Forms :: Copy Info Into New Form

Apr 9, 2013

I have a [New Job Number] form in my database. In this [New Job Number] form, I have a [Purchase Orders] subform showing all open Purchase Orders. I have a button in the [New Job Number] form to open another form called [New Purchase Order]. How can I transfer all of that information from [New Job Number] into the [New Purchase Order] form through a macro? I don't know how to use VBA. Also I do know how to use basic Macros, though.

The fields I would like to transfer from [New Job Number] into [New Purchase Order] are JobName, JobNumber, and CustomerAccountNumber.

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Copy Some Info From One Form To Another

Apr 16, 2008

I have 2 different sets of tables,forms and queries, one for quotes and the other for orders.

All is basically simalar but the reason why i did not combine the two in one set of tables and queries is because after a certain time i want to delete some quotes and would also have too many fields in one table to manage.

Both have a main form (own table)with customer detail and then the subform (own table) contains various fields with data relating to products.

My problem now is because one in 5 quotes get accepted i want to just copy one field from main quote form to main order form and then 6 fields from quote sub form to order sub form, the rest of the info will have to be put in manaully in the orders form and sub form.

I thought of running a macro to open order form but not sure how to populate the relative fields.

Any suggestions, prob simple way of solving this but i am self taught and therefore dont know it all.

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Copy Info From Previous Record

Jul 20, 2005

Suppose I have a customer database. Is there a way if I click on a button, it will create a new record and copy some of the info from the previous record?

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Copy & Paste From Access Table To Excel Without Header Info

Dec 11, 2004


Does anyone know how to exclude the header information when copying a record from an Access table and pasting it into Excel. When I paste into Excel, it is also pasting the header information from Access which I do not want. I only want the data to be pasted.

Thanks for the help in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Query Info To Specific Excel Cells

Mar 7, 2014

I have spent the day using Access 2010 and attempting to move information from a parameterized query into specific cells in an excel template. It runs smoothly until I attempt to reference the query at which point I run into th error "Too few parameters. Expected 1." Currently my reference code looks like this:

Dim T As Recordset
Set T = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [8D Data].ID, [8D Data].[Customer Closed], [8D Data].[Days Open], " & _
"[8D Data].[Open Date] , [8D Data].[QN #], [8D Data].[Last Report Date], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Name] , Leaders.[Leader Title], Leaders.[Leader Phone #], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Email], [8D Data].[Part Description], [8D Data].[Customer P/N], " & _
"[8D Data].Customer , [8D Data].[Vehicle Year], [8D Data].[Problem Description]" & _
"FROM [8D Data] INNER JOIN Leaders ON ([8D Data].Lead = Leaders.ID)" & _
"WHERE ((([8D Data].ID)=[Enter QCR #]));")

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Forms :: No Info When Creating Form

Jan 24, 2014

I'm quite new to using Access 2007 and I'm trying to create a form from different tables which have relationships. I've used the form wizard and added all the fields I need from the different tables, however, when I click form view it only shows the title and nothing else. When I'm in design view everything is showing..

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Forms :: Displaying Conditional Info On A Form

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to create a form where I store the literacy and numeracy results of a group of students. So far I have designed a form which gives me a tick box as to whether the test they took was literacy or numeracy, then a box where I enter the score. Literacy tests are scored out of 72 and numeracy out of 50.

what I would like to do is write something that shows the literacy numeracy levels of each student after each test. So for literacy, the score ranges are as follows:

0 - 13 Below Entry 1
14 - 32 Entry 1
33 - 52 Entry 2
53 - 65 Entry 3
66 - 7 Level 1

What I would like to be able to do is tick whether or not they sat a literacy or numeracy test, enter the score and the db to come up with their level and display it on the form.

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Forms :: Full Info For All Property Options Of Any Form Control

Jun 26, 2015

How to set all controls in the form I would like to get complete information about all property options.

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Forms :: Duplicate Form Opens But Area With All Info Is Blank

Jul 2, 2013

I just copied a form from one database to another and for some reason the copied form in the new database does not display. the form opens but the area with all the info is blank... When I choosed design mode it all shows up correctly but in form mode it is just blank.

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Forms :: Creating Pop-Up Form That Lists Persons Contact Info

Sep 18, 2014

I have a list of people in a list box. In the list box I only have the people names listed. (example below)

1. John
2. Frank
3. Tim
4. Jessica

I want to click on one of the names and have a form pop up on the same screen that lists the persons contact info. If I had a table like listed below, could the info auto populate on a separate form.

[ID] [Name] [Number] [Address]
1. John 456-4567 123 Elm Rd.

I want the Form to pop up and show...

Name: John
Number: 456-4567
Address: 123 Elm Rd.

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Forms :: Button To Copy Values From 5 Fields In Current Form To New Form

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to create a command button on my form that copies values from 5 fields in the current record into a new record leaving all the other fields blank except for the new record ID.

The fields that contain the data that I want copied into a new form are:

1. Member_Name
2. Member_ID
3. Account
5. Assigned_WRCA

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Forms :: Combobox On Navigation Form Header - Query Table To Show Right Info

Mar 24, 2013

I created a navigation form on which I put a form call [frmAnimal Setup].

I then placed one combo box on the Navigation frm Header. I have bound it to its source and it actually queries the tbl and show the right info. However when I select one, it will not let me.

In addition, [frmanimal setup] will not allow me to select a breed although it does query the tbl and shows the right information.

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Copy Form Format To All Forms ?

Jan 2, 2006

Hi i have just created my own form format and i want all my other forms to have the same format is there anyway of doing this ?


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Forms :: Copy And Paste To Form

Jul 26, 2013

I can not seem to paste text into a text box on an access 2010 form. I am however able to paste the text in a word document.

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Forms :: Copy One Form Field From Another

Nov 4, 2013

I have form with the following fields

Added by
Agent Name
Sign on
AgencyName (From another table)
PCC (From another table)

I need to copy the data from first AgencyName to second AgencyName and first PCCto second PCC

how can I do this with macro?

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Forms :: Copy Field In Form?

Jul 6, 2014

I have records that can be use several times and they dont change and record that change everey time. I want to be able to copy all records but also to locked older records to prevent users to change them.

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Forms :: Copy Data From A Form To Another

Jun 4, 2013

I've got a database for safety accidents/incidents. I've a table for incidents and another for employers with fields:

tablename:tblEmployers, formname:frmEmployers

In the Incidents form, i've a button which loads the frmEmployers with datasheet view.

Is it possible, by clicking/dbclicking on specific employer, his data (empid, fullname, etc) to autofill/copy to the same fields in form of incidents and save the record?

I've tried with combobox selection(Employers fullname) and autofield, but record didn't save the autofill data.

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Forms :: Copy Value Of Text Field Into Another Form

Jul 8, 2015

My problem is that I want to copy the value of a text-field of form frmSnippet into another text field of form frmChange. But this is not possible, Access tells me that it can't find the form frmChange. But it's there, I checked the name.

My code looks like this:

Const cstrForm As String = "frmChange"
Dim strNr As String
If CurrentProject.AllForms(cstrForm).IsLoaded Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, cstrForm
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm cstrForm, WindowMode:=acDialog

Forms!frmChange![txtSAPNr] = Me![txtSAPNr]

Why I get the runtime error 2450?

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Forms :: Copy A Web Form To Normal Form?

Mar 4, 2014

I have built a database using Access 2010 using the 'web' format for the forms, reports and tables.

This has been fine so far as I have been using macros for my clickonevents.

However I now need some functionality not available in the web forms macro expression builder. Namely Openquery, (it is not on the available list). I therefore want to copy my forms formatting and properties to a normal non-web form allowing me to enter vba code.

Is there no way of doing this though - will I have to redesign the form again from scratch?

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Forms :: Copy Record Data To Another Table Through Form

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form with 2 subforms, each based on their own table. One displays categories of invoices (e.g. rent, electricity, etc.) including some details like monthly costs.

I would like users to be able to select one of those categories and copy this to another table, after which they can enter on what date the invoice was paid, to make a history of payments.

At first I based fields in the history table on fields in the categories table so that you could simply pick a category from a combobox. I had an after update event on that combobox that also automatically set the 'costs' combobox to the matching price.

Worked fine, but had one snag: if I update the costs of a category in the categories table (e.g. the rent goes up) then all the costs in the history table was also updated because the fields got their info from that table.

So now I no longer have field from the history table based on the other table, and want to use 'set value' to copy values from one table to the other. I'd like the user to be able to somehow select a category with a single click on a button, and getting the info for that category copied. However, how can I get access to know from which record I want the fields copied?

Or is there a completely different way to get a history of payments that works much better?

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Forms :: Subform Data To Copy Itself Into Main Form

Oct 23, 2013

I have an unbound subform within a main form that i add data to.

Once I click save to save all the data the subform data will save itself into tblPerson and the main form data will save itself in tblSupplier.

The tblPerson will have an autonumber for the whole record, i need this autonumber to save in tblSupplier, only this autonumber.

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Forms :: Copy Form Data To Report After Change

Feb 19, 2014

I have a continuous form that has 5 columns of data per line and it also has a 6th column that I can enter data into. What I want to be able to do is if I enter data into the 6th column it will copy that record except the 5th column to a report.

I have tried searching this forum and other but not quite sure of the terminology so not getting good results.

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Forms :: Copy Record On Form Based On Combo Box?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that i input information into. I have a combo box labeled Addendum, you can select "yes" or "no". What i would like to do is if user selects "yes" then a new record needs to be copied with exact information form original, with the excpetion of a field labeled "tape review #" 1403310000 for example. "-AD" needs to be added to this new record after the review number. Also the field "tape review #" is indexed not to allow duplicate numbers.

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Forms :: Copy Field Data From Form To Subform

Jan 9, 2014

I have a form puling from one table and then a subform in that form pulling from another table.I have a field in the [FORM] called [GROSS REFUND] and a field in the [SUBFORM] also called [GROSS REFUND].I want the value of [FORM].[GROSS REFUND], if the value is not zero, to be copied into a new record on the [SUBFORM.[GROSS REFUND].

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Forms :: Loop Through A Datasheet And Copy Contents Of One Field Into Another Form

Apr 19, 2013

I am trying loop through a datasheet so that I can copy the contents of one field into another form.

I have tried using the bellow code to do this on a button click event. However when i run it I get an error telling me that the object doesn't support this property or method. Im not quite sure what this means.

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].RecordsetClone
Do Until rst.EOF
[Roll Out - Sign items added].Form![Code] = [Roll Out - Sign items pick list].[Form]![Item Category]


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Forms :: Timestamp Record After Update Event And Copy Data Into Another Form?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a simple data entry form on which there are about 30 to 40 data fields to be update by users. One of the field is called "Stage" which is a combo box with 2 entries "Formal Case" and "Informal Case" with no default value whien a form is first opened.

Users will normally create a data entry which updates the table and save.

However if in future users open any one existing record and try to change Stage field from Informal to Formal or vice a versa I would then like this action to

1) update a time stamp concatinated with the stage change value in a text field perhaps

2) save/close the form

3) open a new form with all the existing entries(plus changed status of "Stage Field") with a new record ID and new time stamp.

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