Forms :: Custom Tab Control

Aug 24, 2014

I've got buttons (on the header of my form) that I plan to make act as tabs for a single record.Each button should display more information for the same person (basically, more fields from a different table, but with the same primary-foreign key).So, when I click (one of) these buttons, a different form should open and display the record assigned with the same primary key.I don't want to use the default tab control because it's ugly and doesn't go well with my theme or my layout.

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Forms :: Custom Bar Chart Using Rectangles - Control Height Change Direction

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to make something like custom bar chart on a form using rectangles. I made 4 rectangles (BarBZ, BarBA, BarKI and BarMA) and have the following code:


Dim PctBZ As Double
Dim PctBA As Double
Dim PctKI As Double
Dim PctMA As Double
PctBZ = Me.BZ / (Me.BZ + Me.BA + Me.KI + Me.MA)

[Code] ....

It works perfectly except... the rectangles grow/shrink downwards and not upwards. As a result the bars are aligned to top, while I would like to have them aligned to bottom.

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Can A Custom Control Created In VB 2005 Be Used In Access 2003?

Nov 24, 2007

Hello all,

I would like to know to how a control created in VB 2005, be used in access 2003.

Thank you.

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Custom Control Acts Like Subform With Sort Buttons At Top?

Feb 27, 2012

Is there a custom control available that acts like a listbox or subform that has sort buttons at the top of each column?

Need more than 32k size too (Listbox limit). Access 2003

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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Forms :: Custom Alternate Row Colors On Forms?

Jul 4, 2013

I have a sub form in datasheet view and need to custom alternate row colors with criteria from the main form.
E.g. If the Criteria field in the main form is 4, row colors must alternate after every forth record in the sub form. First 4 rows not shaded, next 4 rows shaded. If the Criteria changes to 6 then first 6 rows not shaded, next 6 shaded etc. I can do this in a Report with the Format Event but in a Form there is no Format Event.

On the Home tab, under Text Formatting group, using the Alternate Row Color drop-down list, changes every row, which is not what I need.

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Forms :: Filter And Sort Using Custom Buttons

Sep 24, 2013

I am using Microsoft Access 2010. It provides great filtering and sorting options in the ribbon for any object. But what if I hide the ribbon and want to create custom buttons on the form to do the filtering and sorting job? There are some filter options available in macros but are not quite like the ribbon's own Filter button. When the Filter button is clicked from the Robbin, a filter menu pops-up under the active field, which doesn't happen when I try to do it using Macro functions like "Apply Filter" or "Set Filter" etc. I want to have that big "FILTER" button from the Ribbon on my form.

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Forms :: Custom Ribbon Is Not Activated On Subform

Apr 24, 2013

In Access 2007.I have a Main Form with (1) subforms that have a differenet .RibbonName set. When switching focus to the subforms, the Ribbon Tab for the Main Form stays active and the subform's Ribbon is not activated. I have put the ribbons assigned to the subforms on a main form, and they activate as expected. This is a major issue to which I can find nothing on the web!If i open subform directly, ribbon functioning fine

-Allow Full Menus = false;
-start from scratch = true;

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Forms :: Custom Autonumber With Year And Month

Aug 12, 2013

I need to create an "autonumber" field in the following format:


Where F is a constant, YY is the year, MM is the month, and XX is an incremented number. So for example, the first record in August of 2013 would be "F130801".

I've been checking other threads but haven't been able to follow them to a resolution. I think there is a way to do this within my form...

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Forms :: Custom Sort Order In Subform

Apr 28, 2015

I have a subform with year and month, subform shows result of a select query.

When I open query separately it show data as required order but when i show data in subform related to this query, data show in rearrange order.

How can I set order in subform as query result.

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Forms :: Custom Message For Duplicate Entries

Aug 5, 2015

I have tried the code below, but I am not getting what I need. I have a table [Student Info] with a field [Student ID] as the primary key and many other fields. I added the Student ID field to my form, [Student Add]. When I input an ID that already exists I get an error code as expected but then my form still loads. I currently have a second form for updating student info [Student Update] for which I have a parameter form that asks for the Student ID. I would like to use just one form to add and update students if possible. So, if you add a new Student ID you can enter all pertinent data. However, if you enter a duplicate Student ID the form should populate with that student's information.

If I must have two forms (1 to add and 1 to update) and a duplicate Student ID is entered into the Add form, the user should get a message stating that the record already exists. Then, (Option 1) force the Add form to close without saving or (Option 2) give an option for opening the Update form. Either option is acceptable at this point because I am stuck.

When attempting to use the code below, I get a data mismatch error on the "Answer = DLookUp......" line.

Here's one I use on Social Security numbers for a pop up when a duplicate....
SS# is stored in table "tblApplicant"

Private Sub SocialSecurity_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Answer As Variant
Answer = DLookup("[SocialSecurity]", "tblApplicant", "[SocialSecurity] = '" & Me.SocialSecurity & "'")
If Not IsNull(Answer) Then
MsgBox "Duplicate Social Security Number Found" & vbCrLf & "Please enter again.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1, "Duplicate"

Cancel = True

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Forms :: Impossible To Add Custom Icon To Button

May 23, 2015

I got an image bitmap that I want to use to customize my button. I got following error pop up."Image Generator" - "search key not found in any record".I'm using access 2013

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Forms :: Custom Sequential Auto-number Of Different Series

Aug 18, 2015

I am using Ms Access 2007 and I am new to it..I have table of following fileds

ID (as a primary key)

AccountingYear (Filed for current accounting Year e.g., 14-15; 15-16)

Series (text- as R, Y, B etc to denote series code)

OrderNo (field to store custom autonumber Order No e.g., for Series R-1, R-2, for series Y Y-1, Y-2, etc)

I have created a form using all these fields..Now what i want to do is I want to create custom order no as first 2 digit of accounting year+Series+Autonumber of respective series as



Means autonumber starts with 1 for every accounting year of respective to do this and what code or formula should be applied and where the code should be inserted as I am new to Ms access

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Forms :: How To Create Custom Menu Options In 2010

Sep 15, 2014

How to create custom menus in Forms in MS ACcess 2010. For example, I have a form fmrMainMenu. At the top of the form I want to create a menu labelled "Reports" that when clicked or hovered it displays a list of sub-menu options of all the Reports available in the database. Once the user makes a selection the report is generated. The functionality that I am looking for is similar to the old menu options like File, Edit, etc., in MS Office.

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Forms :: Choose Custom Colours With Conditional Formatting

Sep 6, 2013

I'm using access 2003. I've got a textbox placed ontop of an image that I want to make it seem to disappear on a conditional format.

The back color property of the textbox I want to set is "13160660". How do I choose this colour when applying conditional formatting as I only seem to be able to choose from the swatch of 40 default colours and no option to define custom colours.

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Forms :: Generate Custom Form Based On Query Results

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to track daily production at a manufacturing company running many different processes at different locations each running multiple parallel "lines." The tricky part is that the number of lines running and the shift schedules e.g. 2shifts 10hrs/day 4days/week or 3shifts 8hrs/day 5days/week change frequently for each process.

Right now I have a form for process data that specifies the schedule and number of lines running each day. Then I'm running an append query to a "production" table that generates blank production records associated with each item made in each process for the correct shift/line combinations.

Up to now I've been manually changing the date on the append query each time I run it. Then I have a seperate query for each process that pulls out the production records for each day. My problem is that the preferred interface for production data entry is a spreadsheet with the following layout:

ITEM 1 100
ITEM 2 2250

which changes each time the shift/line schedule changes for each process. The only way to achieve this layout I know of is a crosstab query which isn't updateable. Ideally, each day the manager will specify the shift schedules and forms will be automatically generated with the correct structure and sent to the process supervisors. I'm open to different form layouts and even redesigning the database completely.

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Forms :: Unable To Navigate Between Records - Custom Save Button Not Saving

Jul 22, 2013

I've been working on a database for work for the last few weeks and this forum has been a Godsend many times over, but now I have a problem that I can't find any reference to.

Using Access 2003, I have a form that uses 3 cascading combo boxes in the header to find a unique record, and a command button that brings up the rest of the record into unbound fields in the body of the form.

It works fine for finding records, but whenever I enter/change data on it, the record doesn't save. The navigation buttons at the bottom don't work - the Next/Previous record buttons are disabled, and the First/Last Record buttons do nothing.

Navigation buttons are enabled/activated in the properties.

I tried getting around this by creating a Save Record command button - first using the wizard, then using VBA code DoCmd.RunCommand acSaveRecord as advised by [missinglinq;696351], but this still doesn't save the changes.

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Forms :: Replace 2105 Runtime Error Message With Custom Msgbox

Aug 6, 2014

Having set a table short text field to 'Indexed (No Duplicates)', I have a form which produces a '2105 runtime error' when the user attempts to submit a duplicate value. I would like to replace this default error message with a more user-friendly MsgBox.

My code for the SaveRecord button is:


Private Sub SaveRecord_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MsgBox "Record successfully saved", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Record Saved"
End Sub

My code to capture the 2105 runtime error is:


Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
If DataErr = 2105 Then
MsgBox ("This villa booking has already been logged.")
Response = 0
End If
End Sub

Unfortunately when the save button is clicked (when attempting to save a duplicate value), the 2105 error still runs. What are I doing wrong?

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Forms :: Command Bars Custom Shortcut Menu - Font Color Picker

May 15, 2014

I am currently in the process of creating a pop-up menu to allow my users to do some simple text formatting.I have used the following code to do so:


Dim cmbShortcutMenu As Office.CommandBar
' Create the new pop-up menu instance
Set cmbShortcutMenu = CommandBars.Add("popupFormatMenu", msoBarPopup, False, True)
' Add the bold button


The problem is that I now want to add the FontColor picker control and I keep getting an error.I think the problem lies in the type of control I want to add. According to the Microsoft support files I downloaded the fontColor control is of type Gallery and ID = 11949, so the code should look something like this:

cmbShortcutMenu.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, id:=11949

I need to replace msoControlButton with something else.

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Forms :: Editing A Forms Control Source To Update A Field In A Table

May 28, 2013

I have created a table for installer invoicing, and have a field for invoice amount. I have created a user input form that allows a user to fill in certain pay rates for different aspects of installation, and would like to know how to make the invoice amount a calculated control that will auto update the field InvoiceAmt in my table. I can't figure out how to do this in the property sheet.

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Access Form With Tab Control Pages Each With Embedded Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I have an access form with tab control pages each with embedded forms.In one page I have a list of records as a datasheet form with the record identifier field configured as a hyperlink. When I click on this it passes its value to a form field in the form in the following tab page (works without the hyperlink but its a useful way of highlighting which field to click) which is a display/edit form of the details of the individual record. The Subroutine which does this sets the focus on this field it is passing the value to on the other form and the 'On Got Focus' event in that triggers the query that fills the editor form.

When I click back on the following tab to select another record to view/edit, the identifier value of the other record is passed to the other form but the data displayed in the rest form doesn't change. I understand this is because the field with the 'On Got Focus' never lost focus and so the query function was not called. To correct this I tried adding the same function call to the 'On Change' event however this does not work (the field is a text box set to 'locked' if that is relevant).I can get the form to do a new query properly if I click on a different field in the form before going back to the list tab or (as this is removing the focus allowing the On Got Focus to work again) if I click on a button to select a different record (which just takes me back to the list form).

Is there any way I can get this to work without having to manually remove the focus from the problem field? I have tried setting its On Got Focus event to move the focus to another field after the query function call however this prevents the Setfocus line in the code in the previous form from working. Here is a snippet of my code below.This code is for the list form and passes a value to the editing form:

Private Sub SalesID_Click()
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.Value = SalesID.Value
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.SetFocus


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Forms :: One Table / Three Forms - Each Form With Control Tabs

Jul 4, 2013

I'm trying to make a very simple click through data entry screen in Access 2007. For each record I want to have a standard form with three buttons at the bottom. Each button opens a new form (each form has a set of tabbed pages on it as there is lots to enter).How do I make sure that each of the additional forms populate the same record as the main form.

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Forms :: Activate Event Not Triggering With Sub Forms On Tab Control

Aug 18, 2014

I have a main form that holds a tab control with a number of sub forms. One of these subforms has a pop up form for adding new records to it. After closing this pop up form I would like to initate code on the sub form where the new record now will appear. One of the things I like to do is simply to set focus to the record the user just added.

My problem is that I cannot seem to get any event to trigger in this setting (bben trying more or less all). If I understand things right the fact that I am using a pop up form and the fact that I am using a tab control both seem to interfer with the Activate event and making it passive.

How I can trigger code on the sub form (after closing the "Add New" pop up form)?

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