Forms :: Creating Report Menu To Allow User Filters

Aug 26, 2013

I have been tasked to create a report menu for my users to select a report (there are about 20), select which filters that they want to apply to that report, then run based on what the user selected as the filters.

I have about 30 different filters to create, and based on which report the user selects, the filters that apply will need to be shown. I'm thinking the reports will be in an option group, and based on which report the users selects the filters that apply to that report will be displayed. From there the user can choose to apply a filter or not, and run the report.

I am trying to figure out the best way to tackle this. Should I try to create a table that contains the report name and type of filter to loop thru the controls to set visible, and build the SQL?

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Forms :: Creating Different Filters For Scrolling?

Apr 3, 2015

The last two weeks I taught myself Access (and hurt quite a few braincells in the process) Yet I am getting close to what I want to achieve, but now I am stuck how to proceed with the following:

I want to have 'forms' view as my main interface for my records. This is working very nicely, and I like how I can scroll fast through all records with my mouse-wheel. I also need to be able to filter records that will be displayed and scrolled through this way, and I created a filter which I can now toggle on or off easily for this purpose.

But now my challenge is, I want to be able to quickly select different filters, so for example, show only forms with a certain date field content. Or filter only forms which have a certain check-box checked. Etc. etc. And later on probably a bit more advanced, like: display forms that both contain 'this' and 'that'.

But I can't find a way to create several different and selectable filters? So this should probably be achieved in quite a different manner?

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Creating Filters In Forms Using Parameters

Jan 29, 2013

I am creating a front end of a database that is the forms only version with ext. .accdr...I would like to create a way that each user of the front end can apply a filter using parameters, allowing the user to enter in their name when opening the front end.Form and Table name is "Non-Student Tasks Completed Daily" and "Student Connection Task" Field name is "SSC"..How can I get a box to appear when someone opens the database that askes them to enter their name to apply the filter?

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Reports :: Create A Form Which Filters A Report Based Off Of Combo Boxes Selected By User

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a form which filters a report based off of combo boxes selected by the user. The code I'm using currently is:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptProgramAttendees", acViewReport, , "ProgramIDFK = " & cboProgramTitle

This works great to return a report if the user selects something from the combo box. How do I adapt this so that the user can also leave the combo box blank and filter the report to return all records?Additionally, what if I want to have the user filter between dates selected on the form; i.e. between 'txtStart' and 'txtEnd'

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Forms :: Recordset Filters From One User Affecting All Users On A Form?

Jul 10, 2013

Here is the environment:

Currently, I have 10 Users running a front end form that connect to back end data where they add to current records and eventually check that the record is complete.

I also have an "Apply Filter" button on the right hand side of the form that allows the user to apply filters to the records to show specific data that is not complete.

I am currently hearing that while the user is working, whether they apply filter or not, it seems as though all of a sudden, all of their completed work dissapears from their recordset hence not allowing them to go back to make changes to it if needed. I can only conclude that when a different user clicks apply filter, all users are affect some how... here are some examples of the code for the filter:

Select Case [cboFilterValues] ' Where the user selects a filter parameter from a dropdown
Case "All Data"
strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM [Data Table] " & _
"WHERE [Complete] = No

Then it does:

Me.RecordSource = strSQL

I am basically trying to find a way where only the user wanting to view the filter is affected... FYI, the other users arent actually seeing all the filters from the other user filter choice, they simply loose all their completed work from their form.

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Forms :: Embedded Within A Loop To Send Various Filters Of Report To Different Recipients

Aug 15, 2013

In a form I have a button which creates (in preview) an outlook message with a pdf report. It opens and displays just as I want it to, but if I chose to save that message in outlook and either send or cancel (i.e. allowing user to save to drafts and send later) then MS Access crashes.To ensure this wasn't to do with any compile / corruption within my full application I mirrored the process in a very simple 1 table / 1 form / 1 report db and still the same - access crashes after saving the outlook message and either sending the message or cancelling out the message.

Form code is as follows;Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Table1", acFormatPDF, "someemaddress", , , , "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

In my main application this process is embedded within a loop to send various filters of the report to different recipients, which works fine if 'save' is not used within Outlook..

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Forms :: User View - Reduce Amount Of Options On Menu Bars

Aug 15, 2013

I have created a front end and put into production for my users but I want to reduce the amount of menu bar options they see so someone cant click on a button wondering what it does and mess something up. What is the best way to reduce the amount of options a user sees on the menu bars when they open the front end of the db?

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Forms :: User Select Subform Filters Other Subform

Oct 8, 2013

i have a form with 2 subforms. when the user selects a record in subform one. the date of that record filters subform 2. in the source query of subform 2 i have this under criteria


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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Forms :: Creating A Form That Require User Input To Confirm / Cancel Changes

Jun 24, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and my "changed" position at work requires that I learn much more about the software. My first challenge is to learn how to make an existing form prompt a user to confirm or cancel changes. I don't know anything about coding but I searched online and found some coded that is supposed to make this happen. I went to "form properties'' and typed this (below) in BeforeUpdate:

'If the form data has changed a message is shown asking if
'the changes should be saved. If the answer is no then
'the changes are undone

On Error GoTo BeforeUpdate_Error

[Code] ....

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume BeforeUpdate_Exit

After saving changes to the design, I tested by changing the record. I received no prompt.

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Creating A Switchboard (main Menu)

Sep 9, 2005

I have recently created a small inventory database just for fun, but I am looking to expand my knowledge with Access since I have not dealt with it hardly at all. I would like to know how to create a regular main menu to the database that gives you options on what you want to do. I would like to be able to look up inventory by serial number, edit inventory, add inventory, and run reports from the main menu. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Creating Customized Menu Bars

Aug 4, 2005


I am pulling my hair out trying to create a customized menu bar. Eventually, I want to have a customized menu bar and tool bar for report and different customized menu bar and tool bar for forms. I created the tool bar for the report window. Then when I tried to create a new menu bar I could not remove menu selections without removing the same menu selections from the default Menu Bar.

I selected View->Toolbars->Customize...
Then I clicked on New (command button)
Then I named it (RptMenuBar)
Then I selected 'Built-In Menus' from the Commands Tab
Then I dragged the 'File' from the Command list into the new Menu Bar
Then I went to the new menu bar and dropped down the selections under File and started to left click and drag what I didn't in the NEW MENU BAR. However, it turns out when I did that the same selections were removed from the default Menu Bar.

I was ablel to restore the default Menu Bar. But I want to have a customized Menu Bar and be able to select that new Menu Bar and associate it with every Report that is in my Database.

Any ideas? If you have some good instructional references, please point me in that direction. Thanks.


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Creating New Ribbon With Drop Down Menu?

Jun 2, 2014

How I can create my own Ribbon which include drop down menus?

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Creating Drop Down Menu In A Form

Aug 6, 2015

In the Lesson 22 tutorial presented here: [URL] .....

They create form where the called Countries toward the end where:

The have a textbox for Government Type. It is a drop down menu of choices that the database creator can choose such a capitalist, socialist, and communist etc.

However, in the form (with the records source as Countries) there is only a space for input no drop down menu. I know this may seem awful elementary to the seasoned database designer, but how does one get it to be a drop down menu?

I have made the input in Countries table to be a look-up which I typed (see above choices) and the is the control source for the Countries Form government type. But there is still no drop down menu with choices on the Countries form. What must I do additionally?

If this is already talked about in one of the MS Access 2010 tutorials earlier lessons then a referral to that source is all that is needed.

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Reports :: Have A Form To Generate Report With 3 Filters

Aug 12, 2014

i have a form to generate report with 3 filters,


these are combo selection and the report is working fine with these 3 filters. filtering by a query. all 3 feilds on the same table.what i am unable to do is make these filters as option to select with a check box. like if i dont want the third filter product but to generate report with the other two filters sales_person and client_name.

edt: uploading my DB Form report_generator on medical_request_query and table medical_requeset

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Reports :: Multiple Filters In Access Report Using Vba

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to link 2 reports so that when a user selects a field in the 1st report it will only return records specific to the filters. I have used the following code via a field in a report to return records in a seperarte report using 1 filter "BudgetPool". What I need to do is add a second filter "ContratorType" to the code to allow the second report to refine the records.

Private Sub BudgetPool_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Budget Expenditure by Pool per Project Type", acViewReport, , "BudgetPool=" & Me.BudgetPool
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Custom Shortcut Menu

Jun 5, 2014

I'm working to put together a shortcut menu for a form that will be viewed as a datasheet. I'm trying to put together the vba to create the menu. I'd like a lot of the standard options i.e. sort a-z, filter toggle etc. I'd also like to add the menu option that is displayed in the default menu called "Text Filters". I've been unable to find the id code for that option, and since it, when chosen opens another menu, I'm not real sure how to code it. Here is what I have so far:

Sub CreateWIPShortcutMenu()
Dim cmbRightClick As Office.CommandBar
Dim cmbControl As Office.CommandBarControl
' Create the shortcut menu.
Set cmbRightClick = CommandBars.Add("cmdWIP", msoBarPopup, False, True)


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General :: Creating Custom Menu Bar For Form?

Jul 2, 2012

i would like to create custom menu bars for my forms report

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Creating A Report From Multiple Tables/forms

Jun 2, 2006

Could you please help me out.

I am trying to develop a DB that is multi user. i ahve not split the data from the forms into separate db's as the users are in different locations and our network can be very slow.

part of the requirerment is to produce a drawing approval form, my current sticking point is that the method i am currently using to create the forms only allows one person at a time to use the process.

currently i have a command button that runs a query and then creates a table from the results. the table is then used as the data source for a mail merged form in word.

what i ultimatly need is a process which allows multiple users to generate these forms at the same time and have the ability to save the form (with no code behind it) as a word document (either RTF etc)

i am thinking that if i create a query on the fly in VB and then use the results to use in a report this would allow me to do the above.....

So my questions are:

1) is my assumption correct
2) If so, how do i do it as i have never done it before
3) If the above is not the best solution/ does not work... what will/is

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Reports/query By User From Drop Down Menu

Mar 16, 2005

I have a report which lists spend by customer. It is based on a query which requests the customer number I want the report for.

How can I get the query/report to offer a drop down list of the customer numbers available, so that I don't have to manually enter the number each time from memory!

Thanks in advance!



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Switchboard/Menu On Startup That Is Specific To The User

Dec 22, 2004

Hi all - I'd like to create a menu for 3 different users so the menus will pop up when each respective user opens the database. I'd use a switchboard but I want more freedom in my form. Is there a way to do this in access? For example, I'd like Menu 1 to automatically open when USER 1 logs on, Menu 2 to automatically open when USER 2 logs on, and so on. I've set up security already and know how to use the startup, Display Form/Page item under tools. I just need to open different menus depending on the user. Any ideas would be of great help. Thanks much.

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General :: Need To Change A User Created Menu

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that was created in Access 2003. I'm using this MDB in Access 2010.I need to change a user created menu. The update involves changing an existing entry and adding a new menu item. The menu looks like:

Time Entry
Time Spread

I need the "Time Spread" to change to "Time Spread Daily" with a changed macro name. After that a new menu entry is "Time Spread Monthly". This menu will run a new macro that will display a form.I think the only way to do that in 2010 is to use VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Custom CommandBarControl Objects For A Shortcut Menu?

Aug 16, 2013

I finally got tired of having 100 macros managing my different custom shortcut menus, and decided to figure out how to generate the shortcut menus programatically (because lets be honest, Macros are the devil.)

I found a good tutorial here : [URL] .....

and was able to create some basic shortcut menus like the following:

Sub CreateCopyShortcutMenu()
Dim cmbshortcutmenu As Office.CommandBar
Set cmbshortcutmenu = CommandBars.Add("CopyShortcutMenu", _
msoBarPopup, False, False)
'ID 19 adds copy command
cmbshortcutmenu.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=19
End Sub

Nice and simple, now I have a copy command. But the problem is that I also need some custom commands. Most (possibly all?) of these would be function calls.

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Reports :: Create A Graph (report) Based On A Query With Form Filters

Apr 25, 2014

I am trying to generate a report that is based off of a query. The query has a form filter that it needs to filter the data. I keep getting a jet engine error and couple others.

The form has year, start week, and end week on it. I can get the query to work fine. When I try to open the report, Access says it doesn't recognize the " [Forms]![frmUptimeFilter]![StartWeek] " as a valid field name or expression.

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Forms :: Limit User Access In Form And Report

Jun 19, 2015

what is the best way and good practice in limiting user's access in form or report.For example, i have 2 users in my UserTable, one is Administrator and the other is just ordinary user.In case i want the ordinary user to open the form in "Read Only" mode, and the Administrator in "Edit" mode.

Do I need to make a code for each form to be opened or there's another easy way to handle this? (I am thinking for additional fields in UserTable to store their individual rights, but after that i don't know what to do next)

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Forms :: Email Using User Selected HTML Template With Optional Report As Attachment

Jun 27, 2015

I have an access form. It has

-Two textboxes with client first and last name
-Two textboxes with a contact 'email1' and 'email2' for the client
-A combobox with a list of templates to use for the email.
-A checkbox to include a copy of the statement on the email.

I want the user to be able to press a button which does the following

-Sends an email to both 'email1' and 'email2'.
-Attaches a secific report as PDF if the user has selected the checkbox
-The body of the email includes a greeting line using the clients name from the record.
-The body of the message includes below the greeting line a html email template depending on the users combobox selection.

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