Forms :: Creating A Search Form For Multiple Tables

Jan 9, 2014

I am creating a database of bird banding and breeding records for the refuge where I currently intern. To do this, I have created the following tables:

Adult Banding Records
Nestling Banding Records
Historical Banding Records

The specific issue:

I have already created forms for entering data into these tables, but now I would like to create a "search" form that will use the primary key (which is always the band number of the individual bird, across all tables) to search ALL the tables and pull up all the information on that record. This will be convenient when we recapture a bird that is already banded, so we can look up their information in our database. Also, since I plan to add many more tables, it would be nice to not have to search each table individually.

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Forms :: Creating A Form From Multiple Tables

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to create an input form for input to tables.There is a main TblContacts table with fields such as: LastName, FirstName, Address, etc. There are also ID fields for the Company and Country and joins to the Company and Country tables, each with just ID and name fields.I want to have all the fields from the TblContacts table and the Name fields from the Company and Country tables on the form. I want to be able to select the Name fields from the Company and Country tables from combo boxes and for these also to populate the Company and Country ID fields (from the TblContacts table).

To create the form, I selected Create Form whilst the TblContacts was open. Then, I added the combo boxes pulling the names from the Company and Country tables.My problem is that the selection of the Company and Country names above is NOT populating the Company and Country ID fields on the form (taken from the TblContacts table. I have checked in relationships that the joins have been created.

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Forms :: Search Form For Multiple Tables

Jun 30, 2015

I am fairly new to Access and am having some trouble creating a search form. I have numerous tables, which contain information regarding clients and contracts, that are all connected by relationships. I would like to create a form in which I can type in the name of the client and pull up all the information regarding it from the various tables (i.e. when it was signed, the amount, and etc).

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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Help Creating A Multiple Field Search Form

Nov 2, 2007

Hello, i have a database that simply holds all the information on one table at the moment and what im trying to figure out is how to create a form that i can enter data onto that searches all the different fields at once, instead of one search for one thing and another for another. Some of the fileds are Headset number, gasket number, make, model, engine cc, etc.. so what i want to be able to do is have a form with a text box for each of these fields that then searches the table to narrow down the search results. at the moment i have a search for each, say for one i enter the headset number, it searches and pulls up all records with that headset number, then i have a search for engine cc, but what happens is it searches all records again for the engine cc not following on from the search for headset number so i end up back with a load of records with diferent headset numbers but with the searched engine cc. Basically the search form needs to take data entered into each text bow for each field then the combined results from each, narrowing down the results. can anyone help? in laymans terms!!

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Creating A Report From Multiple Tables/forms

Jun 2, 2006

Could you please help me out.

I am trying to develop a DB that is multi user. i ahve not split the data from the forms into separate db's as the users are in different locations and our network can be very slow.

part of the requirerment is to produce a drawing approval form, my current sticking point is that the method i am currently using to create the forms only allows one person at a time to use the process.

currently i have a command button that runs a query and then creates a table from the results. the table is then used as the data source for a mail merged form in word.

what i ultimatly need is a process which allows multiple users to generate these forms at the same time and have the ability to save the form (with no code behind it) as a word document (either RTF etc)

i am thinking that if i create a query on the fly in VB and then use the results to use in a report this would allow me to do the above.....

So my questions are:

1) is my assumption correct
2) If so, how do i do it as i have never done it before
3) If the above is not the best solution/ does not work... what will/is

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Creating A Form Which Updates All Information In Multiple Tables

May 17, 2005

is there anyway you can create one form which updates all the information in multiple tables. I need to create one of these to make the navigation of the database more easy, so if anybody could help me it would be much appreciated.


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Search Multiple Tables From One Form Field

Feb 18, 2006


Stuck on a problem and was wondering if anybody has a possible solution. I currently have the beginnings of a database setup that uses a search field on a form to find a reference listing using a part number input by the user. It finds the part number, and then displays all the information about it on another part of the form. My question/problem is, I now want to expand this database to multiple specialties, all with different parts in their respective listings, so they would have different tables. The tables would be the same format, just different information. No one table would ever contain the same info.

Q: How would I set up a form to search for a unique part number over multiple tables, and return that parts info?

It works great for one table, but I am stuck on the multiple tables.

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Search Form Creating Error When Type First Letter As Lower Case I

Oct 6, 2014

When I type the first letter I into the search text area I get the following error

Run-time error '2110'
Microsoft Access can't move the focus to the control SearchResults

Most of the code is below

SELECT Clients.ClientId, Clients.ClientFileNumber, Clients.ClientShortFileNo, Clients.Salutation, Clients.FirstName, Clients.LastName, [Group Branches].BranchCode, Clients.Phone, Clients.Mobile, Clients.Fax, Clients.BpayRef, Clients.TradingAs, Clients.EntityType, Clients.ABN, Clients.ACN, Clients.Address1, Clients.Address2, Clients.Town, Clients.State, Clients.PostCode, Clients.Country, Clients.Email, Clients.ClientGroup, Clients.DateCreated, Clients.Notes, Clients.LastModified, Clients.UserCode, Clients.BdmCode, Clients.CollLongNo, Clients.CollShortNo,

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Search From Multiple Table At Same Time In A Form

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a search form where a user can search by either employee name or company name. I have 5 tables to use. Is there a simple way of creating a search method for this? I would like to be able to have the user type in a name and click a button that says search with any records matching the search come up. However, I could definitely use a method where they type it in a box and it finds it as the person types.

How to search from all five tables at the same time.

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Forms :: Form To Search For Multiple Words And Run Query?

Dec 16, 2013

I am having some difficulty putting togather a small database (attached).

Basically I want to be able to search for mutiple words and get the results

There are 3 main columns in the main table

1) Shop
2) Part Number
3) Part Type

Problem 1:I have created a lookup table (with check boxes) for ComboBoxes in a form but I do not know how to connect it so that when I click on the comobo box it gives me the all different (Shop numbers/part number/Part types) to select from.

Problem 2:Once I have made my selection I want to search and run query to show me the results. I know that once multiple items are selected in a combo box they are separated by commas/space, so the search must take that in account.

Other nice to have
1) If Shop 1 is selected then only the parts which were sold from shop 1 to appear in the Part number Box & visavera & same goes for Part type.

2) Ability to do a wildcard search so if I Enter "A" in part number I can see all the resealts

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Forms :: When Creating Form From Tables / Don't Have Picture Shown

Jan 31, 2015

When I have a simple table, users pictures inside maps (jpeg,png...) defined as OLE object, when creating the form from that tables, don't have picture shown, only name of the picture? I tried all the options, package, copy, paste... nothing...always the same... just picture name but no picture.

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Forms :: Creating Form For Data Entry On Three Tables?

Nov 19, 2013

How do I create a form that will allow me to enter data into three different tables?

I have a rather simple database for tracking students. When I get a new student I need to take information off their paper application and enter it into three separate tables, Student, Families, and Demographics. Each of these tables contains the fields StudentID, StudentFirst, and StudentLast.There is a relationship between the StudentID field on each table, with Student being the main table and Families and Demographics coming off of it. All relationships are one to many. StudentID is the key for the table Student.

I want to create a form to add a new record to each of these tables. I want my data to be displayed in the Columnar style. I only want to enter StudentID, StudentFirst and Studentlast once and have it populate to all three tables.

I can create a form and a query that displays existing entries exactly like how I want to enter them, but of course I can not edit or add to them. I have tried using subforms, but they don't seem to link up. Once I enter the Name, I want it to be on all the forms. I don't want to have type it three times. I also tried creating three separate forms and connect them with the Navigation Form. The issue again is that once I enter the name in one form, it is not automatically on the next form.

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Forms :: Search / Filter By Multiple (optional) Textboxes On Form

Aug 1, 2013

I'm relatively new to MS Access (using MS Access 2013 but the db should work on 2010, too) and try to develop a database for an NGO I'm working in. I created almost all the tables (all that I need for now) and made the relationships.

However now I start to create forms and later reports for the actual user. The database will store information about clients and track consultations and assistance the NGO gives to them. There will be around 50.000 to 70.000 clients in the main table. Every client has a specific Individual ID and is member of a family which itself has another specific Group ID.

Now here is my problem: The User usually searches for the respective family by the Group ID. I implemented this with a search query using the ID number of a search text box. All done and no big problem.

But sometimes the ID number is not known so the user needs to search by name (First and Last Name). I use to different textboxes for this and it works in a similar way like the number search by query (Like "*" & [Forms]![frm_SearchIC]![txt_LName] & "*"). All still good However since most of the clients are actually from arabic speaking countries, converting the names into the Latin alphabet is bound to fail and produce a lot of misspellings. Therefore I added 2 more textboxes and 3 comboboxes for the user to give more information about the client and therefore make it easier to search for the person. I was able to produce a query which gives you the right result if you have ALL information at hand. However, this is not always the case.

1) But I cannot find a way to tell the query that if the a certain textbox or combobox is empty, it shall just "ignore" it and use the information at hand. I tried this in the query by adding in the criteria OR .... Is Null. This is alright for one or two textboxes but for the many I have, it seems to be too many different combinations for the criteria. It just worked with some fields but others always had to be filled in...

2) If no information is given at all, the database should inform the user that he needs to enter at least on field. If nothing is found the user should get a msgBox saying "No IC matches your criteria".

3) The results of the searches should be given out in another form where the user can pick the person from 1-to-many results.

I attached a sample database with sample data and reduced tables, fields, and entries ...

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Forms :: Form Produces Error After Creating Query From 3 Tables

Feb 11, 2015

I have 3 tables:

BalanceID PK

GasID FK? not sure

ElecID FK? not sure

I created 1 query from all 3 tables, then created the form from that 1 query.Now when I enter data into the form and click to save it , it produces this error message:The Microsoft Database Engine cannot find a record in the tblGas with key matching fields 'tblMain_GasID.The tblGas does contain a field GasID, but does it mean that the field should be tblMain_GasID

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Forms :: Creating A Form / Relationship Combo Box To Suit Tables

Jul 8, 2013

I've been tasked with creating an Access database..We have a main table that includes information found on every lease, however there are 3 leases types. Each which lead to another table or two. Basically, I want to create a form that allows me to link the main table with the corresponding variable tables.

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Forms :: Search And Compare Value From Three Tables In A Form

Oct 18, 2014

I have three tables: Table A, Table B and Table C

Fields of Table A: Truck No, Capacity
Fields of Table B: Consignee ID, Capacity A, Capacity B and
Capacity C
Fields of Table C: Consignee ID, Final Rate

Input form is based on Table C:

1-I select Truck No using a combo box and it shows the Capacity from Table A using DLookup.
2- I enter the id no. in the field of Consignee ID and it returns the values of Capacity A, Capacity B and Capacity C using DLookup from Table B.

So I have to write manually one final rate in the field of Final Rate in the form.So I want:When I enter id no. in the field of Consignee ID, it matches with the Capacity in Table A and shows the matched result only in the field of Final Rate of Table C.

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Creating Rows In Multiple Tables

Nov 3, 2004


I'm new to Access but not SQL, and am having difficulty coming up with a solution to the following problem:

I have one table for all Strings used in all other tables (to make Internationalization easier). The fields are: zId, zType, and zString. zId is an AutoNumber field. zType is a number which defines what type of string it is ( Item Name, Person Name, etc. ). zString is a text field with the actual text string (can be empty).

I have another table for Items, which have (among other things) Names (field name= zName). zName is actually a lookup into the Strings table and stores just the ID.

I want to create a form for people to enter a new Item. When creating a new item using this form, they will have to give it a Name, which will need to add a new entry into the Strings table with the appropriate type (ie, Item Name).

So, my question is "How to do the following..."
* on my form to enter Item Data, when a user goes to create a new Item, I must first create a new entry in the Strings table with the correct value for zType. Then, I must get the value for zId for this new entry and assign it to the zName field in the Items table for the new record that I am creating.

Any help is appreciated.


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General :: Creating Multiple Relationships Between Two Tables

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to create multiple relationships between the same two tables, but I run into problems every time I try. I'm using Access 2007.

I have a table with information on meetings and there are two hosts. So I have fields Host 1 and Host 2. I have a second table that lists possible hosts and their personal information. I have a relationship between table 1 "Host 1" and the Host in table 2; I cannot create another working relationship between table 1 "Host 2" and the Host in table 2.

how I can get that to work? With just the one relationship, I can go to table 2 of the hosts, click on their name, and see all their meetings.But if I add another relationship, it takes out all of the information. I've been working on this for over an hour,

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Forms :: Creating A Search To Populate Subset Of Records

Apr 21, 2014

I have a form that when initially displayed shows all client records in my database with the ability to add new ones through a "Add New" command button. I have another command button called "Search" that displays a second form containing a dozen or so fields to search and filter down on.

When the Search button is pressed, I display search form and enter data in some of the fields for searching. I then click ok and the main form should now display a subset of the records based on the data I entered on the search form.

My dilemma is that the WhereCondition of the docmd.OpenForm doesn't work. The doccmd works to open the form when I don't include the WhereCondition, but the moment I put the WhereCondition in, I get an unknown runtime error (3000).

Here's the code. I've stripped out most of the search fields to target just the one until I can get it working, then I'll add the others back in.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim varWhere As Variant
' Initialize the search string to Null
varWhere = Null
If Not IsNothing(Me.srchLastName) Then
varWhere = "([p_last_nam] LIKE '" & Me.srchLastName & "*')"

[Code] ....

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Creating A Search Field In A Form

Oct 5, 2005


I want to create a single search field inwhich the user can search data within two different tables. So for example in both tables there is a field called Container Number. When they type in the number into the search field i want a query to search both tables and return if it is in table one or table two.

I hope this make sense!

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Forms :: 1 Form To Multiple Tables

Mar 25, 2013

I currently have 1 form linked to 1 table which data from another table is appended to for editing, re-appended to original table and then rows are deleted. However, this process will need to be done by 4 other users soon and I needed to know if I need to create 4 separate tables and 4 separate forms or is there another way to implement this? The append query has clauses that will display only a specific user data for editing, however, I do believe that if 1 user is in the editing table, then when 1 of the other 4 users attempt to run the query to append their data from the original table, they will get an error message that this table is already in use. I just need to know if there is a way to set up an alternative to re-creating 4 tables/4 forms again.

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Creating Search Form And Show Results Inside The Form?

Jul 27, 2015

creating a searching form and to show the results inside the form! It's like a Library type searching. u want to search for some type of monument or so and it shows the results, all the info, photos and that!

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Another Noob Question: Creating Search Form

Apr 25, 2006

I think I can achieve what my boss wants with just one table.

I work in a legal department and we track employee contract complaints/issues. Simple data entry is used and one table (Complaints Table) has been created with fields like: employee name, emp #, what union rep issues the complaint, who from our department responded, when the complaint was sent, when the response was sent, two memo fields to describe the problem and the resolution, and ... perhaps most importantly... contract section.

It is possible that one complaint could touch on multiple contract sections.

The data-entry form I've created has the following fields:
contract section 1:
contract section 2:
contract section 3:

Now I need to create a Search Form and I'm having all kinds of headaches trying to understand how to make this work... trouble with setting up the right macro, too.

I'd like the main form to contain the following search fields:
Rec # (which is set as an autonumber in the "Complaints Table")
Employee name
Employee #
Contract Section
...or perhaps just a "contract section" search form...

1. If a contract section # is entered, I want to push a button and have every record of that contract section # filtered from the database and show exactly as the data-entry form beneath the "search" portion of the main form.
(did that make any sense?). I know how to create a general form and subform, but the subform always shows up as a table object rather than a form object. How can I fix that?

2. Some contract sections might be numbered: 3.A.2. ....others might have a longer name like ....
Obviously, the filter/search needs to catch all records which include the contract section specifically, regardless of which of the three "contract section" fields from the main data-entry form contain data.
What's the easiest, non-VBA way of setting that up?

I just know nothing of VBA.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

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Creating A Form To Search Field In Database

Nov 6, 2004

I have created a form to search a field in my database by running a query. i can only get it to search for direct matches as I am having no luck getting the "LIKE" Operator to work for me. the format should apparently be, like "A*" , this works but i woud like to replace "A" with a variable from a txt box in my form. which will be a combination of letters and numbers

followed what i think is the right instructions and pasted the appropriate bits in the expression builder to tell it where to look but doesnt work
cant fathom out why its not working, it just produces blank queries

Also in the query design page do i need to do anything with the optional "Total" row dropdown menu?

help much appreciated

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General :: Creating Search Button On Form?

Jul 22, 2013

putting a search button on a form on my database.

On the navigation buttons at the base of the form there is a search facility where I can type a record id but I would like to get rid of that and search records either by turning the ID field into a searchable box or by adding a button where I can press it and get a search box up.

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