Forms :: Count Only Rows In Specific Field With Date

Dec 12, 2014

I have an access forum that I need to have a textbox count how many rows have dates in my "Ship_To_Date_HP_" field

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Forms :: Field Filled With Day Of Week Of Specific Date In Form

Mar 24, 2014

I have 2 fields in my form.. on if for date (date picker)..

The other one is for day..

I am using this atm:

Private Sub okt_courtdate_AfterUpdate()
okt_courtday = Format(okt_courdate, "dddd")
End Sub

So.. after i pick my date.. when i click tab.. the day field in form will be filled with correct day of that date.. The problem is..

I want to change days to my countries language.. example if it's monday, i want it to be "isnin".. I need to do this for all 7 days of the week.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting - Rows To Be Of Specific Color Based On Value In 1 Field

Jul 24, 2014

I have a report that I would like to have the rows be a specific color based on the value in 1 field on the row.

I have attempted to use conditional formatting but it will not work (IE, I can get font color to change, but not field boxes to have color).

The field is labeled [text144] based on the value in the field (1,2, or 3) I would like the field to be a different color.
3 = green
2 = yellow
1 = red

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Domain Aggregate Functions To Count Occurrences Of Specific Value In Field

Jul 8, 2012

i need domain aggregate functions to count the occurrences of specific value in a field, and when it exceeds 1, display null. or 'group by' subqueries with count() to see if you should populate the field or not.

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Tables :: Populate Date Based On Specific Text In Another Field

Mar 27, 2013

I would like the "DateOfConfirmation" to populate with today's date when "SSurvDiagThisYear" is Confirmed.

The DateRecordCreated is a simple =Date() that populates when the record is entered into the table.

SSurvDiagThis Year is the case outcome - Pending, Probable, or Confirmed. It is possible that the case could be confirmed on the same day it was entered into the table but that is RARE.

I am hoping for the The DateOfConfirmation to capture the date the case is confirmed so that I can gather some duration between the case being opened to confirmed.


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Locking Specific Rows Within A Query

Oct 12, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a query on a form in which I want to lock the first two rows to prevent the user from manipulating the data. The user will input information in the third column.

How would I go about this


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Reports :: How To Get Sum Of Values For Specific Rows

Nov 5, 2013

I have a report being generated that pulls in a bunch of data. The processed column is a boolean value.

I want to be able to set the text of a label to be equal to the "material cost" for all the rows where is processed is set to false.

Picture of the report: [URL] ....

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Forms :: Count Age From DOB To Admission Date

May 12, 2013

How to count the age from DOB to Admission date.

Please see the attachment and if possible add your formula.

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Forms :: Date Count Down Timer

Jul 18, 2013

I want a count down timer up to a certain date (30th Aug 2013) in days how do I do this and have is visable on a form?

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Forms :: Show Date In Specific Format In Message Box

Jan 6, 2015

I have a messagebox and want to know if it is possible that the messagebox give me a date as 15/01/2015 and not 15/01/2015. Using dailog box as messagebox

Private Sub Save_Click()
Dialog.Box "Tape # : " & Me.Tape & vbCrLf & "Sticker # : " & Me.Container1 &
vbCrLf & "Book # : " & Me.Book & vbCrLf & "Date send Out : " & Me.DateSendOut &
vbCrLf & "Date to be back : " & Me.DateToBeBack & vbCrLf & "OS : " & Me.System, ,
End Sub

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Queries :: General Date Field Criteria - Limit Results To Only Specific Month

Apr 16, 2015

I basically have General Date field (e.g. 10/1/2014 6:34:11 PM) and I want to limit the results to only a specific month and only to show reuslts after 6PM. I tried everything and still stuck.

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How To Populate Data Field With Specific Date To Existing Table In Access 2010

Jun 14, 2013

I have a table with more than a million records. I want to add a new column with date equals to e.g.3/14/2012 for all the records. I am using update query, but it is super slow (taking more than a hour) there any other way to do this?

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Forms :: Looping Through A Form To Clear Each Field For All Rows

Sep 4, 2014

How can I loop loop through a tabular form to clear each value in a field of all rows ? I tried the below code, but it did not work.

Loopcnt = DCount("*", "Budget")
For Loopcnt = 1 To Loopcnt
[Forms]![Budget Form].[Newbudgt] = Null
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next Loopcnt

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Getting The Count Of Various Rows In One Query.

Oct 12, 2007

I've been toying with this for a few hours but I always end up with the wrong result. Hopefully an expert here can provide some insight. I have a table called colors with two columns PNAME and COLOR. There are various products and only three possible colors. E.g:

Tablename: COLORS

tshirt blue
pants blue
jacket blue
jacket green
shoes green
vest black

Now what I'm trying to do is create a single query that would provide me with the count of colors in three different columns.

Blue Green Black
3 2 1

I can get these results easily by creating several queries and then getting the results into one query from these, but I'm trying to learn how to put together nested queries. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Set Colors On Specific Rows In Continuous Form

Sep 5, 2006

Can we set different colors on specific rows in a continuous form?
Suppose the following data entry form (continuous) is to fill in spouse name, while name and marital status is already prepared in a different table. If the marital status is Married, then the spouse name textbox's background color will be Yellow. The standard background color is white.

Name Marital Status Spouse Name
xxxx Married (Yellow)
xxxx Unknown (White)
xxxx Not married (White)
xxxx Married (Yellow)

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How To Return Specific Rows In A Query To A Form

Dec 31, 2012

I have a Query of dates and I need to have those dates return onto a from horizontally?

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Forms :: Count Weekday In Given Date Range

Mar 21, 2014

I am looking for Access VBA code to count number of Day Name in given range

E.g. March 01, 2014 to March 31, 2014
Mon = 5
Tue = 4
Wed = 4
Thu = 4
Fri = 4
Sat = 5
Sun = 5

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How Do I Count Number Of Rows In Table...

Oct 4, 2004

I need to do a count of the total number of rows in a table or query. Say I have a table with 7 records, I want to be able to get total number of rows instead of the sum of the row and save it to some other table.

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Queries :: Count Amount Of Records That Fall In Each Month In Date Complete Field

Sep 13, 2013

i''m currently trying to count the amount of records that fall in each month in the date complete field. i am currently using a count query and it it bringing up the dates not the month.

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Forms :: Make Specific Textbox Become Current System Date To All Records

Sep 24, 2014

I have a problem in my Database system. The title of my Database is Employee Evaluation. This is my problem.. I already make the default value the txtbox a current system date. but for the next day.. the txtbox for all record should become a current system date. but only the for the new record is the current system date. the all records are not current system date... I want from the opening of my system the textbox of all records are should be current system date.

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Forms :: Using Calendar To Control A Test Box - Click Search For Specific Date

Jul 2, 2013

I am trying to allow a calendar to search through a text box with a large amount of data in which will have headings using the date so i wanted to use a calendar search. Hopefully this will be be like the find function in word where you type (or in this case select a date) then click search or next which will take you to that specific date.

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Pulling Specific Data For Specific Date Range

Jul 14, 2007

so i have an interesting question and im hoping that someone can help on this one. i need to pull date from a specific table, no problem, that's written and working fine, next i need to be able to join the data from another table by a primary key, again no problem. third, i need to be able to select the date (using WHERE) for a specific date range. (i.e. i enter the date range of 01/7/2007 to 15/7/2007) and the query comes back only showing the data from that specific time, not the data from before or after. this is where my problem lies, all the entered data is being shown after entering my date range. i am going to include my SQL statement, just so you can actually see what im really talking about.

SELECT srealest.Name0, srealest.Dist1, SREpayments.Face2Pd, SREpayments.Penalty2Pd, SREpayments.[2paid], SREpayments.Face3Pd, SREpayments.Penalty3Pd, SREpayments.[3paid], SREpayments.Face4Pd, SREpayments.Penalty4Pd, SREpayments.[4paid], srealest.Map, srealest.Parcel, srealest.LeaseHold, srealest.TaxRebate1, srealest.TaxFace1, srealest.TaxPenalty1, srealest.TaxYear, srealest.BillNo, srealest.PdRebate1, srealest.PdFace1, srealest.PdPenalty1, srealest.DatePd
FROM SREpayments INNER JOIN srealest ON SREpayments.BillNo=srealest.BillNo
WHERE (((SREpayments.[2paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[3paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[4paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date])) Or (((srealest.DatePd) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]))
ORDER BY srealest.Name0;

any thoughts or ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated!

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Query Returns Zero Rows And Count Errors

Sep 7, 2005

I am running a report based on a query. When the query returns zero rows, the count function in the report gives an error. Probably a simple solution but I've searched and can't find an answer. What do I do to stop the report when there is no data?

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Trying To Update Rows Based On A Count Variable

Sep 1, 2006

Apologies if this is a basic question. Here's my situation:

I'm trying to update rows in a table based on a count of items in the same table. The table in question contains order line items. On each line item, I'd like to store the total number of items attached to that order (because it affects how the individual line items are processed).

I have a query that seems like it should do the trick, but Access doesn't like it:

UPDATE sales AS S1 SET S1.EXPC = (select count(*) from sales S2 where S2.order_id = S1.order_id AND S2.product_code = "EXPC");

Here's the error I get:

Operation must use an updateable query.


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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Rows In A Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I need to write a code that checks if every 6 lines in a table contains a string. If it contains the string, then carry on looping, but if it does not, it will delete the current line and the previous 6 lines before it. The program should then continue looping through the entire table.

For example,


I need to find the string "apple" in every 6 lines. So, that means that the first 2 Apples are fine, but for the third one needs to be deleted as it contains 7 lines instead of 6.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date Field Based On Another Date Field

May 13, 2014

I am building an Access database for a client. It is an employee staffing database. With that being said they would like the ability to automatically populate the "T2PPCD" date field based on what is entered into the "Report Date" field. (Same table)

The date is the Monday after 180 days from the report date.

I already know how to get it to auto fill 180 days from the "Report Date" but I'm not sure how to tell it to give me the Monday after 180 days.

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