Forms :: Current Record Not Showing Up On Reports?

Jul 11, 2013

I have a form with command buttons to preview reports. For some reason only the first record shows up on the reports and not the current record.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Showing Date Field Differently Depending On Current Date

Nov 23, 2013

I have a report that displays simple date fields. One of the fields is "lease execution". On the report, I want "lease execution" to display differently depending on the date the report was run.


- If the "lease execution" date is more than 120 days away from today, I want it to display as Q YYYY.
- If the "lease execution" date is between 120 and 90 days away from today, I want it to display as MM/YYYY
- If the "lease execution" date is 90 days or less away, I want it to display the normal date MM/DD/YYYY

I was thinking I would need to do DateDiff() to figure out an amount of days that's between Now() and [Lease_Execution]. Then based on that amount make the report show it differently. Pseudocode would be: if DateDiff() = 40, then display [lease_execution] as MM/DD/YYYY

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Forms :: Current Time On Form Status Bar - Keeps Showing Calculating

Aug 2, 2014

I have my main menu form that shows the current time and uses the OnTimerEvent for this. (Set to 1000) Issue is that when I open another form it keeps showing Calculating. It does not seem to affect performance but keeps the status bar from showing the control explanations.

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Reports :: How To Hide A Record When Yes / No Box Showing False

Jun 23, 2014

How to hide a Record when "False" or a box is unticked on the report.

I've used a Query for the report and figured it would go in the Criteria for the tick box but can't find the code I need (I am sure it is simple)

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Reports :: Subform Only Showing Last Group Record

Feb 25, 2014

I have one query that the main form is based on and another query the subform is based on.

I linked the subform to the main form by a common field "Branch"

My main form displays Grouped Employee overhead totals based on Branch

Branch 1 Employee overhead cost...........15,000.00
Branch 2 Employee overhead cost...........25,000.00

The subform displays grouped branch expense overhead totals based on Branch

Branch 1 Branch expense...........125,000.00
Branch 2 Branch expense...........155,000.00

I am trying to display both the employee overhead total and branch expense in the Branch Header of the mainform.

Branch 1 Employee Overhead...15,000.00 Branch Expense...125,000.00
Branch 2 Employee Overhead...25,000.00 Branch Expense...155,000.00

I tried using an IIF statement in a text box in the mainform branch header section to return the branch expense if subform branch = mainform branch.......When I run the report I get all of the Employee overhead but only the last record for Branch 2 branch expense displays.

Branch 1 Employee Overhead..15,000.00
Branch 2 Employee Overhead..25,000.00 Branch Expense...155,000.00

Then, I tried just putting a text box in the main branch header subreportName.Report.TotalField

When I run the report it returns all employee overhead with the Branch 2 total for every branch in the mainform...

Branch 1 Employee Overhead..15,000.00 Branch Expense...155,000.00
Branch 2 Employee Overhead..25,000.00 Branch Expense...155,000.00

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Reports :: Open A Report But Only Showing The Result Of One Record In A Sub Form?

Jun 21, 2013

i want to open a report but only showing the result of one record in a sub form,

i have a field that is on all rows of the subform,[click to run] and what i want the user to be able to do is double click on this field and it will open the report with only the record information for that row displayed.

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Reports :: Current Record To Report

Apr 17, 2014

I make a print button on the form and want printing current record to the report, but every time I can not do that.

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Reports :: Showing All Detail Records If One Record In Query Meets Criteria

Mar 5, 2013

I am trying to create a report which basically includes the following:

Company, Wages, Contribution.

Each company reports wages for each employee every month. Then they also contribute to a general fund based on a percentage of the wages. For instance:


...and so on.

Each employee is required to contribute, in this example, 1% of gross wages to the general fund.

On occasion, the company does not pay in the required 1% of gross, say, for CompanyA EmployeeA, they only paid in $35.

Here is what I need to do. If any contribution amount for any employee is incorrect, I want to display all the records for that company, not just the incorrect ones. The report is grouped by Company, and may contain dozens of companies.

I am already passing a number of criteria to the report using a filter, including the date range and other fields which are informational.

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Reports :: Report Date Error - No Current Record

May 9, 2014

I have a report that shows weekly schedules (each week start with Sunday date for the row) for multiple teams (columns). It prints 1 year at a time.I have to add the Sunday dates by hand into the table for each year. I have added 2016 but when I generate the report I get a "no current record" error.By the way, I am not a "programmer" but I can usually figure out whats going on when we have a problem by looking at other code in the system and by finding answers for similar problems on the forum!!

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Forms :: Double Click Event - Form Showing 1st Record Instead Of Selected Record

May 8, 2014

I am new to access and I recently encountered a double click issue

My form loads perfectly on double click event but it shows the first record instead of selected record.

My search is based on a PersonID but each PersonID has different WorkID that I wish to display on double click but it always shows the first WorkID instead of my selected record

I have tried changing the filters in the form properties but it still doesn't work for me.

Here's my code:

Private Sub SearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "WorkForm", , , "[PersonID]=" & Me.[Searchresults], , acNormal
End Sub

[Searchresults] draws information from my Query

Query information:

PersonID... WorkID... Type......Location
1234..........1............Paint .....Address A
1234..........2............Electric...Address B
1234..........3............Floor..... Address C

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Reports :: Show Data For Current Year With A Record Count

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to show data for the current year, but with a record count.

So, for example: I have 3-OVI, 3-Conduct Unbecoming, and 3-Did not transport for the current year.

When I run my report, it will show the above data for the current year, but in this format;

Conduct Unbecoming-1

and so on.

What I would like is;

Conduct Unbecoming-3
Did not transport-3

If I take out the date code for the current year in my query, then I get the desired results but I get all data.

If I leave the date code in, then I get the data for the current year but I get the first example above.

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Forms :: OLEs Not Showing Up In Forms And Reports

Sep 4, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I have a database with two OLE fields in the table.

Most of the images stores in the OLE fields show up in my form and report.

The ones that do not show up in the form have the name of the file (ex. 1234.bmp) with the icon for MS Paint (the painter's pallete) with the words "command line".

The ones that show up in the form look exactly correct. In the report, the ones that do not show up in the form are just a white blank square. Also in the report, the ones that show up in the form, show up correctly in the report.

All the graphics are BMP, have the same dimensions, are all 24 bit, etc.

All the graphics are linked to graphics in another table.

When I go to the table in my database, I can click on the field, and all the graphics show up in my graphics program (even the ones that do not show up in the form or report).

The Access database is about 66 MB.

What can I do to get all the graphics to show correctly on the screen for the form and the report?

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Forms :: Showing More Than One Record

Dec 26, 2013

After setting the source of a from to a table, a form shows a blank record and allows you to input one row of record at a time.But is it possible to have the form show a specific number of blank records, say 6, on each page of the form?I want the user to enter 6 new different records on just 1 page of the form without using the navigation buttons to move between records.

I need to design a database system for students to choose their modules.Each student needs to choose exactly 6 modules and I want the student to input all their 6 choices on 1 page of form, instead of using the navigation buttons to switch to a blank record to input each module.

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Forms :: Selecting Record From Subform And Showing In Mainform?

Jul 28, 2014

My Database is really simple, it contains 1 table (called Querys) and a form called Dashboard.

In my main form (Dashboard) I have inserted a sub form which shows all the records in my table (called Querys) when I use my main form and add a record this sub table can then be refreshed and it shows all my records.

This part is fine,What I would like to do is be able to select a record in my sub form and it show the record data in my main form. This would really speed up the navigation process as the database gets bigger.

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Forms :: Only One Record Can Be Current

Apr 30, 2015

I have a table with fields for the year, dues, and a Boolean field that indicates whether or not its record is the current year record.

I have a form based on the table that is used to update the table.

My business rule is that only one record can have the "current year" field checked.

I am working with the Form_Before_Update event. What I would like to happen is if the person selects the "current year" check box and if there is already another record with its check box selected, my code will realize that the user has selected a second record and undo the check box and cancel the event.

Question: Looking for code that would check for the second record being checked and back out the user's check for that record?

Note: I have to account for not only the user clicking the record selector to try and save the record, but also the case where they check the box, then click on the "close form" button that I created.

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Forms :: Show Only Most Current Record?

Aug 3, 2013

i've designed a rental database (which seems to do what i want) - it's not perfect....

But i can't figure out how to accomplish this.

If i have a tenant, who has previously had a lease agreement on one of my properties, but then moves out, and then moves into one of my new properties, i can't seem to see how to get access to display just the new lease details.

I've attached a blank copy of the DB with some sample data to illustrate this.

you will see that test tenant has two leases, one expired lease, and one active lease, but on the main form it just shows the expired (original lease)....

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Forms :: Delete Current Record

Jun 30, 2013

When I run this code to delete the form's current record, the Me.Requery throws error #3167 (Record is deleted) and leaves "#Deleted" in all of the fields.

Private Sub DeleteProfessional_Click()
Dim MyDatabase As Database
Dim rstProfessionals As DAO.Recordset
Set rstProfessionals = Form_Professional.RecordsetClone
If (rstProfessionals.RecordCount = 0) Then
MsgBox ("There are no Professionals to delete!")

[Code] .....

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Subform Showing Information From Current Form

Oct 28, 2006

I have a form that shows a subform at the bottom which displays all the corrsponding jobs so that an individual can make the current master form display the specific job information. My problem is I would like the subform list not to display the current master's job as one of the listed ones.


I have made an order for today and tomorrow. Im looking at the order for today and I see the list of all the jobs I did which is two on the subform. I would like the subform not to display today's job since I am already in it.

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Forms :: Email Current Record In PDF Format

May 23, 2013

I am new to Access. I am using Access 2010. I have searched and found several articles on emailing the current record shown on a form but haven't been able to get any of them to work.

My goal is to have a user input information onto the form and then have one button the user will click that will save the current record, email the current record in pdf, and then close the form.

The form name is: frmCorrectiveActions. The unique identifier for a record is: Corrective Action ID.

The last coding I tried is below. I know something is wrong but have copied this code from another post about emailing forms so I'm not even sure what half of it means.

I am getting the message Run-time error '3075': Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "Corrective Actions ID = 23' and when I hit debug this is highlighted: qry.SQL = strSQL

form Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Dim ReportQueryName As String
ReportQueryName = "qryCorrectiveActions"
Set qry = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(ReportQueryName)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Update Dropdown Box For Current Record Set?

Jan 23, 2014

i have a database

two tables: Addresses, Instructions
One form_one subform: User form

The user form contains set of instructions for each company that we take care off, the sub-form has all of the addresses for the company, these come from the "Address" table, the two are linked via a field called "companyID" so the subform only displays the addresses for the current company being viewed on the form.

The problem is, on the subform there is a dropdown box called "administrator" and this is used to select the person who is looking after the company. Some of the companies have hundreds of addresses, so when i click the next record button on the subform I have to fill in the administrator again for every address for the same company. Is there a way using vba or a simple function to auto update all of the "administrator" dropdown boxes for that company based on the administrator I select for the first address.

ps access 2010

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Forms :: Navigation Form Printing Current Record Out As PDF

May 31, 2014

I have made a navigation form that prints the current record out as a PDF and also the option to send the current record by email as a PDF. Both work perfect when you open the form outside the navigation form. But when you open it inside the navigation form, it does not print any of the information.

The problem is in the Query report, In the criteria box for field [RequsetID] it has

Code : [Forms]![FRMRequestForm]![RequestID]

(The above works outside the navigation form.)

I have also tried adding the navigation form name

Code : [Forms]![Main]![FRMRequestForm]![RequestID]

But none work.

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Forms :: Unable To Print Current Record In The Form

Jun 4, 2014

I tried to follow the Allen Brown print the current record in the form and its not coming up. I can print all of the records but not the current.

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Forms :: Set The Size And Print Current Record With Subforms

May 30, 2014

I have a form that has 2 subforms. When I try to print the current file there are a few problems,

1) When you use the print option in File menu, and select "Selected Records" , it will always print the second record, no the one selected.

2) No matter how often I change the printer properties , it will not keep the paper size I request.

Is there a script I could use to set the size and print the current record ?

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Forms :: Export Current Record In Form To Another Database?

Apr 24, 2013

Currently, I have a database situation in which I am working in one database with data. If this data does not belong in this database I need to be able to take specific fields from the record and insert it into either a new table in a different database I have, or have it copied to a blank form that would accept it.

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Forms :: Remove Filter And Stay At Current Record

Mar 9, 2015

I have a database For customers of the company, when you open the main form through the search form , there are a filter . when you try to move between orders of this customer, there are a mssage (Asking you to approve of movement between the customer orders). to this point no problem, when you approval to move , cancel the filter on the main form with a stay at the current record (current customer).

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