Forms :: Copy Record Within The Subsorm

Mar 26, 2014

I have uploaded a small database. I keep track of payments for people who receive a language proficiency allowance. Usually the members receive this allowance for two years. Sometimes they receive it for one year.

Lang Level DateQuaFrom DateQuaTo DatePd From DatePd To
Hindi Inter 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-14 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-13
Hindi Inter 15-Dec-12 14-Dec-14 15-Dec-13 14-Dec-14

There is a field called NoOfPays . If this field value is 2 in the first record then I want it to insert a second record as shown above. How do I do it. I tried to append but it is not working.

Now copying the record with the maxID is not correct.

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Forms :: Copy Existing Record To New Record?

Dec 24, 2013

I have the employee data record... I want copy of the same record to insert in table but with different employee id and Site through forms. StaffNo is the primary key.

For example

existing record
StaffNo, Site, Name, hiring date, etc
AKA-111, 10, John, 25-10-13

new record
StaffNo, Site, Name, hiring date, etc
ALM-123, 14, John, 25-10-13

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Forms :: How To Copy Fields From 1 Record To The Next

Aug 6, 2013

I have fields on a form for the Date, the Start time and the Finish time. These won't change for the next 120 records. So, upon opening a new record, I'd like the Date and times to appear there already. But here is the crux: After about 120 entries, the date and Time changes, for the next 120 entries. So, once the 'batch' is finished, or I close access, the values do not need to be remembered until I enter a new record.

I copied something like the following from a book and tried running it with various modifications, just for the Date to start with, but no luck. (It did strike me as too simple for something, clearly, as unbelievably TRICKY as my problem...) I did find quite a few posts on this here but none seemed to work for me, or made sense to me in the slightest. (I did mention that I'm a complete rookie, didn't I?)

Private Sub Acquired_date_AfterUpdate()
Me!Acquired_date.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!Acquired_date.Value & "'"
End Sub

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Forms :: Copy From Previous Record?

Jun 2, 2015

I found and pasted some code which copies records from the previous record on the form. Seems to work well, but I was wondering if there is an issue with the copying of the first field which is a combo box?

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Forms :: Copy Data To New Record

Jul 4, 2014

Currently I have created a data base and form. I am at a point where I need to copy data from one record specific field to a different field in the new record all while creating a new record.

Create a new record

Copy field in LastWeekInfo current record
New record ThisWeekinfo field

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Forms :: Using Combobox Value To Copy Whole Record?

Dec 3, 2014

Let's say, I'm updating a record, and I have a combo-box that says transfer and another combo-box that states "where to?" - or words to those effect.

Each record has a field for credit value and a field for debit value.

When I've finished entering the current record, I want to run code that fires the event, so, copies all the data from one record, to create a new record, BUT...

1) changes the "where to" from the old record to "From" in the new record.
2) changes either the credit or debit value, to the opposite in the new record?

I would like to do this from a sub-form. I can copy a whole record, no problem, but can't seem to change field values.

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Forms :: Copy Record Button - Command Or Action Isn't Available?

Jan 13, 2014

I've rebooted my copy record button and just used the macro wizard for now, it seems to work as far as I can tell but there is something strange about it.

I've added in some text boxes so I've got some confirmation, but when I click this copy button I get the following error;

"The command or action 'RecordsGoToNew' isn't available now."

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Forms :: Copy Record Data To Another Table Through Form

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form with 2 subforms, each based on their own table. One displays categories of invoices (e.g. rent, electricity, etc.) including some details like monthly costs.

I would like users to be able to select one of those categories and copy this to another table, after which they can enter on what date the invoice was paid, to make a history of payments.

At first I based fields in the history table on fields in the categories table so that you could simply pick a category from a combobox. I had an after update event on that combobox that also automatically set the 'costs' combobox to the matching price.

Worked fine, but had one snag: if I update the costs of a category in the categories table (e.g. the rent goes up) then all the costs in the history table was also updated because the fields got their info from that table.

So now I no longer have field from the history table based on the other table, and want to use 'set value' to copy values from one table to the other. I'd like the user to be able to somehow select a category with a single click on a button, and getting the info for that category copied. However, how can I get access to know from which record I want the fields copied?

Or is there a completely different way to get a history of payments that works much better?

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Forms :: Copy Data From Record In SubformA To SubformB?

Apr 22, 2013

I would like my users to be able to view stock items in one (sub)form and when they double click on an item, then certain data is copied to an orders (sub)form.

I have therefore embedded two unbound subforms into a master form.

The master form (Frm Stock) has no fields, but it has 2 subforms.

Frm_Stock_Subform and Frm_OrderDetail_Subform

So I have 2 problems here.

Problem 1:I would like the following code trigger when the user double clicks anywhere on the record that the user wants to order.Thus far, I can only make it fire only when the user doubl;es clicks in a specific field (in this case, the ID field is the trigger)

Problem 2:I cannot activate the Frm_OrderDetail_Subform in order to create the new record. (I have looked at this link - Refer to form and subform

Private Sub ID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_ID_DblClick
Dim MyOrderID As Variant
Dim MyStockID As Variant
Dim MyAmt As Variant


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Forms :: Copy Record On Form Based On Combo Box?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that i input information into. I have a combo box labeled Addendum, you can select "yes" or "no". What i would like to do is if user selects "yes" then a new record needs to be copied with exact information form original, with the excpetion of a field labeled "tape review #" 1403310000 for example. "-AD" needs to be added to this new record after the review number. Also the field "tape review #" is indexed not to allow duplicate numbers.

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Forms :: Copy Record From Previous Field If No Specific Combobox Value

Oct 30, 2013

I have an access form that needs filling in daily by various people.

It's to document changes to a website and I currently have a combobox box set up for the various sections to state whether they are AMENDS, REVERTS or NO CHANGE.

I have set conditional formatting to then highlight these sections but am also trying to get it to work so that if the user chooses "NO CHANGE" then the data for that field copies over from the previous record.

I have set this up in the AfterUpdate code for the combobox, but nothing is happening, not even an error....

Private Sub COMBOBOX1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.COMBOBOX1 = 3 Then
Me.[FIELD_TO_CHANGE] = DLookup("[FIELD_TO_CHANGE]", "tb_TABLE", "[ID]=Forms![form_FORM]![ID]-1")
End If
End Sub

(Where 3 is the value of NO CHANGE in the combobox, and FIELD_TO_CHANGE, tb_TABLE and form_FORM being the names of the various elements)...

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Forms :: Timestamp Record After Update Event And Copy Data Into Another Form?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a simple data entry form on which there are about 30 to 40 data fields to be update by users. One of the field is called "Stage" which is a combo box with 2 entries "Formal Case" and "Informal Case" with no default value whien a form is first opened.

Users will normally create a data entry which updates the table and save.

However if in future users open any one existing record and try to change Stage field from Informal to Formal or vice a versa I would then like this action to

1) update a time stamp concatinated with the stage change value in a text field perhaps

2) save/close the form

3) open a new form with all the existing entries(plus changed status of "Stage Field") with a new record ID and new time stamp.

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Forms :: How To Copy Unbound Text Box On Form To A Current Record In Table

May 17, 2015

I created an unbound text box on a form that automatically pulls the current logged in user by using this:

Private Sub Txtuser_Click()
Me.Txtuser = Environ("Username")

The form grabbs the logged in user with no problems, however, I ultimately want this information to also end up in my table. So the form has three boxes (to keep it simple). The user will type their first name and last name manually on the form which the record source is this "table" where their name goes to the table last name =Field 1 and first name=Field 2 respectively. I want the unbound box from the form to place the logged in user in Field 3 for the current record.

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Forms :: Creating A Form Which Copy Selective Entries From Previous Record

Dec 10, 2013

I am tasked with creating a scientific database of fish catches at various different sampling stations. I envisage the entry form having hierarchy levels, ie year, season, date, sample station, species caught, and then the specific associated data with each species (weight, abundance, length etc) will form each distinct record.

In each year there are 2 sampling seasons. In each sampling season there are up to 20 dates on which samples are taken. On each date there are up to 50 sample stations recorded. And at each station up to 20 species can be recorded.

In order to enter each species caught in a survey, the end user will potentially have to fill the season box with an entry 40,000 times. For each season there will be 20,000 date entries to be made. For each date, 1,000 station code entries, and 20 species entries for each station. What I would like to happen is this.

When the end user is entering the data, he or she will be working through the hierarchy from the ground up. Ie., they will enter a particular species' data (abundance, weight, length etc) at a particular station on a particular date during a particular sampling season. The next entry will be a different species at the same station on the same date during the same season. I would like the duplicated information from the previous record to be copied across onto the new one so that all the end user has to do is enter the species name, abundance weight and length data.

Once they have finished entering all the species data for that particular site, they can move onto the next site which they would fill in the data themselves for the station code. So, in the hierarchy, the first button would copy all the previous data except the species name and associated weight length abundance data. The next button would do the same, except leave the station code blank. The next button would leave the species name, station code and date blank. And so on up the hierarchy. The end user would be able to selectively choose which data is copied over by using these buttons, saving lots of potential extra work doing repetitive entries.

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Copy Button In A Form To Copy Fields To Other Fields In The Same Record

Sep 23, 2005

Hi there,

Can someone help me on this issue?

I want to copy Postal Address Information to Visit Address Information wthin the same record, in my Contact Database that I am building at the moment.

I want to copy 4 fields to 4 other fields within the same Record.

This the current code I use for the Copy-button:


Private Sub cmdCopyFields_Click()

Dim v1 As Variant
Dim v2 As Variant
Dim v3 As Variant
Dim v4 As Variant

v1 = Me!Field_a.Value
v2 = Me!Field_b.Value
v3 = Me!Field_c.Value
v4 = Me!Field_d.Value

RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

Me!Field_e = v1
Me!Field_f = v2
Me!Field_g = v3
Me!Field_h = v4

End Sub


The underlined part (acCmdRecordsGoToNew) is false part of this code, because it copies the Adress Info to a new record, instead of copying it in the same.

-Is there someone that can help me with this problem, to make the copy-button in the Form run properly?

-Are there other options to achieve te same?

I have put in a attachment, to give you guys a visual example of what I mean.

Thanks in advance,


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Copy Record In DataSheet And Then Jump To New Record

Apr 26, 2007

I am running A Form.
I have created it that I if I Double Click on one of the fields, it automatically creates a copy (which is run from a Query).
That all works fine.
My problem is that my Table has 500 Records and I want the Form to jump straight to the New Record after it creates it.
Here is my Code:
Code:Private Sub USName_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) DoCmd.OpenQuery "Copy_Drug" Me.RequeryEnd Sub

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Tables :: Copy Table Record To Another Record?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a database for staff to request checks to be cut. I have one table with a group of regularly used payees & addresses. A second table stores data for each individual check request. I need to be able to copy a record from the addresses to the check request. I do not want to add all addresses to the address table, as it is only for commonly used payees. So from the check request table, I am able to lookup a payee, which opens the address form to display the address. I need to be able to copy the displayed address to the open check request form.

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Copy From One Record To The Next

Jul 10, 2007

In the attached db I have a form I use in datasheet view to show data. I have an attached subform that the user updates. The user opens the subform by clicking on the + sign to open the subform, the updates the fields clicks the + sign again to close the form. Then repeats for the next record. What I would like to happen is when the user clicks the + sign again to go to a new form is to have the data from the fields below to auto popualte the new form instance. I could do this with a continuous form and it worked but the users would like to see the data in a datasheet design. Is this possible? Thanks...

Me("Type").DefaultValue = """" & Me("Type").Value & """"
Me("Severity").DefaultValue = """" & Me("Severity").Value & """"
Me("EventStatus").DefaultValue = """" & Me("EventStatus").Value & """"
Me("AdminDate").DefaultValue = """" & Me("AdminDate").Value & """"

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Copy Record

Aug 5, 2005

I have this form that contains a good number of bound fields. The behaviour I would like to add to this form is, upon the press of a button, a new form would pop open (same form) as a copy of the current. This would make entering in multiple items with very few differing fields much easier.

I don't know a good way to do this. I mean I could list out each control, enter it in a new row in the database, and then open the new form pointing to that record, but that seems ridiculous. That would be like 500 lines of just gathering the data and inserting.

So I decided to cycle through all the controls, pick out the types I need, such as textboxes etc, and then get the value from that and put it in a new entry. So I would end up getting the name of the field in a variable, (named field), but I am unable to extract the value from the form from this string. Something like _ Me. & field & .Value _ really doesn't work. Anyway I can use a variable to get the value of a field?

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Copy Record

Dec 9, 2005

I have a form ('A') for editing new records in table 'T' . I want to be able to copy data (just some fields) from another record to this new record.

This was my plan:
On this form 'A', I made a button "copy another" that opens a form 'B' that should show all the records from tabel 'T'. User select a record and then all the necessary fields will be copied to the new record in form 'A'.

However, the first error starts when I open this form 'B'. I get the errornumber 3211. The err description is (I have to translate because I have a dutch versoin). "The database engine can't lock the table 'T'. Table 'T' is in use at the moment by another user or proces".
How can I make this work? I understand that the table is in use, because form 'A' is using the same table.


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Copy Record From 1 Table To Another

Aug 29, 2006

Hi Everyone

I wonder if anyone can help me with code that i can use to copy a single record from table1 to table2

that i can use in a subroutine.

Thanks in advance to anyone that may offer some help

Kindest regards


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Creating Copy Of A Record

Feb 8, 2006

I have a Edit Form, where users edit the customer information. I want to add a Button which creates another copy of the same record in the table.
How Can I achieve that? any suggestions?

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Copy And Create A New Record

Dec 5, 2006

I have a program that you can search all or a specific record. Once you find the record, you can double click on it and another form will open up with only that record's information.

What I need is to have a button that will copy this record's name, address, phone number, contact info, and etc --> and create a new record with a new Record Number using the current record. This will allow the user to avoid entering in the same information again. For confirmation purposes, I would like to have a SAVE button to verify and save to the DB.

Does anyone have any inputs on how I can do this? If you would like to see the program, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for all your help and suggestions!

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Copy And Append A Record

Feb 28, 2012

I have followed the development of Access from the early beginning, and even before the early beginning with databases like Q&A, Foxbase etc. I have survived with Access 2002 for a long time. However, the unavoidable string of events has given us more and more complex systems (for the noble purpose of making life easier, I assume). In my particular case I now have an up-to-date system (Access 2010) that I do no handle. My impression is that also the experts have trouble. I am now close to discard Access 2010 as too complex for my simple needs.

Here follows an example of a database that was easy to construct in Access 2002 but which I have major problems to reconstruct in Access 2010: The database in question shall keep track of expenses. The database have fields like date, project, type of merchandise, description of merchandise, price, name of store, notes, hyperlinks.

On opening the database I want a search screen (a form) that is exactly identical to the records I am going to produce (except that all fields are empty). On the search screen I put a search topic (e.g. the name of a store), and then initiate the search by pressing a fast key. The search result generates a number of records, I move on to the last one, I copy it, and on the copied record I do the necessary adjustments. The whole operation is done in a matter of seconds. The procedure is functional, and it gives me what I want.

I have made some "work around" procedures that bring me to the final touch, namely to copy/paste the record.

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Copy Some Data From Previous Record To Next

Apr 12, 2006

I need to copy some data from last record to next(New record), when a user clicks a button on a form. I don't want to copy all the data.

An example would be booking in items from an invoice:
Company would be the same
Invoice number would be the same
Product code would be different
quantity would be different

Hope this makes some sence, and i'm not being stupid:rolleyes:


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