan 4, 2006

* I have a form that has a list box at the bottom of the form and all the fields (text boxes) displayed above.
* As I select a record in the List Box it shows that record in the text boxes above and allows the user to edit that specific record.
* I went one step futher and created drop down boxes out of the TextBoxes, which now reference a lookup table.
* Although the users have a drop down box they can still enter a new entry.

My problem is that I want the lookup table to be updated with any new entrys that do not exist in the lookup table. I had this working at one point but cannot remember how or what I did.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

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ComboBox/Forms Synching Headache

Jul 26, 2005

Ok, here's something I think I've done dozens of times, successfully. Now I can't get it to work.

I have a Parent Form with three Subforms (based on 3 separate, linked, tables).

I have a combo box on the parent form which looks up a piece of EQUIPMENT by its unique ID and the other two forms display equipment DETAIL and SERVICE HISTORY related to that equipment. It works just great until I use the ParentForm's navigation buttons. The two Subforms change to display the information relevant to other pieces of equipment, but the combo box continues to show the original look up.

Whaaaat have I done or not done here?



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Forms :: ComboBox Not Showing Values?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a combobox with the following specs.

Row Source Type = Value List
RowSource = 1;test1;2;test2;3;test3;4;test4;5;test5;6;test6;7; test7;8;test8;9;test9;10;test10;11;test11;12;test1 2
ColumnCount = 2
ColumnWidths = "0cm;8cm"
Bound Column = 1

For some reason unknown to me, although the combobox does drop down when entered, the values are not visible until selected, then the selected item is visible in the combobox, but still isn't visible in the drop-down list.

I'm using Access 2010

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Forms :: Combobox With Default Selected Value?

Nov 1, 2014

i have 2 tables (clients, frequencies) where in table "clients" i have a column to store ID of "frequencies" table (id, description).

in my form "FClient" i display data stored in table "clients" and i have a combobox that should display the "frequencies" descriptions, but with a frequency selected by fact the one that has its ID stored in table "clients". i'm able to display all frequencies descriptions but i don't know how to easily select and then display, as default, the frequency stored in table "client"

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Forms :: Limiting Combobox With Query

Oct 16, 2014

I'm trying to filter the options in a combo box based on two criteria. The first criterion is another combo box on the same form, for a cascading combo effect. This criterion works fine, no problems at all. The second criterion is a query. So the combo box should display only those values that match both the upstream combobox AND the results of the query. What's really frustrating is that this combobox works just fine in my development dbase. It only stops working when I move it into my active dbase. Anyway, here's the SQL for the combobox rowsource:

FROM (Shapes INNER JOIN (qrySignsInInventory INNER JOIN Size2 ON qrySignsInInventory.SizeID = Size2.SizeID) ON Shapes.ShapeID = Size2.ShapeID) INNER JOIN Signs ON Shapes.ShapeID = Signs.ShapeID
WHERE (((Size2.SizeID)=[qrySignsInInventory].[SizeID]) AND ((Size2.ShapeID)=(SELECT Signs.ShapeID FROM Signs WHERE Signs.SignID = [Forms]![frmUsedDropdown]![cmbSignID])));

I've hilighted the criterion that isn't working. Also, I'm not getting any errors or anything, it's just that the results aren't being filtered. I've triple-checked the references for the active dbase, and I've checked the results of the query. Everything should be working.

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Forms :: ComboBox Not Appearing On Subform

May 3, 2015

So I have a Form (frmPositions) with a subform attached (fsubPosSkill).They are linked through Position ID frmPositions Record Source is qryPositionNeeds

SELECT tblPositionNeeds.PositionNeedsID, tblPositionNeeds.PositionID, tblPositions.Position, tblPositionNeeds.NeedsID, tblNeeds.NeedStatus
FROM tblPositions INNER JOIN (tblNeeds INNER JOIN tblPositionNeeds ON tblNeeds.NeedID = tblPositionNeeds.NeedsID) ON tblPositions.PositionID = tblPositionNeeds.PositionID;

It has two texts boxes on it [PositionID] and [NeedID]

fsubPosSkill Record Source is qryPositionSkills

SELECT tblPositionSkills.PositionSkillID, tblPositionSkills.PositionID, tblPositionSkills.SkillID, tblSkills.SkillName, tblPositionSkills.SkillValueID, tblSkillValue.SkillValue
FROM tblPositionSkills, tblSkills, tblSkillValue;

It has two combo boxes, cmbo1 and cmbo2.

cmbo1: control source is SkillID and Rpw Source is qrySkill
cmbo2: control source is SkillValueID and Row Source is qrySkillValue

when I open frmPositions, the subform shows only the combobox label in the header, there is no combobox that allows me to select Skill or Skill Value.

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Forms :: Changing Source Of Combobox

Jan 26, 2014

I have a form (named Example) to create reports by selecting fields from tables or queries. there is a option box (name is KynkSec) with two options (Table, Query) and a combobox named as KynkTurSec.I want to change the data source of combobox either table or query. By afterupdate, that combobox is requering the listbox "ListKynkAlan" and I can see fields of selected table or query. (That is my dream))Unfortunately I can not do that. Combobox is showing only tables or both of tables and queries. But not only query.

Here is str source of my combobox:

SELECT MsysObjects.Name, MsysObjects.Type FROM MsysObjects WHERE (((MsysObjects.Type)=1) AND ((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys")) OR (((MsysObjects.Type)=5) AND ((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys")) ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name; That is showing both of tables and queries.

And I wrote a code for KynkSec option box;

Private Sub KynkSec_AfterUpdate()
' Populate rowsource of KynkTurSec
Dim strSQL As String
On Error GoTo HandleErr
Select Case KynkTurSec

Case 1

strSQL = "SELECT MsysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects" _
& WHERE(((Left$([Name], 1)) <> "~") And ((MsysObjects.Type) = 1) And ((Left$([Name], 4)) <> "Msys"))
Order BY(MsysObjects.Name)

Case 2

strSQL = "SELECT MsysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects" _
& WHERE(((Left$([Name], 1)) <> "~") And ((MsysObjects.Type) = 5) And ((Left$([Name], 4)) <> "Msys"))
Order BY(MsysObjects.Name)
Case Else
End Select


But this code is not working and giving a warning messsage "Sub or function is not defined"..So How can I change the source of combobox, either table or Query?

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